This chapter is kind of on the short side, but I really wanted to set the rest of the story up. I'm excited to be writing a happier story, but knowing me I won't really be able to resist just a little drama!

Thanks so much to everyone who is still reading these! You guys are amazing!

Enjoy! -J

Chapter 1

Emily was awoken from a peaceful sleep by the feeling of feather-light kisses all over her face. Starting on her forehead, the brunette could feel hair falling around her face as another kiss was placed first on one cheek, then the other, followed by a single kiss placed on the tip of her nose, which caused her to smile.

"Mmm sleeping," Emily groaned, hearing JJ chuckle, refusing to open her eyes as the blonde moved her lips over her neck. "Jen…what are you doing?" She asked, finally squinting open her eyes as JJ's kisses continued southward.

"Well I thought that much was obvious," JJ grinned mischievously, Emily opening her mouth to argue, only to find herself speechless as the blonde quickly pulled down her shorts and underwear before she began placing kisses on her most sensitive area.

Her groan of protest, turning to a moan of pleasure, Emily threaded her fingers through blonde hair, her hips bucking up off the bed as she attempted to seek more pressure. Practically withering underneath her fiancé, it wasn't long before the brunette felt her pleasure release, groaning an "oh God," before JJ's lips met hers, the pair immediately deepening the kiss.

"Mmm well good morning," Emily laughed when JJ finally pulled away, leaning up on her elbows so she could see her properly.

"We're getting married in a week," JJ smiled, giving Emily another kiss before rolling off the brunette so she could lie next to her. "Just one more week and I will officially be your wife."

"I can't wait," Emily replied, unable to hold back a smile as she placed a hand behind the blonde's head and pulled her in for another kiss.

Gripping at Emily's shirt, JJ was just about to pull the frustrating barrier off the brunette when the sound of crying over the baby monitor interrupted. "Ugghh," JJ groaned, pulling away before flopping back on her pillow, letting out of puff of frustration.

"Sorry baby, sounds like someone's hungry," Emily said, kissing JJ's forehead before pulling her underwear and shorts back on. "I'll get him."

"I'll be down in a few minutes," JJ replied, knowing she would probably need a quick cold shower to ease the throbbing between her legs. "Tell Henry he owes me a Saturday morning," she added, hearing Emily's laughter out in the hall, as she remained in her bed for a moment longer, not quite ready to move. "Just one more week."


Alex squinted her eyes open that morning to immediately close them again, the sun far too bright for the sleepy brunette. Wanting to get away from the light, Alex attempted to roll over, finding herself unable to do so as an arm draped over her waist held her down. Smiling, Alex once again opened her eyes, relaxing in her girlfriend's embrace as she began to run a finger up and the arm wrapped around her.

Though she and Spencer were no longer allowed to share a room when the taller brunette spent the night at her house, Emily and JJ were usually willing to make an exception whenever Olivia and Zoey were also present. And since it was the last Friday night before school started, Alex and her friends had gathered at her house the previous night; eating copious amounts of junk food, watching movies and gossiping late into the night before finally falling asleep mid-conversation.

Lifting her head as much as she could without moving Spencer's arm, Alex checked to see that both Olivia and Zoey were still fast asleep, sharing a mattress on the floor. Carefully lifting Spencer's arm, Alex shifted herself so she was now facing her girlfriend, holding back a giggle as the other brunette's face began to scrunch up, still half asleep as she attempted to take Alex back into her arms.

Smiling, Alex leant forward, placing a soft kiss against Spencer's lips and then pulling back, watching as brown eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," Alex whispered, not wanting to wake the other two girls.

"Morning," Spencer replied, a sleepy smile on her face as she leant closer, silently requesting another kiss. "I could get used to waking up like this," she said when they eventually pulled apart, a grin on her face.

"Well I wouldn't get too used to it," Alex laughed quietly. "I'm still surprised my Mom didn't insist on you and one of the other girls sleeping down the hall. She probably snuck in her during the night to make sure we were still just sleeping."

"True," Spencer smiled. "Guess we better enjoy it while we can then," she added, pulling Alex as close as she could before burying her face in her neck. "I can't believe we have to go back to school on Monday. I wish we had longer. I just want to spend a few more weeks just being with you before we have to bring school back into the mix. I feel like we barely got a summer together."

"Well that's because someone spent most of her time volunteering every place she possibly could," Alex teased, earning herself a firm poke in the ribs. "I'm with you though. I'm really not ready to go back, although I am ready for next weekend. I can't wait for the wedding. And I can't wait to have the prettiest date there."

"Well I'm pretty sure your Moms are going to have the prettiest dates there, and I will have the second prettiest," Spencer replied. "But you may have the third…although it is hard to compete with whoever has Morgan as a date; that man is beautiful."

"You are such a dork," Alex laughed, doing her best to keep quiet since she was unable to hold back her laughter.

"Yeah…but you love me," Spencer grinned.

"Yes…I do," Alex replied, reaching out and running her fingers through Spencer's long hair, falling suddenly serious as she continued playing with the lock of hair. "Have you thought about it a lot? School I mean," she asked, looking up to find a confused look on her girlfriend's face.

