I don't own anything.

A/N: Here's a new Samcedes story, I hope you all like it and please tell me if I should continue I would really like to know what you think.

Baby S

Chapter One

"Okay," Mercedes whispered out over an out of breath gasp, "Okay, we're gonna have to stop." Sam sighed and laid his head down on her shoulder while slowly catching his breath. If there was one thing he didn't want to do it was stop. Rolling off of her and over to the free side of her bed, he stared up at the ceiling for a moment just gathering his wits which he normally lost when he found himself this close to Mercedes. Rolling back over until he was on his side looking down at her, he studied her for a minute.

"Do you mind telling me why we're stopping cause I seriously do not want too." he said as he looked down at her, Mercedes merely smiled at his statement while shaking her head.

"Aside from the lack of oxygen that your wonderful lips were depriving me the interviewer will be here at any moment and we need to get up and get ready." Sam grunted out a swear word and Mercedes smiled and patted his back gently. "It won't be that long."

"But it could take all day and these early mornings," he paused and placed a kiss on Mercedes' bare shoulders. "These early mornings are how I really like to officially start my day." She laughed at that and shook her head. Sam found himself grinning at the sound of her infectious laughter. "It's not funny baby."

"I've spoiled you." she whispered as he moved his body and nestled his head against her breasts. He nodded his head before replying.

"You sure did," he stated as he pushed moved again and placed his hands on either side of her body. "But I guess we better get on up cause we still have to get Olivia ready." he said speaking about their baby girl. As he moved off Mercedes, he sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed a hand over his face while Mercedes sat up and just looked at him for a moment before grabbing her robe that sat on the edge of the bed. Getting up, she wrapped the silk robe around her body and turned to find Sam staring at her. As she moved towards the bathroom, she paused as she remember something she was suppose to tell him.

"Oh Sam," he lifted his gaze to her eyes. "I forget to tell but the interviewer wants some family pictures for the magazine article and-."

"And you agreed didn't you." he said with a shake of his head. He really didn't care for photo-ops but he was willing to go through it for his Vitra, which meant soul in Na'vi. "Well then I what do you want me to wear."

"It doesn't matter just look nice." she said as she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the lips before reluctantly pulling away. "Now who's going to get Livia up?"

"I will, you go ahead and get ready." he said as he gave her another kiss. Mercedes smiled at that and walked into the bathroom. Stretching for a moment, he grabbed his t-shirt that was laying on the edge of the bed and pulled it on so now he was just in his pajamas bottoms and a shirt and headed down the hall to his three year old daughter's room. Opening the door, he spied Olivia bouncing on her bed as usual. It seemed to be her early morning ritual, clearing his throat he watched as she stopped and looked over at him obviously expecting her mother but when she saw him, she resumed her bouncing. "Good morning, Itetsyip." he said with a smile.

"Sempul." she called back with a laugh before covering her mouth with her hands. "Alright baby girl you're gonna have to stop hopping around. We need to get you ready for your mama's interview." he said as he reached out and snatched her up mid-jump. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked over to her closet. Pulling it open, he peeked inside and then looked down at her in his arms. "Alright Sempul is at a lost here," he said as he shifted through several outfits. "What do you want to wear today." Olivia looked up at him and then back at the closet and then reached inside and pulled out her Princess Tiana halloween costume."

"Um, I don't think your mother wants to wear that, although I have no problem with it. Your Sempul has wore numerous costumes over the years but mama seems to think that their only for special occasions like comic-con and stuff." he muttered with a shake of his head. "I keep trying to convince your mother that a costume can be wore anywhere you just need to the guts to do it." he said as he looked down at his daughter, he found looking up at him and giving him all her attention. "So in conclusion I think it would be best if you picked another outfit." Olivia reached out and touched the Princess Tiana outfit and looked back up at him and poked out her lip out.

"No dress."

"No not this dress baby girl." Olivia looked back at the closet and then reached out for another outfit. Sam couldn't help the grin that came over his face as he watched her pull out yet another princess outfit, this time it was Jasmine's costume.

"She is so your daughter." Mercedes said from behind them, turning around he smiled as Mercedes walked into the room and over to them. Sam shrugged his shoulders as Olivia reached out for her mother. Mercedes quickly took her and gave her a good morning kiss on the forehead while he stood off to the side.

"She picked out Princess Tiana and Jasmine for today." he said holding up the two outfits, Mercedes looked them over and then back down at her daughter.

