Finally done with this story. I will add a little chapter after this tying up a few loose ends of information. But anyway, thank you all for reading and enjoying my story. I know it has been a while since i have updated this story and im sorry for that. But as always, remember to make smart decisions and be safe. -AsianPon3-

Chapter 9

One Month Later

"Hold them back just a little longer. Reinforcements are about to arrive," I yelled, slicing my sword through the body of a griffon. The griffon collapsed to the ground lifeless, drenched in his own blood. I turned around and charged another enemy, plunging my sword through his chest. He let out a shriek of pain as his body fell limp. I pulled my sword out of the dead body and looked around me. I noticed many dead griffons and ponies littered the ground where I stood. I stood still for a few moments, lost in the battle unfolding in front of me. I was quickly snapped out of my daze as I saw a sword slicing downwards toward me. I was too slow to react and watched as the sword swung down towards me in slow motion. About a second before the sword was about to kill me, another sword intercepted the griffon's attack, effectively blocking the blow. I took this as my chance to attack, lunging forward and plunging my sword through the griffon's metal chest piece. My sword ripped through it like a steak knife through butter before blood started to ooze from his wound. The griffon dropped his sword and fell to his knees. He locked eyes with me for a brief moment before falling over dead. I pulled my sword out of his chest and looked over to my right. Frost was standing next to me, a smirk on his face.

"Looks like you owe me buddy," He said, blocking another incoming attack from a griffon and then killing him with his sword. I quickly dodged an attack and with my sword then cut the griffon's head off.

"Yeah, yeah. Remind me to buy you a drink after this," I said, turning back towards Frost. He looked at me with a stupid grin on his face. I was about to say something else, but quickly noticed a griffon flying towards him with his sword drawn. Instinct took over my senses as I threw my sword towards Frost as hard as I could. Frost dodged my sword and the sword impaled the griffon's head, killing him instantly. The body skid to a halt right next to Frost. He looked at the dead body and then at me. I quickly walked over towards the body and retrieved my sword, a smirk on my face this time.

"Looks like you owe me a drink too," I said, flinging my sword a few times to get rid of any blood that was on it. Frost shook his head and gave a short laugh.

"Or we could just call it even," He said, looking around and noticing that reinforcements were arriving. I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"No way man. That kill was definitely worth two drinks." Frost laughed and quickly recollected himself.

"Haha, wait. Man?" he asked, as pony reinforcements quickly ran past us and sent the griffons into a retreat. I laughed a little and nodded my head.

"It's a human thing," I said. Frost let out a laugh as well and then looked back towards me.

"No wonder I didn't understand." Frost laughed and I joined in with him. We looked around the battlefield, which was now becoming calmer, before I gave a sigh.

"Another day with more lives lost," I said, not even bothering to count all the dead ponies that surrounded us. Frost nodded his head and looked around the battlefield.

"Damn Griffons and their war. Why the hell can't they just leave us the buck alone?" Frost angrily growled. I put a hoof on his shoulder and ushered to start walking with me.

"Come on, let's go back to HQ." Frost nodded his head and we started to walk through the battlefield and back to Head Quarters.

Twenty Minutes Later

I walked into the tent and began to move towards my trunk. I slipped off my armor and gave a long sigh. Opening the trunk, I pulled out a large bottle and walked back towards Frost, who was now sitting in a chair at a small wooden table. I took my seat across from Frost and took the cork out of the top of the bottle. I took a quick swig and gave a slight coughing sound. I then slid the bottle towards Frost who repeated my actions. He let out a small cough as the liquid burned his throat. He looked up at me and for a few moments, silence filled the tent. He let out a long sigh as he lowered his head.

"How many do you think we lost?" he asked, grief filling his voice.

"I... I don't know," I said, grief also filling my voice. Frost let out another sigh and took another swig of the liquid that filled that the bottle. He then slid it towards me and I took another quick swig. I corked the top of the bottle and leaned back in my chair.

"Frost. When is this fighting going to end?" I asked, staring at the ceiling of the tent. Frost shook his head.

