Blood of the Fallen

Chapter 1 The Beginning

To those who follow my stories or just passing through I want to say that this story has been in my archives for a while but never thought it should see the light of day/night but I was having a writers block on one of my stories but hopefully this will help with that,

Also I want to know what everypony thinks of my story and if it should be continued or just scrapped but I leave the option to you readers, also if you think its good then I am currently looking for OC's, Vamps and hunters are wanted just post in the reviews or PM me

Also my friend dragon outcast gave me the courage to upload this story so shout out to him and a pint of ale is raised to you

It was late at night on a cold winters day the Pegasi just finished putting a blanket of snow clouds in the sky that slowly dropped snow on the sleeping town, every house was dark with ponies sleeping, all except one certain tree house which still had a candle burning in the lower half of the tree, A lone figure was laying down on a pillow reading from one of her many books, she let a sigh escape her lips "why can't I get some sleep, I did exactly what the book told me, I got a glass of warm milk, read a story, even tried a lullaby that I heard from Fluttershy but nothing is working" the young mare let another sigh out and stood up and picked up the book and put it back in its respected place

"maybe a walk will let me relax enough to go to sleep later" the young unicorn walked to her front door and opened it with her magic to keep it quiet as not to wake a sleeping dragon, she walked out into the cold night after a gust of wind blew the candle out she closed the door and walked down a dirt path that would let her pass her friends' houses along the way, she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a black book that she found in the basement of the library and started to read while she walked, she walked past a bakery that looked a lot like a giant gingerbread house and stopped to see that it was all but silent so she continued her walk, she soon passed a dress makers shop that was her friend Rarity's home and work, she stopped to look into a giant apple orchard and a farm in the distance, the mare took a deep yawn "finally I guess a walk was exactly what I needed"

The mare turned to leave but soon heard a grunt coming from a nearby bush, the mare slowly walked towards the bush and used her magic to move it to see a dark grey unicorn stallion laying on his side with a wooden spike going into his stomach, he was bleeding a lot and was coughing up blood, the mare stood there shock at what she was staring at this stallion for a minute before she shook her head clear of the cobwebs and proceeded to lift the stallion very slowly onto her back with the help of magic to help lighten him enough to allow her to move quickly and not use her magic to much or she would exhaust herself,

With the stallion on her back she ran as fast as she could to the hospital to try and save him, she read in a book that not to pull the obstruction or else risk increase blood loss and possible death, she knew time was of the essence so with that she ran, she did think about using a teleportation spell but she didn't want to risk moving the spike any farther into the host and didn't want it to come out, she arrived at the hospital to see a single nurse and the doctor still in, she ran to the nurse

"nurse Redheart please help!" the nurse looked to see the stallion and immediately called out for the doctor who brought a stretcher and put the stallion on it and pushed him into the ER, "he has a low pulse we need him hooked up now" stated the doctor, the mare tried to follow but nurse Redheart stopped her "I'm sorry Twilight but you need to stay out here so we can help your friend" Twilight did not seem to accept this "please nurse Redheart I need to see if he's ok" the nurse just shook her head "we need to get to him now or else he will die" and with that she left behind the double doors, leaving Twilight siting on her haunches staring into the double doors where the mystery stallion now lays hanging on by a thread

In the ER the sound of a faint beeping was heard, as the beep echoed into the hallways of the silent hospital, Twilight just sat listening to the beeping of the heart monitor, soon the beeping started to pick up and that made Twilight hope that he was ok, soon the beeping went up again at a ridiculous speed till… all you could hear is the faint sound of a single long beep, and at that point twilight's heart just sank,

Nurse Redheart stepped out of the ER with her head hung low, she looked up at Twilight and shook her head "I'm sorry Twilight, he lost to much blood, we couldn't stop the bleeding" nurse Redheart walked by Twilight who had tears going down her face knowing that she couldn't get him here fast enough to save his life, soon the doctor walked out soon after, Twilight saw the doctor and ran to the doctor "doctor can I see the stallion's body"

