A Pony Out of Place

Chapter 6: Hello and Goodbye

AN: Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter up, had a lot of things going on. Anyway, here you go.

Shadow was now back on the farm trying to buck a tree to get the apples off. "Stupid Emily, UGH, stupid Bill, UGH, stupid farm, UGH, STUPID TREE, COME ON YOU STUPID APPLES, FALL OFF ALREADY!"

Applejack had come up to Shadow as he was trying to buck a tree. "Um, Shadow, that tree was already bucked, there aint no apples on it."

Shadow looked at her, then up at the tree and saw that it did indeed have no apples on it. He just gave out a disgruntled sigh and went to another tree, this time making sure there were apples on it.

Applejack tried to talk to him. "Come on now sugar cube, why don't ya take a break, ya haven't even had breakfast yet."

Shadow just looked at her still with an angry expression. "I'm not hungry." As if to disagree, his stomach let out a rumble.

Applejack tried not to laugh a little. "Don't sound like it ta me."

Shadow just kept his eyes forward. "Fine, I'll join you for breakfast."

Applejack smiled. "Glad ta hear it, I'm sure a nice hot meal will help take yer mind off yer troubles."

Shadow silently followed Applejack back to the house keeping his eyes on the ground. Once inside, Applejack saw Big Mac already had breakfast ready. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were already at the table.

Big Mac turned when he heard them come in. "There you two are, wher'd ya run off ta?"

Applejack answered. "Sorry big brother, kind of a long story. I'll explain later."

Big Mac gave her a curious look. "Well, all right. Take a seat and get comfortable, breakfast is ready."

Shadow took a seat between Apple Bloom and Applejack, all the while he just kept staring down. Apple Bloom noticed the forlorn look on his face. "What's wrong Shadow, why do ya seem so down?"

Shadow didn't feel like telling the whole story, so he figured he would just say it was because of the nightmare he had last night. "I just had a bad dream last night."

"Gosh, is that why ya came runnin outta yer room like ya did?"

He lied. "Yes, it is."

"That musta been some nightmare then."

Applejack then cut in but not in a stern way. "All right Apple Bloom, don't go pryin now, if he don't want to talk about it, don't be tryin ta force it outta him."

Apple Bloom nodded to her big sister. "Alright, I didn't mean ta pry."

Big Mac finally served up breakfast and took a seat across from his little sister Applejack and next to Granny Smith. The family talked over breakfast about the things needed to be done around the farm and Applejack going to sell some of their apple products in market today. Shadow just sat and ate in silence while they talked. Applejack then had an idea that might help Shadow cheer up. "Say Shadow, why don't ya come with me ta town today and help me sell some of our apple products."

Shadow didn't seem to hear her at first, but then realized she was talking to him. "Huh, oh, uh, yeah, ok I guess."

"Great, it'll give ya a chance ta see the town more and maybe help ya ferget about yer…nightmare." Applejack almost said your friend Emily there but figured it was best not to bring it up as it would raise questions from her family, and she knew that was the last thing Shadow needed.

Once Apple Bloom was done with breakfast she got out of her chair and went to collect her saddle bags. "Alright, I'll be headin fer school now, see ya'll later."

The rest of the family waved bye to the little filly. Applejack called out after her sister. "Ya'll have a good day at school now."

Now with Apple Bloom gone, Applejack figured now was a good time to head out for the market. "Come on now Shadow, it's about time we headed out fer town."

Shadow looked up from his position, he just gave a nod, got up and followed Applejack out to the barn to get the wagon stand. Shadow and Applejack loaded up the cart with all the apple based baked goods. Applejack hooked herself up to the wagon and the two made their way into town.

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's place, she was busy going through her books to try and find out how Shadow's necklace was able to provide a kind of window into another world. She was starting to get upset when she couldn't find anything. Spike was also getting annoyed with the search not getting anywhere. "Twilight, can we please take a break, we've been through every book that could possibly hold the answer and we haven't found anything."

Twilight looked to Spike feeling a little down she couldn't find the answer. "All right Spike, I just don't understand how something like this is possible." She held the necklace in her magic grasp as she eyed it curiously. "Hmmm, I wonder if I could make it work." She then decided to try it out for herself, so she put it on and began to try and see if she could make a window appear. "I wish to see where Shadow came from." She said silently to herself. Suddenly, the diamond lit up and shined a beam to the center of the room and the same window shadow saw opened up.

