Alright guys, we've finally come to the end of this story! Thank you to all of you who read it! You're wonderful!
As a note, I just want to remind you guys that if you haven't read the earlier chapters recently then you probably should!
Thank you all!
- L
Emma Swan was leaving. Shit. Emma Swan was leaving!
She had meant to be sweet. Warm. Witty. Flirty. Wise.
Whatever Emma wanted in a woman.
But instead she had been…
Evasive. Snarky. Damaged. Pathetic.
And now Emma Swan was leaving.
She sat on her wannabe stone throne, lounging as though the whole situation was below her from the moment that Emma inexplicably walked through her magical barriers and open called her on her deeds. The best defense - protection against pain - was indifference...but the moment Emma had turned from her Regina had sat bolt upright, her eyes going wide in panic. She was leaving, she was leaving! She had told her that she could come to her if she decided she wanted to be 'real' and she was actually following through! She was leaving.
And gods help her but Regina was proud of her for it. She wasn't putting up with her bullshit. She had always appreciated that Emma took none of Regina's shit. It was strangely liberating.
Of course, that apparently didn't mean that Regina could stop 'the performance' as Emma called it. She had considered not hiding at all, not because she had planned on a long and healthy conversation with Emma but because, she could feign innocence. She supposed she had essentially confirmed her identity by disappearing the moment her name had been said, but perhaps if she stared blankly at Emma long enough then maybe Emma would think she was wrong - and they could continue on as they had been. She had even tried that for a moment...
How long was she going to do this?
She didn't deserve Emma, not even a little bit.
But how long was she going to continue to use the touch? A week? A month? A year? She had never considered how long it could last.
How was it going to end? Would it end well for all? She didn't think so.
So she panicked as Emma's boots clattered her way up the stairs.
She had to do something about this.
Emma knew now.
Emma had said she wanted her.
So Regina had two choices.
She could let her go and continue on with life. Emma would find someone suitable eventually and Regina could watch as she, Emma and Henry skipped off into the sunset - without her… or she could do something.
She hated herself again for a brief moment knowing that even though she wasn't good enough, even though it wasn't right, she was going to get up and she was going to follow her.
No one would be skipping off into the sunset with her family but her.
Absolutely not.
She was not going to lose another chance…
She leapt to her feet and as she did a torrent of excitement filled her, warm as a winter night's bath and completely unexpected. Suddenly her extremities felt jittery, too much adrenalin. She was going to do this! She was going to stop her. Her worry about whether or not she was good enough, her concerns floated away.
Maybe she had been going about this all wrong. She had been beating herself up for a while now because she wasn't good enough for Emma. What if - what if - that wasn't her choice to make?
Plus hadn't the touch originally started for this purpose...originally? Before it had turned sexual. In it's purest form. It had simply been to help her.
She gasped, surprised by the idea. Did Emma love her? Or was that...silly?
Wonder passed through her as she thought - maybe she could.
She had started the touches so that she could seduce Emma Swan; win her heart.
It seemed as though she had done that, hadn't she?
Hook and Baelfire were out of the picture. She was the only one left.
She turned and studied herself in the mirror. Her hair was still done to perfection but her lipstick was a bit smudged. She waved her hand and poof, her makeup was pristine again.
Then she glanced at the stairs.
Was she ready for this?
Everything in her seemed to still for a few beats as she realized - yes. She was ready for this.
She took the stairs two at a time and burst through the door of the vault.
The trees were swaying around her gently in the fall breeze, their red, gold and orange leaves scattering like autumn snow. They stood in a perfect background for the blonde mane fluttering lightly ahead of her as Emma stomped off toward the town.
She didn't seem to hear her.
The devil bit and she grinned.
Slowly, very slowly, she flexed her fingers and - pinched The Saviors ass.
Of all the startled jumps in all of the world, Regina was sure this one would take the cake. Emma leapt, clutching her chest in surprise. Then her body flailed, her arms went out as if pleading with the heavens and she cried into the morning air, "GOD DAMN IT, WOMAN!"
Regina threw back her head and laughed, easily, happily.
She wasn't sure if Emma was going to pause or if she was going to continue her stalking away. So Regina didn't give her a chance.
