Legend of Spyro Fanfiction Created by ShadowPasinThru


Updated last:20130113

Annoying disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the Legend of Spyro characters, and some OC's are not my own either. A "Profiles" chapter

will be added later to go into further detail. PM me for OC mix-in details. Enjoy the read.

Chapter 1, A rude awakening

He woke up in the middle of a storm. He was dazed, disoriented, cold and wet. An unpleasant combination to say the least. Then the headache hit him like a sledgehammer. He sat up and groaned loudly, hearing the sound of rain on still-water. Slowly, he became aware of the feeling of numbness. He never was able to handle the cold well, as he was from the south, and considered cold-blooded even by Louisiana standards. Lightning lit the world and nearly blinded him even though his eyes were still shut. The thunder unleashed a deafening roar overhead, making him jump up, and his eyes shoot open.

He recoiled and shut them firmly as another lightning bolt arced and hit a tree just ahead followed immediately by more thunder. His common sense beat his military training in telling him he had to get to safety. The weather was going mad and it seemed the world was coming apart around him. Painfully, he opened his eyes again. His headache staggered him and his knees almost buckled. His skin started to tingle, and the hair on his back stood on end.

Automatically, he lunged forward, out of the small pool of water. Behind him, the world lit up, and steam sprayed out as lightning struck right where he had just been standing. "Shit, that was..." Immediately, he rolled forward as a second bolt struck just behind him, launching him forwards two feet up, and five out.

He landed flat on his stomach and coughed heavily, then struggled to catch his breath. He didn't until then, register that he was not where he should be. He looked around, but saw nothing in the torrent. It was pitch black except for the lightning that lit the sky. Above, lightning arced again, illuminating the small clearing surrounded by dense vegetation. He pushed himself up as fast as he could, his heavy flak jacket making the process more difficult, and sprinted to the tree line to get out of the direct rain. He heard something clack and impact the rear sapping plate with each step. He reached his left arm back, and felt his M16A4 fastened to him.

"Aw, come on! This is a bad fucking joke, guys!", he yelled out as he reached the tree line, the canopy diverting the rain. He couldn't make out any real details when he looked around. He reached into his right cargo pocket and dug out his steel tactical flashlight. A quick twist of the tip, and a bright led light flashed him in the eyes, startling him.

"Fuck!", he yelled out as his headache intensified. He shined the light ahead of him, and his vision readjusted. Ahead of him was a rather large cave, the entrance to which was concealed with moss. He threw himself through the vines that draped heavily off the overhang, tearing and taking a few with him. Once inside, the sound of the storm outside immediately quieted. He scanned the cave for any threats, first the floor directly ahead of him, then a broad inspection of the walls. It was a shallow cave. The back wall was clearly visible even from here. He sighed aloud. He wasn't going anywhere tonight. At least, he assumed it was night. In truth, he had no idea where the hell he was. He walked over to the back wall, and unslung his rifle, bringing it to the alert position, aimed down at the dirt, but ready to go in case he had to go condition one(mag. Inserted, round in chamber. Ready to kill.). He leaned back against the wall, and let himself slide down slowly, plopping tiredly to the ground. He yawned, and brought his rifle across his chest. "Where the hell am I?", the marine asked to no one in particular as he succumbed to his sudden exhaustion.

Meanwhile, halfway across the very same world, which was, in fact, falling apart to the magical stresses caused by two certain dragons of a certain rare color fighting...

"I will never be defeated, you ignorant little whelp! You will die here, alongside your little treacherous friend here. Now, let me show you what a real purple dragon can do!", the largest of the three bellowed. The two smaller dragons, one purple and gold, the other black and scarlet backed up slowly as the monstrous purple dragon breathed in, his chest expanding outwards, giving him even more of a menacing appearance. He reversed gears, and fired a blast of pure convexity at the two others. They reacted quickly, dodging in opposite directions, as the blast tore through the air and ground just behind them.

"No, Malefor! This is the end! This is where you die!", the little purple dragon screamed back in response. The large purple dragon took to the air and laughed out of pure malice and contempt. "You cannot defeat me.", he said just before firing another enormous wave of energy at the two. They flew up and met his blast with their own. The power struggle dragged on, and the purple dragon said to the black, "Just hold on!" Suddenly, the combination of their power became unstable, and an explosion ripped all of the dragons from the air.

