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Author has written 4 stories for Spyro the Dragon, and My Little Pony. hi dragon outcast here to be honest i only found this website out of pure accident and i am loving it i live in Tasmania (coldest place ever!) reviews are the only thing that inspire people to be better and stay alive so R&R i have skype account skype:outcast272 feel free to talk to me i would like someone else to talk to:D stories: spyo and cynders new life: complete, maybe hinting on more Our fate: will be posted often since its part of my school work the beginning of the legend: the start of the cursed serpents tail the cursed serpent: will be posted when either i get a beta or when i can be stuffed beta reading it myself i cant choose which story to go on with because i have had so many ideas its not funny anymore so i might put up a story that contains the top three or four that you the readers can choose which you would like to read more and i will continue with that one when i refer to clock works i mean mechanical characters fav things dragons (of course) snakes, pewdiepie (youtuber), books, MLP:FIM, Xbox 360, computer, photobomb, warmth, music (love the theme to the end credits to dawn of the dragon) yes i have the game tlos dotd, slow mo explosions and playing music in fast speed dislike: punctuation (but it is needed), amazing stories that have been dropped, the ever annoying please update and bad flamers that complain about your spelling and can't even spell most of the insults properly, plus the fact that Sapphira in the eragon movie was done wrong (feathers on a dragon, really?) if you have not heard there was going to be a spyro movie but they trashed/canceled it i raged for days its true check Wikipedia for it http:///wiki/The_Legend_of_Spyro_3D i update once a week and that is final if I don't update there is either something wrong or I don't have the time if I am sick their might be two a week but only if i am sick when i mass update i will have been in a very good mood give me as many ideas as you can I have a story and need a problem otherwise it just be one huge romance story with no problem or solution like the one i wrote on my iPod that was 33 thousand words long that got put in the can't be stuffed spell checking file, word couldnt even hilight all the mistakes in it because there were so many as for Cameron my character he is fire-red, he has horns like Cynder but more lengthened and have a slight curve up, his tail blade is an arrow with very sharp edges, his stomich and wings are a light red and his scales are crimson or blood red and his horns and claws are like they are made of metal he has problems controlling his darker side plus ins some of my stories he will fall in love with Cynder but in others he will fall in love with another oc he is overly powerful but is also very shy when I post more stores they will be set in a different reality where the character has a different personality or creature unless I tell you otherwise ask and i will give you a more indepth description of cameron cameron mlp midnight black coat his eyes are cybernetic and glow blue his mane and tail are crimson a darker and lighter shade of red pegaus cutie mark is a pair of gears I may if you ask will get the story my friend is writing and post it to see what you think of his way of thinking I am very open to ideas and will try my best to help you with your problems fav couple is spyro/cynder sometimes spyro/ember i dont like the storys that make ember look like a selfish or lusty dragoness that only has eyes for spyro and wont stop until he is hers, although the fights over spyro are interesting but the ember being lusty is getting old I like inheritance cycle, MLP:FIM and the spyro series give me recommendations for stories you like my oc's are and aren't limited to Cameron (my dragon side) Blaze, Flower, raine, Blake and Isabella. my ocs are open to people who want to use them but you have to ask explain what your story is about and then refer to me in said story i only realised this earlier just now but my name is actually a book its a good book if you like dragons. Ten points to all who rage at the other hatchlings for outcasting the copper (tear rolls down cheek) i have a partial case of the insanitys not chewing your arm of kind of thing i have two or more personas and can be found talking to my self very often my friends say its funny when i lose a fight to myself, please don't be harsh to me i just need your support and i will be fine. Smithoeng azanmig: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs, palce it in yuor porifle got this from leon0666 if you didnt realize i am into the romance side of things also Cameron is an anagram for romance i'm a brony! kind regards dragon outcast |