Drew flew through the window and tried to land on his feet, but his foot caught on something and he landed on his face. 'Good thing no one was watching.' Drew thought to himself as he started to stand up. 'Wait why am I thinking about that when just I jumped into a burning building? In fact why did-'

"Help! Someone please help me!" A voice screamed through all the flames and smoke.

"Right." Drew said as he remembered the reason why he was there. He looked around the room which, with all the books, must be some sort of study.

"Hello! Is there anyone in here?" Drew shouted out. "If there is someone in here please say something!"

"Is there someone out there?" The voice asked.

"Just keep talking! I'll come to you!" Drew said as he looked to where he heard the voice. It sounded like it was coming from the next room. He looked around for the door when he heard a different sound from above him. Drew looked up and saw the roof of the room giving way. He leapt out of the way as one of the beams that were holding the roof up fell where he was standing.

"Son of a bitch." Drew said as he got up. He looked at the pile of burning wood in front of him and saw that it had taken some of the wall down creating an opening to the room where the voice was coming from. He grabbed a part of his cloak to help shield himself from the flames and walked to the hole. The cloak Drew was wearing was made out of a similar material that firemen wear when they go into fires but much thinner. Drew reached the hole and looked through. The room looked like a kid's room with toys strewn over the floor.

"Where are you?" Drew called as he entered the room.

Drew heard a faint "Over here." and looked in the direction the voice came from. He saw a child canine with one arm trapped beneath a beam.

"Hang on kid. I'm here." Drew said as he went over to the child and crouched down to look at the beam. He saw that there was still a good portion of the beam not on fire yet. The kid was missing a lot of fur from what Drew could see. Just then Drew heard another beam giving out. He looked up and saw one of the ceiling beams fall and take some of the floor with it. Drew leaned over when a giant flame appeared where the floor used to be. The kid whimpered pitifully.

"Hang on. You will be out of this soon." Drew said. He grabbed hold of the beam and lifted it.

"Move kid." Drew said; he was barely holding the beam up. When he saw the kid was out from under the beam, Drew let go.

"Thank you." The child said as he held the freed arm against his chest. 'Probably broken.' Drew thought. The child began coughing due to the smoke so Drew took his mask off and handed it to him

"Here breathe through this." Drew said as he took his cloak off and put it on the kid before he scooped him up in his arms.

"What's your name son?" Drew asked as he searched for an exit.

"Merlin." The child whimpered as another of the ceiling beams fell.

"Don't worry Merlin we'll get out of here." Drew said as he looked for a way out. The door to the room was on side of the gap in the floor. 'No choice but to jump.' Drew thought. He started a quick run and leapt over the flaming hole. They landed on the other side and Drew put Merlin down. Drew put his right foot behind him and kicked out at the door. He kicked a few more times at the door, and each time more of the door gave out and finally it flew out of the door frame. Drew picked Merlin up again, out into the hallway. He spotted a stairway to the floor below and walked over to it.

Drew looked down and saw that some of the stairs were on fire or gone completely. 'No other way out.' He thought to himself going down them as best he could. Drew reached the bottom with little difficulty. As he was walking away the stairs gave out and crumbled to dust. Drew looked around to see where he was but he was having a hard time with the smoke clouding his glasses. What he was able to see, looked to be a dining room; and another room through a doorway on the other side. He headed for the door way and entered what looked like a living room. He spotted the door leading out. It was open, and Drew could see movement through the smoke. Walking over to it, Drew stopped half-way when he heard a noise above him.

He looked up and saw several of the ceiling beams giving out and falling towards him. Drew started running as fast as he could. Time seemed to slow down around him as he ran, and he knew there was no way then would both make it. So the threw Merlin as far as he could before the beams fell on them both. Drew tried to get up, but was stopped when one of his legs would not move. He looked back and saw that part of his left leg was trapped in a pile of burning wood. Drew pulled as hard as he could but he could not free his leg. He looked around for Merlin and saw that he was coming towards him.

"Get out of here Merlin." Drew shouted at him, coughing on the smoke.

"I can't. I'm scared." Merlin said.

"The way out is right there. You can't possibly move this." Drew said pointing to were his leg was trapped. "Get out of here and get help."

Drew reached into his hoody and grabbed one of the throwing stars. He handed it to Merlin. "Do you know who Spyro and Cynder are?"


