Hey everypony, im not dead so don't worry. And I have good news! This is the next to the last chapter of Homonis. The next chapter I plan on summing everything up and it will be awesome. Anyways, sorry I haven't been posting recently, school stuff and just life in general. So yeah, that's about it. Remember to make smart choices and stay safe everypony. -Asianpon3-

Chapter 11

As Celestia's sun began to slowly dim over the mountainside of Canterlot, it was quickly replaced with Luna's brightly glowing moon. For most ponies, this was a time to retire for the night; to rest and allow sleep to rejuvenate the body and senses for the trials of the next day. However, for a particular human, Luna's moon was anything but this.

As Luna's moon continued to make its way high overhead, its glistening white light cascaded through the blinds of a certain room. Slowly rolling over in bed, I managed to place my face directly into a beam of the light. Silently cursing my luck, I began to open my heavy eyes as I looked for the source that had awoken me. With my eyes trailing towards one of the windows in my room, I knew I had found what I was looking for. As I continued to stare blankly at the window in front of me, I waited for myself to become more awake. It wasn't until a good ten minutes later that I decided to leave the warm comfort of my bed.

Standing up from the bed, I looked around the room once again before giving my back a long needed stretch. After feeling a satisfying crack, I turned my attention towards the bathroom and began my daily ritual like I would every morning.

After brushing my teeth and showering, I threw on a new change of clothes before stepping out of the bathroom. Looking towards the window again, I was met with the same moonlight that had awoken me, though a slightly different feel than Celestia's sun in which I was accustomed too. But nonetheless, I opened the door to my room before quietly making my way downstairs, while being mindful of other ponies sleeping.

Silently walking into the kitchen, I made my over to the fridge before opening it and peering inside. A few moments went by before I felt another presence within the room.

"Good morning Luna, or evening, I should say," letting out a light chuckle as I grabbed a few things from the fridge before closing the door. Turning around, I saw the Lunar Princess standing idly in the doorway of the kitchen, a look of indecision staining her regal face.

"Would you like to join me? I am just about to make something," I asked, knowing that the mare was undoubtedly thinking about the last time we had spoken.

Without saying a word, I heard light hoofsteps make their way across the kitchen floor before the Princess presumably took a seat at the table.

After a minute or two of preparing my food, I turned around before walking towards the table; all the while my eyes fixated upon Luna. With just one glance, I could tell that the mare wasn't her usual self. She was more quiet and, sad enough to say, depressed than usual, which I took note of. Setting my plate down on top of the table, I pulled back a seat across from Luna before sitting down and taking a bite of my peanut butter sandwich I had made.

The atmosphere that filled the room was thick. So deciding to take the lead, I set down my half eaten sandwich before looking up at the mare.

"Luna, we need to talk about what happened a couple nights ago," I reluctantly said. I didn't even have time to say anything else before I noticed small pools of tears forming around the mare's eyes.

"Leo... I... I'm so sorry," the mare managed to say through her soft tears. I waited a few moments to say anything, but was cut off by Luna again.

"Every day I have been with you, I have sorrowfully regretted the curse I placed upon you. You have suffered so much at my hoof, to endure the hardships of my kind for five years. You had nopony during that time. You were scared, alone, and even your own family betrayed you." Luna said, accompanied with more tears streaming down her face.

"I'm... I'm no better than those other humans. I don't deserve your kindness or understanding. I don't even deserve to be graced by your company," Luna shamefully admitted, before looking up at me from the table through her tear glistened eyes. Now it was my turn to speak.

"Luna... if I were to tell you that I wasn't mad or upset, I would be lying to you. The truth is, I don't know what to think or feel. I'm still upset about you putting me through something like that, but I understand why you did it. And more importantly, how it has helped me come to realize how wrong I was in my actions," I said, pausing slightly before continuing.

"And if you hadn't put me through that ordeal, then none of this would be happening right now," I said, motioning with my arms to everything around us.

"Our friends would no longer be here with us or your sister and we would be no closer in restoring Equestria to its rightful owners." I added.

"But even with all of that, I am still somewhat resentful. I just can't help the way I feel, even though I know your actions were for the better." I said, Luna slowly lowering her head again. I took this moment to stand up from my seat and make my way next to the distraught mare. Kneeling down, I was now at the same height as the Princess.

"Even though I may feel this way, there is still something I must say," I said, wrapping my arms around Luna in a gentle embrace.

"I forgive you Luna," I softly spoke, continuing my embrace of the Lunar Princess. For about a minute or so, the two of us remained motionless. The only thing that could be heard throughout the room was the quiet noises of the night and the steady rhythm of our breathing. Slowly turning her head towards me, Luna and I made eye contact before the mare was met with a gentle smile. After seeing this, Luna quickly threw her hooves around me, accompanied with a few more tears.

"Thank you Leo. Thank you. You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say that," Luna happily admitted. We continued the embrace for a few more minutes before I decided to let go first, much to Luna's dismay. I then returned to my seat across from Luna and began the task of finishing my previously half-eaten sandwich.

For the next several hours, Luna and I held light conversation about anything that happened to wander into our minds. I had to admit, Luna was a bit of a chatterbox when you got her going, though I didn't mind. It wasn't until I looked towards the clock in the living room that I realized how much time had passed.

"Wow, almost six in the morning," I said, capturing one of Luna's bishops with my knight.

