What's up people, The Prime Writer is back with the new and improved version of Dragons and Aliens, and this time I can guarantee that I will finish the story this time. This story will be significantly shorter then the original story was going to be and there'll be more chapters made by myself, mostly due to the fact that I'm not starting near the beginning of the TV series, and as said before, there will be a few Ben 10 villains making appearances, but not a whole lot. The new starting point for this fanfiction is during the two-part episode of the TV series To View A Skrill, and as stated previously, Ben will be getting his dragon first this time around instead of Gwen, and they don't meet any of the HTTYD characters until after a couple chapters. If anyone has any idea what's going to happen or what could happen, I will give them a shout-out, and I will take any and all ideas into consideration.
Anything having to do with Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network, and anything related to Dreamworks Dragons belongs to Dreamworks Animation and Cartoon Network. The stories and situations depicted in this story will be modified by me and are for entertainment purposes only, with no intention of making a profit from these chapters. Reviews, comments, and constructive criticisms are welcomed and appreciated, while any flames I find will be ignored and forgotten; I will ask that no one leaves any flames, and if you don't like this story, then just go read something else.
Now that this is all out of the way, we can get on with the story, and I hope that you all enjoy this second attempt at one of my first stories, Dragons and Aliens; if you don't like it, then I won't argue with it.
Chapter 1: Another Summer, Another Big Adventure.
To many people, the slightly beat-up looking RV driving down a small Ohio road would seem fairly normal, and the people within it equally so. How wrong those people would be. Within the RV were three people, two 11-year-old cousins and their 60-year-old paternal grandfather.
One of those children is a brown-haired Caucasian boy with green eyes and wearing dark-green cargo-pants, a white short-sleeved shirt with a black stripe going down the middle, and white shoes, with a bulky green-and-black wristwatch on his left arm.
The other 11-year-old was a girl with orangey-red hair held back by a hairclip and green eyes wearing a blue shirt with a cat logo, white pants, and a pair of white converse shoes.
Their grandfather has white hair, brown eyes, a bit of a pot-belly, and a few wrinkles on his face, and is wearing a red button-up shirt with a floral design over a white undershirt, blue-jeans, and black shoes.
In order, they are Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson, and Max Tennyson, and they are far from a normal bunch of vacationeers.
It all began at the beginning of last summer, when their Grandpa Max took them camping outside Ben's hometown of Bellwood. Ben went on a walk to get away from Gwen when what he though was a shooting star landed right in front of him. It turned out to be a pod of extraterrestrial origin, and when Ben approached it, it revealed the very same watch now on his wrist. What he didn't know at the time was that it wasn't a watch, but a highly advance piece of extraterrestrial technology called the Omnitrix, which attached to his wrist and fused with his DNA.
The Omnitrix itself is a device containing the DNA of at least 10,000 alien species, and is able to turn the wearer of the Omnitrix into any one of these beings for a short amount of time. It was created by a Galvan named Azmuth as a way for other beings to, both literally and figuratively, walk a mile in another being's shoes. However, there were a number of brigands, warlords, criminals, and crime-lords who learned of the Omnitrix and desired to use it for more nefarious purposes, prompting Azmuth to send the Omnitrix into deep space to prevent anyone from misusing its power.
However, a powerful and extremely dangerous alien warlord named Vilgax learned of its location and nearly gained the device for himself. An old colleague and romantic interest of Max named Xylene spirited away the Omnitrix and attempted to keep it safe by sending it to Max, but it ended up in the hands of Max's grandson Ben. Since gaining the Omnitrix, Ben has used it time and time again to help others and stop crooks, villains, and basically anyone who wishes to harm others...but he's not above using the device for his own use every now-and-again. Ben has also expanded his line-up of aliens from the original 10 to a total of 30, each with their own unique powers and abilities.