"Then show this to one of them and they'll send help. Now go!" Drew said and pointed to the doorway. Merlin hesitantly back up before running out the door. When he was out Drew went back to trying to free his foot. After a few moments latter a group came running inside.

"Drew where are you?" one of then called. Drew looked up when he heard his name and saw a canine wearing armor along with a cheetah and another canine. There were only a handful of armored canines that he knew off the top of his head that knew his name.

"Over here." He called to get their attention. They walked over to where he was and started moving the unburned wood from around the pile to find a way to move the beam.

"All right on three. One. Two. Three. Lift." Artemis shouted and lifted the beam along with the two others that were with her. Once the beam was lifted up enough Drew pulled his leg out and started to stand up. Just as he was putting pressure on his left leg he felt a jolt of pain from his ankle and fell down again.

"What's wrong?" Asked Artemis when Drew fell to the floor again.

"My ankle. I think I sprained it." Drew said and tried to use it but fell back down. The cheetah grabbed one of his arms and helped him up.

"Lean on me." He said as they all made their way to the door.

When they were all out of the house a water dragon came over and shot water in the door way. The cheetah lead him over to some creates and set him down on them.

"Thanks." Drew said as the cheetah walked off. He then felt something grabbed him around his chest and looked over to see what it was. It was the female canine he saw from before that was trying to get in the building to save her son.

"Thank you for saving my boy." She said as she continued to hug him.

"You're welcome." Drew said when she let him go and saw Merlin standing right next to her still wearing his cloak.

"How you doing kid?" He asked Merlin as he walked up to him.

"Better now that I am out of there." Merlin said as he was holding one of his arms closes to his chest.

"Is something wrong with your arm?" Drew asked as he looked closer.

"It hurts." Merlin said.

"Let me look at it." Drew said as he moved closer to Merlin's level. Merlin brought his arm out and Drew took a closer look. Drew saw by the way the arm was bent that something was wrong. "It's broken." He said. "I know a quick way to get the bones back into alignment from all the times my little brothers have broken their arms. If that is all right with your mom." Drew said as he looked at Merlin's mother.

"Do it." She said and Drew sat up from where he was and grabbed one of his thronging knives. Using the knife he cut off the sleeves to his shirt and looked around for some wood that he could us for a splint as he put the knife back in his hoody. Artemis came over as he was looking around.

"That was crazy! You could have gotten yourself killed." She said and handed something to Drew. "I know this is yours. That was smart with what you did to let us know that you were trapped in there."

Drew took the throwing star and placed it back in his hoody.

"Can you help me find some wood?" Drew asked.

"What for?" Artemis asked.

"To make a splint for Merlin's arm." He said. Artemis walked off and returned shortly after with two pieces of wood.

"Will this do?" She asked. Drew looked at them and nodded.

"Yeah they'll do." Drew said and grabbed then. "Now I'm going to need you and Merlin's mother to hold him still for me."


"Cause what I'm going to do will hurt and I'm going to need him to stay still." Drew said. Artemis walked over to Merlin and his mother. They both hugged Merlin as Drew grabbed one of his tomahawks and held it in fount of his mouth. "Bit down on it." Merlin bet down on the hilt of the tomahawk as Drew grabbed his arm.

"Alright now this will hurt but it will be over real quick ok." Drew said to Merlin seeing the fear in his eyes.

"Ok." Merlin said letting some of that fear known.

"Ok here we go on the count of three." Drew said. "One. Two. Hey what's that?" He said quickie. Once Merlin was looking away Drew quickly set the pieces of wood along the arm and tied then together with the sleeves from his shirt as tight as possible. Merlin gave a whimper of pain while Drew was working on his arm.

"There we go that should hold till we can find a real doctor to look at it." Drew said as he finished he splint.

"What's a doctor?" Merlin's mother asked.

"O right. A healer is what you probably know then by." Drew said once he realized his mistake.

"I can help with that." Said a voice from above Drew. He spun around and saw a dragon standing behind him that was not Spyro or Cynder. This dragon had blue with white scales and a few pair of horns on their head. "I'm a healer and I heard you are in need of one." They said. Drew guessed that they were female based on the voice.

"Yeah we are. Could you look at his arm?" Drew asked. The dragoness nodded her head before looking over at Merlin's arm.

"The splint will do for now but if we want to heal it properly we will have to go to my clinic." She said when she was done looking at the splint that Drew made. "And I will need to look at your leg as well."

