This small piece of Fanfiction takes place after third now bublished TLoS Dawn of the Dragon game, right after Dark master Malefor is finaly defeaded.

be warnned thought... this fanfiction has been made several moths before Dawn of the Dragon came to stores so this story has few major dillemas with it.

New characters are shown throught the story and Events takes place in unseen part of TLoS world.
Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.

World of TLoS and all characters in it belongs to Universtal
This fanfic itself belongs to me

Im not that good presenting something I have made but I hope that wont ruin your pleasure of enjoying this small story.
be warned, this story contains alot of typos, grammar mistakes and other unpleasant stuff like that, but if you find any of them what you find disburding and need fixin please tell me. I need more practise anyway.

Chapter 1 – End of darkness

And so gigantic body of master of darkness fell hard on the surface of floating island shattering weakening convexityaltar into pieces with his demonic tail. Ground shook violently under Spyro's feet and made him lose balance, as Cynder's alike. Truly ground didn't shake that much that they both would have fell on ground but the hard and long battle against the dark master both on Dragonrealm as in this uncharted plane know only as convexity, has taken most, if not all of their energy. Barely still conscious, both heavily panting, badly bruised, open claw wounds on back and blood almost everywhere. Ripped pieces of what used to be armorplate here and there. The battle was over, war behind, yet darkness is still increasing as the covexitybeam lighting the area with purple light, still connecting these two planes weakened. Dark master shivered, unable to move an inch, started speaking with low tune towards two heroes

"So... this is what dying means... weaker than hatchling... unable to think..." he paused and couched some blood out of his mouth. Spyro and Cynder alerted to the fact that demonic dragon ain't dead yet. Preparing themselves to fight once more which they would not be able to do.

"Fear not... this battle has ended... I have failed... Myself.... Revenge what I oath to myself.... Ever happened...". Dark figure said slowly. Cynder tried to stand up regardless of the burden of battle but fell on ground again. Spyro looked dark master and noticed that his dark skin ain't that dark any more than moment ago, still changing slowly to deep purple colour.

"I failed... I... I didn't... Want this to end....Like this... Ever wanted..."

"So you have failed your goal to destroy the dragons... You sho--" Cynder said angry and still panting but was interrupted by dark master.

"No... I never seek total... Total annihilation of kin of dragon... I would have started new age... The new era of dragons... And... And I would have been... father to all..." Spyro raised his head a little ignoring the pain caused by ruthless battle and looked towards Cynder and back to dark master.

"A father to all... yes... no... you must leave... now... all of you... before dragons... have no... no future to be written..." and so what used to be master of darkness... now just huge purple dragon like Spyro, just lied down... motionless...

"Are you still alive? Spyro?" Sparx said hasty and worried, tears in his eye as he flew next to Spyro from behind few rocks where he had been hiding almost the whole battle on this plane.

"I believe I still am... unless dead can have this much of pain... ow..." Spyro replied and laid his head back on ground.

"YOU STUPID STUPID PURPLE WEIGHT ISSUED FLYING FREAK!! don't ever do that to me again! Ever! I... I thought he was going to kill you! Literally!" Sparx yelled right at to Spyro's face.

"Well he ain't much of threat any more... Cynder, you're okay?"

"I think I am..." Cynder replied to Spyro and tried to get up again, succeeding this time.

"Well you surely don't look well" said Spyro with little worry in his face.

"Well you don't look so healthy either... get up Spyro" Cynder said while walking slowly towards him.

"I know I ask much but we should really really really consider leaving this place... like now. no... sooner than now." Sparx said while he tried to pull Spyro's horn like it would do any help getting Spyro up.

"You're right... hnnnnggghhh..." Spyro got up sitting and finally standing.... weaving side to side, trying to keep balance.

"But how are we going to get back... gate we used was closed long ago" Cynder said while looking around a way how to get away this plane. Spyro looked as well around and his eyes locked onto weak and still weakening convexitybeam which used to go through altar.

"That way... the beam... it still connects this world and ours... surely there has to be an other gate in the end of that beam."

"Oh no... no no nononono no... you surely remember last time you got sucked by that beam. It was this... I mean this close that you've jumped on me" Sparx said worried and showing imaginary distance between his fingers.

"I know, but it is only way out... and this time it's weak... and dark master is gone as well. We must go that way."

"He's right Sparx" Cynder said to Sparx "I don't like the idea either but that is only way and we're running out of time. Can you walk?"

"Barely... fly... no..." Spyro said shivering every time he laid his weight on left leg

"We don't have to... its free-fall. Come on!" Cynder said and moved next to Spyro giving him extra balance as he could lean on Cynder a bit.

"Come on people... We need to go faster if we're ever to get out in time! beam is almost gone now!" Sparx said pointing towards the beam. Spyro and Cynder started to move a bit faster towards hole where beam came trough. Spyro's pain increased with every step he took .

"I think I'm going to pass out... I cant see anything..." Spyro said heavily panting, head down.

"Stay with me Spyro! We're almost there. Just a few more steps!" Cynder said. They reached the edge of the hole and stopped.

"Why we stopped?" Spyro asked unable to see clearly.

"It's time. Sparx grab on me! Hold tight!"

"not a change doomgirl." Sparx said with discuss.

"Grab on me now!" Cynder yelled and took Spyro into hug so they could not be separated during the fall.

"Ok ok geez..." Sparx barely got a grip on her tail when Cynder started already to lean over hole pulling Spyro along with her.

"Aaaaaaaaaahaaaahaaaaaaaaaa!! Momyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" Sparx yelled while the speed of their fall increased. Spyro fell unconscious as the pain got too great for him to bear so everything was on Cynder's hand now. She squeezed Spyro as hard as she could at her current state and looked down towards the end of the beam, a small but definitely a gate was still far away. Cynder tried to make more aerodynamic position to increase the speed even futher but then beam vanished and gate started to close.

"Oh no..."