Ben is not alone in his adventures and heroics, and half the time he needs some help. His cousin Gwen will often help him by doing research on her laptop on any foes they might encounter or on any crimes or strange sightings they might need to investigate, and she's also taken multiple lessons in gymnastics and martial arts. In addition to these talents and her natural intellect and intuition, Gwen is also a powerful spellcaster who's learned a number of mystic spells and gestures through both practice and experience. On two occasions last summer, she donned a Mardi Gras costume bought from a vendor in New Orleans and took the name Lucky Girl and helped Ben on some of his missions, and generally helped Ben by giving him tactical and strategic advice.
Their Grandpa Max is also involved in numerous missions, helping with his experience, his military and astronaut training, and his time as a Plumber. Not a plumber as in a toilet-fixer as his grandchildren once believed, but instead as a member of and inter-galactic police force that considered Max one of their most talented and decorated agents, granting him great knowledge of extraterrestrials and their technology...and a taste for unusual food.
His RV, the Rustbucket, has actually been upgraded and enhanced with alien technology, and is equipped with lasers, rocket-launchers, thrusters, bungee-cables, a rammer, an autopilot, an electrical-discharger, a top-speed of 300 MPH, and plumber-issue tracking systems, not to mention the various Plumber tools and weapons that he stores in the Rustbucket.
Max Tennyson has faced down hundreds of beings and experienced many things in his life, but there's always been one thing that he can never escape: the arguing of his grandkids.
"Give me the remote doofus!" yelled Gwen, trying to take the TV remote from Ben.
"Yeah right dweeb, the Sumo Slammers Mega Marathon is starting in 20 minutes, and I don't want to miss one second of it.", said Ben while barely keeping the remote out of Gwen's reach.
"I think you can live with missing a few hours of cartoons." Ben retorted with "Actually Gwen, it's a 10-hour marathon."
"All the more reason for me to make sure that you don't get the remote; I will not miss my favorite TV show because you want to hog the TV all to yourself".
Finally Grandpa Max had had enough. "Would the two of you please stop fighting?!"That finally getting them to settle down, though they still glared at each other.
Max sighed and looked at them as he pulled into the station. "Look you two, I'm going to stop at this gas station and refuel, maybe get some snacks. I think the two of you can get along for a few minutes."
Before leaving the RV, Max sent Ben a warning look. "Oh and Ben, no alien mischief of any sort, or you will be missing that marathon, got it?"
A now timid-looking Ben replied "Got it." And with that, Max left the Rustbucket. Ben then proceeded to flop down on his bed and press a pair of buttons on the side of the Omnitrix. The center of the Omnitrix then popped up and started glowing, and a silhouette of one of the aliens appeared in the middle of the dial, which Gwen was quick to notice. "Ben, you heard that Grandpa said no going alien."
Ben, as usual, didn't listen. "He said no causing trouble while an alien; he didn't ban going alien specifically."
Gwen decided to just stop arguing and let Ben get into trouble. "Ugh, whatever; since neither of the shows we want to watch comes on until 8:00 A.M., I am going to spend some time on my laptop."
Ben ignored her and started scrolling through the selection to help cure his boredom. "Okay, lets see; I could change into XLR8 and go for a quick run, go Stinkfly and fly around for a bit, or maybe turn into Greymatter and see what I can tinker with."
Gwen looked up from her laptop at that. "If that tinkering is going to turn out like what you did to the radio last week, then I wouldn't."
The memory of that incident made Ben indignant. "Hey that was an accident and you know it."
Gwen stared at him blankly. "The Rustbucket was filled with smoke for hours, and it took Grandpa 3 days to fix the radio."
Ben finally relented. "Fine, no Greymatter." Ben turned the dial again and saw a relatively recent addition to his arsenal. "Huh, here's that mummy I used back at Cape Canaveral. Never did come up with a name for him."
Gwen looked up briefly from her laptop. "What about the werewolf and the Dr. Victor forms."
Ben shrugged and answered "Same with them. Okay, lets see, for the mummy, I'll go with EgyptAlien, for the Victor copy, Conductorstein. Got any ideas for the werewolf?"
Gwen smirked as she listed potential names. "Fangy, Furface, Manwolf."
