Letty woke up to the sun shining in her face and groaned as she stretched out and reached her hand out to touch Dom's only to come up empty.

Her eyes immediately opened and she hopped up out of bed looking out the bedroom door.

"Dom?" she said.

She got up her feet touching the hardwood floor as she walked out the bedroom and down the hall.

"Dom where are you, this isn't funny."

Letty saw Dom's car gone from the front of the house.

"Shit" Letty ran to the bedroom and picked up her clothes from the floor and when she got up a flash hit her in the eye and she looked over to see the cross necklace on top of a pile of cash she dropped the clothes and walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed taking the necklace.

She sat there and stared at the silver cross.

This was not just your usual Cross it was a symbol of something

It was Dom's 19th birthday his first birthday since being released from Lompoc and Mia was throwing him a birthday party with the crew and people from the races.

Letty paced back and forth in her room as she stared at the tiny rectangular box on her bed.

Dom and Letty weren't officially a couple but he was her friend and you do give friends presents on their birthday.

"Come on Letty it's just a necklace." Letty said to herself sitting on the edge if the bed rubbing her sweaty palms on her jeans.

A knock on the door caused her to jump.

"Who is it?"

"Hey Beautiful it's time to cut the cake." Leon's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'll be right down."

Letty walked out the door without the present.

Hours later she was working on her car when she heard someone walk into the garage.

"Was this a present for me?"

Letty looked up to see Dom holding his gift in his hand.

Letty dropped the wrench and walked over a little angry.

"Why were you in my room?"

"I was looking for you and I saw this instead then I came looking for you."

Letty looked at Dom.

"Yeah it's a present it's not much just something I thought you might like."

Dom noticed how nervous Letty looked and opened the gift unveiling a silver cross.

"I saw it at the mall a few weeks again and I don't know something just told me to get it for you, So Happy Birthday Dom." Letty said.

Dom placed the box on top of Letty's hood and took the cross out of the box putting it on over his black tank top.

"Thank you Letty."

"You're Welcome."

Dom pulled Letty into a hug, and when they broke apart he pulled her into a kiss.

And from that night on it was Dom and Letty.

Letty spotted a white piece of paper on top of the cash with her name on it, she picked it up and opened it.


If you're reading this it means you are awake and have seen this, I know you have a lot of questions but I need you to understand something no matter how this make look to you I did this to protect you.

Han told me the cops were getting hungrier and I know you said you didn't care because we were "Ride or Die." But I couldn't live with myself if you were thrown into jail for the crimes that I committed.

Not to sound cheesy but marrying you was the best decision on a very long list of bad ones I have made.

Knowing you right now you are probably angry and want to kill me and that is fair but I hope one day you can maybe forgive me and when all this is cleared up we can be together finally.

I left the necklace and plenty of money for you to get back home and take care of yourself and Mia and please take care of each other I need to know that my wife and sister are okay.

Walking away right now is the only choice I have right now, I know you are angry and I'm sorry it has to be this way but it does a Husband has to protect his family, that's what my father told me when I was younger and I am doing what I have to do to protect my sister and my wife.

It's still weird using the word wife but that is what you are and I'll be back for you I just need some time, time to clear up the mess I made and once it is all clear I'll be back for you just please take care of yourself Let.

I love you,


Letty looked at the necklace and flashed back to a few nights ago when their life was perfect.

Dom carried Letty Bridal style into the house.

"Seriously Dom you don't have to do this."

"Isn't this what every real normal married couple do after they are married couple do?"

"I wouldn't classify us as a normal."

Dom put Letty on the ground her white dress almost making him trip.

Letty laughed as she looked up at Dom and smiled.

"I really cannot believe we just got married."

"You're officially a Toretto now… Letty Torreto"

"Hey Hey Letty Ortiz-Torreto"

"Oh I like the sound of that."

Dom kissed his new wife which only picked up speed and intensity as Letty walked backwards into their bedroom.

Letty got off the bed and threw a glass mug against the wall.

"You son of a bitch." She screamed. "You promised we would stay together."

Letty Ortiz wasn't a woman who cried but in that instance she was so vulnerable she slid to the floor the cross necklace and broke down the sliver cross wrapped in her hand.

"Where ever you go I'll follow, and if you die, I die."

"Ride or Die Remember?"

"We'll figure this out we always do."

The past seventy two hours flashed in Letty's mind as she picked herself up and grabbed her phone.

She called the directory and got the number she needed and sighed when she heard a familiar voice on the other end.

"Brian, It's Letty I need a favor, I'll meet you in LA in twelve hours we need to talk."

Letty hung up and started packing, she was on a mission.

A mission that would cause her more than what everything was worth.
