My Little One: Aftermath

I woke up, very tired. Today, Vinyl was going to school for the first time. I felt very nervous for her. It had been around a month since the real Vinyl went home. Every time I saw the Vinyl clone, I thought of her. She was just like her but not really her. Anyway, I got up and got dressed. I opened the door to Vinyl's room and saw her sleeping. I shook her shoulder.

"Vinyl, time to wake up. You got school today."


"Vinyl Scratch Scott! Wake up now or else I'm taking away your iPod."

She slowly woke up as I went downstairs. I sat at the table and thought of how her day would go. She was going to a private school, the same private school I went to. I saw her walked into the kitchen, tired as me. She ate her breakfast and left to get ready. I sat on my chair and turned on the TV. I watched the news until Vinyl was ready. She was wearing her black jacket, jeans, and had her glasses I gave her in her hair. We got into the car and drove to the school. Vinyl felt really nervous and I didn't blame her. We pulled up to the school.

"Vinyl, have a good day."

"Thanks, dad... Can't you stay?"

"Now Vinyl... stay strong ok? Go and meet some friends."

Vinyl got out of the car and walked into the school nervous. I drove back home. I had work to do but I felt scared for Vinyl. Would she do well in school? Will she get picked on? And more importantly, how is the real Vinyl doing?


Vinyl was trotting through Ponyville, nervous because she didn't know anyone. She bumped into someone. It was Pinkie Pie.

"HI! What cha doing, Vinyl?"

"Uhh... Hi Pinkie. I'm just walking through town. I need something to do."

"Well, why don't you come with me to Sugarcube Corner? I was going to bake some cupcakes!"

Vinyl smiled a bit. She did like cupcakes. They walked to the bakery and went into the kitchen. Pinkie got the stuff out and saw Vinyl confused.

"Don't you know how to make cupcakes?"

Vinyl shook her head. Her dad usually baked for her so she had no idea.

"It's easy! I even made a song about it!" She put a baking hat on Vinyl and herself and began singing.

"All you have to do is take a cup of flour; add it to the mix!"

Vinyl smiled as Pinkie continued baking. Vinyl soon joined in and helped Pinkie make some chocolate cupcakes. They weren't as good as her dad's but still good. Vinyl left soon after three cupcakes and wandered around town. She then remembered her dad. She missed him and wished she could see him again. She then walked into a tree in the middle of town. She was confused but then realised it was the library. She knocked on the door and Twilight Sparkle answered.

"Oh, hi Vinyl Scratch. What's up?"

"uhh... nothing really. I'm just bored."

"Oh, Well I was going through some of my books. Maybe one will interest you. Would you like something to drink?"

"Oh no, I'm good."


Vinyl walked in the classroom just as it was starting. The principal brought her to the room and she walked inside.

"Class, we have a new student here today."

Vinyl felt nervous because some of the guys were looking at her strangely. It made her feel uncomfortable.

"Now, why don't you write your name on the board and tell us about yourself?"

Vinyl took the chalk and wrote on the chalkboard. Some students giggled as she wrote 'Vinyl Scratch Scott' on the board. The teacher looked a bit confused.

"I don't mean your nickname, we need your real name."

"That is my real name." Vinyl blushed as the students giggled more. "My name is Vinyl."

"Uhh huh..." the teacher didn't believe her. "Alright then, Vinyl. Take a seat next to miss Olivia."

Vinyl kept blushing as she walked to the back and sat next to a girl with long black hair. She looked like she came from a rich family. She had a pin in her hair with a music note on it. She reached her hand out.

"Hey, my names Olivia."

Vinyl nervously shook her hand. The girl seemed really nice. Olivia then offered Vinyl a piece of gum. Vinyl took the gum and looked a bit strangely at Olive, like she didn't understand what was going on but without confusion in her face.

"By the way, just call me Octavia. Everyone else does."

Vinyl smiled a bit and listened to the teacher.


Vinyl left the library with a copy of Equestrian Beasts. It was interesting because some of the creature in the book were in her father's video game. She walked around until she met up with someone. It was Fluttershy.

