
Once, long before guilds became the norm, mages would travel the land, helping people where ever they roamed...

But eventually, people started to find it easier to stay in one place, so people knew where to find them. The downside of this was that sometimes, the guilds couldn't get to the towns in danger before it was destroyed...

But eventually, all the mages had settled into guilds. People didn't connect this to the rise in demon population, or the fact that suddenly it was dangerous to travel without escort.

All except for one person. While the mages of the land were settling in city's and towns, Alice Skyfern had been aprenticed to a powerful Mage named Gemma Edelye, who was charged by her master before her, who was charged by hers, going all the way back to before zerefs time, to power and maintain their share of the seals that held back the creations of zeref, among other things.

As Gemma grew older, she and Alice settled in a guild, though they still went to each of their 12 seals each year. As Gemma got older, Alice used her wood make magic to make a caravan for the old woman, so she could travel in comfort. When Alice was 30 Gemma died, leaving the job of looking after the seals in her hands.

After a few years she noticed that some of the others seals, that others were responsible for had broken. The old masters were passing before they were able to pass on the knowledge. On that day Alice made a decision. In the forest outside the city of Kumoa she used wood make to construct a building. It to her months, and expanded her magic reserves to masive amounts. The building was a normal guild building, but with a large stable and fenced off area. There was also a few small houses dotted around the clearing. But most importantly for her plans, wer the 12 caravans each big enough for six people to live in as well as an escort.

She then sent out messages to the last of the masters and, if they had them, apprentices, as well as the last of the traveling mages, who had taken to performing shows, just so they could be free and survive outside of the cramped guilds.

And that was how the night cloud guild was born.

So the years passed, and the guild gained fame for their talents as traveling performers as much as their magic, giving them a perfect cover for why they were always traveling.

The guild had a peculiar system. The guilds year went like this. They would have one month in which they had their s class exams, followed by the selection of the 12 teams. These were teams of five that each took a caravan equipped with a lacriama to communicate with the guild, so they could take missions in the area the seal they looked after was in, because that was the main purpose of them. Each team had a cook, a medic, a close combat fighter, a long range fighter and a caravan master, who acted as the guild master of the caravan and drove, as well as looked after the horses.

Horses was another way the guild got income apart from performing and doing missions. They bred strong, but beautiful horses for pulling their caravans, as well as riding.

Each caravan went out for five months then came back for one month to trade news. Then new teams would be chosen and be gone for five months until s class exams came round again.

Those who remained at the guild trained their magic, but also their skills in performing and ability to fill the positions in the caravans. They did some missions, but a lot of them were parents and children who lived around the guild hall, as well as the mages who were turned down from the teams and the elderly. Then, of course there was the guild master.

Nia Seablade was Alice's granddaughter and the third guild master, with Nia's mother Willow being the second. Alice had made the guild, Willow had made it a family and Nia was it's current matriarch. Her own daughter had been next in line, but she had died giving birth to her youngest granddaughter Finnel, whose father had basically abandoned her, and with his skill, she couldn't logically deny his request to be permenantly on the caravan rotation.

Finnel would be next in line, but had been unable to learn the family's wood make style, instead learning her grandfathers wind magic.

Instead Nia's other daughter, Maria, was to be the next guild master, with her eldest daughter after her.

This was the state of the guild when our main character found the Fire Storm Caravan performing in port Skydale.

A.n. sorry, but I only got a few characters, and that was with one person submitting two.

I still need a main character, but at the moment this is the state of the caravan.

Fire Storm Caravan

Caravan leader: Finnel Asha Falsia, 19, wind magic, horse stunts

Medic: Tanaka "Maki" Takashi, 18, Neverwind, fortune teller

Close combat: Ken Hitoshi, 18, Military magic, knife juggler and strong man routine with Riely

Long range: Aria Swan, 26, fire/transformation, singer

Cook: Riely Vaughan, 20, Earth magic, works with Ken

Probationary member (not yet a true guild member, but part of the caravan): none

Escorted person: none

Horses: Max, Silver, Yew, Votive

Need more people please!

Current template is:

Name: (Please at least have a last name)Hair:Eyes:Skin:Clothes:Hobbies:Personality:Hi story: (Please make it readable)Weapons/Magic:Place in team: (list 3 from most wanted to wouldn't mind)

Caravan: (top five please!)

Act/performance: (please list two)

Other caravans are:


natures gift

ligtnig bolt

gold bell

chess board

times treasure

paper back

icey tears

golden morning

moons path

starry skies

The other caravans will definitely be included, and may be flashed to on occasion. Please help this story grow! - Heroes