Spike stared in awe at what he was seeing, as was Twilight. She saw a farm before her eyes through the window. "It worked?! It worked, this is incredible!" Her eyes widened in amazement at the sight before her, she was looking into another world. She saw a farm with two creatures standing on two legs before the farm house in the window. "Spike, quick, wright this down!" Spike then began to write down what Twilight described to him what they were seeing for future references. After a while the window faded.

Spike spoke up after a while. "Do you think that was Shadow's home with his friend Emily?"

Twilight answered back. "It must have been, I did wish to see his home where he came from. The only explanation I can come up with on how this necklace can do that is that when Shadow was brought here through whatever magical means, the spell somehow attached to the necklace and can provide a window to the world it came from."

Up in Canterlot, Celestia summoned her sister to the throne room to talk to her some more and inform her that the spell she used the other night had indeed done something. "Luna, we need to talk, I know you are already sorry for your actions in casting that spell the other night, and I have already forgiven you, but it seems the spell did indeed do something."

Luna looked upon her sister with worry and sorrow. "What exactly did it do sister?"

"The spell you cast seems to have brought some poor pony from another world into ours, at the moment, he is in Ponyville with Twilight and her friends. Twilight sent me a letter informing me of this yesterday and I have agreed to come and talk with the pony tomorrow, I would like for you to come with me to meet the pony and explain to him why he is here."

"I understand sister, I just can't believe that my actions have caused such trouble. I will come with you tomorrow to meet this pony."

Back in Ponyville, Shadow and Applejack had the stand all set up now and ready to start selling some apples and apple baked goods. Shadow was still depressed though. Applejack already planned on letting Shadow explore the town a bit instead of helping her in the market, she just used it as an excuse to get him out of the house. "Thanks fer helpin me set up Shadow, why don't you take a look around town fer a bit, get to know the area and locals a bit more."

Shadow was a little confused at this. "I thought you wanted me to help you sell some things?"

"I just said that ta get ya out here, I figured if I didn't, you'd be mopin around the house. You need ta get out there and look around, I just know you'll be able ta feel better if'n you take a look around and meet some of the other ponies. I'll be right here when yer done."

Shadow didn't like that he was kind of tricked like this, but he knew she did it to be helpful, so he just wandered off to look around the town a bit. He walked along just looking around at all the sights when he heard someone call out. "LOOK OUT!"

Shadow quickly looked behind him and saw a pony falling right for him. It was too late for him to react and the pony crashed right into him. He slowly opened his eyes as he heard a voice call out to him. "Hello, are you ok, hello."

Shadow looked up from the ground with a groan. "Ugh, what happened, what hit me?" Shadow saw a grey Pegasus with a blond mane and tail and bubbles for a cutie mark. She had yellow eyes that weren't aligned.

The Pegasus took Shadow by the hoof and helped him up. She began to apologize quickly. "OH, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, I wasn't really looking where I was going, then I noticed a bird in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid it, then I lost control and ended up flying into you. I am so so so so sorry."

Shadow was a little awe struck at the pony before him. She seemed to have such beautiful eyes, despite the fact that they weren't aligned. "Oh, uh, that's ok, no harm done."

"Are you ok, I didn't hurt you too bad when I crashed into you did I?"

"Oh no, I'll be alright, are you ok." This sudden meeting certainly seems to have taken his mind off of his troubles as he began to talk with this pony.

"Yeah, I'm ok, this kind of stuff happens to me a lot, I'm used to it. Say, are you new here, I don't think I've ever seen you before. I work for the postal service of Ponyville so I know all the ponies, but I don't think I've met you before."

"You could say that, yes, I am new, I just got here yesterday. My name is Shadow, it's nice to meet you."

"HEY, you must be that pony every pony is talking about, your that pony from another world right?"

"Every pony already knows about that, man, news seems to travel fast around here."

"It sure does, it is kind of a small town after all, my name is Derpy Hooves, welcome to Ponyille."

"Thanks, I already got quit a reception yesterday, thanks to Pinkie Pie."

"Yeah, she like to throw parties for new ponies, so where are you staying then?"

"Applejack was nice enough to let me stay with her, I was going to try and find a way back home, but something came up and I decided to stay here."

"Really, what about your family, don't you have friends there?"

"I don't mind telling you, but could we go somewhere a little more private?"