"Well if we weren't doing anything today I'd let her have her pick," Mercedes said with a small sigh, "But this should do right," she asked as she reached into the closet and pulled out a little outfit that her mother had sent up from Lima. "Right sweetie." The outfit was a purple shit with Princess Tiana on it along with matching purple shorts. Handing the outfit over to her daughter, Sam and Mercedes watched as Olivia gave the outfit her usual inspection. Olivia then lifted the outfit over to her father and Sam just smiled as Olivia said.

"Sempul look." Mercedes rolled her eyes playfully and looked at Sam who stood there like the proud father he was.

"By the time she goes to Kindergarten all she's going know is Na'vi, Sam." she said trying to hide the grin on her face. Sam nodded his head that and grinned brightly as he took the outfit from his daughter's outstretched hand.

"Nothing wrong with that Na'vi is a good language, my vitra." he said with a wink as Mercedes blushed and shook her head. "See I'm never gonna stop speaking it as long as I can produce those types of responses." Mercedes just grinned and lightly smacked his arm while shaking her head. If there was one thing that Sam could always do it was make her smile.

"Fine well you're gonna have to explain to her teacher why our daughter is bilingual only because she knows a fictional language." Sam blew out a breath and took back Olivia who was clinging to her new outfit.

"Shot that'll be easy-our daughter is a genius." he said as he bounced Olivia a few things. "Isn't that right?" Olivia just smiled as she looked up at her father. "Well now that we have a suitable outfit picked out I guess it's time to get dress," he looked over at Mercedes. "Thanks for the help cause she was seriously about to break me down. One more pout and it would have been Princess Tiana or Jasmine."

"I know that's why I came, your daughter loves her costumes." she said as she pulled him into a kiss that only cause their daughter to giggle a loud, "Now I need to go and get ready and so does this little princess." Sam nodded his head and watched Mercedes as walked out of the room. His eyes remained on his wife until Olivia hit him lightly on the arm.

"Dress Itetsyip." He tore his eyes off the doorway and looked down at his daughter. Picking up the outfit that had been picked out he smiled and nodded his head.

"Alright then let's get you dressed shall we."

Mercedes walked out of her rather large bathroom and smiled when she saw Olivia sitting on her and Sam's bed focused on the movie 'The Princess and the Frog,' it was obvious that since this was on that Sam had stolen away in one of the guest rooms to get dressed as well. She saw the baby monitor on the bed as well. Walking over to the bed, she sat down beside her daughter and looked at the movie with her for a few minutes before her cell phone rang. Reaching towards her nightstand she picked it up. "This is Mercedes Evans speaking?"

"Mercedes hey girl, are you ready for your interview?" Her agent and friend Santana Lopez asked over the phone before cursing in spanish. Mercedes didn't have to ask where Santana was, she could tell just by her tone that she was driving.

"I'm ready well me and Livia are ready, Sam's still getting dressed." Santana made a noise over the speaker before finally saying.

"Good I'm almost there, the interviewer faxed over the outline for the interview. You know so at least you'll know the direction of the discussion." Mercedes nodded her head and lounged back on the bed for minute while looking over at Olivia who was now laughing as Tiana and Naveen got their frogs' tongues tangled up.

"Alright then I guess we'll go over it when you get here, chica." Mercedes said with a shrug, she was pretty sure the interviewer wouldn't try to get to personal but then again getting personal with the stars was now a major part of the business. "How's Brittany doing?"

"She's fine just fine although she wanted to know why you needed a spiritual advisor." Mercedes' mouth dropped open at that and shook her head.

"Excuse me."

"The interviewer cause in the words of Brittany-they inner view you, trust me I don't get it anymore than you do but she wished you luck with your advisor."

"I'll be sure to tell her thank you next time you guys come over," when Santana let out another string of curse words, Mercedes sighed. "I better let you go so you can concentrate on your driving."

"Is that like a running joke with you and Sam now?" Santana asked over Mercedes laughter. "I'll have you know that all those accidents were proven in the court of law to be the other person's fault. Never mine."

"Okay okay but still I'm gonna let you go so you can get here in one piece."

"Fine I'll see you when I get there." With that said, Mercedes hung up her cell phone and looked over at the doorway and saw Sam standing there. He was dressed in a part of loose fitting jeans with a black button up shirt.

"You look handsome." he looked down at himself and then back up at her with a cocky grin on his face.

"I do huh," he said as he made his way over to the bed and looked her over. "And where may I ask has this lovely sundress been hiding."

"In the back of our closet, do you like it."

