Spyro & Cynder


The Flying City Of The Skies

What's Happened So Far

Three years and two months have passed since Malefor aka The Dark Master has been defeated and sealed away, this bringing an era of peace, but only for a short time. After a month of Malefor's defeat, Ember and her gang came into the picture and had attacked and captured Spyro and Cynder. Her plan to take their full powers was of little unsuccessful. With what little power she had taken from them already, it was time for her plan to begin, the fate of ruling the dragon realms and the world would be hers, anyone who stood in her plans would either join her or die. However, her plans to rule the dragon realms and the world came to an end by the paws of Light and Cynder, with Flame's defeat and mysterious disappearance, Hunter being defeated and killed by the paws of Onyx, and Ember sealed away for all eternity. The dragon realms were once again at peace.

After a month of Ember and her gang being defeated, the dragon realms were at peace still, and with Warfang nearly finished rebuilding, everything was going alright. However, as for Light and them a tragedy had hit them hard, Spyro had became deathly ill and the means to save him are of little chances. The only way to save Spyro from his deathly illness is to take him to the legendary flying city of the skies, known as Skyless Heaven. Once there, Light and friends are to look for a certain flower known as, Celestial Sun Rose of Pureness which is said to cure all sickness and diseases from the dragon body, and restore power to the body, and somebody else is fallowing the group and looking the ancient flower, an ancient evil has awoken and its target, none other than Spyro himself and his beloved friends. With the enemy after them and Spyro on death's row, it's only a matter of time before one of the group's falls and disappears from the world, forever.

Along the journey, Light and them meet new friends, a dragoness looking for her best friend and soon to be lover, Gravidal the dragon, and a dark dragon is seeking for revenge on Spyro and Cynder, will he get his revenge or will he not. The journey to the flying city is a dangerous one, but it's a journey they'll soon never forget. Let the story begin.

Featuring OC Characters From Famous Authors From Spyro Fanfiction

Onyx the dragon – (OC belongs to Onyx the Dragon Writer 20)

Inferno & Sapphire the dragons - (OCs belong to Neo Dragon X)

Lynthia the Dragoness – (OC belongs to Gravidal the Dragon)

Savrith the Dark Dragon – (OC belongs to Ferelga)

Surprise OC Character – (Will be a surprise twist in the story)

This story will be posted up until the first one is finished. I hope you guys can wait that long for the story to start, after the first story is finished. I'll start working on this one and it will be better updated and written then the first story, which I promise. Until then, read the first story for the time being and send reviews if you like the story and its characters. Have a wonderful time reading my stories and other author's stories as well. Have a great day and may it bring you joy and happiness, later.


Light The Dragon20