"Sure, follow me, we can go to the park." So Derpy led Shadow through the town to the park so they could talk. Once they reached the park, Derpy led Shadow to a tree near the center of the park.

They sat down and Shadow began. He told Derpy all about where he came from, the friends he had, more specifically Emily, and about what he saw this morning. "So that's my story, The one person who I thought was my best friend was just someone who only saw me as nothing more than a pet, so I decided that I might as well stay here, my whole reason for wanting to go back home is now gone."

Derpy looked at Shadow with pity in her wall eyes. "Gosh, that sounds awful, I'm so sorry shadow, I can't believe some pony would do that."

A voice out of nowhere came in. "I'll say, If I had the chance, I'd buck her good. That is no way to treat a friend."

Shadow and Derpy looked up to see the source of the voice. Shadow saw who it was and spoke up. "Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?"

"It just so happens that I was taking a nap in this tree when you two came along, I heard everything." Rainbow Dash then flew down and landed in front of the two. "So you're really thinking of staying here?"

Shadow answered. "I don't see why not, so far this place seems a whole lot nicer than where I came from."

Derpy then interjected. "But don't you think you might be jumping to conclusions, I mean, things might not be what they seem."

Shadow seemed to tense up at that statement. "HEY, I KNOW WHAT I SAW! I was gone for one day, ONE DAY, and she already has a new pony to replace me! As far as I'm concerned, I don't need her, I'm better off here. At least here, you ponies seem genuine in what you say."

Rainbow Dash then came in. "Well I think that, if you had the chance, you should at least talk to her and give her a piece of your mind and let her know how you feel. You know, really let her have it."

Shadow then looked at Rainbow Dash. "Your right, when Celestia comes tomorrow, I'll tell her that I want to at least go back home for a bit just so I can tell Emily off and let her know just how much she hurt me. Thanks for the talk you two, I think I feel a little better than I did before, I'll head back to Applejack and help her with her sales. I hope to see you again Derpy, and I know I'll see you again Rainbow Dash. If you run into the others, feel free to tell them about all this." Shadow had a smile on his face as he addressed the two.

Rainbow smiled back. "No problem, I'll see ya later, I got some training I need to catch up on."

Derpy then spoke up. "You're welcome Shadow, I'm glad I was able to help."

The three then went their separate ways. Shadow made his way back to Applejack. Shadow got back to Applejack's stand and saw Twilight there as well. "Hey Twilight, I'm glad you're here, there's something I need to tell you."

Twilight looked to Shadow. "I have something I need to tell you two, after examining your necklace, well…I'm not too sure on how it was able to do what it did, but I was able to make it do it again."

Shadow then took on a bit of a stern look. "Twilight, I already told you, I don't want anything to do with that stupid necklace, just let spike eat that diamond and do whatever else you want with the rest. Now look, I've decided that I want to go back home just for a while. So when Celestia comes, I would like her to send me back just long enough for me to talk to Emily if I will still be able to so I can tell her off, she played with my heart and I want her to know."

Applejack both didn't know what to say to that. Applejack tried to say something. "But what if you find out that this whole thing was just some misunderstandin, wouldn't you want to stay then?"

"Applejack, I already made up my mind, I'm staying here, I don't want anything more to do with Emily after I have a chance to confront her, if I get that chance."

Twilight spoke up. "Well, all right, If your absolutely sure. But I think I'll hold on to the necklace for now, just in case. I'll be heading back to the library now, I'll see you tomorrow Shadow. "

"See ya later Twilight." Twilight then left Shadow and Applejack and headed back to her library.

Applejack got curious about how Shadow came to the decision he did about confronting Emily. "So what made ya come ta the decision ta talk to Emily if you could about this?"

"I ran into the towns mail mare, Derpy Hooves, or rather, she ran into me, and I told her all about what was going on, as we talked, Rainbow Dash was up in a tree that me and her were under, it was really both their ideas that I do this."

"And yer absolutely positive about this?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well, all right then, just know that whatever happens, yer more than welcome to stay at the apple family house."

Shadow couldn't help but smile at that statement. "Thanks Applejack, I really appreciate it." The day went on with nothing particular happening. Shadow helped Applejack with selling her wares for the rest of the day. Afternoon came and it was time to head back to the farm, this time Shadow pulled the cart for Applejack back to the barn.

"Thanks fer all yer help today Shadow, I appreciate all yer hard work."

Shadow Responded back. "Thanks, I'm just glad to be of help."

