Reviews for Do You See What Eye See
Angelswings123 chapter 40 . 5/7/2018
I enjoyed this one too. Its hard to read some things some times but its also a reminder that everyone are not how they seem. I love your writing style. Im not a Quinn fan but I understand her. Im glad Cooper is in her life. Sax nisha took some getting used to. But she's like a black April to me, who I do like. I knew the red head was bad news the moment you described him. I would have liked more insight in the connection of Cheri's fam and Terri's but I guess you explained it quite well when I read Terri's view. I was happy when Missy was written out. Didn't expect that. But was not sad. Im still not a Jake Marley fan but she worked out. In my opinion. Thanks again for writing this. I shall now read the finalality to the series.
jacquelinehogan922 chapter 40 . 3/10/2018
Wow such a great ending to this part of the story. To new beginnings.

Love the Evans. When they love they love hard.

Was hoping for them to have twins but maybe the next time.

Wonder what Sam will end up Doing?

Guess I better catch up on the next phase of this awesome series.

Thank you for keep this story going. SAMCEDES 4 LIFE!
belladuke97 chapter 40 . 3/7/2018
Welcome to the world, Heaven! I am also sad for Mercy that her sisters are moving away, but I think the moves will be good for them both. Ok, I didn’t see another Steerio baby coming. Stevie really does have some super sperm. So, if I read this correctly, it looks like Sam might be headed into ministry. I thought that was going to eventually happen because I remember his discussion with the pastor in the first story. Looking forward to Part 3!
Sweetiedee chapter 40 . 3/7/2018
Heaven is such a beautiful name. I love the ending. Too bad both her besties are moving, but she’ll have her hands full with that precious bundle. That baby will be super spoiled. I’ll be here for the third story. Can’t wait to see how this tale ends. It truly has been an awesome ride. Also, Quinn ain’t slick. Beth and Coooper missed each other so she gonna pick up and move?. Let’s see how this goes.
belladuke97 chapter 39 . 3/6/2018
Well, damn, I should have read Chapter 39 before I commented on 38, lol. Ok, off to finish 39 and now I see 40 is available too.
belladuke97 chapter 38 . 3/6/2018
The Thanksgiving Dinner was sweet. I wish Sam Evans were real so he could give romance classes, lol. The moment between Steerio at the prayer circle was touching. They’ve made a real breakthrough in their relationship now, and I hope they continue to build on it.

Uh-oh. I wonder how Terri is going to strike back now. I’m glad it’s looking like she’s the “final boss” Samcedes and Company will have to fight. She was always a villain that I loved to hate on Glee, even more so than Sue.
Sweetiedee chapter 39 . 3/6/2018
LOL And Nobody talked about Terri ...
I for one was happy she’s gone. Can’t live to hurt anyone else. The icing on the cake was no one cared.
This family is getting huge. LOL the story Bisha decided to share with Stacie. I can’t even begin to deal with the awkwardness.
Sam is a mess. Not taking any chances with the baby. He does need to chill a bit though. Poor Mercy already miserable with this bed rest. She may decide she’s done after this terrible experience. He better try to give her a little room to move around. At least for Christmas she was allowed to get in the couch. I wonder if her carried her over. Great chapter. I think Mercedes and I are ready for this baby to be born.
belladuke97 chapter 37 . 3/5/2018
I pretty much agree with everything Sweetiedee said about Quinn, so no use in repeating it. I didn’t see the slap coming. I get it, but I didn’t see it coming. I am glad Joe and Stacie were able to discuss the situation because I was nervous that slap might be the end of them. I hope Stacie and Nisha can find some way to bond.
Sweetiedee chapter 38 . 3/4/2018
Terri can jump in a river. Whew, there, I said it.
Poor Mercy, bed rest sucks. She is lucky to have caring family and friends to keep her company. Those gift baskets were awesome and thanksgiving dinner just lovely.
I’m glad Cheri let it all out at the prayer circle. It was cathartic for her and Stevie, especially.
I hope the time passes quickly for Mercy cause she’s going a little crazy in the bed.
Thanks for updating. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Sweetiedee chapter 37 . 3/4/2018
Poor Quinn is just downright unlucky in love. Got her face slapped and everything. I do understand why she Let Coop go. Kids are not something you compromise on.
Glad Stacie squashed her beef with Quinn.
LOL at Stevie’s reaction to the custody of his children and woman being stolen on Fridays. Cheri gave him the look like “you don’t want this. Step away. Hug a pillow.”
Stacie seems closed off. She expects Nisha to do the work. She sees everyone connecting but it’s bc they throw themselves into the conversation, into the dates. She kinda sits back and waits for ppl to address her concerns. Hopefully, she understands a closed mouth won’t get fed. Thanks for updating can’t wait for the next chapter!
belladuke97 chapter 36 . 3/3/2018
Stacie has valid points. There is always a villain, and she is the likely candidate since the show will want to play up the Steerio romance and Stake bromance. I’m also looking forward to seeing what happened.
Sweetiedee chapter 36 . 3/3/2018
I feel Stacie. This reality show business should have been discussed with all house members before anything was signed. Now, she’ll be wrong (in their eyes) if she moves out or is difficult about being portrayed in a way she never signed up for. Smh can’t wait to see what she’s done. LOL
DanDevWe chapter 35 . 3/1/2018
That was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing myself.
Sweetiedee chapter 35 . 2/28/2018
MA’AM, I WAS NOT PREPARED! This was hilarious! All of them were clowning. Imma need some stitches! Mercy didn’t play with Cheri. I’m glad Dwight and Nisha are getting along well! Thanks for the laughing fit. Can’t wait for whats coming next.
belladuke97 chapter 35 . 2/28/2018
Oh, and I wonder what Stacey would have thought if she had heard this about her daddy and brothers?
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