She stalked forward, her heels sinking a bit in the grass. She overtook the blonde in seconds, grasping her arm.
"Regina -" Emma started, low exasperated.
Regina grabbed a hip, her chilled fingers wrapping around Emma's warm neck and yanked.
Emma fell to Regina's seeking lips with a cry of surprise.
The moment they touched both sighed, relief warring tightly with want.
Emma was here. In her arms. She wasn't across town. Or standing right next to her obliviously.
She was right here.
The kiss was polite, a closed lip declaration that barely transferred any of Regina's deep red lipstick to Emma's softly pink lips, yet when she pulled away Emma was still as a statue; her eyes closed, head tilted, lips puckered, her hand balled tightly in Regina's shirt on her shoulder.
Regina let out a small chuckle which shook Emma out of herself. Those beautiful green eyes fluttered.
Regina waited, needing to see those eyes before she could decide what to do next.
Finally they focused, holding all of the shock of a victim of an auto accident. But there was also stunned wonder and - joy.
She didn't wait.
She pulled Emma back to her, celebrating the warmth as Emma's lips hungrily found hers again.
Instantly Emma's hands were in her hair, stroking, grabbing handfuls and pulling her tighter to her.
Regina gasped as Emma's hips softly grazed her own and her lips parted.
Emma wasted no time, slipping a thirsty tongue past her lips.
A hot wave of desire spilled through her as she met each stroke with her own fire, pulling gasps and whines from Emma as she began to sway a bit, unable to stay still. Emma's hands were flexing, hovering over Regina's ass as though they wanted nothing more than to grab on.
Regina wished she would.
Their bodies pressed together like magnets that had been straining to find their mate and had only just finally been released to do what felt right and natural.
She could tell that Emma had not been at all aware of their magical transportation by the way she started when her eyes next opened. One minute they had been in the very cold morning air and the next...
Even Regina hadn't meant to do it - completely. She had been contemplating the change of scenery and then they were standing in the warm house beside Regina's huge, fluffy and inviting bed.
Emma's eyes flicked around, taking in her surroundings and exactly what they meant.
Regina waited again. When the surprised green fell on her she popped an eyebrow and grinned.
Emma seemed to think about it for a mico-moment then her jacket was on the floor.
Regina gasped, pleasantly surprised when she was grabbed by the neck.
Emma tried to slam her lips back into Regina's but she held back. Emma tried again and again Regina held back; Emma's desperate attempts only egging on Regina and her vixen-like games.
Finally Emma frowned and Regina purposely leaned forward, dancing a breath from her skin. She held herself there, hovering and teasing as the pressure built. She could feel Emma's breath puffing against her lips, hot and fast, her hands tightening painfully against Regina's skin.
Regina's lips parted and tenderly her tongue came out to taste Emma's bottom lip with the very tip.
Emma gasped, her eyes fogging over as though dizzy.
It was such a heady, pleasurable game, building Emma to her highest state of arousal.
Emma snarled, losing her ability to wait, her fingers flexing and dancing over Regina's body. Regina's lips tweaked up in the corner, enjoying the game.
"Ahmmm," Emma whimpered when Regina's tongue flicked out again, across her lip and into her mouth.
Emma hit her hard, thrusting into Regina's body, her hands finally landing, squeezing Regina's ass, pulling one heeled leg up so it wrapped around her waist with a grunt of satisfaction.
Regina gasped loudly, embarrassingly loudly when Emma's lower belly pressed to her center.
This time it was Emma with the smug chuckle.
Regina responded with a quick and firm bite to the underside of Emma's ear, twisting the chuckle into a aroused gasp of her own. "Jesus." Emma whispered as she ran her hands up Regina's ribs and over her bra padded breast.
Hooked behind Emma's neck Regina leaned back, enjoying the sensation even through her clothes.
"Fuck." Emma hissed and went to pull her own shirt over her head but Regina stopped her.
Emma's eyebrows rose in question and Regina answered with a smirk. Emma scowled when she unwrapped her leg from around her and Regina kissed it away.
Slowly, her eyes never leaving Emma's, she found her way under the hem of the casual sweater and gently traced her fingertips up Emma's stomach before flattening so she could finally, really feel Emma's skin beneath them.