"Indeed it is," Luna replied, moving her queen and taking my knight.

"Check mate Leo," Luna proudly said, watching as my face contorted to that of confusion as I looked over the board again.

"Damn, I lost... again." I sighed before standing up from the sofa the two of us were on and stretching out my back.

"So how many games is that now? Ten to two?" I asked, watching as Luna nodded her head.

"That is correct. Though I must say, you are making progress." This caused me to chuckle lightly before nodding my head.

"Yeah. Seeing as how you have over a thousand years experience on me, I don't think I'm doing that bad," I commented, Luna also letting out an adorable giggle.

"Very true, though it has been some time since I had last played," Luna admitted.
"Which explains why I won two of those games," I added, before cleaning up the chess set and placing it back inside of its decorative wooden box.

"Anyways, I think I am headed back to bed for a little while. I will see you tomorrow," I said, about to approach the stairs before Luna called out to me.

"Um, Leo..." I heard Luna say, though it was a little quieter than normal. None-the-less, I turned my head towards the mare to see her staring at the ground.

"Yes Luna," I asked, curious as to what she had to say.

"Well, would it be alright if we were to share a place of common sleep for the next few hours?" Luna asked, her attention still focused on the floor.

"Sure, I don't see why not, though may I ask as to why?"

"Well, the reason being is that I let Equis use my bed for the night, and do not wish to disturb her." Thinking about it for a moment, I had completely forgotten about sleeping arrangements for Equis and Spike. Speaking of which, I had no idea where Spike was sleeping.

"Hey Luna, where is Spike sleeping?" I asked, Luna's face becoming somewhat flushed as I asked this question.

"From what I recall hearing last night, young Spike is sharing a bed with... Rarity." Luna stated. I nodded my head in understanding before something caught my attention.

"Wait, you said hearing last night... what does that mean?" I asked. This only caused Luna to blush even deeper as she coughed before trying to regain her thoughts.

"Yes, well... how should I put this. They were participating in acts reserved for two ponies who deeply care about each other... and they were being very... vociferous with such actions," Luna tried to explain, all the while not trying to directly say exactly what they were doing. It took me a few seconds, but once I understood what she was telling me, my face grew as flustered as hers.
"Oh... alright then..." I said, trying to get the image and sounds out of my head. I then quickly shook my head and smiled back towards Luna.

"Ok Luna. Let's head to bed then. Tomorrow will most likely be a busy day," I said, walking up the stairs, followed by the Lunar Princess. As we made our way down the corridor, Luna and I both glanced towards Rarity's door before the two of us grew slightly more flustered.

Quickly opening the door to my room, we both walked in before I closed the door behind us. Walking over to the bed, I shed off my shirt and pants before grabbing a pair of shorts and throwing them on. What I failed to realize though, was that Luna was in the room, and couldn't help but stare as she enjoyed the show in front of her.

After throwing my shirt and pants off to the side, I looked towards Luna who was still staring at me.

"You ok?" I asked, watching as the mare snapped out of her stupor and regained her focus.

"Oh, yes... sorry about that. My mind tends to wander around this time of day," Luna admitted. For the most part, she wasn't lying. Her mind did tend to wander, and every so often somepony would catch her staring off into space. Though this time, her mind was wandering to a different place than it usually was accustomed too. Adding the Rarity and Spike incident earlier that night, it wasn't hard to figure out why it was there.

After pulling back the covers to my bed, I allowed Luna to get in first before I slid under the covers on my side of the bed. Surprisingly enough, it was very cool in the room. Seeing as how I always slept without a shirt, and Luna was practically a fluffy body pillow that emitted heat, it was an easy solution as how to stay warm.

Rolling over, I gently placed my arm around the Lunar Princess, eliciting a light squeak of surprise. Even though we had done this once before, Luna was still slightly surprised. Pulling the mare closer to me, I began to run a hand through her mane as my fingers gently massaged the top of her head. It was now my turn to be surprised as Luna rolled her entire body over so that we were now looking at one another. Our faces were now no more than a few inches away from one another. As the minutes trickled by, Luna and I continued to lock eyes. With every passing moment our faces would grow just that much closer, until we could feel the hot breathe of the other lightly nipping at the our neck. It was then that Luna made the first move.

Sliding slightly closer towards me, the mare closed her eyes and gently placed her lips upon mine. I was completely caught off guard by what happened. I had never expected something like this, and though I was surprised at first, I didn't mind it. Actually, I enjoyed the sensation. Luna's warm, tender lips accompanied with a hint of red wine flavor, just exhilarated my body.

And judging by Luna's reaction when I began to return her affection, I can tell it had the same effect.

So after about a minute, the two of us parted lips and opened our eyes. We honestly had no idea what to say, nor did we need to say anything. Our flustered faces and light smiles said it all. So instead, I opted for wrapping my arms around Luna once again, though this time we were face to face. After locking eyes for another brief moment, I returned a gentle smile before giving the mare another short kiss. It was graciously returned before Luna nuzzled lightly into my chest. I smiled at the sight as I held the mare close to me, slowly allowing my heavy eyes to succumb to their weariness. Still, even as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. I knew for certain that when the time came, I would have to break her heart. But until that time, I solemnly vowed that I would be there for her as much as I could, for it should help for when I am gone. Oh, how wrong I was.