First of all, I wanted to say thank you so much for reading this story. It was only supposed to be Mistletoe Kisses and that was supposed to be the end of it. But I created an OC and then another and then another and then it snowballed from there.
I thought I was in over my head around Chapter 2 when I couldn't see where this was headed, and then I introduced Lisa and Charlie and I was screaming at myself to fucking stop, but did I listen? No, of course, I didn't because I like the pain of sleepless nights and 5,000-word chapters, and falling asleep with my face on the laptop and waking up to just 50,000 letter Gs on a word document because that's where my lip ring hit first.
Anyway, long story short, this is for all of you who keep me going with your praise. There wouldn't be a me without you. Well there would, I'm still a person, but there wouldn't be a me (the Garvez writer) without you (the Garvez readers).
I love you all.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
"That was the longest drive of my life," Penelope moans as she steps out of the vehicle before helping Roxy down the steps. "I never want to do that again." She can hear him chuckling as he walks around to the trunk and pulls her suitcase from the depths. Luke extends his left hand to the woman and wiggles his fingers until she slides her own into his grasp.
"I'd live my entire life inside this last week with you," Luke replies to her complaint. "Except I'd lock the door." Penelope can't help but laugh loudly as she removes her keys from her purse and jingles them in her free hand as they continue their slow crawl to her apartment. She was already dreading having to say goodbye to him for the evening, in the short time they had spent together, the woman had already gotten used to falling asleep next to him. He was an excellent heater for those particularly cold New York nights. Shaking her head, Penelope lets the thoughts clear from her mind as they walk the short distance to her apartment door. And as familiar as he had become, the sight of her home is even more familiar as she walks through the door and inhales deeply.
"I'm going to miss you tonight," she tells him. Bending down the woman greets Sergio with an affectionate scratch behind the ears and peels her coat from her body before stretching her arms above her head. "If we're being honest." She feels the heat bloom underneath her skin at her words and realizes for the first time since they had begun dating they were completely alone. The thought causes her to turn away from the man and busy herself with changing out Sergio's water bowl even though she knew that Emily had just delivered the cat home this morning.
"I...we," he points to Roxy across the room. The dog had settled herself on Sergio's small bed and was lazily yawning. "We could stay, if you're feeling lonely.' Penelope pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbles gently. She didn't want to seem to enthusiastic about the prospect of spending the night completely alone with the man, in her own bed to boot. But she also didn't want to seem like being with him wasn't something that she wanted, because it was. She shrugs and nods her head at the same time, both decisive and indecisive at the same time, and confuses even herself. "We can also go home if you want your own space."
Penelope sighs and shakes her head before turning to face her boyfriend, nerves suddenly flaring under her skin as she looks at him. The woman pauses for a second to appreciate the sight of him as he stands nervously in her living room and tries to avoid looking in her direction. If she looked closely enough she could see that his hands are trembling as they pull at his jacket, unsure if he should take it off or keep it on. His eyes are darting around the room, trying to land on something comforting before they finally settle on a picture of her with Henry and Michael with a soft smile. His body is tense yet relaxed, as if he's waiting for her dismissal but her approval at the same time.
"I want you to stay," Penelope finally tells him as she walks around the kitchen counter and embraces him. "I just didn't know if you wanted to stay. Or if it was too soon to ask you to stay." She shrugs and places her head on his chest and listens to the quick beating of his heart. The woman knew exactly what she did to him when it came time for sexual activities but she is still amazed to hear that his heart thumped wildly in his chest when she touched him. It was shocking to her, because sure she was good looking, but he was...Luke. And if that didn't explain her anguish and confusion she didn't know any words that could. "Or if you would still want me after New York," she finally admits and tries her hardest not to let a tear slip down her cheek. She knows that she failed miserably when he leans down and presses a kiss to both cheeks and sighs softly.
"I don't think that there has ever been a time when I didn't want you," Luke whispers with his lips against her forehead. And she's comforted by the feeling of his large hand pressing her face into his chest. He curls his fingers against her scalp and scratches lightly. "I meant it when I told you I love you, my Star. I didn't think I'd ever feel this way about another human being. But there you went, shooting through my life and illuminating everything in your path." He chuckles and pulls back from her in order to look down at her face. "How about you open that present I got you," Luke suggests as a distraction.
"I forgot all about it," Penelope whispers.
"I know," Luke chuckles. "That's why I packed it for you. It's in the front pocket." He points to the suitcase sitting by her front door with a wide grin and eyes that seem to twinkle now that she was no longer crying. Penelope retrieves the gift before curling herself into a ball next to him on the couch and relaxes when his arm wraps around her shoulder. "Open it." She can feel the anxious excitement crawling on his skin as she flips the present in her hands and tucks her fingers under the flap slowly. Penelope remembers back to Christmas morning when the grown man had ripped open his presents faster than his niece and nephew in his haste to figure out what was underneath the paper.
"Open yours first," she tells him with a nudge of her shoulders and feels the cool rush of air as he reaches into her suitcase to grab his own present. Much like on Christmas morning the man rips open the package and flips the frame over in his hands, letting out a ragged breath as he stares at the picture.
