Disclaimer – Still own nothing.
AN – Thanks to bekbek12 and Jewls58 for your reviews. Thank you also to TufShadowFN, glad my answers helped. To answer your question about why Magnus didn't heal him, Shadowhunters heal faster even if they don't activate their healing rune because of their angel blood, at least that's what is said in the book, and considering that without the pain, the only problem with Jace was the blood loss which would heal quicker, especially with his extra angel blood. And Magnus also doesn't normally heal Shadowhunters, especially that had been experimented on before they were born so he decided to play it safe and let the Shadowhunters handle it.
I decided to upload this chapter earlier because it was the last one and I finished it earlier than I thought it would. So without further ado, here is the last chapter of the story.
Alec, Isabelle, Clary, Simon and Magnus waited in the hallway outside of the infirmary. As much as they wanted to stay with Jace, once they got to the Institute, the nurses immediately took Jace and had them wait outside. When they finally came back and assured them that he would be okay but needed rest, Imogen went in to stay with Jace and refused to let them see Jace. She said it was because she had to question him, and didn't want him to change his story because of them, but Alec had a strong suspicion that it was because she just wanted to make sure he was okay without anyone seeing how worried she was.
"As fun as waiting in a hallway is, unfortunately I have to get going. Call if you need anything else." Magnus broke the silence, gaining everyone's attention.
"Thank you, Magnus, for everything." Alec said sincerely. The warlock nodded, then turned and walked away. Isabelle waited until he was out of sight before she got up and followed him. She caught up to him just as he reached the door.
"Magnus." Isabelle called out, causing Magnus to turn to look at her.
"What is it Isabelle?" Magnus asked as Isabelle came to stand in front of him.
"Is Jace, Jace isn't going to get addicted to the vampire venom, right? Like I was?" Isabelle questioned, her voice filled with worry. She hated what the venom did to her and did not want her brother to go through the same thing she did.
"No, he won't. While the venom usually could make a person, or Shadowhunter high, for Jace, it did the opposite. It caused him pain because of his angel blood and activating his runes. He'll be fine." Magnus assured her, giving her a small smile. Isabelle nodded and Magnus left the building. Once he was gone, the Shadowhunter turned and headed back to the hallway where everyone else was waiting.
Jace woke up very slowly. The agonizing pain he was feeling before he passed out was gone, replaced by a dull throb that was manageable. He sluggishly opened his eyes, and was greeted with a very different sight then what he had seen the last few times he woke up. Instead of the white, empty room Damien was keeping him in, Jace saw the familiar walls of the Institute. More specifically, the infirmary. The blurry memory of seeing Alec and Clary leaning over him quickly came to him. They had rescued him. He was safe. He was lying down on a bed in one of the infirmary rooms.
"Jace?" The blonde turned his head and saw Imogen standing beside him, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright." Jace answered. His grandmother smiled.
"Good, I'm glad. I'm sorry to ask you this now, when you haven't had much time to recover, but I'm afraid I need to know. Do you know who told the vampires who took you that your blood can make them Daylighters?" The Inquisitor questioned, looking very regretfully that she was asking but seemed angry about the vampires.
"It was the Shadowhunter, the one they killed, the one that was in the Circle. He was there when I let Simon drink my blood. He told them." Jace replied.
"Did Simon have anything to do with this?" Imogen asked and Jace looked her right in the eyes, suddenly realizing what she had apparently been thinking while he was gone.
"No, Simon didn't tell anyone. He may not be my favorite person, and I'm probably not his favorite person either, but I trust him. He wouldn't tell anyone." Jace informed her, and Imogen nodded.
"Okay. Now, in order to make sure that no one knows about this, about what your angel blood can do to vampires, the real reason those vampires took you must not leave this room. The only explanation that will be given to the Clave and to everyone else, is that this was an act of revenge. Nothing else." His grandmother told him and he nodded in agreement.
"Good. Are you feeling up some more visitors?" Imogen wondered, briefly looking over at the door. Knowing who she meant by 'visitors', Jace nodded eagerly. She made to leave the room, then looked back over at him.
"I'm glad your safe. You're going to be okay." The older Shadowhunter said with a smile. Jace smiled back and nodded again. With that, Imogen turned and walked out of the room.
They had no idea how long they had been waiting in the hallway. It seemed like forever, but was probably only two or three hours when finally, the door opened the Inquisitor came out of the room, causing the waiting Shadowhunters and vampire to stand up and come over to her.
"How is he?" Alec asked worriedly.
"He'll be fine. Even though we can't use the healing rune, he'll still heal at a faster rate though. All Shadowhunters do after all. And he's awake right now, you can all go see him, but there are some things we need to discuss first." The Inquisitor replied.
"What's that?" Clary wondered.
"First off, the reason that Jace was taken, is not talked about to anyone after this. We do not need word about Jace's blood turning vampires into Daylighters getting out." She waited until they all nodded in agreement before turning to Simon.
"Jace has confirmed that you had no part in his kidnapping or anything to do with the vampires, that they found out from the Shadowhunter they killed the day before they killed the three mundanes. So, you are free to go, but if you ever tell anyone, I will personally see that you are executed for treason against the Clave." Imogen threatened. Gulping, Simon nodded, too scared to answer.