"I have no idea Thorn," He responded, leaning back in his chair as well.

"This fighting needs to stop. There is no point to it."

"I know Thorn. I know. But we have to stay and fight."

"I know Frost. I won't abandon this position until my dying breath," I said, sitting regularly in my chair again. I looked at Frost who gave a simple nod. I then got up from the table and walked back towards my trunk. I set the bottle gently inside and pulled out a piece of parchment and quill. I then walked over to my small, crudely made writing desk, which was placed against the far side of the tent. I sat down and began to write. Frost, still sitting at the main table, looked towards me with a curious expression.

"What are you writing?" Frost asked, mostly knowing what the answer would be.

"A letter," I calmly replied. Frost nodded his head and tilted back in his chair.

"I see. Well then." Frost leveled his chair and got to his hooves.

"I will let you be for a little while. I think I am going to take a walk. Do you need anything while I am gone?" Frost asked. I turned my head to face Frost before I politely shook my head.

"Very well then," Frost said, giving me a salute before walking out of the tent. After I Frost had left the tent I refocused on the task at hand.

An hour or so had passed before Frost returned to the tent.

"Sir," Frost said, saluting me as I returned his salute. Frost strode up to me and gave a heavy sigh.

"While walking around I managed to trot into a scout ending his patrol. It seems that we have done a number on the Griffon's. I don't think they thought we would put up as much resistance as we have been doing. Taking this into account, our scout has revealed that a large attack force is amassing near the Griffon's base. Their forces easily outnumber us two to one. In my opinion, I think this may be a last ditch effort to push through. If we can repel this attack, I think we might have a chance of pushing the griffons out of our territory." Frost finished his report of the situation and I gave a slow nod of my head.

"Frost, I want you to gather the troops around the stage. I would like to inform everypony of what they are going to get themselves into." Frost nodded his head and headed out of the tent. A few minutes passed by before I gave a small sigh and stood from my seat. I grabbed my helmet, which was placed on top of the writing desk and made my way towards the front of canvas door.

Stage (Thirty Minutes Later)

I watched as the last few guards gathered around the small stage. I stood off to the side and waited another minute before walking towards center of the stage. I looked back towards Frost and was met with nod of his head. I turned my attention back to the soldiers who were now gathered in front of me.

"Stallions... Brothers," I voiced loud enough so everypony could hear. "These past few weeks have been, trying at best. The way you have fought and shown courage through this who ordeal. It makes me proud to be called your commander. Many of us have lost brothers, fathers, and even sons in this senseless war." I paused for a moment, scanning my audience before proceeding on. "The griffons have amassed a force that is twice our size. You know what that tells me? It tells me that these griffons didn't count on the best, bad-flank motherbuckers to be defending this position." A few snickers and cheers filed through the crowd. "It also tells me that these griffons are about to try and take this position with everything they have." I paused as an eerie silence spread across the crowd of soldiers. "I am not going to sell it to you short. The next battle is going to be a bloody one. Some of you will not make it through this." I stopped and watched as soldiers began to turn to one another, as if trying to see who around them would not come back. "You all have done more than I could have ever asked. That is why I am giving you the chance now. You can leave without any consequences. We will not call you a traitor, a deserter, a coward. But remember, before any of you make this decision, who are you fighting for? You are not only fighting for your family and friends. You are also fighting for their future. A secure and prosperous Equestria." I paused again for a brief moment before slowly nodding my head. "So my offer still stands. Those of you, who wish to leave, please do so now." I waited and watched as many soldiers eyed one another. A few moments went by before a soldier near the middle of the group stood to his hooves. Everypony around him watched as he stood.

"Permission to speak to sir?" he asked. I acknowledged him and waited for what he had to say.