"Hi, Vinyl."

"Hi, Fluttershy. What cha doing?"

"I'm going to get some bandages for my animals."

"Neat. Can I come? I'm bored as ever!"

"Of course you can."

They went to a store and bought some bandages. Vinyl liked hanging out with the girls. They were really nice to her. She then went to Fluttershy's house and she met Angel. She really liked bunnies so she just loved the chance to meet Angel. She helped Fluttershy around her house a bit until it got late. She said goodbye and left to home. She had a house just next to Sugarcube corner. She put her book away and then felt stupid. She was looking for a TV remote but remembered where she was. At this time, Vinyl and her dad would be watching an Anime together. She lay in bed and began to cry. She wanted her dad back.


I parked in front of the school to pick up Vinyl. I saw her walked out with a group of girls. I was shocked and then I smiled. She made friends. She got into the car happily and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, dad."

"Well, you seem happy today."

"Yeah, I made some friends in school today! I met Octavia, a rich girl; I met Lyra, a musician wannabe; Bon-Bon, an athlete, and Derpy, who works for the school newspaper!"

"Nicknames I presume?" I asked as I began to drive.

"Yeah, we call each other by our nicknames... dad?"


"Why did you name me Vinyl?"

My smile left me. I named her Vinyl because when she was a filly, she loved my vinyl record player. I thought a while before answering her.

"Well, when you were little, I had an old vinyl record player. I was doing something for work and you sat on my lap while I worked. You took a big interest in the record player so we decided to name you Vinyl."

Vinyl looked like I gave her a false answer, even though I did. We got home and went to the TV. We put on our new favourite anime, Cap & Scarf. It was funny and Vinyl really enjoyed it. I felt a bit of sadness though. This isn't my real daughter. This is a human clone. This isn't the girl that changed my life or that I risked my life for to save. Jess got home and Vinyl explained her day at school. I sat in my room and thought to myself.


Vinyl woke up when she heard a knock. She opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"*yaaaaaaaaawn* Hi."

"Hey, scratch! We're holding another Iron Pony Competition and we would like to know if you can get some music for us!" Rainbow asked her.

Vinyl was wide eyed. She agreed with a smile, got her saddle bag full of records, and followed the two. They were in Sweet Apple Acres and some of the competition equipment was set up already. Vinyl examined all the challenges and wondered what kind of song would fit. Vinyl got an idea and took out a record.

"Applejack, Can I see your record player?"

Applejack ran inside and came back with a Record player. Vinyl put the record on and on played a fast pace, hard bass, country song. The girls all bobbed their heads to the music. Vinyl told them to keep the record for the competition as she left for town. Her dad would have been proud that ponies are asking her to do some jobs. Vinyl then remembered her dad and went sad. She missed her dad more and wanted him with her. She then got the most insane idea of all time. She ran to Twilight's library and knocked.

"Vinyl? Done with the book?"

"No, Twilight I have a favour to ask you. A BIG favour."


I dropped Vinyl off at Octavia's house. They were having a slumber party tonight and Vinyl was REALLY excited. She said bye and ran inside. I smiled as I drove off. I was glad she has so many friends already. I wondered how the real Vinyl was doing. Maybe she had as many friends as here or even more. I parked my car and went inside the house. Jess greeted me from the table but all I could say was hi and I went to my bedroom. I sat on the bed and took out my photo album of Vinyl; the real Vinyl. I opened it up and saw the picture of me holding Vinyl after finding her and next to that, the picture of Vinyl taking a bath. I smiled and realised I was crying. I missed Vinyl so much right now. I would give everything else in the world to get her back. I flipped the page. There was Vinyl wearing her glasses on her birthday next to Jess. Under it was me and Vinyl, not paying attention, watching anime together. I smiled and wiped my tears from my eyes. Jess walked into the room and sat next to me. She was crying to but with a smile. We both missed Vinyl. I closed the album and we went to sleep.


Vinyl entered the castle nervously with Twilight. It was very big and the guards were scary. They walked into the throne room and Vinyl saw the throne had no one sitting on it.

