Chapter 1

It all started right after Tyler left with Tony in his getaway car. Clay, Justin, and Jessica stood on the curb like a deer caught in headlights. Clay's clutches the sniper gun tightly to his chest.

"What do we do?" asked Justin, as the police sirens grow closer and closer.

Everyone hesitates for a quick second. Justin glares at Clay and the sniper gun and rolls his eyes.

"Give me the gun," Justin said quickly.

"What?" asked Clay. "What are you going to do with it?"

"Just give me the goddamn gun, Clay!" snapped Justin. "Hurry up!"

Clay quickly gives Justin the sniper gun as Jessica looks on in confusion.

"Justin what are you doing?" Jessica asked, in a worried tone.

Justin turns and throws the sniper gun in the bushes.

"That would do for now," said Justin. "For now on until the police leave, we did not see any guns."

"What?" asked Clay, bewildered.

"I don't have time to explain," said Justin. "Just follow my lead."

He goes over to Jessica.

"Jess, I want you to go inside and find the others," said Justin clearly. "Tell them to remind everyone that it's a false alarm and that everything's going to be okay."

"Okay," said Jessica, as she hesitantly turns and walks toward the building.

"Oh shit, the car!" Clay exclaimed. "What do we do?"

Justin walks over to the drivers side of the car and easily opens the door.

"It's unlocked," said Justin, as he looks to see if the keys are still in the ignition, which it isn't.

Meanwhile Jessica rushes back in the auditorium as she was instantly greeted by Alex and Zach.

"Apparently someone called the cops," said Alex. "They must've listen to the conversation."

"Everyone is freaking," said Zach.

"Clay stopped Tyler from carrying out his plan," said Jessica. "He's safe, Tony drove off with him a second ago. Now Clay and Justin are trying to stop the cops."

"Good," said Alex. "We need to calm everyone down.

"Alright, can you two find Cyrus and his sister, and I'll try to round up the rest?" asked Jessica rhetorically as she moves through the group.

"C'mon, I'm sure they haven't gotten far," said Alex, as he and Zach push in the opposite direction.

Moments later Jessica makes her way to the stage. Everyone turns in her directions and the talking begins to fade. Jessica grabs the mic as she look all around the auditorium.

"Could everyone listen up please," said Jessica. "This is is urgent.

The room went silent, as Jessica clears her throat.

"Look I know that there is speculation about a shooting that's about to happen," said Jessica. "But I just got word that it was a false alarm."

"A false alarm," Marcus pushes his way to the front. "A false alarm, how you can you be sure? How can you not take this shit seriously?"

"Believe me," assured Jessica. "It's really a misunderstanding."

"How do we know that she's actually telling the truth."

Jessica turns to the right and sees Bryce moving forward with a smug expression. Jessica tenses up a little bit.

"I mean of course she may be lying," said Bryce. "She could be following the kid's orders."

Jessica pauses.

"We all know that Tyler Down is behind this shit," said Bryce. "Because he's a pussy."

Some of the classmates agree with him.

"Bryce, that's enough!" said a female teacher as she proceeds to step on the stage. She pulls Jessica to the side.

"Is it true?" she asked. "Did he put you up to this?"

"No, he didn't," Jessica said quickly. "Really. Tyler isn't that type of guy to do something like this."

The teacher sighs and nods.

Then all of a sudden police lights started to flash outside the auditorium window. Everyone started to point and look.

"Hey, the police are here," said one of the students, as the majority started to rush for the exit.

Bryce stops and turns back to Jessica.

"I wonder what they are gonna say about this," said Bryce, with a sly smile.

Meanwhile, back outside the police has pulled up on the school property. The deputy and the other police gets out of their cars and starts walking toward Clay and Justin. Justin rolls up all of the car windows and locks all the doors before closing the car door.

"Good evening officers," said Justin, as the police slowly approaches him and Clay.

"Fellas," said the deputy. "There was a call that came in about someone attemping a shooting at the school, is this true."

"Man, we was all shooking up," said Justin. "I really thought that it was gonna happen, but it turns out to be some hoax."

Then all of a sudden the doors swing open and a whole bunch of students came spilling out in confusion. Bryce, Jessica, and the remaining teachers were the last to file out. Marcus runs over to the deputy.