Ben stared at her with an annoyed look. "Okay, those first two were just silly, and that last one sounds way too generic." Gwen just shrugged and replied with "Hey, you asked."
"Okay then, the best name I can come up for the werewolf is Thunderhowl." Gwen just looked at something on her laptop, much to his annoyance. Then he glanced at the wall-clock.
"The marathon's about to start!" Gwen looked at the clock in mild alarm. "Wait, What? so is my show!" They both stared at the remote for a few seconds before glancing at each other; then began their usual scramble for the remote.
"Ben, give me that remote!"
"Sorry doofus, not going to happen."
While that was going on, they were moving around the Rustbucket in their attempts to grab the remote, causing items to be knocked off the counter and something else to fall out of its compartment. That something is a Null Void Projector, a handgun-like device with a sphere at the end designed to open portals to the Null Void, an alternate dimension used to house some of the galaxy's most heinous criminals. Ben and Gwen were too busy fighting for the remote to notice the Projector lying on the floor...until Ben stepped on it, causing them to trip and fall.
Gwen noticed the Projector first and picked it up. "What the? How did the Null Void Projector get on the floor?" Ben was much more nonchalant about it.
"Chillax Gwen, at least it isn't broken." Just as he said that, the Projector started sparking, shocking Gwen and causing her to drop it. The sparking began increasing in volume and the device started glowing, causing them to stare at it with worried looks.
"I think I just jinxed it." Gwen sarcastically replied with "Oh gee Ben, you think!?" The glowing and sparking then reached its peak, prompting them to close their eyes as a large flash sounded.
Outside, Max had just exited the gas station with some snacks and drinks for his grandchildren when he saw a golden flash coming from the Rustbucket. He sighed in annoyance and uttered "What have they done this time?"
Max entered the Rustbucket and, instead of seeing Ben and Gwen fighting, he saw a sparking Null Void Projector on the floor, filling his face with worry as he uttered "Oh no."
In another world, on an island in the middle of a great sea, the morning sun had just started rising over the horizon, illuminating the island and its plant-life in a bright golden light. The silence that reigned was interrupted when a strange golden light appeared out of nowhere, scaring off all birds in the vicinity. When the light faded, Ben and Gwen Tennyson were seen lying on the ground, waiting for their eyes to stop stinging. When they opened their eyes, they were understandably confused by their surroundings.
"So, any idea where we are?" In response to that, the already frustrated Gwen smacked Ben on the back of the head...hard. "What was that for!?"
"For asking a dumb question doofus! We've gotten trapped far away from home, probably in another dimension, all because you kept trying to take the remote!"
"Technically Gwen, it's both our faults." At that, Gwen let out a frustrated growl and sat down on a nearby rock with a deep scowl and crossed arms. Ben approached with a guilty look on his face
"Okay, I know things look bad right now Gwen, but things could be worse. We're not in the Null Void and Grandpa Max is still back at the Rustbucket. He'll probably notice that something went wrong with the Projector and try to fix it. He's done it before."
Gwen calmed slightly, but not very much. "News flash Ben, the Null Void Projector is only supposed to send us to one place: the Null Void! It's not supposed to send anyone to some tree-covered place right by the ocean."
Ben's confident composure never wavered. "Still, we know that Grandpa Max won't give up on us, that much is obvious. Until then, working together is our best chance of getting out of this situation alive. With my Omnitrix and your magic, we have a fighting chance."
Gwen eyed her cousin suspiciously "Since when have you been so willing to work with me?"
Ben's response was a nonchalant "Since we got ourselves trapped in another dimension. Just another summer for us."
Gwen smiled and got off the rock. "You just might be my cousin after all." Ben smiled back before looking around. "So...any idea where we're supposed to head?"
Gwen pointed towards the forest. "Our best chance is to head inland and find some high ground so that we can see how big the island is and what resources we have at out disposal.