Emma cringed at the chill but stood resolutely still.
Regina held them there until they grew warm with Emma's heat, only sliding occasionally an inch this way or that in a fond caress. Then she began to push them up Emma's skin, taking the sweater with it. Up over her abs, her ribs, gently cupping her breast, before around to the backs of her shoulders so all Emma had to do was pull her arms out.
The sweater dropped to the floor.
She loved the way Emma was watching her, the intensity made her eyes crackle like fire. It made Regina's heart beat heard in her chest and her center tingle. She felt - wanted - desireable - important.
Eyes on hers, Regina took a step forward and slowly her arms wrapped around Emma's waist as her nose buried in the hollow between her collarbones, taking in her scent with a sigh.
Emma's arms held her, running over her hair, down her back, over her arms.
"Regina I -"
Regina kissed her again. Not because she didn't want her to speak but because there was no need. She moved down her jaw, sprinkling little kisses and bites across her neck, her shoulder while her hand slipped down Emma's body and softly cupped the apex of her jeans.
Emma's breath caught, a sudden fury between them and clothes began to disappear, falling to the floor, the lamps, getting caught on the dresser or by the ceiling fan.
"Oh god." Regina gasped pushing her backward onto the bed. She had seen Emma naked before but this - this was so much better.
Emma laid back, long and lean, while Regina crawled up and sat on her knees over Emma's ankles, taking her in.
Oh my.
Emma grinned, making Regina realize she was biting her lip.
Emma's grin grew as she threw an arm behind her head, the picture of ease, "Nothing."
Regina's eyebrow popped and she felt her own grin sweep her face.
Slowly, purposefully she leaned forward, running her nose up Emma's leg, enjoying the soft pleasure of the smooth skin, up over her hip, taking in the scent of Emma's building arousal, over her belly, up her ribs, across a hard nipple and into Emma's neck.
Emma gasped and wrapped herself around her.
"Are you - are you sure you want - this?" Regina asked hidden in the bend of her jaw.
Emma's chuckle was low and throaty, "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Their lips met and everything picked up. Suddenly there was no such thing as fast enough, close enough.
Regina's mouth worked, getting to know the taste of Emma's skin over her lips, jaw, throat, neck and chest while Emma, unable to help the gasps that fell from her lips, bucked and pulled, letting Regina fall between her legs. They cried out in tandem when Regina's bare hips fell onto Emma's exposed center. Regina's lips slid desperately down her chest, delighting when Emma slid herself up her stomach, and took one delicately pointed nipple into her mouth.
Emma released a sharp and quick cry, her hand falling to the back of Regina's head.
Oh this had been good, this had been fun when she was touching her with invisible fingers but listening to Emma moan as Regina's tongue played over her skin, sucking and taunting - this was better.
She flexed her fingers and began to tease Emma's second nipple with the touch Emma knew so well, "Jesus Christ!" Emma cried, her back arching into Regina.
Regina grinned, continuing her teasing until Emma was a shuddering, whimpering, begging mess, her breast heaving, her eyes deep and dark with carnal lust. Only then did Regina trail her palm down Emma's stomach and cup her again, moaning into her skin.
"Emma," she gasped, surprised, "you're so - wet."
Emma scoffed, her cheeks flushing pink, "Well what exactly did you expect, your majesty?"
Regina rolled her eyes and buried her face in Emma's throat, biting back a moan as her fingers explored, softly running back and forth coating her fingers and simply enjoying the feeling of being there.
This was magic. Emma's body responding so openly, so enthusiastically to her. There could be no higher compliment.
She worked her way down Emma's body, her mouth beginning to water. She wanted her. She wanted to feel her pleasure.
She sat back on her knees and, biting her lip, spread Emma's thighs which had a moment before been clenched tightly around her waist.
She stared for a moment before glancing up into Emma's face. She was looking for - what? Worry?
It was not there, instead a peaceful and honest calm was hidden in Emma's smile. So Regina began to lean forward, her fingers playing gently in the curls, her gasps coming quick with anticipation.
Then she was on her back, Emma crawling up her, laughing into her skin.
Regina blinked, then cried out, unable to stop herself as Emma sucked on her hip bones, up her trim stomach and onto a full, round breast.
