Mae'r sharpshooter

One bullet can end a war before it begins and after it starts.

A man sat in a two story half destroyed building in a city of rubble known as Stalingrad. Kostya sat with a wool blanket that completely covered him, and had a hole for his rifle's scope to look through. Kostya was a Russian sniper, a sharpshooter and proud soldier of the red army. His target was a German officer leading the enemy forces in this part of the Stalingrad. He was known to walk the courtyard Kostya was over looking.

It was an easy shot if not for the very easy and most likely possibility that the patrols and flack 88's would see him. Kostya had been hidden in that building for two days waiting this moment. If he succeeded in killing the German officer the Russians could take this part of the city with ease.

The officer appeared from the command building and began to check on the troops, he was completely exposed to the sniper in the two story building.

The officer stopped to observe a hawk roosting in a tree, it let out a screech and toke flight on the winds of war. As the bird toke flight there was a loud 'bang'. The officer stood there froze holding his breath. The man looked down; his chest began to bleed from the bullet's wound. The officer looked up in shock and out his last and final breath.

Kostya smiled to himself at his perfect kill. He got up to make his way to the back exit of the building. Kostya wasn't even half way out of his wool hiding blanket, when an explosion ripped through the house.

'Damn the 88's found me' Kostya thought to himself.

There was a river on the far side of the building; he knew that he could escape death by jumping in to it. Kostya ran through the building 88 shells tearing through the walls. As he jumped from the building an explosion through him over the deepest part of the river.

He hit the water and tried to swim to the surface and get the air his lunges so desperately needed. But his winter clothes weighed him down. He fought and fought to get to the surface but blackness began to envelope him and the last thing he saw was a purple light blinding him.

Chronicler's library

A blue dragon with a blue cape on his back stood over a pool of water.

"Amazing, such a fighting spirit and patience rarely found" the dragon muttered, he waved a paw over the pool of visions. A wet slap sounded behind him, the dragon turned to find the Human sniper soaking wet and passed out laying on the stone floor.

The chronicler summoned a book from a shelf, the book's cover was red and the symbol on the cover was two crossed rifles. the book opened its self and the dragon read through the pages.

"Name is Kostya, a human, best sniper in red army, born in outskirts of Stalingrad, and taught to hunt by his grandfather" the dragon read off.

The dragon turned back to the human looked him up and down, before summoning a second book. this book was blue and had large droplet of water on the cover. the book opened up and flipped open. The chronicler read a few pages before grunting.

"Just what I was looking for" he said, then waved his paw and the Russian disappeared in a flash of light.