Ben just gestured to some of the surrounding plant-life. "I can see resources: trees, trees, and more trees. Oh, and some berries." Ben instantly moved to eat some of the bright red berries on a nearby bush, but Gwen stopped him before he reached them.
"Whoa there Ben. Remember the Diarrhea you got when you were 7? From when you ate those berries on that camping trip?"
Ben cringed and backed away from the bush. "Yeah, don't remind be." With that, they began marching into the forest, with no idea of what they were going to find.
"You know something Gwen?" Gwen looked at her cousin with a curious expression. "Yeah Ben?"
"I have a feeling that something good is going to happen." That piqued her curiosity. "What makes you say that?"
"I just have a feeling." Gwen shrugged and responded with "If you say so." They continued to walk in silence, knowing that whatever happened, they would always have each others back.
Far from where Ben and Gwen appeared out of thin air was a mountainous, foggy, foreboding island that seemed to rise from the deep like a massive abyssal predator searching for its next meal. The island is known to those nearby as Demon Isle, for it has a long history of seemingly supernatural phenomena. For years, ships that sailed to close to the isle have gotten lost in the dense fog and end up crashing among the spiky rocks and sea-stacks that jut out from the sea, and any survivors that come back report seeing and hearing strange things on that island.
Spirits and demons are said to be seen and heard in the forest and among the ruined stone buildings that dot the island, trolls and goblins are said to live in the deepest reaches of the forest and the caves that litter the mountain and cliffs, dragons unlike any to be found anywhere else wait in the shadows for their next meals, and for the past year, it is said that a werewolf lives on the island and attacks anyone who washes ashore on the island. Even fewer people have returned from the island since the werewolf was first sighted, and those that do make it back seem to be scared beyond all reason.
There are some who believe that the stories are simply folktales or exaggerations of known natural creatures and phenomena brought about by fear and paranoia. They would be right to an extent; the legends of spirits, demons, trolls, and goblins are imagined and exaggerated by various survivors, but the legend of the werewolf is no legend at all. In fact, that werewolf has just now finished his day-patrol of the island and is heading to the small camp he calls home, along with a few other unusual beings.
The werewolf himself is a strongly-built being covered in blue-grey fur with a darker-colored mane running from the back of his skull to his tail, with razor-sharp teeth and claws and fuchsia-colored eyes. Some of the body parts on his right side have been replaced with silvery metal, including his entire right arm and part of the right side of his face.
He entered the main tent and saw the other two inhabitants of the island. One was a mummy-like being consisting of brown cloth-like strips with a red and gold chiton and headpiece and fuchsia-colored glowing stripes on his chest, legs, and shoulders. The other was a green-skinned being with fuchsia-colored eyes, the right eye being larger then the left, wearing black pants and boots and a gold-colored belt, with various bioelectrical parts all around his body. The most notable of these parts are a pair of massive pylons on his back, with electricity occasionally sparking from them. The green-skinned being spoke upon seeing his comrade return.
"Sky Runner. Do you have anything to report?" The werewolf-Sky Runner-shook his head in answer, at which the green-skinned being nodded in acknowledgment.
"Good. It would not do well for the natives to learn of our existence, lest we attract unwanted company. Our resources are stretched thin as it is."
Just as he finished saying that, he heard a beeping sound from one of the few working machines in their possession, and the being quickly checked the cause of the disturbance. What he saw made his eyes widen in curiosity and surprise before he turned to his comrades.
"It would seem that fortune is on our side today. I have just picked up an energy signature very similar to the discharge of a Null Void generator. It may take some time, but whoever came through the disturbance and whatever cause it may finally allow us to return to our home dimension."
Both his comrades perked up at that announcement. For almost a year now, they had been trapped in this alternate dimension of Earth after their master's attempt to conquer Earth was thwarted by the Tennyson family. They had been trying to make do as well as they could, but their resources on this tiny island were limited, and only a few pieces of machinery came through with them when they were trapped, leaving them unable to find a way home.
With luck, that would change very soon, and they could return home and exact their revenge on the brats who trapped them in this world.
