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![]() Author has written 19 stories for Naruto, Total Drama series, My Little Pony, and Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!. Greetings! My name is Fangren, and I'm probably in over my head. I'm also a white trans lesbian, and probably suffering depression among other possible mental illnesses and shit. For those interested, I'm on Tumblr at , although I don't post fandom-relevant things very often. Current Schedule: Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat: Total Drama Rebirth (if I feel like it) 'Total Drama Rebirth' Chapter Status Chapter 19 Title: [To Be Determined] Status: In-Progress Current Word Count: 14,184 (as of January 12, 2017) Estimated Date of Completion: Who the hell even knows. Current Points Total for 'Total Drama Rebirth' (as of Chapter 17): Alejandro - 2100 Dawn - 1975 Beth - 1900 Harold - 1896 Staci - 1710 Cameron - 1675 Sam - 1620 Eva - 1550 Dakota - 1520 Leshawna - 1446 Gwen - 1350 Zoey - 1350 B - 1260 Heather - 1250 Mike - 1225 Noah - 1200 Anne Maria - 1150 DJ - 1100 Ezekiel - 1000 Owen - 850 Lightning - 760 Brick - 550 Scott - 550 Jo - 300 Izzy - 260 Duncan - 100 Sleeping Arrangements for Total Drama Rebirth: Keeping the entrance to the cabin at the bottom and the bathroom at the top. Cabin 2: Heather--Eva///Duncan-Mike Zoey--Dawn/////B--Noah Cabin 3: Brick--Cameron/Gwen Owen-xxxx//////xxxxxx-Izzy Cabin 4: Leshawna-Anne Maria//Lightning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//Scott--Ezekiel Cabin 5: Harold--Sam///Dakota--Jo Alejandro-DJ///Beth--Staci |