"What do you mean? What about school?"

"I mean what are we going to do at school?" Alex said, voicing a worry that she had been thinking about for quite some time. "I mean we're not really keeping our relationship a secret from anyone anymore, but I just…I wasn't sure if…or…well I didn't know if you wanted people at school to know or not."

"Why would I care if people at school know we're dating?" Spencer asked. "I don't care what any of them think Lex. You make me happy. We're happy," she shrugged. "That's all that matters. Do you not want to tell people?"

"What? No that's not it," Alex shook her head. "I don't care what people think either. I'd actually rather they know to be honest," she said. "I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page."

"Well it seems like we are," Spencer smiled, leaning in for a kiss.


The sound of laughter as four sets of feet scrambled down the stairs put a smile on Emily's face as she added another pancake to the stack she already had made.

"Morning Mom," Alex called as she made her way into the kitchen, her friends following close behind. "Smells good in here," she said as she came over to give Emily a kiss on the cheek.

"Should be ready in a couple minutes," she replied as she received a kiss on the cheek from each of the teenagers. "Why don't you grab some juice and plates and head to the table," she suggested. "And get Mum. She's down the hall with Henry."

Nodding Spencer went to grab plates and glasses with Olivia while Alex handed cartons of juice to Zoey to bring into the dining room before heading down the hall in search of JJ.

"Mum, breakfast is ready," Alex called as she poked her head into the game room, finding JJ sitting with Henry lying on her lap; the blonde making silly faces for the smiling boy.

"Morning honey," JJ greeted with a smile. "Say Good Morning to your sister, Henry. Say morning Alex," she said in her baby voice, tickling Henry's stomach.

"Good morning little guy," Alex grinned, bending over and kissing Henry's forehead before giving JJ a kiss as well. "Now are you ready for some pancakes? Because if we don't get down there soon Olivia will probably eat them all."

"Well then we better get moving," JJ laughed, handing Henry to Alex before wrapping her arm around the teen's shoulder, the pair making their way towards the dining room where Emily and the girls were already digging into the stack of pancakes. "Hey Olivia, hands off my pancakes girly," the blonde teased as she sat down, the younger blonde, freezing with her fork over the pancakes, lifting the plate and handing it to JJ instead.

Placing Henry in his swing and giving it a light push, Alex made her way over to the table, taking a seat next to Spencer who had already placed two pancakes on a plate for her. "Thanks," Alex smiled as Spencer handed her the syrup before turning her attention to her mothers. "So one more week," she said with a big grin. "I'm so excited."

"So are we," Emily replied, placing her hand over JJ's. "I can't believe it's only a week away though. Feels like I just proposed."

"Well you kind of did," Alex laughed. "I mean look at how old Henry is. That's how long it has been," she said gesturing towards the baby who had already fallen asleep.

"Well what can I say we didn't exactly want to wait," Emily shrugged.

"Are you guys nervous at all?" Zoey asked curiously.

"I'm definitely more excited than nervous," JJ replied, turning her hand over in order to give Emily's hand a squeeze. "But there are some butterflies, which I'm assuming will only get worse as the week goes on. It's a good nervous though."

"I agree," Emily nodded. "It's probably the best anxiety I've ever felt," she laughed.

"Do you guys still have a lot to do?" Spencer then asked.

"Only small things," JJ replied. "But my Mom and Sara are coming up early to help out. They'll actually be here tomorrow, so between having them and Penelope around we'll be all set."

"You know I'd be perfectly fine missing school to help with the wedding," Alex quickly suggested. "I don't mind."

"I'm sure you don't," Emily rolled her eyes. "But like I told you last week, you're not missing the first week of school," she said. "You can help out after school as much as you want though."

"Ugh you guys are so lame," Alex replied, slumping in her chair. "When will Uncle Adam and Grandpa be here with Lily?"

"Thursday night," JJ replied. "They didn't want Lily missing too much school."

"See we're not the only lame ones," Emily said, sticking her tongue out childishly as Alex rolled her eyes.

"Whatever," Alex shook her head.

"So what's going to happen if you guys get a case anyways?" Olivia asked, interrupting before Alex could say anything else. "I mean you guys wouldn't be able to just leave would you?"

"No of course not," Emily replied. "And I mean even if the two of us could leave, we don't want to get married without the rest of the team there."

"So what will you do?" Spencer asked.

"Let Penelope take care of it," JJ joked, knowing the technical analyst would probably have a fit if they caught a case before the wedding. "No but really there isn't much we can do. If we get called we go."

"That's partially why we kept the guest list so small," Emily added. "Less people to inform if we do have to cancel," she said. "We would really just have to cancel the caterers too since we're not using a real venue or anything."

"Oh I can't wait to see the house," Olivia exclaimed. "Alex said it's gorgeous. Oh I really hope you don't get a case."

"You and me both kid," Emily agreed with a laugh. "But if it happens we'll deal with it and we'll still get married…soon!"

"Very soon," JJ added, bringing Emily's hand up to her mouth to place a kiss on the back. "Because I don't even know if I can wait a week."