Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Red Dwarf, Misc. Movies, X-Men: The Movie, That '70s Show, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Dark Angel. Well, this is my stuff. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you to all my reviewers (I love you all and wish to have your children. While I know, in some cases, this may not be physically possible... the sentiment remains).19th April: Ok, so it's been a while since I've written anything worthwhile... but I have goals! Goals, dammit! Hopefully by the end of the month I shall have a new fic for you. Whether it be the ill-fated 'Stargate' project, or the 'Starsky & Hutch' movieverse fic I'm working on. Also, re-discovered the first of half of 'Leave: Part 2' on an old disc last night. Had forgotten I'd started it, so that should be finished and posted at some stage in the near future. Standard Disclaimer: I own none of the characters I've borrowed (borrowed, mauled, mutilated... it's all the same) for my own purposes here. No money is being made, etc etc... you know the drill. |