"Many of you are probably thinking the same thing I am right now. We can go home to our family, our friends, our lovers. Any sane stallion would jump at the chance to escape this hellhole we are in. Hell, I would love to go home to my foals and wife right now." He paused before locking eyes with me. "But sir, with all do respect, how dare you even ask a question like that; because I think you already know everypony's answer. Isn't that right guys." He loudly voiced the last part and was met with the stomping of hooves from all the soldiers around him. "Sorry sir, but it looks like you are stuck with us," the stallion said, before a small crept across his face.

"Alright then. We will teach these griffon bastards what happens when they invade our homes and lives. We will show them the real sacrifice we are willing to make. We will show them what happens when griffons decide to take on the best motherbuckers that Equestria has to offer. We will show them what it means to be victorious. And we will absolutely show them, no mercy," I yelled, causing a loud echo of stomping hooves and chanting. I smiled to myself as I walked off the stage, slowly beginning to approach my tent for a goodnights rest.

Next Day

"Messenger." I called out. A moment later a Pegasus soldier came running towards me. He stopped about a foot away from me and gave me a salute. "At ease soldier. I need these to be delivered to Princess Celestia immediately," I said, giving the messenger a few scrolls.

"Yes sir, right away sir." The messenger then spread his wings and flew hastily off into the distance towards Canterlot. I let out a sigh and walked back into my tent. As I entered, I could see Frost beginning to clothe himself in his armor.

"You ready for this Frost?" I asked, making my way towards my set of armor. Frost finished securing his chest plate and turned to face me. As I looked at him, I could tell he a stupid grin on his face.

"I sure am, as long as I don't have to watch your flank every second," he said, a small laugh filling the air afterwards. I smiled my and continued to assemble my armor.

"Don't worry Frost, it is I who will be watching your sorry flank," I said, eliciting a laugh from my friend.

"We will see Thorn, we will see," he said, giving me a goofy smirk before walking out of the tent. After I finished with my armor, I quickly made my way outside, walking towards where the battle would begin.

An Hour Later

"Remember what you are fighting for. These griffons thought they could walk all over us, but I say neigh. They think that will lay down our arms and go quietly without a fight. Let us show them that they are wrong. Let us show them what happens when they mess with our home, our families, our friends. This is where we will make our stand. This is where we will push them back. This is where we will win!" I shouted, turning towards the oncoming army.

"For everypony we love, for their futures, for Equestria," I shouted again, unsheathing my sword and charging towards the enemy.

Two Days Later

"Princess, I have news regarding the massive griffon offensive that took place two days ago. I am pleased to say that we are currently pushing back the remaining griffon forces in that area. They have retreated far back into their territory and are now on the defensive. There have been heavy casualties on both sides princess." The messenger stood in front of Celestia as she gave simple nod of her head.

"Thank you; that will be all," Celestia said, before motioning towards her the door to her study.

"Princess," the messenger called out before reaching into his saddlebag and pulling out a few scrolls.

"These were given to me so that I could deliver them to you," the messenger said, holding the scrolls in his hoof. Princess Celestia gave a small nod before levitating the scrolls into her possession.

"Thank you," she said, the military messenger giving a salute before walking away. Celestia retreated into her chamber before lying down on a full sized body pillow. She began to file through the scrolls until she stopped at a particular one. She quickly opened it and began to read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

If you are reading this right now, then you probably know what that means. Please don't cry though, that will only make this harder. I love you Celestia. You have given me another reason to live, to believe, to love. These past two years have passed by and every moment you have always been on my mind. Words cannot describe how much I love you. I am not really good at this, but please don't mourn me. Every sun must set, but will always rise again. You know this better than any pony I know. Please know that I love you with all my heart. You gave me the strength to persevere through any challenge in front of me. You gave me the strength to keep fighting. I would gladly give my life a hundred times if it would keep you safe. Well, it is almost time to leave. I guess I will say it one more time before I go. I love you Celestia. I love you.

Celestia had tears in her eyes before she began to sob uncontrollably. She held the letter tightly to herself as she continued to cry. Luna quickly burst into the room and looked towards her sister. For a second, Luna was puzzled before she saw Celestia clutching a scroll to her chest. Luna quickly realized what it was and went to comfort her sister. She laid down next to her sobbing sister and gently placed a wing over her. Celestia continued to cry as Luna tried to sooth her sister, knowing well that she had just lost the love of her life.

