First chapter of Love and War. This is a new fanfic im writing. It's going to be Celestia and my Oc. Im thinking that it wont actually be that long of a story, but i wanted to do one with Celestia in it. Also, i deleted two of my other stories. So if you are wondering what happened to those, yea i kind of deleted them. Dont worry, i will redo them and get them back out again. After i finish Adapting to Love, which only has two more chapters left, i am going to switch off between this story and im going to completely restructure Just my Luck. That was my first story and i need to rewrite parts to make them even better. Anyways, i hope you all will enjoy this story and dont forget to leave comments. I will try to update a story around every 2-3 days. So until then, be safe. Have a nice week and make smart choices. -AsianPon3-

Chapter 1

"Another one please." The pony said, as he watched the bartender pour another shot of cider into a mid sized glass and slide it towards me. It was around 2:30am, with only a few ponies populating the secluded bar in Canterlot. Most of them seemed to be regulars, but there was one pony in particular pony that sat alone at the bar. He was a unicorn, much bigger than an average stallion. He had a short, brown mane with crescent blue eyes. His coat was a vibrant shade of yellow with no cutie mark. He quietly sipped his cider, minding his own business, but still conscious of his surroundings. Everything seemed peaceful, until two Earth Ponies walked into the bar.

They seemed to be rather young, early twenties at the oldest. They walked up to the bar, where the lonely unicorn was sitting, and ordered a few shots. The unicorn just sat there, minding his own business as he continued to sip his cider. The bartender brought out a bottle of scotch and began to pour a two shots for the two Earth ponies. He then slid the glasses over to them as they both smiled. Just before they were about to consume the shots, a rather old and drunk earth pony left his seat and began to make his way towards the door. On his way, he managed to stumble quite a few times, but continued on his path. He was passing by the two Earth ponies, before he lost his balance and fell into both of the ponies. Both ponies dropped their glasses as scotch spilt over the bar-counter.

"What the fuck." One of the ponies yelled, as he looked behind him to see the old pony stumbling to get to his hooves. The old pony finally gained his balanced as he looked at the angry Earth pony.

"I'm... sorry there... just lost my balance... is all." He said, through his slurred speech. The Earth pony was becoming even more aggravated with the older pony.

"Iron. Let's not make a big deal out of this. It was an accident after all." His friend said, as Iron didn't calm down.

"Yes Dusk, it was an accident. Just like my hoof bashing the side of this old drunks face." Iron said, as he reared his right hoof back and was about to strike before he felt somepony grab the back of his hoof.

The unicorn sat in his seat, holding his cider with his left hoof and holding Iron's hoof in the other. He wasn't looking at Iron, he was still staring straight ahead as he took the last swig of his cider and set it down. He then turned towards Iron with a rather calm face.

"It was an accident. He didn't mean too. Just let it go." He said, as he released Iron's hoof from his grasp. Iron was even more upset and bursting with rage.

"How dare you lay a hoof on me." He angrily shouted, as the drunken pony scampered away.

"Iron, let's just drop it. Let's just go before..." he was cut off Iron yelling at him. He then turned his attention back to the Unicorn.

"You are going to wish you didn't intervene." He was about to do something before the unicorn spoke again, causing him to stop.

"Dusk, you seem like a good stallion. Would you please tell your friend to stop before he gets hurt?" Iron's face was now bubbling with anger.

"You stupid fool." He shouted as he raised his hoof and struck down towards the Unicorn. The Unicorn pushed back off the barstool, causing himself to topple backwards into a roll and land on all four hooves. Iron on the other hoof, was clumsy and fell flat on his face as he missed his target. He quickly stood back up as he glared at his target. "You got lucky that I missed you." Iron angrily said, as he assumed his attack position. The other pony looked at him and sat down on the ground, as if he was bored.

"What are you doing?" Iron shouted. The other pony let out a faint yawn and looked back at Iron.

"Sorry, just a little bored is all." Iron, gritted his teeth as he rushed towards the pony. The pony continued to sit there as Iron reared his right hoof again. Just before Iron was about to strike, the unicorn quickly stood on his two back hooves and back pivot kicked Iron in the face. Iron was sent flying a few feet into the air. The unicorn finished his rotation and jumped a few feet into the air. He grabbed Iron by the back of his mane and as they both came down. He slammed his face into a wooden table, causing the table to split into a few large pieces. The few ponies that were still in the bar looked on with amazement at what transpired. I slowly walked over to the bartender and hoofed him about thirty bits.

"This should take care of the damages and drinks. Sorry about the mess." I said, as I began to walk out towards the exit. I took one last look at the damage I had caused, before I walked out of the bar.

I slowly began to walk back home. The cool morning breeze flowed through my mane and coat, and rejuvenated my senses. It was about five after I left bar before I heard a pony calling out to me. I turned around to see a white Pegasus pony, with a blue mane and tail, walking up to me. I waited for him to come closer to see what he wanted.

"That was some interesting stuff back there." He said, as I looked at him and brushed it off like it was nothing. "Your style and technique. I haven't seen anything quite like it before. What is it, if you don't mind me asking?" He looked at me curiously as I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's actually a mix of different things I have learned over the years." I said. He looked at me curiously and smiled.

"Well, you seem to be able to handle yourself in a fight. Have you ever considered joining the guard?" He asked. I stared at him, both confused and amused.

"I have thought about it, but then I decided I should stay away from an occupation like that." I looked at him for a few moments before asking him a question. "Why are you so interested in all of this?" He looked at me and smiled.

"How impolite of me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tullius. General Tullius of her Majesty's royal guard. It is my job to recruit potential guards, and you seem to be rather experienced for somepony of your age. Tell me, how old are you?"

"Twenty Seven." I said. I looked at him weirdly, as if trying to decipher what he was thinking. Before I could, he smiled at me and began to speak again.

"How would you like to come by the castle tomorrow and show some of the guards what you can do. I have seen you in action, and I'm sure they all would like to see you as well. Besides, maybe they can learn a thing or two from you as well." I stared at Tullius for a few moments, thinking of what I should do. I then smiled as I stuck out my hoof.

"Names Thorn. It's a pleasure to meet you Tullius." I said, as we shook hooves.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said, as we both laughed for a second. "Alright, all you have to do is show up to the castle around 3:00pm. That is when we usually start our training sessions. Just say that Tullius sent you, and you they will escort you to the training field." He said, as I took a mental note of everything.

"Alright, tomorrow at three. I will be sure to arrive a little early." I said, as he smiled.

"That's what I like to hear. I will see you tomorrow then." He said, as he turned and started to walk away.

"Huh, this is going to be fun." I said, as I turned towards my house and continued to walk home.