The fire of a Spitfire by Sindragon

Chapter 1 Spitfires

Wonderbolts HQ ,Cloudsdale Equestria, Spitfire Room.

" Come on Spit,it be fun."Soarin said to his close friend,as he placed a hoof onto her back.

Spitfire quickly knocked his hoof off ,as she turn around to look at her best friend. Who had been with her since they joined the Wonderbolts and even before that. As well as their climb up the ranks to the top. Of the Wonderbolts as well as being the head of the Equestria air force. With Soarin as her number 2 in her command.

While they sat in Spitfire private room ,which showed her accomplish of her young life. Championship Cups of 1st place from races/stunts completions. That she had won by her self and the team. Sure their were 2nd and 3rd but only a few. Also their were meddles from the wars that she had been in, mainly wars with the Gryphon's. But at the moment their was no war,after the peace treaty. Sign by Princess Luna and the new Gryphon king.

But their was one thing that Spitfire struggle with and that was..

"For the last time Soarin ,IM NOT DOING A BLIND DATE!." Spitfire said with bit of vermin to her wing pony.

Causing Soarin to squirm nervously at her voice and the look she was giving him . Only Rainbow dash could rival Spitfire death glare,as well as other things. Mainly her hot head attitude,which both of them had in hoofs.

" Please Spit I know you hate being alone and I seen, the way you look at other pony's in love. Im sure their somepony right for you,if you only tried." Soarin said softly to his best friend.

It hurt him to she her like this knowing why Spitfire,was strongly agents of having a lover. She put her work ahead of her love life and he knew how it was destroying her .

" Uhaaaaaaaa you know why,Im one of the most powerful non Alicorn pony's in the whole of Equestria. If I had a love life with somepony ,you know what would happen . An you know how the spoiled upper-class brats of Canterlot hate me being in power and they would do anything to see me crumble. Including a certain Prince. That after I give what he deserves. He would have to change his name to Prince Blueballs." Spitfire raged,as her fire orange red wings spread out ferociously to complete her rage.

Soarin gulp a bit but couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his friend remark,towards the brown nose prince. Knowing from Dash that one of her friends would also happily help Spitfire work on the Prince.

"I know Spitfire, but you can't let them control your life. You should be happy in your love life, like when you are being the leader of the Wonderbolts . You saw how Cadence rain down hell onto anypony who dare to tell her. That Shining Armor wasn't worthy, to courted the Royal blood of the Alicorn Princess. " Soarin said trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah only after they found out his sister was Princess Celestia student, plus now Princess Twilight. Im just a Captain of the Air force, they would cause problems for anypony I was with. If the Pony wasn't trying to use me, to get them higher up to the Princess." Spitfire snorted angrily ,as a few tears fell down her face.

Soarin quickly nuzzle his friend,while warping his light blue wings around his best friend.

"Im sorry Spit I didn't mean to bring up that filth. If you want I can cancel this date idea." Soarin said softly to her,remembering what had made her sold cold when mentioning her past love life.

"No your right Soarin,I need to let the past go and listen to my heart. Give me few seconds to look nice ok, before we head out." Spitfire ask him, as she finished crying. While looking at him.

"Ok I wait downstairs ,horse apples I forgot Rainbow has been waiting down their." Soarin said while letting out a groan,remembering his Marefriend was waiting for them.

Which everypony knew Rainbow hated waiting. Spitfire let out a laugh as she saw Soarin running out of her room.

"Just make sure your not doing,what I caught you doing with Rainbow in the showers today." Spitfire said in a mischievously way.

Causing Soarin to trip over his hoof,as his wings poof out ridge in embarrassment.

"SPITFIRE!" Sorain yelled,only to hear her giggle. Causing him to smile to hear her giggle ,as he then walk down to meet up with Rainbow.

Eastleigh Airport ,Hampshire .UK

"Lady what are you doing in their, trying to fly it." A man said while let out a chuckle to someone,as he walk over to a lone British green Spitfire Air plane.

"Woof!" came from inside the plane ,from who the man was talking to.