While that was going on in another dimension, someone in this dimension felt his meditation interrupted by a distortion in the fabric of the universe. The person in question is a pale-skinned man with a white skull tattoo covering his entire face, wearing a hooded, dark-red vest that exposed his chest, a black choker around his throat, black pants and a black belt, and three star-shaped tattoos on each of his upper arms. His birth-name is unknown, but he goes by Hex, and he is a very powerful dark magician who desires more power for himself and more knowledge of the mystic world. He was also a recurring enemy of the Tennyson family last year.
Hex first encountered the Tennysons in New Orleans when he attempted to use the Charms of Bezel to open an ancient book called the Archamada Codex, granting him access to spells of unimaginable power. However, the charms were destroyed and the book taken from him by the Tennyson family, specifically the children Benjamin and Gwendolyn, who were able to destroy the charms and deprive him of most of his mystic abilities. He would encounter the Tennysons twice again that summer, the third encounter resulting in him being trapped in the body of an infant for several weeks. After recovering from that humiliating encounter, Hex decided to retreat to his hidden castle lair to re-study some of his techniques should he ever encounter them again.
That had been several months ago, and with no real need to leave his lair he hadn't encountered the children since the incident at the Fountain of Youth. Things had been relatively normal for him since then...until he just now felt a massive ripple in the universal fabric, one of non-mystical origins. This disturbed him greatly, but it also gave him a potential opportunity. If he could find whoever or whatever caused such as powerful distortion, it could grant him even greater power and finally give him the edge needed to beat the Tennyson children should he encounter them again.
However, he would need some time to study the distortion in greater clarity as well as find a possible way to recreate the distortion in controlled circumstances, neither of which he could do alone. Fortunately, he had no problems in that regard.
"Uncle, there's something I need to speak to you about." As if on cue, Hex turned to see his niece Charmcaster, a 16-year-old teenage woman with magenta eyes and silver hair tied in a ponytail, clad in a magenta coat and purple long-boots. From the worried look on her face, Hex had a good idea what she wanted to speak to him about.
"Am I to assume that you also felt a disturbance in the fabric of the universe, as I did?" Charmcaster's eyes widened slightly but she nodded in confirmation, prompting Hex to continue.
"It seems we may now have an opportunity to exploit. Once we learn the cause of this disturbance and learn how to recreate it, we may be able to access powers greater then what we already possess."
Charmcaster's face darkened ever so slightly. "Enough to gain revenge on those who wronged us?"
She was of course referring to Adwaita, the being who killed her father, and the Tennyson family, especially Gwen Tennyson. Hex gave a small smile and responded with "More then enough my apprentice."
Without wasting a second, Hex and Charmcaster began preparations to locate the disturbance. If all went well, then they would have the power necessary to finally end their enemies and take what's rightfully theirs...and woe to anyone who dares stand in their way.
All right, the first of the new Dragons and Aliens chapter is up with some big expansions and improvements; let me know what you think and if there's anything wrong. I apologize if this chapter seems kinda short and over-descriptive (the latter's something that happens to me a lot), but keep in mind this is still the first chapter, and it's a good bit longer then the original first chapter. I look forward to all reviews and comments unless they involve flaming; if you don't like this story, then just go read something else, it's that simple.
Next chapter, Ben and Gwen encounter dragons on the island and learn that some have actually been tamed by local humans. However, they get separated from each other when Ben goes after a very dangerous and powerful dragon: the Skrill. Gwen meets up with some of the local dragon riders and quickly befriends them and agrees to help them find the Skrill and keep it from the hands of Dagur the Deranged, with neither side knowing that Ben is stuck with the Skrill...in human form. While all that's happening, Max tries to figure out how to repair the Null Void Projector when he is captured by someone very interested in the device...and is an old enemy of the Tennysons.
I won't ask you to read the rest of the story if you don't want to, but I would really appreciate it if any viewers who read this chapter come back to read the next chapter. Until next time, this has been the Prime Writer, signing out and hoping for reviews.