"Come on in, I reckon Big Mac and Granny Smith have dinner goin."

"Sounds good to me." Shadow and Applejack then headed inside for dinner.

The next day had finally come, it was another uneventful day up to the time when the princesses would arrive. The ponies were all gathered at Twilight's place and awaiting the arrival of Celestia and Luna, however, they didn't know Luna was coming yet. Thanks to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie had all been informed of what Shadow had seen and been through. Needless to say, they were all horrified and left in shock at the fact that someone could seem so heartless as to forget a friend after only one day.

Shadow began to speak to the ponies there. "Look every pony, I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine, when Celestia gets here I will tell her what I intend to go through with. You have all been better friends then I could have hoped for in just three days and I am not about to go back to a place where friends are fake."

Pinkie spoke up. "I don't blame you, I sure wouldn't want to be with some pony who didn't really like me. Emily is just a big fat meanie mean pants."

Rarity agreed. "Quite right, no pony should be fake with their feelings like that."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "I got it." Spike ran to answer and see who it was. He opened the door only to see Celestia and Luna standing before him. "Princesses, welcome, come on in." Spike gave a quick bow before stepping aside to let the princesses in.

Celestia gave her greeting to Spike. "Hello Spike, it's good to see you."

Celestia and Luna made their way in. Twilight was the first to say her hello. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, welcome, it's good to see you." The ponies all gave a respectable bow before the princesses, except for Shadow, who was awe struck before the two alicorns in front of him.

He couldn't believe that such beings were standing right in front of him. He had never imagined that he would be standing in the presence of such creatures that were rare even in fairy tales. He didn't know what to say or how to respond. He just stood there staring at them. Twilight noticed and tried to get his attention. "Shadow, are you okay?"

Nothing, Celestia and Luna took notice at the fact that they were being stared at. Celestia couldn't help but chuckle a little as she quickly realized that this pony must be the one she was informed of and came to meet. Celestia finally spoke up. "Greetings my little ponies, it's always good to see you, and I take it this is the pony you told me about Twilight?"

Twilight looked to Celestia to answer. "Yes, he is, I apologize for his staring, he's never seen an alicorn before. His name is Shadow princess."

This time Luna and Celestia let out a slight giggle. "It's alright Twilight, I suppose you're all wondering why Luna is here as well, why don't we start off with an explanation as to what happened upon your arrival Shadow."

Shadow quickly shook his head to regain his senses. "Oh, uh, yeah, ok um, well….I...I….I." He couldn't speak, he was just too amazed at Celestia and Luna.

Twilight then cut in. "Um, maybe I should tell it. It seems he's too stunned at the moment." Twilight then began to tell about all that happened from Shadow's arrival up to now. She did leave out the part about him wanting to go back temporarily so he could talk to Emily and live in Equestria. "And that's what happened. So will you be able to send him home?"

Celestia began. "Well, I think that is up for Luna to tell."

The group was a little confused at this. Luna stepped forward and began to tell the ponies in the room what she had to say. "Shadow, it is my fault you are here."

The girls all let out a collective 'WHAT' at this bit of news. Shadow just looked shocked.

Luna continued. "You see, on the morning that you arrived here, I found a spell that would allow me to see into another world, I was just so curious I went ahead and tried to cast it, however I did it wrong. It is because of me that you are now here and have been taken away from your home. I am truly sorry for this and I only hope you can forgive me for my reckless behavior."

Shadow was still at a loss for words, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, this alicorn, a creature of which he had never even heard of was apologizing to him. After a moment of so many thoughts going through his head, he started to go through what he felt, anger that it was her fault he was taken away from home, but then odd that because of this he found out that Emily didn't really care about him, and confusion at the fact that a princess was apologizing to him. Finally, after a minute of thinking, he finally found the words to speak. "Princess Luna, I forgive you for this, if it wasn't for your actions, I may never have found out that the friend I thought I had was a fake."

Now Celestia and Luna was confused. Celestia asked first. "What do you mean Shadow?"

Shadow then began to explain the incident with his necklace. "That's why, after some major thinking, I decided that I would very much like to stay here, as it turns out, I don't have a real home, and the ponies here have been very nice to me. But if it is possible, I would like to be able to at least go back to my world temporarily and keep my ability to speak so I can talk to Emily and tell her how I feel. Let her know that she really hurt me, I need closure."

