Chapter 1 A New Face

Disclaimer: I dont own My little Pony, all I own is the Flare Blitz

It was a peaceful day in ponyville as the Pegasus's been clearing the skies of any clouds and let the sun shine down on the quiet town. Soon without a warning, a scream rang from a little bakery without a second thought a cyan coated mare bolted through the door to see a pink mare lying on the ground staring at what seemed like a little red ball with wings. This little creature was all too familiar to them soon a purple unicorn entered and immediately surrounded the bug with a light purple aura and used a teleport spell to send the little creature back to the Everfree Forest. The cyan mare also known to all as Rainbow Dash on the account of her rainbow mane looked at the pink mare who could only laugh at the thought of the entire commotion was over a parasprite. The pink mare also known as Pinkie Pie laughed when she saw he friend's mane was all rugged as if she just got up from a long night sleep. The purple mare known as Twilight Sparkle on the account that her cutie mark is a star on her flank, little did the three know that their entire world would be thrown out of control?

Not far from the town a red Pegasus mare soon crossed the little bridge outside of town looking for some place to stay. Before she could get into town a couple of stallions blocked her path at the bridge, but she just ignored them and started to walk by till one of them spoke, "What's a fine mare like yourself doing walking around alone by yourself?" He said with an evil grin on his face. The crimson mare just looked at said "stand aside or you will regret it" she said with a stern tone.

The stallions could only laugh when they heard that threat, they took little time to charge the mare only to meet a pair of hind legs nailing him in the jaw. The sight of broken teeth, saliva, and blood soon riddled the ground in front of her. While the other two stallions took the hint and ran as if they were going to die, but one of the stallions only got about ten feet before the crimson mare pounced on his back with a sickening crack, the last stallion was almost got into town but was grabbed by the tail and dragged by over the bridge with his friends and delivered a quick kick to the chest where a few ribs broke, After a few minutes all that was left were a couple lumps of crying little colts, except for the leader who was out cold from the first strike.

After the confrontation with the colts the crimson mare continued to the small town, she stops for a minute when she passes a large field with a nice little hill, so she thinks to herself "do I have time to myself, eh why not" and with that trotted up the hill where there was a single oak tree to offer some protection from the sun. She stands under the tree and looks up to the partially cloudy sky and decided to lay back and enjoy this little slice of bliss. So she just rolled to her back crossed her hind legs, fore hooves behind her head and slowly drifted off to a light slumber.

An hour goes by and the crimson mare slowly opened her eyes to see two big pink beady eyes staring at her less then inches away. "Hi-ya" pinkie said as the crimson look shocked at the pink pony. Soon the crimson pony got to her feet only to get bombarded with fifty thousand questions. "Who are you, where did you come from, are you new, if you are new you need a party" the questions could have kept going till Pinkie Pie had a hoof placed in her mouth and for a minute silence. The crimson pony asked only a single question to Pinkie Pie, "Where do you get some chow". Pinkie slowly regained the ability to talk as she said that she lived at a bakery if she wanted to stop by for some of her delicious cupcakes.

Pinkie only wanted one thing from the crimson mare and that was her name. She thought for a minute and responded with "Flare Blitz but you can call me flare" the pink pony nodded and slowly bounced away with Flare right behind her. After a few minutes of walking the came to small business called Sugercube Corner and saw that there was still a purple mare standing outside the store talking to little dragon named Spike. They soon noticed that there was a new face in town and walked over to greet her till Pinkie jumped in front of her and started to tell her everything about Flare before they even got a chance to get acquainted with Twilight. As Twilight decided to just use a teleport spell to get in front of Flare so they had some room to talk.

Twilight decided to start this conversation "Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle and you are" "Flare Blitz and I was hoping you could help me find the mayor here". Twilight nodded in agreement and slowly trotted away but Pinkie wanted to talk some more with her new friend but was cut short by Ms. Cake who ask for Pinkies help before she could get away. As they were trotting away Flare noticed the small purple dragon and decided to speak up "hey are you some kind of dragon" Spike looked over at Flare "Yeah my names Spike and I am Twilights number 1 assistant" Flare gave a warm smile to the little dragon.

Soon they got to the town center where Twilight saw the mayor walking out and flagged her down. "Oh hello Twilight, Spike how are you doing today" the mayor asked and saw the new face and decided to introduce herself to Flare "hello im mayor mare and would like to be one of the first to welcome you to ponyville. I see you have already met Twilight, who is one of the most well-read ponies he". Twilight looked down at the ground and kicked as she blushed from the compliment. "What can I help you with miss uh" "Flare blitz" "Ms. Flare". Flare hesitated for a second and asked if it was possible to get a vacant home for her. The mayor thought for a second and remembered that a small family moved away recently and offered that house for only five hundred bits and Flare jumped at that deal. She reached into her sattle bag and pulled a pouch filled with gold coins. The mayor and Twilight were shocked at what they saw and the mayor grabbed the pouch in her mouth and told Flare to follow her inside where she got the necessary paper work out and had it filled out.

So Flare left with mayor and started trotting to her new home in Ponyville. She was shocked to see that it was a two story home with a balcony about ten different windows and had a nice view of the field she rested at. Not far off she could see a large cloud home off in the distance and decided to ask mayor you lived there. The mayor responded with "Ms. Rainbow Dash she is weather teams captian and she is also a sort of Pegasus that liked to showboat a lot". Flare thought for a minute and decided to bid the mayor farewell and started to get settled down in her new house. After getting situated in her humble abode and saw the sun was setting on her and sighed wanting to meet the other ponies here.

She slowly trotted to her new bed and got under the sheets and rested. At around midnight flare was tossing and turning in her bed and it was slowly get drenched in her sweat. She was having the same nightmare again but this time it was more intense she could hear crying in the distance and sped as fast as she could till she got to a horrible sight of dead bodies all of the bodies eyes were black as night when then at of nowhere a body latched on her hooves saw that one of the bodies were grabbing her and she immediately kicked with all her might but with a single flash the bodies were gone

but instead stood changelings with their queen in the middle of the crowed and she started to walk slowly to flare was stricken with fear. As the queen neared flare she wanted to scream but was quiet, the queen soon stared into the eyes of flare and said something the flare won't soon forget. "No matter how far you run or how well you hide you will never outrun your destiny" and with that Flare immediately sat up in her bed panting hard. She then decided to take a shower to clear her thoughts and as she finished up she grabbed a towel and started drying her red coat and decided that was exactly eat she needed. She returned to bed and slowly slipped back into sleep.

Hey yall this is just something that would not leave my head no matter what so if yall can post a review of what yall think and thanks