"The Princess will be with you shortly."

"Thank you."

Vinyl just sat and looked around. It was very pretty and the stain glass windows had neat pictures that Vinyl tried to understand. Twilight looked at Vinyl with concern.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Vinyl looked at Twilight with her sad eyes, "Yes, I do."

Just then Celestia entered the throne room. The two ponies turned around to see her. They both bowed.

"Now, no need for that. You needed to see me, Twilight?"

"Actually, it's her that needs to see you."

Vinyl looked at Celestia nervously, "Vinyl Scratch."

"I uhhh I have a favour or maybe a question for you."

"Ask away."

"I really miss my dad and mom... I wanted to ask... if they were... if they could..."

Celestia raised a hoof and smiled. Vinyl stopped and looked at the princess. She smiled and looked at Twilight, who nodded back.

"I understand what you want Vinyl. Do you want to go with it? This is powerful magic and it can't be reverted."

Vinyl nodded and Celestia answered with a heart warming smile.


When I woke up, I felt very weird. I didn't get why. I opened my eyes and noticed the room looked completely different. I got up and looked around.

This isn't my house!

I then heard a very familiar voice. My heart skipped a beat.

"Morning, daddy!"

I turned around and saw Vinyl; the real Vinyl. I went to stand up but realised something.

Four feet? No wait... HOOVES?

Vinyl giggled as I realised what happened. I was a mother f***ing pony. I had a white coat, a short red mane, a horn, and on my flank, a bullet with a heart on it. I stood on four hooves and looked at Vinyl.

"Vinyl Scratch Scott what da-"

"Daddy, I asked the princess a favour and she said yes." Vinyl had a smile that showed she was glad to see me. I looked at the bed and saw a mare in the bed. I could tell it was Jess. I made a look of shock and stupidity. She was a red coated, blue mane mare. I looked at Vinyl, who was really happy. I smiled and hugged her.

"Vinyl, you..."

"I love you too daddy!"

"I can't believe you- wait what about in the other world?"

"The princess made clones to replace you. So now, we're a family that love each other twice as much!" Vinyl smiled at me with accomplishment. I smiled with a look saying 'hehe you idiot'. Jess woke up and was as shocked as I was. We explained and I hugged Vinyl again.

"Vinyl Scratch... My Little One... I can't believe you went through the trouble of doing this. Now let's hope I can get used to having no hands, fingers or having a tail."

Ponyville welcomed us with open arms and thank god too. Vinyl introduced us to her friends and showed us what she did as DJ-PON3. Jess got a job as a secretary for the mayor and I... well I mostly help out Vinyl with her DJ-ing. It took me a while to get used to it but this is my new life. I looked at Vinyl and thought one thing.

My daughter crossed the fabric of time and space to bring our family back together... My Little One did that... I am proud of her and I'm glad to be her father.

"Hey, daddy!"


"My friends want to try out your chocolate chip pancakes!"


"The End." Twilight said as she closed her book. The fillies all made moans of disappointment.

"It's over?" Nyx said.

"I like it!" Star Catcher said with enthusiasm. Minty agreed with her.

"Well, it's one of my favourites, too." Twilight said as she put the book away. A knocked came from the door and a stallion walked inside.

"Evening, Twilight."

"Ah, Sage Heart! We just finished the story of My Little One."

"Oh, my favourite story. I'm here for a book on Equestrian beasts. Vinyl wants to borrow it again."

The fillies gasped at the name. Twilight took the book and gave it to the stallion. He nodded in thanks and left.

"Wait, is Sage Heart-?"

Twilight just smiled at the fillies as the stallion walked home. His daughter was waiting for the book.

El Fin

The End

Well, I hope you enjoyed this story but every story has an end, though not all in need, all must get. I have enjoyed writing this story SO much. I will be creating a website with my stories in it so if you ever want to re-read My Little One you can go there. It will be posted in my Bio when (or if) its finished.

I also would hope for Fanart *chuckle*. Well, hope you read my other stories and See ya! Remember, any questions just PM me. Me and Vinyl will be more than happy to answer your questions.