Izzy took a wet cloth and drew it down over Alec's side, washing the blood away to reveal his newly healed skin. The boy shivered at the cold touch and whimpered, his damaged chest sensitive to pressure.

Izzy winced at his pain furrowed brow. "Sorry big brother. How about I check those ribs for you. They must be sore huh? It'll hurt but I'll be as gentle as I can."

Her careful fingers traced his ribs, gently pressing on the bones to count the breaks. Jace felt worse for every noise Alec made. He swept a hand over his brother's forehead, smoothing his hair back in comfort.

"How many are there?" He remembered feeling those bones break under his hands as he desperately tried to get his Parabatai breathing. Each crack came with another apology, and every second without Alec breathing was another stab from his Parabatai rune. Izzy hesitated, meeting his eyes as she carefully told him.

"Four… and there will be a lot of bruising."

Jace ducked his head, hand still occupied with Alec's hair as Izzy tried her best to comfort both boys.

"There is nothing to be sorry for Jace, you saved him. I'll wrap his ribs and you can draw a few more runes. He'll be fine. Won't you Alec."

Alec still had his eyes closed but pushed his forehead into Jace's hand and dragged a weak hand up to find Jace's fingers.

The blonde smiled faintly.

"Thanks buddy."

Magnus came back in, having cleaned up the mess from the spell, and traced the back of his hand over Alec's cheek. The Nephilim sighed as his eyes opened a crack to gaze at Magnus with unfocussed eyes for a second before closing again.

"Hey sweetheart, you not feeling so good?" Alec let out a low whine and shook his head, his throat far too sore to speak after throwing up all that seawater.

"Aw baby, you'll feel better in a few days and after a bit of rest. I just need to check how that head of yours is. Try to relax, it won't hurt."

The warlock took Alec's head in his hands, using his magic to detect any damage to his brain. He had been without oxygen for a while and they had all been worried about the effects of this. Alec had not been very responsive and they couldn't help but be concerned. Izzy watched Magnus' face closely for any signs of trouble.

Magnus was concentrating but relaxed after a few moments and smiled down at his boyfriend.

"Alec? Darling, can you open your eyes?"

The Nephilim frowned but managed to squint them open, his eyes still glassy. Magnus checked each one carefully, pulling a penlight out of thin air to shine in his eyes. Alec didn't like the light and squirmed, lifting a hand to swat at the annoyance, which Izzy caught and held still.

"Everything looks good but your throat will need a little while to heal so no talking for a few days."

Magnus placed his hands back over Alec's temples and created a connection so that he could hear the boy's thoughts.

"Angel, can you tell me your name? Thoughts only please."

Alec Lightwood.

"Great, and the date?"

Umm…Tuesday? I ..think?

"That's all right, it's Friday."

Jace and Izzy could only hear Magnus' side of the conversation but he was already looking more concerned than he had a moment before.

"Do you remember what happened?"

Alec didn't answer for a few seconds, just blinking up at the downworlder until Magnus clarified.

"Do you know why you're hurt?"

Alec thought for a moment, his mind fuzzy and clumsy.

Water…a demon?

Magnus sighed but gave a reassuring smile to Alec as he scrunched up his nose trying to remember.

"Good job. It's okay, you sleep now. Night, night Angel."

Love you Maggie.

"I love you too darling."

Magnus broke the connection and turned to whisper to Jace and Izzy as Alec dropped off to sleep.

"His thoughts are a little jumbled and slow and he had some trouble remembering recent details but there's no sign of permanent damage. He should be fine in a few days, he just needs to take it easy for a while."

Izzy sighed in relief and went back to cleaning the last of the blood from her brother.

"Thank you, Magnus."

"Not a problem darling."

Jace left Alec's side for only a second to get more blankets, wrapping them around his brother and tucking him into the bed.

No one wanted to leave him that night, ever protective and worried, and so they all slept in the room with him. Jace, Izzy and Magnus all curled over the side of his bed, hands clasping his or holding some part of him.

Alec was much better in the morning, wanting to get up and go back to the institute.

"Hey, no. What do you think you're doing?"

Magnus placed a hand on Alec's chest as the shadow hunter tried to get out of bed.


"No talking Alexander. Back to bed."

Alec rolled his eyes and made a gesture like 'seriously? I'm fine.'

The warlock shook his head and tucked Alec back in, fluffing the pillows behind him and pressing him into the bed.

"Don't give me that. You were stabbed and drowned, I think that requires more than one night of rest."

Izzy and Jace started to wake up, grumbling about Alec moving about. Jace had been using his shoulder as a pillow and promptly shoved him back down so that he could go back to sleep.

Alec relented as his younger siblings clung to him, Izzy holding his hand as she slept, curled on the side of his bed. He sat back in the pillows and let Magnus check his bandages, accepting a kiss on the cheek as the warlock went to make him some tea.

Izzy was rubbing her eyes now, sniffling a little as she woke and Alec immediately turned to her, wiping a stray tear from her cheek with a finger.

She tried for a smile and wiped her eyes.

"I just had a bad dream. It's a little hard to get last night out of my head. It was really scary Alec."

Tears fell quicker now and Alec quickly pulled her into a hug, careful not to dislodge the still sleeping Jace or his broken ribs. Izzy settled to his side quickly, Alec's big arm, curled around her so that she felt safe as she closed her eyes again.

Alec wanted to say sorry, or to take the whole night back, but all he could do was hug his little sister as she sniffed against his shoulder.

"Don't do it again okay? I mean it."

He nodded, rubbing her back as she settled down.

Alec was still sore from the night before, pain aching through almost every part of him, but he had two of his younger siblings in his arms and his boyfriend making him breakfast in bed. He was pretty happy.