"Oh god." She hadn't even considered how it would feel to have Emma on her, not really. The touch, while deliciously satisfying to Regina, had always been about Emma's pleasure. Her eyes closed as her eyebrows furrowed with concentration.
Emma chuckled and then Regina was being filled, slowly but confidently by her blonde.
She clutched her, arms wrapping tightly around her back, needing to feel her against her as her hips came off the bed to meet her.
"Are you okay?" Emma panted.
Regina felt herself growl, "Are you fucking kidding me?" her hand slipped between them and without hesitation she slid into Emma.
They gasped and then slowly began to rock together, picking up pace.
Regina's back came on the bed, fell, came off the bed, fell as she thrust over and over again, intoxicated by the feeling of Emma around her fingers and Emma's fingers inside of her. It was so much more than she could take and yet not enough.
Regina began to circle as she had found Emma had enjoyed so much before.
"Jesus." Emma cried again and again as she fell forward.
Regina clasped her, desperately trying to find Emma's lips again. Once she found them they moaned, their movements increasing.
They froze.
"Was that -"
"The door-" Regina growled, refusing to slow her steady rhythm that was making Emma's whole body quake.
"Yes." She snapped.
"Do you think we need to -" Emma straightened, sitting up but Regina caught her hand before Emma could remove herself from Regina.
"I swear to god, Emma Swan, if you make me take myself out of you there will be hell to pay."
Emma's eyes widened and she began a grin that was interrupted by Regina flipping them over.
With a flick of her wrist, the deadbolt downstairs shot into place, locking the house to any intruders then she buried herself in Emma again.
Emma's eyes rolled as Regina retracted and thrust again, as deeply as she could, watching Emma's face as it twisted.
"Fuck!" Regina gasped as she did it again.
Regina began to twist and everything in Emma went still, a high and barely audible, "There. Right there" falling between moans.
Oh god. Oh fuck. Regina began to move, crashing into Emma with all she had, feeling Emma begin to tighten. "Yea - yea - ye - fuck, Regina! Re - fuck Regina."
Regina slid down her body and with one small curl of her tongue around Emma's clit, Emma was coming, screaming out Regina's name as Regina lapped, thrust and gasped.
"Jesus fucking Christ." Emma's body finally fell back onto the blankets and Regina stilled, her entire body on fire. She playfully flicked her tongue again over Emma's clit and Emma yelped, overly sensitive for the moment.
Then she caught Emma's evil grin.
"What ever could that look mean, my dear?"
Emma pulled her up quickly, pressing her body against her fully, leaving only on leg free to wrap around her.
"Oh!" Regina gasped as Emma thrust back into her, using her hips to press, pull away and press again.
She held her, unable to form full thoughts any longer all she knew was she needed to be closer, press tighter. She needed to swallow her and make their two, one.
She pulled her to her, holding her against her, kissing her temple, her forehead as she felt the beginning of her orgasm crash through her. "Emma." She whispered and then it overtook her and she came hard and long into Emma's body.
She jerked and danced but Emma only held her free arm around her tightly, nuzzling her neck and giving her small kisses.
Finally her body released, worn and drained and she fell flat against the sheets.
Emma leaned up and grinned.
Regina softly grinned back, pushing a bit of hair out of Emma's face.
"I guess your plan worked for you."
Regina chuckled, their bellies bouncing against the others as they laughed, "I suppose it did."
Emma's face grew thoughtful, contemplative as a finger absentmindedly caressed Regina's nipple.
"What's wrong, my love?" The finger was driving her mad, winding her body again far too soon after her last orgasm.
"I was thinking." Emma scrambled down so her head could rest lightly on her stomach.
"Uhhmm. You were thinking?" Emma's finger began to gently play with her, making her eyes grow wide and gasp.
"I - I was thinking - that uh - do you think we should go on a date."
Regina's face broke into a grin, warmth flooding her, "A date?"
Emma nodded, watching Regina's back beginning to arch. "Yes. Like getting dressed up, pick you up at the door and kiss you goodnight kind of date."
"Oh you do, do you?"
Emma's grin grew as she leaned down for her first taste of Regina, "Yeah. I do."