"Where did you get this," he finally asks as he looks up at her with shining eyes. Penelope looks down at the picture with a soft smile. The picture was of a younger Luke with longer hair and a wide smile holding a very small dog in his arms. But knowing what Penelope knew, about how he had come to acquire Roxy in the first place, and what the dog actually meant to him… She lays her hand on his arm and slides her fingers against his pulse point before shrugging her shoulders.
"I may have done a thing," she tells him softly.
"Thank you," he breathes as he looks back down at the picture. He doesn't take his eyes off of her present as he flicks the box she was currently holding. When she finally does peel the paper away from the actual present, smiling at the fact that he used bright pink wrap for her gift, she's left staring at a black box. "You're killing me, Pen."
She giggles before turning to press her lips to his cheek and with trembling fingers she lifts the lid and gasps as she stares down at the piece of jewelry sitting in the box. A star pendant was sitting delicately on a chain and she finds that she can't stop the tears that form in her eyes as she reaches out for the necklace. "Help me," she finally whispers while handing the necklace to Luke and moving her hair off of her neck. Penelope can feel his hands shaking as he clasps the pendant around her neck, letting the chain fall against her chest before placing a kiss when the clasp fell against her skin. She moans as his lips ignite a flame in her, one that she knew wasn't going to be interrupted this time as she turns to face him. Her hands grip Luke's face roughly and pull his lips to hers as she scrambles into his lap. She doesn't think this time, but instead clears her mind as he quickly slides his hands beneath her shirt and drags his palms up her back to unhook her bra.
She can feel him straining against his pants as he growls and moves to peel her shirt off of her body, his lips immediately latching onto her breasts when they came into his view. She moans, loud and without abandon as he touches her, and lets her hips rock quickly against him as she slides herself closer to the man, wanting nothing more than to finish what they had started so many times this week. And before she knows it, she's naked and panting beneath him on her living room floor. He had kicked her coffee table out of the way before sliding the both of them off of the couch and laying her down gently before leaning back on his knees to remove his shirt and unfasten his pants. And she tries not to giggle when he falls over in his haste to get them off. But when he lines himself up and pauses for a moment, as if waiting for the inevitable interruption, Penelope holds her breath before lifting her hips and sliding herself onto him.
She feels whole and stretched so deliciously that Penelope isn't even sure that she needs to continue living because surely everything else she ever wanted to do in life has now paled in comparison. They rock together, moving so seamlessly through the motions that they had been denied and with each thrust, Penelope is sure that she's dreaming because life isn't allowed to go this well. Not for her at least, and there's a ringing in her head and it takes her a while to realize that it's their phones going off and she rolls her eyes when she recognizes the ringtone. And without missing a beat Luke leans over to the coffee table, his hips still rolling into hers and pulls his phone to his ear.
"Alvez," he growls and Penelope closes her eyes and concentrates on not screaming out his name from the way he was slowly sliding himself into her. She can feel every inch as he drags himself out of her dripping sex. And the way he was moving his hips as he bottoms out once again was causing the woman to see stars and she can taste blood as she bites down on her lip to contain the moan she desperately needed to release. "Yeah, we'll be there...just give us ten minutes because we literally just got back into town." Luke pulls back again and slams himself forward causing Penelope to open her eyes and stare at him. His eyes had darkened as he watched her breasts bounce on her chest and moves to hold the phone between his ear and his shoulder before gripping onto her thighs and dragging her body closer to him. He tilts her legs back and hovers his body over her with his left hand while reaching forward to rub circles against her clit, never ceasing the movement of his hips. "Understood Prentiss, we're on our way..." and with a growl he tosses the phone onto the couch.
Penelope finally lets his nickname drag from her lips so loudly that she's sure she has shattered the window panes all around the apartment and let's herself go around him. Her walls clenching so hard around him that the man can't control the speed or rhythm at which he's moving his hips any longer.
Penelope grips his hand tightly in her own in the elevator, remembering the kiss that started everything before dropping her hand from his as the doors open around them. They're both greeted with smiling faces, whispers, and a few giggles from JJ as she leans in to whisper something to Matt. She thinks nothing of it as they walk quickly through the bullpen, and pause for Luke to deposit the picture she had given him onto the surface before they enter the conference room and take their seats around the table.
"I apologize," Emily finally mutters as she leans over to Luke. "I didn't know that I was interrupting something." Luke stares at his boss in confusion and Penelope quickly darts her eyes around the room, noticing the smiles, and laughs, and averted gazes from the other people on the team.
"You might want to make sure that you disconnect the call next time, Luuuuuuu," Rossi says before laughing so loud Penelope is sure he cracked a rib. Her face turns red, the heat behind her cheeks hotter than she had ever felt it before in her life as she tosses the remote onto the table and begins to walk out of the room.
"Chica," Luke calls after her as she makes it to the stairs outside of the office. "Where are you going?
"There's a bridge a few miles from here," Penelope tells him. "I'm going to go see if I can safely jump off of it."
The End.