Luna then began. "Well, the thing is that since I didn't cast the spell correctly, you are stuck here anyway. There was a warning in the spell that said if it wasn't cast correctly, any side effects that occur would be irreversible. As it turns out though, there is a spell that could send you back temporarily, it's a kind of a spell that let's one visit another world for a few minutes and then you will be taken back to the world you came from. Since it is a different spell, it is a kind of loop hole in the whole permanent thing from the spell that brought you here."

"So, if you use the spell to send me to my world temporarily, would I still be able to talk?"

"I believe so, yes."

"All right then, Twilight, would you give me my necklace, I'm just going to give it back to Emily as a goodbye gift to let her know how much she hurt me."

Twilight simply nodded and levitated Shadow's necklace over to him and placed it around his neck.

Luna then steeped up to Shadow. "Are you ready for this?"

"I am, send me home."

"All right then, you will have about thirty minutes to talk to the human you wish to see." Luna then began to focus magic into her horn, it let off a dark blue glow as she focused and concentrated on the spell. The room began to be filled with an ominous wind as light formed around Shadow. The girls and Spike couldn't look anymore as the light grew brighter and brighter. Then in a flash, Shadow was gone.

On the farm where Shadow came from, a young girl of seventeen was coming out of the house of the farm to tend to her morning chores around the farm, when suddenly, a bright light formed in front of her. "What the heck?" The light grew brighter and brighter, she had to shield her eyes, she was very confused as to what was going on. "WHAT IS THIS?!" In a flash, the light disappeared and a pony was now there in its place. The girl quickly rubbed her eyes to try and see clearly in front of her.

After rubbing her eyes, she looked at the spot where the light was only to see a grey pony with a black mane and tail wearing a silver necklace with the side of a hoarse head with a small diamond for the eye. She looked at the pony with astonishment, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.

Shadow looked upon the strange girl in front of him. She looked to be about seventeen years old. Shadow wasn't sure what to make of this girl, this wasn't Emily like he was hoping it would be.

The girl Finally spoke up to the pony. "Shadow, is that you?" She then noticed the necklace around his neck. "Shadow it is you!" The girl had on a big smile on her face as she quickly ran over to hug Shadow.

Shadow saw the unfamiliar girl coming towards him and backed up quickly. The girl saw this and stopped in her tracks. "Shadow, what's wrong? It's me, Emily. I know it's been a long time but come on, you've got to know me. Where have you been all this time?"

Shadow couldn't believe what he just heard. He stayed silent as he tried to process this information in his head. How could this seventeen year old girl be Emily? Shadow took a few steps closer and looked into her eyes carefully.

Emily got a little closer as well, hoping that Shadow would recognize her. "Come on Shadow, it's me, remember how we used to play tag and run around the farm, remember those nights I came to your barn and spent the night with you, remember how I used to read to you? You have to remember me."

Shadow began to be struck with recognition as he stared into her eyes as she said all this. "Emily, is it really you, what happened, how did you get so big?"

Emily was now dumbstruck at the fact that her pony friend had just spoken. "Shadow….did…did you just ….talk? But…how, how are you talking? OH MY GOSH, THIS IS INCREDIBLE!" Emily then ran over to him to give him a big hub.

Shadow didn't want that. "EMILY, STOP!"

Emily quickly did as she was told upon hearing such a forceful call from Shadow. "Shadow, what's wrong, aren't you glad to see me too, I missed you so much. What happened to you, where were you?"

"Never mind where I was, what happened to you, how did you get so tall? You weren't this tall the last time I saw you three days ago."

Emily was confused at Shadow's statement. "Three days ago, Shadow…it's been three years since you disappeared, me and dad thought you had died when that tornado struck and carried off your barn."

Shadow was now really confused. "WHAT, THREE YEARS?! That can't be right, I've only been gone for three days! How could it have been three years for you?!"

"Shadow, please tell me, where have you been all this time?"

"Well, you probably won't believe me, but given the circumstances, you may." Shadow then began to tell Emily all about the world he ended up in with unicorns and pegasai. And when he got to the point about the alicorn princesses, Emily was in even more awe.

"Wow, you actually got to meet real unicorns, pegasai and alicorn princesses? That's amazing, oh I wish I could see it. Well it doesn't matter, what matters is that your back home now, and you can talk, this is so amazing. I can't tell you how much I missed you shadow."

"Hold on Emily, I'm not here to stay, I'm only here to say goodbye."

