AYangThang: Monochrome. Maybe a few others later. Enjoy.

Fractured Little Truths

There was a small noise echoing within the room. The rest of the world be damned, a Faunus was sleeping in her bed. Moreover, that Faunus was quite happily purring. In truth, Blake looked as if she was having an absolutely wonderful dream. The Faunus seemed blissful, actually, if Weiss Schnee had to describe it in a word.

Blake was lost to the world in that deep sleep, forgoing her pillow entirely as she curled up on the large bed. She had a habit of curling into the smallest possible ball that her long legs would afford her. Her black hair was strewn about, her feline ears twitching every so often as though reacting to stimulus. She appeared almost angelic, if not for the fact that her fingers had gripped onto the comforter.

Her hands were kept busy, kneading at the fabric in a way that would absolutely mortify the Faunus if she had been awake.

"And you say you don't dream of being a cat." Weiss muttered under her breath. She gazed upon the ordeal with a fond roll of her eyes. "What is this dream about, then?"

The adorableness of Blake's actions aside, there was a very real fear of inequality for the cat Faunus. A fear that no matter what she did, she would be seen as an animal. However untrue the statement was, there was no denying that Blake shared particular traits and desires with her feline counterparts. Especially when dreams sapped away any inhibitions that Blake might otherwise have.

"Although, I suppose you cannot control a dream, no matter how you might try." Weiss concluded simply. Rolling onto her side, She propped herself up amongst the feather pillows surrounding her. "I wouldn't be surprised." Weiss yawned into her palm delicately before settling back in to watch Blake sleep. "And knowing you, you would try."

The Faunus had always been something of an enigma to Weiss.

Blake could be adorable, cute, and cuddly, just like a cat one moment, and very standoffish the next. She battled constantly with her sense of pride. Her heritage a point of contention among many. Honestly, in spite of Blake's attempts to fit onto Weiss's affluent world, her efforts left much to be desired. The struggle had no end in sight, either.

Although Blake would absolutely hate it, the Faunus needed to greet the land of the living. Softly, and ever so carefully, Weiss proceeded to sling her fingers into dark tendrils of silk. She began gently rubbing at the base of Blake's Faunus appendages before leaning down, peppering the slumbering Faunus with enticing kisses.

She started at Blake's shoulder, a spot that wasn't particularly sensitive. Then she moved up to the nape of the woman's neck, Blake's purr depending in her sleep. A cat Faunus's cheeks were particularly sensitive, ticklish even when treated gently, and Weiss kissed the one she could reach with care. She lingered there longer than she needed to.

A tiny mewl escaped Blake's lips. The haze of sleep slowly lifting from her as Weiss moved on to whisper into Blake's ears. She murmured sweet nothings, tiny reassurances even she wouldn't remember. Even just soothing noise were enough.

"Weiss?" Blake croaked out, quite unhappily at being woken up. "What time is it?"

"Almost six." Weiss said.

"Ah." Blake said, and closed her eyes again.

Weiss expected more, but it didn't come. Soon Blake's purrs resumed, and the blue eyed woman could only blink in confusion before scowling. It wasn't too common, but there were days that it took extra effort to pry the woman from the warm confines of the sheets. Weiss even understood why. Blake wasn't safe from scrutiny, not even in her own home.

Eyes were on Blake now, in a way that history had never before laid eyes on a Faunus before.

After all, for a Faunus to be dating a Schnee was pure blasphemy. It had never been done before, and the world murmured in awe at the spectacle. The entire situation was taxing on Blake, who had not yet grown accustomed to the public eye. Be that as it may, loath that even Weiss was to admit it, the time for sleep was over. It was time to face reality, come of it what may.

Weiss considered this, letting loose an agitated sigh.

She could rouse her lover the difficult way. Rudely awakening the Faunus and forcing her to start the day. Or, if Weiss was feeling particularly kind, and perhaps a little playful, the heiress could offer a little incentive. It was no question which method would be better received.

Weiss looked back at the clock. Well, it was almost six, after all.

They had a little extra time, Weiss supposed, as she sat up. Preemptively she turned off the infernal beeping that would occur as soon as the new hour struck. Then with an impish smirk that would have even made Ruby proud, Weiss set to her task. Slim, agile fingers toyed with the yukata fabric. Finally she managed to untie the knot and slip both hands beneath the black fabric to part it.

Blake's ample bust was so soft when pressed up against Weiss's own. The white haired heiress didn't have the same sort of voluptuous features to speak of. Truth be told, she envied the woman's figure. Slowly, as to not startle Blake, as that would be quite the mood killer, Weiss tucked herself into Blake's side. Idly she let her fingers play across the supple expanse of exposed skin.

For a few long moments, Weiss did only that.

Her fingers riding the waves of Blake's breasts, as they moved with each gentle breath. With tenderness that only came with an experienced lover, her touch became firmer, her palm finally making full contact smoothly gliding across Blake's breasts before slipping lower, down to her toned belly. Grasping hold of the woman's hip for leverage, Weiss leaned in for a kiss.

Raining her lips upon the slightly salty skin, she sighed to herself contently. If she could have done merely that all day, she would have. Alas, neither time, nor restraint was on her side. Her soft pink tongue lacked the cat-like roughness of her lover. Yet, as it slid out to greet that same expanse of skin along with her fingers, she knew Blake would never complain.

The cat Faunus's purr deepened at the contact. Blake was always easy to please in the happy twilight of her dreams. Weiss chuckled to herself as Blake's ears flicked a few times before returning to their resting state.

"Typical. I should have known you'd be stubborn." She murmured softly, her breath sending a chill through Blake. "Age has made you lazy, I think. You never slept this deeply in Beacon."

Keeping only half an eye on the clock for good measure, Weiss set back to her task. She showered Blake's body in soft kisses and caresses, watching as her lover soaked up every morsel of affection. It had taken a long time for Blake to be so trusting. To learn not to flinch away from the contact. As the moments drifted by, Weiss became bolder with each of her actions.

Eventually she knew the cat Faunus could take no further teasing. There was a fine line between Blake waking up grumpy, and Blake waking fulfilled. A half-hearted snort, and mild grumble was all that Weiss needed to know that her lover was slowly slipping into lucidity.

Kissing Blake on the lips, her fingers finally slid down between Blake's legs. Wetness gathering on her fingertips as she coaxed the sweetest moan from her love's lips. Golden eyes blinking away the haze of sleep.

"Good morning." Weiss replied softly, as another sleepy noise met her ears.

"Very." Blake's voice hitched as she fully realized the waves of pleasure rolling through her. She could feel it building, and with her usual fear that someone, anyone might hear her, she clapped a hand over her mouth to drown out her mewls. Her eyes closed, Faunus ears folding back as her hips met Weiss with every come-hither stroke of her fingers from deep within.

Weiss used her free hand to pull Blake's into her own. Her stormy blue eyes conveying everything that Weiss found difficult to say. Lewd statements were lost on her, yet still, she loved the sound of Blake's voice teetering on the edge of climax, and the sweet sound of ecstasy afterward.

To Weiss, few sounds were as beautiful as that.