"Officer," exclaimed Marcus. "You have to do something about that Tyler kid, he is fucking out of control. He needs to be locked up or committed to a fucking asylum."

"Hey, why don't you shut the hell up!" snapped Clay. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Why the hell are you guys defending him!" Marcus snaps back. "You really think that you can trust him, of all people? That little bitch ruins lives!"

"Alright settle down, you two," said the deputy. "Now is not the time to pick arguments."

"Really guys," said Justin. "Do you really think that Tyler has the balls to carry this plan out? He's just all talk. He's just mad because nobody want to give him attention."

"Bullshit," said Marcus. "You always underestimate this kid!"

"If Tyler was to do this shooting, shouldn't he have been here by now?" asked Clay.

"I mean he wasn't at the dance," said Justin.

"You haven't seen him the whole entire time that you were all at the dance?" asked the deputy clearly.

Both Clay and Justin shake their heads.

"Nope not at all," said Clay.

Then all of a sudden, Cyrus and the adult teachers comes running out to them with Alex, Zach, and Jessica not far behind.

"Mr. Standall," said Cyrus. "Tyler is on the phone! He wants to speak to you."

Both Clay and Justin looked at each other with concern. Deputy Standall hesitated before taking Cyrus' phone.

"Tyler," said Deputy Standall, as he walks over to the other police.

Bryce walks over to the others as Clay scowls at him.

"Who knows," said Bryce. "Maybe he was too busy masturbating to his fake girlfriend and lost track of time."

"I'm so going to miss you so much," said Clay, with sarcasm.

"Aww, Jensen," said Bryce. "That's so sweet. But I know you didn't mean that shit did you?"

"Nope," said Clay.

"Not one fucking bit," said Justin.

"But don't worry, I'll only be around for a few more days," said Bryce. "Then I'll be on my way."

"Couldn't come soon enough could it?" Justin said rhetorically.

Fifteen minutes later, after talking with Tyler and having conversations with Chaperones, deputy Standall comes back to the big crowd of students.

"Alright party's over everyone go home!" he ordered.

And just like that everyone started to scramble away. Clay and the rest of the gang were clustered in the corner. Deputy Standall walks back over to them.

"We'll be in touch ladies and gentleman," said deputy Standall. "It looks like other than the immediate scare...Everything was under control, so I will go by your word."

"Thanks deputy," said Clay.

"For now," said Deputy Standall. "This matter isn't over just yet. I will be following up first thing Monday morning, so you all better be telling the truth, or so help me."

"Don't worry dad we are," said Alex, with a straight face.

Deputy Standall starts to walk away.

"Alex, are you coming or what?" he asked.

"Actually, I'm going to get a ride home with Zach," said Alex. "We promise to stop by the diner to get some burgers."

"The rules still apply, kid," said Deputy Standall. "Curfews at twelve."

"I know dad," said Alex wearily.

Once the police are out of sight, Clay and the others regroup.

"Holly shit!" said Cyrus. "What the hell did we just do?!"

"We just covered Tyler's ass," said Mackenzie. "Even I'm lost for words."

"This is fucking bananas!" said Zach. "I mean I have done some shit, but this brings it to a whole new level, man."

"Ya think," said Miles.

"Something major must have happened to him," said Clay. "Something that pushed him over the edge."

"What could it be, more peer pressure?" asked Zach.

"Or it could be someone," said Alex, as he suddenly gazes across the street to see Monty drinking a flask of alcohol with his new jock buddies.

The others follow Alex's sight. They all agreed.

"Yeah, you could be right about that, my dude," said Justin.

"You guys, we just leave that gun laying around in the bushes," whispered Jessica. "We got to dump it somewhere else. Like the bottom of a lake or something."

"Yeah, she's right bro," said Justin. "We need to cover our tracks really well, we can't afford any mistakes."

Zach sighs.

"We're really doing this, aren't we?" Zach asked.

"Yep," said Miles.

"We're in this together," said Clay.

"Damn straight," said Justin, confidently. "We got fucked by the legal system so many times, and now it's our turn to fuck the system."

TYLER (V.O): And just like that, a new chapter of my life has begun. But you know what they all say, sometimes a new chapter can come with a new set of problems...