The doctor looked at Twilight with a raised eyebrow "um Ms. Sparkle why do you want to see this stallion" Twilight looked at the ground "I just wanted to say sorry to him for not getting here sooner" the doctor looked at Twilight for a minute "alright Ms. Sparkle just be quick because I have to check on my patients before I lock up"

Twilight walked into the ER to see the body of the stallion laying on the table with a blanket over his still warm corpse, She turned to see the doctor was nowhere near her and used her horn to erect a barrier at the door and walked closer to the corpse and pulled the black book from earlier and found the page she had read before, "don't worry I will help you, it will hurt a lot for both you and me but I wasn't fast enough so it's the least I can do"

Twilights horn started to glow black and soon a black fire ring encircled the stallions body, another circle of fire spawned around twilight, soon a single line of fire connected the two circles and immediately Twilight let out a scream of pain as a small stream of light left her body and slowly floated into the stallions body, soon the sound of bone snapping was heard from the body of the stallion, soon bone wings sprouted from his sides and slowly gained skin but instead of feather wings they were wings that looked as if it was from a dragon

Soon the stallions blue eyes opened but were quickly turned black, then slowly the blackness receded from his eyes leaving a grey colored eye but the iris was a cat slit, he let out a silent scream as unimaginable amounts of pain washed through his body, as his bones shifted and expanded to accommodate the new body and its features

Soon a banging was heard from the blocked doors to the ER which was probably the doctor, twilight continued the spell till the stallions new body was complete, she knew the price was that she would have to give a piece of her soul and be forever bonded to this stallion but it was the least she could for him, he may not like what he has become but at least he is alive, to an extent

Soon the spell was complete, Twilight fell to her stomach breathing very heavily from the amount of pain and magic she just went through, the double doors flew open with nurse Redheart and the doctor running and saw Twilight laying on the ground with the stallion sitting on his haunches in the middle of the room with burn marks that littered the floor, the stallion sat there looking at his hooves 'how am I alive and why do I feel different'

The stallion looked down at the mare and saw she was in pain but also felt something about this mare but he couldn't figure out why, the stallion got off his haunches started to walk over to her, Twilight looked up at the stallion who now towered over her, the stallion tilted his head "are you alright miss" Twilight slowly started to stand but was shaky and started to fall over onto her side but was caught by the stallion who held her with his side

Nurse Redheart and the doctor stood at the doors staring at the stallion who was now walking around and very much alive, Nurse Redheart was the first to speak "how are you alive!?" the stallion just shrugged while holding Twilight so she would not fall, "I used a spell that would allow him to come back, but he isn't alive I would say but he is now part of the undead" Twilight answered,

Nurse Redheart continued to stare at Twilight and the stallion "what do you mean he's not alive, he's right here" she gestured with a hoof, Twilight just stood there and shook her head "his body and mind are alive but his heart has stopped and will remain stopped, he's a vampire now, that was the spell I used, it took a part of my spirit energy and sent it into his body, which restarted his own but now he gets many strengths and few weaknesses"

The stallion was shocked to say the least 'I'm a vampire now, so that's how I felt death and was brought back, so now I can't go into the sunlight, but it's better than being dead I suppose, but still won't I be shunned by everypony now' his thoughts were interrupted by the mare he was supporting on his side, he turned and looked into her eyes and saw nothing but beauty, he quickly shook he head, "umm what did you say" the mare had a smile "my names Twilight Sparkle" 'even her name is beautiful' he shook his head again "oh umm my names Shadow Crown"

Twilight nodded and slowly stood on her own four hooves and was able to keep he balance, she looked over at the doctor and Nurse Redheart "umm Nurse Redheart is it possible that I could get a few bags of blood and have a regular delivery of it to the library" the nurse just continued to stand there trying to process all that is happening, Shadow walked up to the nurse after making sure Twilight was able to stand, Shadow now stood as tall Luna and now towered over the now shaking nurse "please Nurse Redheart I need this, if this goes wrong then I think a lot of ponies will be hurt"