"Finally, Jace needs his rest. Try not make sure he doesn't do anything strenuous." Again, everyone in the group nodded and made their way past the Clave representative, but Imogen reached out and grabbed Alec's arm to stop him.
"You dealt with all the vampires, right?" Imogen inquired quietly, so that no one would overhear them.
"Yes. They won't be hurting or killing anyone anymore." Alec responded. The Inquisitor nodded and let go of his arm. Once her grip was gone, Alec headed into Jace's room where the others had gone.
It didn't take very long for his friends to came into the room after his grandmother left. Less than three minutes later, Jace heard the door open and Clary, Isabelle, and Simon came into the room. Simon's appearance surprised him, but not as much as Alec's lack of appearance. Not even a minute after they came in though, did Alec come through the door behind him.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Clary asked as she came to his side with Isabelle while Simon stood at the foot of the bed and Alec came to stand on his other side.
"I'm alright. It'll take more than a few vampires to take me down." Jace replied with an easy smile. It was at that moment a yawn broke through Jace's lips.
"Go to sleep Jace. We'll be here." Alec told his brother. Jace, too exhausted to protest, nodded, and let his eyes slip shut.
Seeing that Jace was now asleep, Alec spotted a few chairs near the back of the room. He headed over to them, grabbed them and dragged them over to Jace's bedside. He and Isabelle immediately sat down and Clary was about to do the same when she saw Simon tilting his head to the door, telling her he wanted to talk privately. Knowing that Jace would be fine with Alec and Isabelle watching over him, she followed her boyfriend out of the room.
"I'm going to go. But I'll see you later, okay?" The vampire said.
"Okay." Clary replied. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek then headed back into Jace's room while Simon made his way towards the door.
Clary sat alone in the infirmary room watching over Jace. After two hours of watching him sleep with Alec and Isabelle, the Inquisitor came in, needing Alec to come write a formal statement about everything that happened since he was in charge of the rescue mission. Not long after he left, Izzy got a call from Raphael and left to talk to him. Clary was left alone.
"Jace?" Clary said quietly as she saw Jace starting to wake up. Hearing her call out his name, the blonde opened his eyes which immediately found hers.
"Hey. How long was I asleep?" Jace asked, his voice still sounding a little drowsy.
"About two hours." Clary replied with a small smile then wondered, "How are you feeling?"
"Better. Where is everyone?" Jace questioned when he saw that Alec and Isabelle weren't in the room anymore.
"The Inquisitor needed Alec to write up a statement about what happened for the Clave and Raphael called Izzy. They'll be back soon." Clary informed him. Jace nodded, letting her know that he heard her, but didn't say anything.
They sat for a while in silence, neither really knowing what to say. Jace, not wanting to let her know how freaked out and scared he was while he was being help by Damien, and Clary, not wanting to let him know how worried she had been. After the silence became too unbearable, Jace spoke up.
"You didn't have to stay you know." Clary looked over at him in shock.
"Jace, you were kidnapped and tortured. I wasn't going to leave you. You said before that just because we weren't siblings doesn't mean you don't care about me. Well I still care about you too." Clary explained, causing Jace to look over at her, a hesitant smile coming upon his face.
"Thank you." Jace replied. Clary smiled in return and laid her hand over his, her fingers wrapping around his. The moment ended when they heard the door open. They turned their heads to see Alec coming into the room.
"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Alec asked worriedly as he came to sit in the chair on Jace's other side.
"I'm alright Alec, you don't have to worry about me." Jace told him with a slightly cocky grin.
"I'll let you two talk, I'm going to go call Simon. I'll be back later." Clary announced as she stood, then walked out of the room.
Alec waited until she was gone before he turned back to his brother, "She's gone, so tell me the truth. How are you feeling?"
Resisting the urge to laugh, Jace said, "Still a little sore, but I'm okay. Promise. What about you? Heard you got attacked by a vampire too."
"I'm fine. It was just a bump on the head." Alec answered, then added, "You know Jace, we really need to talk about your tendency for getting into trouble."
"It's not like I go looking for it you know?" Jace replied.
"I know, trouble finds you. But do you think you could try hiding from it for a while? I can't help but feel like one day you're going to get yourself killed." Alec revealed, the joking manner completely dying down.
"I'll try, but you know why I'm never worried when trouble does come?" Jace questioned. Alec looked at him curiously.
"Because I know I have you to bail me out. You're always there for me." Jace told him. Alec lowered his gaze for a minute, not wanting his brother to see the mixed emotions he knew were spreading across his face as he pushed down all the memories of when he failed to be there for Jace. When he gained control, he looked back up at the blonde.
"I'll always be there to bail you out." Alec promised. Jace smiled as his eyes drifted closed again. He was still pretty exhausted. Having your blood sucked out of you by a bunch of vampires sure drained your energy. Jace chuckled a little at the pun and quickly fell asleep, knowing that no matter what the fallout of this would be, his brother was watching his back.
AN – And that is the end of the story. I am thinking of writing a small Jalec to the finale (who else freaked out when watching it? I know I sure did!) that would tie into the Jalec scene here in this chapter where Alec feels guilty because he thinks he failed Jace. Let me know what you guys think. Hope you all enjoyed this story though. See you all later!