The Man himself was Stuart Greystock ,a ex RAF pilot. He had got to Captain before being resign with few others after cuts in the RAF. It came from the idea after 6 Spitfires had been restored by the RAF fund. An they wanted a few Pilots good enough to fly the Pride of Britain

An to lot of people, the Spitfire was much a beloved plane to the Uk people. So it was not a hard choice of saying yes, to being. One of the luckily ones, to fly the wartime icon plane.

Sure it was cutback it pay,but it was a once in a life time offer. Plus it was the Spitfire he heard story's from his Granddad. Of the Spitfire plane that his Granddad, flew in the war and was the reason why Stuart join the RAF.

"Got ya, you little devil." Stuart said laughing,while picking up Lady from inside the plane.

Lady was a 2 month old German Shepherd dog, she was the group mascot for the Spitfire air group. While she lived with Stuart ,when not being at the airstrip or air shows.

She wiggle her tail happily, while licking his face. Stuart then climbed into the plane with the puppy. The group had found out it was safe enough for Lady to go with Sin. When doing light training in the Spitfire. Since she would cry and bark the world to piece,if she wasn't with her daddy. Luckily One helpers would look after Lady, when it was to dangerous to take her up. Bribing said puppy with treats and toys.

"Yo Sin you ready I guess,Lady with you! " Said a voice over the plane radio.

"Roger Blade ,you ready for next week air show with the Red Arrows." Stuart asked to Blade,as he did all his pre flight checks.

"Yea ready to show,that old beat new in planes." Blade replied over the radio to Stuart.

As the sound of Blade Spitfire started off over the radio. While Stuart power up the Royal Royce engines up.

" Comfy Lady "Stuart ask his companion,who gave a happy bark.

Who was strap into a special seat made for her,so she could fly in Stuart Spitfire. Stuart let out a chuckle as he exited the hanger,.As he rode down the airstrip ,before taking off into the air.

2 Hours later

" Ten for one last go before landing,it look like the winds are picking up Blade." Stuart said over his radio,as Lady gave out a happy bark ,while looking around.

It had been a good practice for the coming up show,next week. But Winds and thunder had cause problems,so the training had to be cut short. But Stuart wanted to do, one more trick before calling it quits.

"Let goo." Stuart said to himself,as he hit the overdrive of the engines. As the Spitfire shot off into the clouds.

"Be careful gett..." Blade was trying saying over the radio,but it was getting interrupted by heavy static.

"Blade can you hear me repeat over." Stuart said into his headset,but was getting nothing but static over the radio.

Lady starting to whimper knowing something was not right,only to feel Stuart hand stroking her ears trying to calm her.

"It going to be ok girl ,we going to land it be ok!" Stuart told her,as he then fought agents the harsh winds. Which cause the Spitfire to spin out of control.

"Come on you can do it girl." Stuart said to the plane.

As he watch the thunder shoot past him missing the plane by a inch. Stuart and Lady were about 10,000 ft to go when!

"BANG" as the crashing of thunder came crashing down hard, on to the tail of the Spitfire.

"May day may day this is Spitfire 4 Dash Sin. I have be hit by thunder,losing control going to crash. I repeat im going to crash, lost all control of the plane." Stuart shouted over his head set.

As the wind blasted the Spitfire around like a toy,while it was hit 2 more time by the thunder and after the 3rd. Stuart had lost all sense and black out unknowing ,that him ,Lady and the Spitfire were about to be shot into a new world.

Outside the Wonderbolts HQ Cloudsdale Equestria

After cleaning herself up to look good ,Spitfire join up with RD and Soarin . As they took to the sky to reach the restaurant Soarin had chosen,because of a certain pie they were famous for.

As they flew RD chatted with her leader and idol ,about doing a new move set. An on how it would be 20% cooler.

Spitfire was going to reply when she saw a big cloud growing large ,as thunder was shooting from it. Confused a thunderstorm was not planed today,so why was the a lone cloud their?.

Soarin was about to speak,when their was a loud bang and screams of Pony's around them. Confused as they look up in shock to see a large unknown object, that was coming right at them.

End Chapter 1

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