Author has written 1 story for Best of Me, Nicholas Sparks. Hey everyone! A friend introduced me to this site, and it became one of my big reading addictions. I just recently decided to become a member. I have published two novels and hope to keep writing throughout college. My favorite authors are S.E. Hinton, Laura Hillenbrand, Nicholas Sparks, Cassandra Claire, Kate O'Hearn, Terri Farley, and Jessica Burkhart. The Outsiders remains one of my most favorite books along with many others that are too numerous to mention. I am a big lover of the show Criminal Minds. Spencer Reid is my favorite character, followed closely by Derek Morgan. There are so many great episodes, that it is hard for me to pick my favorite, but Revelations was a great one. I also enjoy watching the Canadian family drama, Heartland. I own a ten year old hunter-jumper Quarter Horse who is my very best friend (you can see him in my profile picture). I don't know what I would do without him! I have published two stories for The Fast and the Furious. Please check them out and let me know what you think! Also, I just created a category for the Nicholas Sparks book, The Best of Me. That book is one of my favorite works of his, and I just published the first FanFiction ever in its category. Please spread the word and join me in creating awesome stories for this amazing Nicholas Sparks work! Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master... Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. - Albert Einstein Leave me behind, I'll be in your heart. I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not. "The good news is that you may have screwed up my past and created my present but you have no control over my future." JASON GIDEON IS NOT GONE, HE IS JUST HIDING UNDER AARON HOTCHNER'S DESK. COPY AND PASTE THIS TO YOUR PROFILE IF YOU URGE HOTCH TO LOOK UNDER HIS DESK. 92 percent of teenagers would die if Abercombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this into your profile if you'd be part of the 8 percent laughing your ass off. Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile If you think that being unique is better than being cool then put this on your profile. If you think that Fan fiction absolutely ROCKS, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you think that writing or reading Fanfic stories is fun, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have ever cried when your favorite character died/almost died, copy and paste this into your profile Judge me, and I'll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do, and I'll tell you off. Say I'm not worth it, and watch where I end up. Call me a bitch, and I'll show you one. Call me crazy, But you really have NO idea. Have a problem with me, solve it. Think I'm tripping, tie my shoes. If you don't care what your haters say about you (And/or love the attention they give you) copy and paste this on your profile. If you hope to write a bestseller someday, copy and paste this into your profile If you're one of those people that gets excited with just two reviews, copy and paste this into your profile.
My name is Tiffany. I am three, My eyes are swollen. I cannot see, I must be stupid, I must be bad, What else could have made my daddy so mad? I wish I were better I wish I weren’t ugly, Then maybe my mommy would still want to hug me. I can’t speak at all, I can't do a wrong Or else I'm locked up all day long. When I'm awake I'm all alone The house is dark and my folks aren’t home. When my mommy does come home I'll try and be nice, So maybe ill just get one whipping tonight. I just heard a car My daddy is back from Charlie’s bar. I hear him curse. My name is called I press myself against the wall I try to hide from his evil eyes I’m so afraid now, I’m starting to cry He finds me weeping, calls me ugly words, He says its my fault he suffers at work. He slaps and hits me and yells at me more, I finally get free and run to the door He’s already locked it and i start to bawl, He takes me and throws me against the hard wall I fall to the floor with my bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues with more bad words spoken, "I’m sorry!" I scream, But its now much to late His face has been twisted into a unimaginable shape The hurt and the pain again and again O please God, have mercy! O please let it end! And he finally stops and heads for the door While I lay there motionless sprawled on the floor My name is Tiffany. I am three, Tonight my daddy murdered me If you believe that child abuse is WRONG and needs to stop, repost this! We have yelled at inanimate objects. We have wanted inanimate objects to go die. We have yelled at inanimate objects to go die. Our characters sometimes talk to us in our heads. Don't worry, we're mentally stable. Who doesn't sometimes wish fictional characters were real? We love fairy tales, mermaids, knights, swords, bows, and anything of the sort. We quote word-for-word, at random moments, stuff from books and films and shows. A good book is a good friend. Sweetness This is really sweet... When a girl is quiet, a million things are running through her mind. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with her eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers "I'm fine." after a few seconds, she is not fine at all. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are lying. When a girl rests her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a girl wants to see you everyday, she wants to be pampered. When a girl says "I love you." she means it. When a girl says "I miss you." nobody could miss you more than that. Life only comes around once, so make sure you spend it with the right person. Find a guy who calls you BEAUTIFUL instead of HOT, and calls you back when you hang up on him. The guy who will STAY AWAKE just TO WATCH YOU SLEEP. Wait for the guy who KISSES YOUR FOREHEAD, Who wants to show you off to the world when you're in SWEATS. The one who holds your hand in front of his friends and is constantly reminding you of how much he CARES about you and how LUCKY he is to have you there for him. The one who turns to his friends and declares "That's HER." If you read this, you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life. If you repost this, in five minutes your true love will call or message you. Tonight at midnight, they will realize that they love you. Something good will happen at approximately 1:42 pm tomorrow, and it could happen anywhere. So get ready for the biggest shock of your life. If you don't repost this, you will be cursed with relationship problems for all of eternity. Repost this to your profile, and spare yourself the emotional stress. |