Hey everypony, sorry that this story hasnt been updated in a while. This is a short chapter compared to some of the other ones I have written, but it will be getting better. This is basically leading up to the more exciting parts of the story. So yeah, I hope you all like it and whatnot. I will be updating my other stories more than this one, but will still continue to come back to this story, it just may take a little bit of time to update. Anyways, it's late here and im so tired lol. Remember to stay safe and make smart decisions. -Asianpon3-

Chapter 6

"Aww, is it time to go already?" Pinkie asked, looking pleadingly up at everypony. I chuckled as Twilight nodded her head.

"Yeah. It is getting late and I'm sure Midnight would like to rest a little bit more," Twilight said, Pinkie beaming a smile in understanding. She then lunged at me and pulled me into hug with her hooves. I had to kneel down to her level to return her hug.

"Bye Auntie Pinkie. I will see you soon," I replied. Pinkie nodded her head and with a smile on her face, proceeded to bounce away to Sugar Cube Corner. I laughed, remembering Pinkie was always like this. I then turned to everypony else, hugging each one of them as they said their goodbyes.

Ten minutes later and I was heading back to the library with Twilight. She was beaming with joy and happiness, a trait I think she lost when I was ponynapped. We soon found ourselves at the door of the library and moved into the living room. Twilight closed the door behind me and moved to the couch that was positioned in front of a wooden coffee table. I approached the couch and sat down next to her. She soon wrapped me in a hug with her hooves, her eyes tearing up slightly. I smiled and returned her affection.

"Midnight, I am so blessed to have you back in my life. We all are?" Twilight quietly said.

"I know you are mom. I am just as blessed to have you and Spike in my life, and all of my aunts too. I don't know how I would have survived if it weren't for you all," I claimed, Twilight pulling away from the hug and wiping away her tears. She took in a deep breath and had a serious facial expression a moment later.

"Midnight, there is something I have been meaning to tell you," Twilight said. I nodded my head and waited for her to continue.

"You came into our lives eighteen years ago. You were so small and cute; I can even remember holding you in my hooves while I fed you and cared for you," Twilight said, giggling slightly at the thought. "But there is something you must know Midnight," Twilight voiced, a determined look on her face.

"I'm not your real mother," she said, looking at me to see my reaction. I looked at Twilight, confused at what I had just heard, but knowing that she was telling the truth. I couldn't deny that I was not born here in Ponyville, being the only one that looks the way I do. I knew I had to be from somewhere else, but I didn't want to believe it. That nagging thought that was always in the back of my mind, of not belonging. It was finally content with the knowledge I had just received.

Twilight continued to stare at me, trying to gauge my reaction. Without a single word spoken, I stood up from the couch and made my way to my room.

"Midnight," Twilight cried out, stopping me halfway up the stairs.

"Midnight, please don't be mad. I may not be your real mother but I have loved and cared for you like any mother would her own foal. I love you and care for you just like your aunts do. You are so special to us Midnight and we will always consider you family," Twilight stated, my back still turned from her on the stairwell. I waited a moment before continuing up the stairwell and into my room. With the door closed, I locked it and walked over to my bed. I sat down and stared at the ground deep in thought. I was feeling a mixture of emotions, ranging from sadness to anger, confusion to fearful, and even some small feeling of content. The most dominating emotion I felt was anger, some towards nopony telling me the truth until now, but mostly towards my real parents, the ones who had abandoned me here all those years ago. I looked at the picture that was resting next to my nightstand. Looking over it, I felt angry. Not even thinking, I grabbed the picture frame in my right hand and slung it across the room. It collided with the wall and the glass portion of the frame burst into many fragments. I breathed in deeply, trying to regain control of my emotions. Standing up from the bed, I walked over the broken picture frame, moving shards of glass from the front part of the frame and grabbing the picture inside. I looked at the picture and fell to my knees. All the emotions of the past ten years of my life came welling back into me. Tears began to stream from eyes as I let out a cry of pain. This cry of pain was not physical, but mental. A cry of someone who had lost everything he knew in his life; a cry of pain that shook all of Ponyville, and was even rumored to have reached other nearby settlements; a cry of pain, of a broken man.

