Author has written 17 stories for Austin & Ally, Pair of Kings, Teen Wolf, Wolfblood, Boy Who Cried Werewolf, 2010, Shadowhunters, One Tree Hill, How to Train Your Dragon, Twilight, Teen Titans, and Harry Potter. Hi there! I'm siriuslymerlin! I'm multi-fandomed but my favorites are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Teen Wolf, Merlin, and a handful of various Disney things. I'm in college, majoring in neuroscience, so my writing style is still developing and updates will be sort of sporadic until I get hang of this 18 credit hours of science courses every semeter thing. I'm not new to the site, but I am new to writing! To contact me, Email: avanisfanfiction@ Tumblr: avaniswriting (Avani's Writing) twitter: @avaniswriting Follow me for updates! |