Nurse Redheart took a deep breath to calm her nerves and stood and looked at Shadow and then to Twilight "alright Twilight but know that if anypony is hurt by him I will report this to the guards" Twilight just simply nodded, Nurse Redheart pointed her hoof towards a fridge looking devise, Twilight was about to activate her magic again but Shadow put a hoof in front of her and shook his head, Shadow walked over the fridge and opened it to see over twenty different bags off blood, "take only a few we don't want to have an emergency and not be able to give somepony blood to save his or her life"

Shadow used his magic to lift several bags of blood onto his back but soon heard a growl come from his stomach, he looked at each of the ponies in the room then back to bag of blood he was holding with his hoof, he opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into the bag and slowly drained it into his mouth, he expected for the blood to taste disgusting but as soon as the red liquid touched his tongue he immediately tasted it as something sweet as if he was eating a pastry, he drained the bag of its contents in a matter of minutes

Shadow removed the bag from his mouth, he still had blood on his muzzle which he gladly licked up, Shadow looked up at the other ponies in the room to see each of them with a face of disgust, Twilight had the least sign of disgust probably because she would have to get used to it, the doctor had a green face from the look of him about to puke but Nurse Redheart on the other hoof had her head in a trashcan puking up her dinner,

"Alright Shadow we should get back to the library and get you a room set up" Shadow just responded with a nod and placed the remaining blood bags on his back, this is when he noticed a new feeling on his sides, he looked to his side and his eyes went wide when he spotted his new appendages, he slowly unfurled his new wings to see that they looked as if they came from a dragon, Twilight also saw these and moved closer to inspect them, she slowly dragged a hoof down the wing till she got to the place where it connected and she got a moan in response, Twilight immediately pulled her hoof back "oh sorry I forgot that wings are sensitive"

Shadow nodded "it's alright you didn't mean to" Twilight had a blush on her face "how about we get going" Twilight responded with a nod and walked out the double doors with Shadow following behind, Nurse Redheart and the doctor looked at each other and just shook their heads

Twilight and Shadow walked through the night, most of the walk consisted of Shadow looking into the night sky, Twilight saw him just staring off into space Twilight slowed down till she was walking next to Shadow "hey Shadow how are you holding up" Shadow sighed "to be honest I'm not sure how to fit in now that I'm like this" Twilight nodded her head in agreement "don't worry I'll help in any way I can, maybe tomorrow I can throw a slumber party and you can meet my friends"

The two finally reached the library, which Twilight had told Shadow was her home, Shadow stood in awe of all the books that littered the walls, Twilight saw Shadows face and giggled snapping Shadow out of his trance "I just love books but it's about time we get to bed" Twilight said with a slight blush, 'I swear she probably sleeps in a book' Shadow was led to Twilights room, Shadow looked around and saw there was only one bed "uhh Twilight where will I be sleeping"

Twilight looked at the ground started to kick an imaginary rock "umm there is only mine and maybe I thought possibly you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me" Twilight's checks were as red as Big Mac's coat, Shadow had a slight blush on his face "it's alright with me, if we share the bed" Twilight thought for a second "wait shouldn't you wait till morning to sleep sense you're a vampire now, because you would wake up in the morning and be bored to tears sense you cant go outside" Shadow thought about what Twilight said "hmm maybe but from what I just went through a few hours won't kill me"

Twilight climbed into the small bed that was meant for a single pony or a couple who cuddle, Shadow went to the other side of the bed and pulled the cover over his body after slipping into the bed, the bed was small as hell, a few minutes had passed a light snoring was heard from the sleeping form next to him, right now they were back to back, he turned his head to see Twilight having a slight shiver, Shadow turned himself around and wrapped his hooves around Twilight to keep her warm, Shadow soon embraced the night's cool air and drifted off to sleep.

So any reviews and comments are welcome, but one thing needs to be made clear that a fight will happen between vamp and hunter OC's and your character might die,

So remember Read and Review my readers and viewers