Two Days Later (Library)

"I'm worried about him Rainbow. He hasn't come out of his room for two days," Twilight worriedly said, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Rainbow nodded her head and then got to her hooves.

"Let me see if I can get him to come out," Rainbow said, walking towards the stairs before ascending them. She was only a foot away from my door before she gave a gentle knocking.

"Hey Midnight. It's Auntie Rainbow. Can I talk with you for a bit?" There was no answer at the door. Rainbow looked at Twilight before Twilight shook her head and preceded back downstairs. Rainbow sighed before knocking again.

"Hey Midnight, can I please talk with you?" Rainbow asked again. She received nothing but silence from the other side of the door. Without any warning, Rainbow reached for the door and pulled it open. She walked into the room and closed the door behind herself, looking around and noticing that room was a mess. Her eyes quickly fell upon me, but she stared in silence, as she couldn't figure out what I was doing. Taking a few steps closer to me, Rainbow was momentarily stopped when I started to speak.

"One of the habits I have acquired over the past ten years came from a Stallion by the name of Strong Hoof. He taught me that through a clear mind and focus, one could overcome any obstacle. Meditation became a daily part of my life while in those mines. It helped me cope with all the pain, sadness, and anger I was experiencing," my voice said, lacking almost all emotion. Rainbow stood still for a moment before I turned to meet her.

"I'm sorry to have worried everypony, but I needed time. Time to think about everything I had been told," I said, relaxing myself more and staring at Rainbow. She was still silent for a moment, but moved next to me on the bed.

"Midnight, I can't say that I know how you feel. Truth is, I don't think anypony could understand what you are going through right now. But..." Rainbow said, pulling me into a hug.

"Even though we aren't related, you are still our little Midnight. We all love you like you were our own colt. That day when we lost you, we lost apart of ourselves. Everypony did. Everything seemed fine after a while, but there was still something missing," Rainbow said, releasing me from the hug.

"We already lost you once Midnight. We don't want to lose you again," Rainbow finished. I sat quiet for a moment, looking down at the floor before I began to laugh lightly.

"I never recalled you being so in touch with your emotional side," I smugly said, Rainbow slugging me in the arm.

"Hey, I can be like that when I need to be. Though I would prefer if you didn't mention this to anypony," Rainbow said, a little laugh in her voice. I nodded my head and hugged her again.

"Thank you Rainbow. I really needed this," I said, pulling away from the hug. We looked at each other for a moment before we both began to laugh.

"Oh, right. Midnight, I have something you might like," Rainbow said, gaining my full attention.

"It's tomorrow, and you don't have to go if you don't want too, but I have two tickets for Equestrian five hundred. Would you like to go with me?" she asked. I excitedly nodded my head, remembering all the fun I had on the day I went to see the Wonderbolts. Rainbow chuckled slightly and patted me on the back with her hoof.

"Awesome. I will see you tomorrow then," Rainbow said, getting up from the bed and walking to the door. A moment later, the door was open and Rainbow was already downstairs bidding Twilight farewell. I walked to the balcony of the stairs just in time to see Rainbow leaving through the front door. I looked down and saw Twilight closing the door behind her, stopping and gazing up at me. We stood there for a moment before I started to move down the stairs. Twilight had her ears pinned back and took a step backwards. I continued to walk down the stairs and up to her before kneeling down so we were eye level. She stared at me for a moment before looking away, ashamed of herself. I gently reached a hand up to her chin and moved it so our eyes met again. I then pulled her into a loving hug, holding her tightly as I began to cry lightly.

"I love you mom?" I said, Twilight standing shocked, but soon tears were streaming from her eyes as well.

"I love you too Midnight," Twilight reciprocated through chocked tears. The two of us continued to hug each other for a long while, time meaningless as we talked for hours on end about anything and everything that came to mind.