The immense purple dragon quickly recovered and rolled onto his feet, realizing he had been thrown to the crystal...that damned crystal. "NOO!" He screamed in protest as several eternal ancestral dragon spirits took wing around him and circled before all in unison, diving into him, and dragging him down to damnation once and for all.

But this stress was just too much for the world around them. It was breaking apart. The black dragon's head drooped in sorrow. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she said to the purple dragon. Strongly, he replied, "It's okay. I know what I have to do." She traced his stare to the beam of convexity emitting from the core of Malefore's lair. He could absorb it, and save the world. He knew the cost. He looked over to the dragoness next to him. It was worth it.

"Go!", he yelled out at her. She could still live. She held her ground. "No, Spyro, I'm with you. The core of convexity began to expand, and over all the chaos, over all of the destruction, one simple sentence rang loud and true. Knowing the fate they would share, Spyro looked to Cynder, and she spoke the three words that had the power to stop time where it stood, had the power to save lives... "I love you."

Everything went dark.

Overnight, the world reformed to its natural beauty, and everything went back to normal...well almost everything…

Half across the world, the marine awakes from an unusually peaceful slumber. He yawned loudly, his mouth opening more widely than comfortable for most people, and indeed, even for him. Pop! The noise echoed in his head, making it louder than it actually was for him. He yelped at the sudden shock of pain, and adjusted his jaw with his left hand. "Damnit, I hate when that happens. Wait...Where the hell am I?" He looked around for any clues, then it hit him. "Oh yeah, the storm last night... The cave..." Huh, he thought, at least I made it through that. He stood and walked to the mouth of the cave, weapon at the alert just in case. He could see light streaming in through the ripped vines. The warm, golden rays hit his skin, and warmed him. He pushed his way past the vines and stepped out. He was in the middle of some sort of swamp. But something was off. The greens were too green, the browns too brown. The grass was much too thick...and then something truly strange struck him. The water was purple. Not blue, not green, not brackish...purple. "Where in the fuck am I?" He struggled with his memory of last night...

Nothing. He was just here all of a sudden. The last he remembered that made any sense was going to sleep in his barracks. Suddenly, he was in full jungle cammies, with his flak jacket and M16. He also noticed he had four fully loaded magazines in his mag. pouches on the flack, and a single grenade in one of the two grenade pouches on the left side of his chest. The other appeared to be empty. He also noticed an M203 grenade launcher attachment on his rifle. He was geared for war. But why?

There was a quiet hissing emanating from the cave. He executed a practiced about-face, bringing his rifle up to the ready. Immediately, and with practiced military precision, he whipped a mag out and slapped it in his rifle, ripping back the charging handle, loading a round in, and going condit. 1. An impossibly big spider crawled out of the cave after him, hissing more loudly now. He aimed down at it, exhaled quickly, and pulled the trigger.

The shot rang out, and the creature froze. He stared at it for a moment. It was green, like it was made of moss or covered in it, or something. It stood 2 feet tall, which was preposterously big. It moved one leg in his direction, and not having lowered or even moved the weapon, he fired off 2 more shots, both of which punched through an eye. It hit the ground heavily and the hissing stopped, but he held his ground, keeping his eyes on it. "Fucking god damnit, what in the unholy hell is that?!" He half-shouted, struck with both awe and terror. Thank god for my training, he thought to himself. He'd never seen armed combat, but he knew wonderfully well how to handle a rifle. Suddenly, the hissing picked up again, but it wasn't the same creature doing it. Run, an old familiar voice chimed in. Only he could hear it, it was in his head...sort of. "Nice of you to join us, Bezy!", he snickered at his ethereal companion. He started spinning about carefully, trying to locate the aggressors...The trees around him were moving...Wait, that wasn't the trees... "Oh, god..." In his mind, he saw Bezekheil standing next to him, the demon's form looming over his own very small form. The heavy chains that criss-crossed his chest, and buckled onto his arms shifted as he crossed them. "This isn't the world you or I are familiar with, human. This place is dangerous, even with my protection. My aura seems to be doing no good at repelling them..." The demon paused, closing its reptilian, slitted eyes. Without opening them, he spoke. "Run, boy, just run." It opened its eyes, and they burned in their deep crimson hue. He chuckled, a deep and guttural noise. "Why are you still here?"