Emily then took on a confused and somewhat hurt look. "Goodbye, but why Shadow?"

"While I was in that world, I was missing you so much that one morning in Applejack's house, I made a wish that I could at least see you to make sure you were ok, when I did, the necklace you gave me opened a window back into this world so I could see you, and when I did, you were hugging and playing with another pony. I hadn't been gone for two days and you had already gotten another pony to replace me."

Emily was dumbstruck. "Shadow, that pony you saw me with was one me and dad got a year after you had disappeared. No pony could ever take your place, sure I was playing with it, but just to be nice, I could never find a pony as wonderful as you. That pony was only to replace you as a worker, not a friend, I was so distraught when you disappeared. I put up flyers everywhere I could with your picture for weeks hoping you were still alive and just lost. You're my bestest friend ever you silly pony."

Shadow couldn't believe what he heard. "So….you really loved me then? You didn't replace me like I thought?"

Emily smiled at Shadow. "Of course I loved you, why would I just read stories to a pony I didn't care about so much, or sleep in a barn with? You were my friend Shadow, and you still are."

Shadows eyes began to tear up upon hearing such words from his longtime friend. "Emily, how could I have ever doubted you? I am such an IDIOT!" Emily then knelt down and wrapped her arms around Shadow's neck, Shadow then began to nuzzle against her head as they both shared a cry. "Emily, I missed you so much, I'm so sorry I thought the worst of you. Can you ever forgive me."

"Of course I can, I'm just glad your home, now we can be together again."

Shadow then opened his eyes upon hearing this. He began to back away to break the embrace and looked away from Emily. "Shadow, what's wrong, aren't you happy that were back together again?"

Shadow looked back up at her with a depressed expression. "Um, about that, you see, as I said, I was brought to that world through a spell mishap, the thing is that since the spell wasn't cast correctly, the effects it caused are permanent, meaning that I'm stuck there."

"But then, how are you here now if you're supposed to be stuck there?"

"You see, princess Luna, one of the alicorn princesses I mentioned, used a spell that lets one travel between worlds temporarily. I'm afraid that soon, I'm going to get sucked back to the other world. We…..won't see each other again after that."

"What, but that…that's not fair, why did she even cast such a spell that brought you to their world in the first place if she didn't know what she was doing?!" Emily was very upset at this point.

"I know it isn't fair, it was just an accident, and now, we'll never see each other again after this. All this time after my second day I thought you had forgotten about me and didn't care, while you were worried sick about me for so long, and now that we finally get to talk to each other after so long…..it's..to say goodbye." The two were about to start crying all over again.

Emily and Shadow embraced each other one more time as they started to cry. Shadow began to speak. "You know, when I was mad at you for thinking you had forgotten about me, I was going to give you back this necklace you gave me. I still think it might be a good way to say goodbye, you know, so you can remember me."

The two broke the embrace as Emily began. "Shadow, I never forgot about you, I don't need that necklace to remember you by, I gave it to you because you are my best friend in the world. You keep it to remember me by and to remind you that I always have and always will love you." Emily gave a sad smile to Shadow.

Shadow looked up at Emily with the same expression. As he did, sparkles started to appear around him and he started to fade out. Emily was startled by this. "Shadow, what's happening?"

"I guess it's about time for me to head back to the other world. I'm going to miss you Emily, and I promise to never forget you."

"I promise to never forget you either, and I will miss you very much Shadow, I'm just glad to know that you're ok. You take care now."

"You too,….bestest friend in the world. Goodbye Emily."

"Goodbye Shadow." With final goodbyes said, Shadow faded out and disappeared before Emily's eyes, leaving her on the farm she and Shadow called home.

Back in Twilight's library, the girls and princesses were all waiting for Shadow to reappear and inform them of how things went between Emily and him. Shadow then began to fade in and reappeared before their eyes. He had fully solidified and was standing in the center of the room with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

Fluttershy was the first to speak up. "Shadow, how did it go, did you see Emily?"

Rainbow Dash spoke up next. "Yeah, did you really let her have it for ditching you like she did?"

Shadow kept his smile as he responded. "No, I didn't need to."

Rarity then asked. "How come dear, what happened between you two?"

Shadow answered. "She really did love me."

The End.

AN: Well, that's the end of that fic, hope you all enjoyed it. I'll be sure to get started on my next fic real soon. Thanks for all your support.