"Love it and I see you have the twins out for-." he looked over at his daughter and then smirk. "Guess I better watch myself since Princess is in the room huh?" he asked with a small laugh as he looked over at his daughter who was mainly focused on her movie. "So was that Santana?"

"Yeah, she's on her way over here to prep me for the interview." Sam nodded his head and lounged back on the bed and stretched out. Lifting an eyebrow, he looked over at Mercedes.

"And what exactly is this interview about?"

"Well, when I talked to the journalist um Casey Bennett well she mostly said she wanted to discuss everything. Like how I got to be a singer and what not and how well. . .why I broke away from my brother's label and-."

"Because your brother is a racist jackass."

"Not in front of the baby." Mercedes quickly stated as she sent Sam a look, raising his hands in the arm, Sam looked over at Olivia and sighed with relief once he saw that his daughter was still engrossed with the fantastic adventure of Princess Tiana.

"Sorry but your brother is one, Mercy." He whispered as took his eyes off his daughter. She looked down at her hands and nodded her head as she remembered some of the awful things her brother said not only about her dating Sam but also about their daughter. "He's lucky he wasn't even in the same country when he said what he said about Olivia or I would have found him and beaten some sense into him since he doesn't have any sense to be beaten out of him." Sucking her teeth as she remembered his comment she held up a hand.

"Please don't remind me." Sam looked back at his daughter and pulled Mercedes to his side and wrapped his arm around her as she snuggled into his side.

"So are you gonna tell them everything cause if you do-well you know you're gonna make your brother look bad."

"Like you care?"

"I don't but I certainly don't want to deal with all of his drama although he should probably be called out on his mess." Sam stated simply as he took looked down at Mercedes. "So have you decided what you're going to do?"

"Yes I have. I'm gonna give this girl the interview of a lifetime and hopefully when it's all said and done people will stop saying I abandoned my brother." Sam snorted at that and shook his head, if anyone was abandoned it would be Mercedes. "Because it has been getting so annoying the type of why they act since they think I'm just an un-loyal diva."

"You're anything but that baby." Sam reassured her while brushing a kiss over her forehead. Olivia turned and saw her parents lounging in bed and quickly crawled back towards them and settled down in the middle and then the family of three finished watching the Princess and the Frog together.

"Oh my goodness, she looks so cute." Santana said as she entered the Evans' home later on that day. Smiling she looked over Olivia who was shyly peeking at her from Sam's arms. "Oh don't you act shy with me little girl, I was there when your mama was round with you."

"Santana she was not round." Sam said immediately coming to his wife's defense. Santana grinned and waved his words off while shaking her head.

"Oh she knows I'm messing with you." Santana said as Mercedes entered the living room and walked over to embrace Santana.

"I hope you weren't talking about me, Santana." she said as they pulled away from each other, smiling Santana looked over at Sam who was now sitting on down with Olivia.

"Oh I was talking about you lovingly like I always do." she said with a bright smile as she looked at her friend. "Now here's the outline," she said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a paper. Handing it over to Mercedes, she took a seat in a chair near the sofa while Mercedes settled down beside her husband and daughter. Mercedes read the first line and then looked over at Santana.

"My goodness she wants to go all the way back then."

"Seven years isn't all the way back then goodness girl you trying to make us sound old." she asked with a shake of her head while Mercedes just grinned and shook her head.

"Sorry but you have to admit that was a while ago." she said as she sat the paper down on the coffee table.

"Well I think that starting there would be best after all it would give people a look at you two I mean I'm sure everyone wants to know how the grammy award winning singer and the comic book mogul of this generation got together. It's a weird pairing and people want to know how it happened and I don't think they're truly satisfied with the cliche line about you two being high-sweet hearts. They want details."

"I won't be giving the all the details." Mercedes said as she shared a look with Sam. "Some things need to remain with only us." she stated as Sam nodded his head in agreement as he reached for her hand. Santana watched them closely before rolling her eyes.

"You guys are so sickeningly sweet," leaning back in the chair, she looked over at Mercedes while reaching down for a magazine that sat on the coffee table in front of her. "So are you going to talk about your brother."

"He's apart of the story, Santana. Besides Sam and I already talked about it and I guess it's time people stopped assuming they know why I left the album. It's time they knew that he-."

"Is Racist?" Sam said cutting in angrily while Mercedes just nodded her head and squeezed his hand a bit.