With that, he snapped back to reality, time not having progressed a single second. He knew after countless times of this monster saving his life to trust what it said. He Turned tail, and bolted for an opening in the trees. He ran and ran, the spiders rippling through the woods behind him, but came to a sudden dead stop. A long rectangular pit lay before him, heavily thorned vines lay at the bottom. "Oh, no...", his voice trailed off, and Bezekheil did what he had a couple of times before. He took over.

His vision shifted, everything got darker, and he felt dizzy, but he didn't lose balance. He watched as his hands lifted the rifle without his say so. His left hand reached out swiftly, and popped the M203 open and forward. The weapon aimed down, and the left hand he no longer controlled worked its way into his left cargo pocket, and pulled out a single M203 HeDp round. A high-caliber explosive designed to take out lightly armored vehicles, but no match for an army of friggin spiders, you dimwit, he yelled out in his own mind. Instead of whipping around and aiming at the swarming mass of chitinous armor and legs, he slid the round in, and cocked the attachment back, taking aim at a tree next to the pit. He saw the left hand slip back ever so quickly, flip the safety forward, and pull the trigger. There was no recoil, but the projectile went launching forward and took out not only the tree it aimed at, but the ones in front of and behind it as well. His vision returned to normal and he felt himself regaining control. The nearest tree fell angled towards him, and landed feet away with a loud crash, the middle one fell slightly away from him, and the third crashed down, angling toward the opposite end of the pit. "Bezekheil," he said aloud as he hopped up on the fallen trunk and ran carefully but quickly down toward the other three. In no time at all, he'd crossed the pit, and hopped down on to the solid ground beyond. He whipped around to get a glimpse of the monsters pursuing him. They paused at the pit, and then looked up at him. They cowered and backed up, never turning around.

"Hell yeah, that's what I thought, suckers! This is my boomstick!", He yelled out, mocking the spiders cowering from such a small obstacle. "Hehehe...he...ehee... Shit, well, tha'snotgood..." his laughter drowned out as he saw a gigantic shadow fell over him, and about 6 feet of the ground in front of him. "Fucking what now?!", he yelled out as he tucked his rifle close to his body and rolled to the side, hearing a loud crash where he had just been. He recovered almost immediately, and bounced back to his feet, aiming at what he knew(through video games, mythology and reading) to be either a treant or nature golem. This was no video game, though it did seem oddly familiar. It stood at around 12 feet tall, shoulders covered in moss, tree stumps for legs, and viney tendons crisscrossing its wooden club-like arms. It raised its arm for another swing, and he bolted around and behind it as the club came crashing down again, shaking the ground. "Too damn slow," he said as he dipped his left hand into his left pocket and pulled out his only other HeDp round and deftly loaded it. "Too damn bad.", he finished off the statement with a satisfying clack from the M203 cocking. He pulled the trigger, and heard the beautiful *THUMP* noise of the round firing off. The success was short lived, and the explosion that ensued threw him back, rolling about 8 feet, he stopped upside down on his neck, with a sharp pain in his back. He hit something solid. He watched, smirking despite his awkward position, and uncomfortable ache. The golem/treant thing collapsed forward, causing a tremor that put him on his side. He stood immediately, taking in his surroundings. He was now standing in front of what appeared to be a forgotten temple. Before him lay a series of beautiful gold dragon statues all lined up except, he noted for the very last one at the end, behind which, lay closed stone circular door.

Behind him, the hissing grew louder again. He turned his head, glancing back. The spiders were coming again... He bolted into the temple, and muttered an apology under his breath as he pulled out the one grenade he had, and popped the safeties loose. As soon as he reached the entrance, he simply dropped it and sprinted at full speed. Behind him, the hissing was getting as loud as a train, then in a flash, the world went black again.