Chapter 1 Arrival

I do not own My Little Pony that belongs to Hasbro but it would be awesome if I did, but I dont

"Hey get up you lazy good for nothing maggot" was my daily wakeup call from the sergeant.

This I could tell was going to be a hell of a morning but there was one thing that bugged me.

I got up and got in to my normal civilian clothes which consisted of a grey T, a pair of camo cargo pants, and a pair of black combat boots.

I looked outside and saw it was still dark but that was not the thing that got me it was that it was just me and my squad in the bunker.

There should be about twenty troops suited and ready but there were only four people myself included.

"Hey where is everyone" I asked joker who was a close friend of mines since boot camp. Joker was taller than me and he acted like a badass Russian but showed he had a soft side which was funny as hell, he was a giant ginger.

"Hell if I know, you would think they would at least wake us up" joker said half asleep.

I went to a full body mirror to see how I looked and I looked like hell but I was a typical city guy, the only thing special about me was that my eyes looked as if I was blind.

I had silver hair that was went to my shoulders, my superiors always said that I needed it cut but eh I liked it like this but sometimes I cut it to my ears but that was it.

Soon I heard my other squad mate Flare ask me the same thing I just asked joker.

She was nice she was not someone you wanted to fuck with because she had anger issues but don't tell her that or you might end up like Joker when she slammed a chair into his back.

She had jet black hair and was almost as tall as me; she was our heavy fighter believe it or not.

I was squad leader while Joker was our tech support and driver, in my defense the reason we are a three person squad was because we were a recon division.

We got plenty of action even as a recon team we fought our share of fights but it was usually small encounters.

"Hey shadow come on we have to get to our place before the main group" but before I left I took a look at the sarge who left to another bunker and we heard him yelling at the top of his lungs which caused us to laugh to ourselves as we got in our jeep to get in place.

I was passenger, Joker was driving, and Flare was on the 50 cal on the roof, which she enjoyed way too much but hey that's Flare your ya.

We were sent to a mountain range to survey a local compound that was believed to house a group of terrorists known as the Black Hand.

You probably thinking now that we are part of some government's military force but you would be wrong, we are known as the TOF (tactical operations force) which is a renowned mercenary force based in Russia.

We knew that the Black Hand had gotten their hands on some WMD's so we knew that these guys were going to try to take the capital and we could not let that happen but these guys were large in force and money.

That meant that if we got spotted it was not going to be good, because we have gotten reports of strange movement in the compound that there were these large mech walking around the perimeter so direct assault would be a sight to see.

We got to a place that over looked the compound and we sent pictures to the client after that was our job, info and go, but Flare being the crazy one wanted to watch the fight which I didn't mind watching.

We sat at the jeep and watched the two forces collide and man was it a sight, the only thing that could make this better would be… "I got vodka comrades" me and Flare looked over to Joker walking with it in hand;

I had a tear run down my face. Flare saw this and just laughed "dude are you crying" "No its liquid pride". (Reference if you got that, then you can have a cookie) We sat there vodka in hand watching fire all around man it was so much to take in shots being fired at anything that moved.

Little did we know that the Black Hand had a trick up their sleeve, we started to hear motors "what the hell is that sound" when out of nowhere a full battalion of helicopter hit the side of the mountain with a barrage of missiles the ground held but we saw that it was our client who knew we were still on the mountain just backstabbed us.

Then came a second wave it collided under us which literally cause the ground to fall right out from under us, we fell but the last thing I saw was a boulder coming straight for me then blackness.

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