All rights go to Hasbro except for Silver Star and review and/or PM me with a character you made up with full description please! ~Mare of The Moon

Spike came out of the kitchen to the circle of six ponies with chocolate popcorn. "Recipe curtesy of the Cute Mark Crusaders." He passes them out to everyone and Rarity gushes.

"How cute!" She takes a piece and squeals. "Delicious too!"

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight Sparkle says and takes a bag. "Now where were we?"

"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie Pie raises her hoof.

"Yes?" Twilght asked

"We were at the part where Nightmare Moon gets sucked into the moon!" Pinkie squeals.

"Thank you." Twilght answers. "Now lets continue."

"Nightmare Moon blacked out and when she awoke, she was in a stable stall. There was a beautiful silver pegasus standing over her."

"Who. Are. You?" The mare asked. Nightmare Moon stood up and realized shed shrunken. She was Luna again!

"I am Princess Luna of Equestria." She responded loud and clearly.

"What are you? I've never seen a Pegasus with a horn before." She asked.

"Its because Im an Allicorn." Luna said impatiently. "Who are you?"

The Pegasus stood tall and Luna got up shakily. "I'm Silver Star. Best flyer in West Creek Stables."

"Stables?!" Luna screamed.

"Shhhh." Silver Star shoved her hoof over Luna's mouth. "Only Lexi knows we can talk."

"Lexi-?" Luna started to ask question but then a human girl walked in with a saddle.

"Silver Star! Oh Silver Star!" She yelled.

Silver Star turned around and I saw her cutie mark. Six silver stars forming a diamond shape. The girl walked over. She had a red mane and emerald green eyes.

She walked over and saw me. "Holy cow! Its an allicorn!"