This story is discontinued. It is old and bad, so don't start reading it if you will be upset by it being bad or incomplete. Thank you.

"YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME! I AM ETERNAL!" Malefor yelled in rage and shot another attack at the young dragons. He would not go down without a fight.

Spyro and Cynder roared and fired combined convexity attacks to rival Malefor's. The two opposing forces clashed and fought for control. "Just... hold... on!" Spyro

managed to breathe out. Just seconds later, the dual attacks overpowered the dark masters and knocked him to the ground. Malefor just stood up and shook the dust of his purple-black scales. The attack may have struck him out of the air but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. But as he was about to counter attack, the purple crystal underneath him started to glow.

The translucent forms of the Ancestors rose out of the colored stone and slowly circled the dark master until he started to get dragged in the crystal.

"What's this?" Malefor demanded as he was half-way submerged in rock. "NNNOOOOO!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and fought with all of his power to get free. But he could not overpower of the ancestors and was pushed under, his screams and pleas drowned out by rocks from the ceiling being shook out of place and smashing into peices against the floor.

The two adolescent dragons descended to the floor of the cave, watching the last of Malefor's layer being destroyed by the wrath of the monster he unleashed. Now the world was falling apart and it seemed like there was nothing they could do but watched as they drowned in stone.

"Spyro I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Cynder pleaded for forgiveness form the purple dragon that stood in front of her. She couldn't bear to look into his eyes.

"Don't be, it's over now." Spyro tried to comfort her in vain. He thought there was no possibility of them getting out of this. They have has some close calls, but this was far to close for comfort.

"So this is it?" Cynder asked. But before he could respond, he heard Ignitus's voice around him. "When a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world. His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future." It hurt him to hear his former mentor's voice again. But he needed to be strong.

"I know what I need to do Cynder. just get out of here." But she shot down that idea in an instant. "Spyro no, you don't need to do anything. Let's just go." Spyro replied "Go where, Cynder, there will be nothing left, the world is breaking apart. But I think I can stop it. I think I'm meant to."

"Then I'm with you." Cynder stated forcefully, standing her ground, ready for Spyro's argument. But there was none, he just smiled. Then he activated a power so deep inside him, he didn't no it was there until now. Then he put all the energy he had into the hidden power, rising into the air and glowing a bright pinkish purple.

Cynder saw this as her chance to say goodbye. No, more than a goodbye. She leaned closer to him, and whispered as not to break his concentration "I love you."

Assuming he heard her but had no way of finding out, she curled up on the cold stone, ready to meet her end knowing she had confessed her love to the one dragon that she had gone through so much with. But she did not feel her end. All of the sudden, the glowing stopped. She felt something at her side and looked up to see the purple dragon unconcious next to her. She became worried, not knowing what happened to him. She checked for a pulse, and was instantly relieved when she found it and heard his breath return to his body.

Content with his steady breathing, she succumbed to the exhaustion that was left with her after the fight with the dark master. She scooted closer to him, to absorb his warmth in the cold, damp cave.

Neither of them knew a new challenge was awaiting them when they returned to Warfang.

Light poured into the cave the creatures were hiding in. Sparx slowly flew out to the mouth only to get blinded by sunlight. His jaw hit the floor and his eyes widened at what he saw. In every direction, replacing the fire and grublin covered earth that was breaking apart, was luscious green grass and fresh trees of the forest. Little creatures like bunnies and deer were scampering about, and there was a sparkling lake filled with blue-green water.

"WWWWOOOOO! HE DID IT! I knew that fat purple overgrown lump could do it! I never doubted him for a second! Come on out guys!" he called back into the cave. Cautiously, the other dragonflies, followed by the cheetahs, and then the dragons. They all gaped at the sight just as sparx had, but the awe-inspired silence was blown away by the shouts and cheers that rang out from the crowd.

The one thing on everyone's mind was the purple dragon and his companion. Where had they gone? How had they done the impossible? Where are they now? They had no idea what to expect of them but their thoughts were interrupted by a booming voice.

"Hello. As you all probably know, I'm Terrador, the Earth guardian. You are all probably amazed at what Spyro has done, but the best thing for us to do right now is return to Warfang before we do anything else." There was a murmur throughout the crowd, though no one would disagree with the war veteran.

Rows and rows of dragons, cheetahs, and all other creatures poured out of the cave and into the sunlight, all in awe at what they saw. And they all had plenty of time to admire the new scenery on their way back to the dragon city of Warfang.