Author has written 3 stories for Young Justice, Transformers/Beast Wars, Ben 10, Legend of Korra, and How to Train Your Dragon. Name: Not telling as a way to tease/annoy all readers of my profile. Birthday: September 4, 1995 (I have recently turned 20) Favorite Movies: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (number 1), Rise of the Planet of the Apes (number 2), The Incredible Hulk (number 3), Avengers (number 4), Waterworld (number 5), How to Train Your Dragon (number 6), The Time Machine (number 7), Treasure Planet (number 8), 9 (number 9), Captain America (number 10), Clash of the Titans, John Carter, the Madagascar Trilogy, Kung Fu Panda's 1&2, Over the Hedge, Thor, Avatar, Rio, Bionicle: the Legend Reborn, 10,000 BC, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Puss in Boots, Cowboys & Aliens, Pirates of the Caribbean series, King Kong 2005, Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, The Secret of Kells, Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga'hoole, The Hunchback of Notre Dame [1996]. Favorite TV Shows: Terra Nova, Revolution, Falling Sky, Primeval, Ancient Aliens, Destination Truth, Beast Hunter, Beast Legends, America Unearthed, the Total Drama Series, 6teen, Stoked, Slugterra, Skyland, Storm Hawks, Avatar: the Last Airbender, the Legend of Korra, Dragons: Riders of Berk, Young Justice (they should not have ended that series when they did, there are far too many unanswered questions), Transformers: Prime (I think a bit more could still be done with that series), G.I. Joe: Renegades (too many unanswered questions, just like with Young Justice), Generator Rex (again, too many unanswered questions for my taste), Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Jackie Chan Adventures, Godzilla: The Series, Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5. Favorite Bands/Music Artists: Skillet (number 1), E.S. Posthumous (number 2), Cryoshell (number 3), Arkona (number 4), DJ Tiesto (number 5), There for Tomorrow (number 6), Brian Melo (number 7), Disturbed (number 8), Orange (number 9), GC5, Coheed and Cambria, 3 Doors Down, Three Days Grace, Evanescence, Thousand Foot Krutch, Blackfire (American band), the Eagles, Avenged Sevenfold, Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, Natasha Bedingfield, Micheal Jackson. Personality, likes, and dislikes: I am quiet and like to read a variety of materials and subjects. I have 2 younger brothers and 1 younger sister, all of whom drive me and especially my mom close to insane in one way or another; I also drive my mom nuts, but in a different way. I can be very patient at times and have very little at others. I am very imaginative, with a poor short-term memory and a good long-term memory, and I can be very easily distracted (which is partially because I'm never really motivated about anything), plus I'm not the fastest or most aware person out there. In addition, I can be a bit of a know-it-all and can be critical, bossy, nit-picky, and slightly arrogant. History and business are my favorite subjects in school and I like a variety of TV, movie, and music genres, but I don't like the horror genre. I have moved 7 times since I was born and I am interested in learning one or more new languages. Places I'd like to visit and/or live: Auckland (New Zealand), Sitka (Alaska), Oakland (Maryland), Ocracoke (North Carolina), Brookings (Oregon), Wichita (Kansas), Fort Bragg (California), Mendocino (California), Ketchikan (Alaska), Seattle (Washington state), Hampton (New Hampshire), San Francisco (California), Dublin (Ireland), Vancouver (Canada), Minneapolis-St. Paul region (Minnesota), Tauranga (New Zealand), Dunedin (New Zealand), Bridgeport (Connecticut), New Haven (Connecticut), Santa Fe (New Mexico), Sioux Falls (South Dakota). A couple of messages for those who find this: Bullying, in any shape, form, or severity is still wrong, whether it's verbal insults, fraternity hazing, or physical violence. It can embitter people for years if not their whole lives, it may cause them to bring weapons such as knives and guns to school, it could cause them to skip school entirely out of fear, and in the worst cases, it may even drive some people to murder, suicide, or both. If you see any bullying, no matter how insignificant it may seem, or you either personally know or know of someone who is bullied, no matter how often, then you should tell an adult, preferably a parent, teacher, or principle. Thank you for your time, and I hope you pass this message on to others...without copying and pasting this to your profile; you should never copy and paste something onto your profile until you have thoroughly read through it and dug deep after skimming the surface, and even then you should only copy and paste something onto your profile if you absolutely believe that the message of what you want to copy and paste is true, not because some stranger who, in all likely-hood, you'll never meet in real life puts it up on his/her profile. If you choose to ignore this, then that's your choice, and I won't argue with it; I may not like it, but I won't argue with it. To the good people of FanFiction, I'm afraid that I have some bad news to share with everyone: I will need to leave the internet, especially the FF site and my various story-ideas, for an undetermined period of time, and I have no idea when I'll be getting back. I spend way too much time on the internet and I need to come up with something resembling a plan for my future, so I'll be turning my laptop over to my mom and staying away from anything that has access to the internet. Once I get on the internet, my self-control goes straight out of the window and I don't get anything done, so I need to do a little de-tox to get the internet-juice out of my system. If worst comes to worst, I might never get back on the internet again, though this profile will remain up for anyone who wants to read it or my stories; thankfully for us, that's just a worst-case scenario, not very likely to happen...or is it? Until my eventual return, I bid you all adieu and thank you for remaining with me for this long. Sincerely, The Prime Writer. |