One Week Later

Celestia began walking down the corridor that led to her room. She looked overly fatigued and her mane lost its usual shimmer. She continued to slowly walk to her room until she stopped to see her sister.

"Sister, you do not look well," Luna said, embracing her sister in a quick hug. Celestia returned the hug and slowly nodded her head.

"Sorry to worry you Luna. Sleep has been... hard to come by the last few days," Celestia said. Luna nodded her head and quickly released her sister from their hug.

"I am sorry to hear that dear sister, but perhaps tonight you will get a good nights sleep?" Luna asked. Celestia sighed and nodded her head.

"I will try Luna." Celestia looked up at her sister before receiving a quick nuzzle under her chin.

"Very well sister. If you need anything, please let me know." Luna was met with a nod from Celestia and soon departed down the hall. Celestia gave another low sigh and walked towards her room. She opened the door and slowly walked towards her bed. Before Celestia pulled back her covers she noticed a small scroll placed on her bed. As she levitated the scroll, she was puzzled at what it read.

"Meet me in the garden," was all the scroll said. Celestia searched the piece of parchment for a sign of whom it was from, but could not find one. Celestia then turned towards her door and began to head off towards the garden.

Garden (9:00pm)

Celestia approached the garden and began to wander towards a giant tree that was positioned in the middle. As she approached, she continually scanned the area in search of her visitor. Not sensing anypony around her, she walked up to the tree and gently laid down. She rested her head on her two front hooves as she began to feel the full effect of being fatigued. Her eyelids started to grow heavy and she fought back with vigor. It was a losing battle and Celestia quickly found herself nodding off.

Ten Minutes Later

Celestia opened her eyes and for a moment, was confused about where she was. She then remembered the note and scanned her surrounding area with tired eyes. With no sign of anypony Celestia quickly found herself rising to her hooves. She began moving towards the door to the castle before a strange feeling overcame her. She slowly turned around to see a shadowy figure standing close to the tree she had been laying next to. Celestia stood silent, not knowing who this pony was. It was a feel more seconds before Celestia began to speak in an almost whispered voice.

"Who are you?" she asked. The figure stood in place for a minute or so before stepping into the moonlight. What Celestia saw both shocked and excited her. Standing in the moonlit night was a yellow-coated unicorn with a black mane and tail. He had a large scar that ran vertically down the middle of his right eye and was covered in bruises and scars, though his most notable feature was a gentle smile had on his face.

"Thorn...?" Celestia called out in a shaky voice. I smiled and took another step closer to her, an apparent limp in my walk. Celestia was left speechless as she began to fully grasp the reality of the situation.

"Thorn!" Celestia shouted, charging towards me and tackling me into a hug. I landed on my back as Celestia had her hooves wrapped tightly around my waist, crying profusely into my chest. I began to slowly stoke her mane as she continued to cry.

After about an hour of tears and comforting, I looked down to see Celestia staring up at me with small trails of tears still in her eyes. I smiled and brought a hoof up to her face to wipe them away.

"Thorn... what happened?" was all she could ask. I smiled and pulled her closely to my chest.

"We won Celestia. The griffons are retreating back into their territory. After the last major battle, we inflicted enough casualties to cripple their army. They have been on the retreat since then, though we sustained heavy casualties ourselves," I said. I looked down at Celestia and nuzzled her face with my muzzle before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Celestia," I said. I was met with a short kiss before Celestia rested her head on my chest again.

"I love you too Thorn," Celestia replied, quickly drifting off to sleep with a smile on her face. As I laid under the night sky, I couldn't help but let my mind recall all the events I have been through. I smiled to myself before looking down at a peacefully sleeping Celestia.

"This is where I belong." I sighed and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me. Before having sleep completely take over me, one thought kept racing through my mind.

"It's good to be home," I thought, hugging Celestia tight to my chest as I let sleep fully take me in its embrace.