"And that he forced me to leave the label because he could never accept Sam or our daughter." Santana nodded her head, she knew about Mercedes brother. Her mother would call a man like a him a wolf in sheep's clothing. Especially when it came to his sister, he used her to make his record label what it was today. In fact he was still riding high off her name, much to all of her friends' annoyance but Mercedes was just glad to be rid of him.

"Good that's good cause you know I can't stand him anyway." Santana said as her cell phone rang, answering quickly she talked over the line for a bit before hanging up and looking over at Mercedes and Sam. "That was the reporter they should be here soon, they'll be doing the interview first and the photo-shoot is that okay."

"It's fine." Mercedes said with a nod of her head. It took nearly fifteen minutes before the doorbell rang, Santana went to get it and left the family of three waiting in the living room. A few minutes later she returned with the person who Mercedes could only assume was Casey Bennett. The young woman walked over to and held out her hand.

"Mrs. Evans, it's an honor to meet you. Thank you for granting me this opportunity to interview you."

"No problem," turning slightly she pointed towards Sam and Olivia. "This is my husband Sam and our daughter Olivia. Say hi."

"Kaltxi." Sam and Olivia said together. Casey smirked at that while Mercedes smiled and shook her head. Sam and Olivia were always talking in Na'vi so she really wasn't surprised that they had greeted Casey in the way they had.

"Is that Na'vi from the movie Avatar?" Casey asked with a small smile as she looked over at Sam and Olivia.

"Why yes it is? It's the second language in this house." Sam stated proudly in a such a serious tone that Mercedes could only laugh. "She tries not to speak it but she knows the language too. I taught her." Sam said as he looked over at Mercedes who was now blushing and shaking her head at him. Casey smiled at their antics while Santana stood off the side with a smirk on her face.

"I told you they were sickeningly sweet didn't." Casey turned to look at her and nodded her at that while looking back at Mercedes and Sam.

"That you did but I'm starting to truly believe this might be one of the best interviews I've ever done." Santana nodded her and walked over to Sam and held out her arms to Olivia.

"Give her here, I'll keep her occupied while you guys do the interview," after taking Olivia in her arms. "Do you want to go and watch a movie?"

"Princess and Frog." Olivia exclaimed excitedly as she looked up at Santana beaming brightly happy that she was once again being allowed to see her favorite movie. Santana looked over at Sam and Mercedes and rolled her eyes.

"Lawd, how many times. . ." she trailed off and looked back down at Olivia. "Alright then if you wanna watch Princess and the Frog then that's what we'll watch," glancing once again at Sam and Mercedes. "Call me if you need me or feel the need to rescue me."

"Bye Santana have fun." Sam said with a smirk as he watched her roll her eyes again and head out of the living. Once they were alone with Casey, he rubbed his hands together and looked over at Mercedes before glancing over at Casey. "Um is this room okay we could always go to my office if you want-."

"No this is fine and probably more personal and comfortable." Casey said as she sat her bag down and started pulling out several items she would need for the interview. "Can I just have a seat anywhere?"

"Sure. . .sure make yourself comfortable sweetie." Mercedes suggested as she settled down on the love seat with Sam who immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Once Casey was set up, she settled back in the chair that Santana had been using earlier.

"Did Mrs. Lopez give you the outline for the interview?"

"That she did," Mercedes said lifting up the paper and waving it in the air slightly. "So where exactly do you want to start?" she asked as she sat the paper back down and folded her hands in her lap while leaning into Sam's side. Casey had to smile at the way they seemed so comfortable with one another. She knew she had only been in their present for about ten minutes but she could already tell that they were crazy about one another. Without even second guessing herself she knew that's where she wanted to start. Everything else would probably fall in place but if they had been together for as long as reported their starting from the moment they got together would be the best place to start.

"How about we start around the time you two got together?" Sam and Mercedes looked at one another while she pressed play on her tape recorder and picked up her pen and notepad.

"If you've got the time cause don't you want to do-."

"I want to get the whole truth, Mrs. Evans." Casey said with a smile. "So I think it would be best if we started at the beginning so when did you two get together. I've read somewhere that you're both high school sweethearts." Mercedes nodded her head while Sam spoke up.

"We are- we got together at the end of our Junior year and that carried over into our Senior year," he said with a small smile. "We kept it secret back then because well we were apart of Glee club that group there well they usually inserted themselves-."

"All up and through everyone's relationship and we didn't want that. We wanted time to get to really know each other and spend time together without the Glee club members getting all up in our business. We just wanted some privacy at least for a little while cause in a town like Lima, Ohio that really doesn't last long."