"Don't worry about my ankle. I've gotten plenty of sprains that I will be walking again in an hour or two." Drew said. "The kids arm needs more care then I do."

"You are going to me clinic so I can look at it properly and then I will decide if you will walk on it or not." The dragoness said as she fixed Drew with a stern gaze, to let him know that there was no way around it.

"OK, Ok. Geez no reason for you to get all uptight." Drew said as he hobbled back a bit. He then turned around and looked at Merlin again. "I'll have my things back now."

Drew gently took his cloak, mask, and tomahawk off Merlin. He put the tomahawk back on his leg and put on his cloak. His mask he just put in one of his pockets.

"Come on get on." The dragoness said as she brought one of her fore legs out for Drew, Merlin, and Merlin's mother to us as a step. Drew got on her back and reached down for Merlin, setting him right in front of him. Merlin's mother climbed up next and sat behind Drew.

"Hold on you three." The dragoness said as she spread her wings.

"Wait. Where is your clinic?" asked Artemis.

"Right across the street from the temple. Sometimes Aquarion helps out when her duties as a Guardian allow her. Spyro and Cynder know where it is. Just tell then Nefertiti took then to her clinic." Nefertiti said before jumping up and flew to her clinic.

Drew had never in his life flown on anything before today. The closes he had come to flying was a school trip an airport. Now he knew why one of his brothers wanted to fly in the Air Force. But all too soon Nefertiti started to descend in front of the temple. Eventually Drew felt the jolt of Nefertiti landing back on ground. Nefertiti walked to her clinic and went inside.

"You go in over there and you there." Nefertiti said and pointed to two doors for them to use. Drew, Merlin, and Merlin's mother got off Nefertiti back and went to the rooms that she point for them to go to. Merlin's mother helped him to the room while Drew hobbled over to the room that he was told to go to.

Once Drew was inside he sat down in one of the chairs and waited. The adrenaline that he'd had was wearing off and he was feeling all the pain and exhaustion from what he done. He got as comfortable in the chair as he could and pulled the hood down over his eyes. 'She'll be busy with the kid's arm for a while. I'll just sit back and…' Drew fell asleep mid-thought with his arms crossed over his chest.

After a while, that to Drew felt like a minute, he felt something nagging his arm. Drew slowly sat up and moved his hood out of his eyes. Standing before him was Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx. "When did you guys get here?" Drew asked.

"We just got here and Nef said you have been asleep for two hours." Replied Cynder.

"And the kid?" Drew asked.

"Him and his mother are waiting outside for you to wake up. They wanted to thank you personally for all you did to help them. Also Artemis is with then." Spyro answered.

Drew started to get up but once he put presser on his right foot he fell back in the chair in pain.

"Nef did say that your foot would still be in pain. She said that she had something for you when you woke up." Spyro said. "Cynder could you go and let her know that Drew is up."

Cynder turned and left the room and returned late with Nefertiti who was caring a red gem in one of her forelegs.

"I don't think a gems going to help with my leg since I'm not a dragon." Drew said.

"In most cases you would be right." Nefertiti said and let go of the gem that she was holding on to. The gem gave of a glow and went to Drew. As the gem was getting closer the necklace that Drew was wearing started to glow brighter than normal. Once the gem touched the one on Drew's necklace it loss it physical form and turned into energy. "However in this case you would be wrong." Nefertiti finished.

The energy from the gem went to Drew's leg and once it touched he felt a cool soothing relief flooding all over his body but it was focus on his leg the most. All too soon it stopped and Drew did not feel any pain from his leg. He stood up again and did not feel the pain from before. He looked up at Nefertiti with surprise on his face at what just happened.

She looked down at him with a smile on her face that said she knew it was going to happen.

"How is this possible? I'm not a dragon." Drew said. Still not believing what he just seen and felt.

"A part of you is a dragon. You may look human but not all of you is." She said.

Drew froze when he heard her say human. "H-How do you know what I am?" He asked. Spyro and Cynder moved away from Nefertiti and stood on either side of Drew.

"Because you and I are the same." Nefertiti replied. The look she got from Drew showed that he did not believe her. "I guess I will just have to show you for you to understand." All of a sudden a dull glow came from her and she changed right in front of then. The changed lasted for a few seconds but they felt like minutes to Drew and everyone else as the watch Nefertiti the dragon change into a nine foot tall human.