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(A/N: Authors Notes.)

(Song Start and Finish or End.)





(A/N: Before I begin this story I would like to say that while I have put my friends in some of my stories, I still have made them about myself. So I decided to write a FanFiction involving someone close to me for the beginning. I won't say how I know this person so you'll have to figure it out yourself, and NO ruining it in the reviews. If you do I'll put your name in the chapter prior to your review so everyone knows who to hate. Anyway she will be introduced in the story, and don't worry a certain person wearing blue flames will appear later. I also have one more thing to say... I Blade The Protector, am a Brony. Enjoy the story.)

This story was inspired by the Cartoon My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic... Actualy that's it. All credit goes to the origional creators of the Cartoon at Hasbro.

One apon a time, in the magical land of Equestria. There were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this the eldest used her Unicorn powers to raise the Sun at dawn. The younger sister, brought out the Moon to begin the night. Thus the two mantained ballance with thier kingdom and thier subjects, all the different types of Ponies.

But as time went on, the younger sister became resentfull. The Ponies relished and played in the day her sister brought fourth. But shunned and slept through her beutiful night. One faitheful day, The younger Unicorn refused to lower the Moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her. But the bitterness in the young ones heart had transformed her into a wicked Mare of Darkness, Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shrowed the land in eternal night.

Relectantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerfull magic known to Ponykind, the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanintly in the moon. The elder sister took her responsibility, both Sun and Moon, and harmony has been maintaned in Equestria for generations since.

The name of the elder sister was Princess Celestia. For the next one thousand years Princess Celestia ruled Equestria. She had even met a young Unicorn Pony with great magical potential. The young Pony had lost control of her magic in the middle of a test when a nearby explosion scared her. Princess Celestia was able to calm the young Pony and befriend her. When Princess Celestia saw how powerful her magic became. Princess Celestia decided to take this Pony as her personal student and teach the young pony herself. The young Ponies name was Twilight Sparkle.

Over the next couple of years, Twilight Sparkle had devoted herself to studying any magic and spells she could find, making her Princess Celestia's faithfull student. However due to her devotion Twilight didn't have any friends other than Spike, the very Dragon she hatched for her test. Spike was Twilight sparkle's number one assistant, he did what ever he could to help her.

However one day Twilight read the legend about Nightmare Moon. Twilight did more research and found that Nightmare Moon was going to return on the one thousand'th anniversery of her Banishment, to bring fourth another endless night. Twilight Sparkle tried to warn Princess Celestia, only to have the Princess responed with a letter sending her to a town called Ponyville to supervise the preporations for the years Summer Sun Celebration, and telling her that she should get her head out of the books and to make some friends. Twilight was confused but checked on the preperations anyway.

Along they way she had met five Ponies, four of which were each responsable for a job to help prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration. The first was an Earth Pony who worked on an apple from called Sweet Apple Accers named Apple Jack. Apple Jack was responsable for providing food at the Celebration. The next Pony was a Pegasus Pony who worked as a Weather Pony named Rainbow Dash, a Weather Ponies job is to control the weather and change it according to the schedual. Rainbow Dash was responsable for keeping the skies clear durring the Celebration. The next was a Unicorn Pony who designed and made beutiful clothing for a living, her name was Rarity. Rarity's responsibility was to provide decorations for the Celebration. The next Pony was a Pegasus Pony who took care of the wild life, her name was Fluttershy. Fluttershy's responsibility was to provide music for the Celebration. The final Pony was a Earth Pony who worked at a Bakery, her name was Pinkie Pie. She loved to party and decided to through one for Twilight since she knew Twilight was new to Ponyville.

But when the Summer Sun Celebration arrived Princess Celestia did not show up as planned, instead Nightmare Moon appere'd statting that the night would last forever. Twilight went back to the library where she was staying and was fallowed by the same Ponies she had met earlier that day, when they had caught up with Twilight she was in the library looking for a book about the Elements of Harmony. When they asked her what she knew Twilight explained everything. Unfortunatly Twilight didn't know anything about the Elements of Harmony, until one of them found a refrence guide. When they read the book they found out that there are six Elements of Harmony, but only five of them were known. Kindess, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty, the last was a complete mystery. They also found out that the last known location of the Elements were the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters.

When they set out to find the Elements they were faced with many challenges. First they were in trouble when the cliff they were on collapesed and Apple Jack saved Twilight but couldn't pull her up, she told Twilight to let go and she would be fine and fell into the arms of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Next they were faced with an anger'd Manticore which Fluttershy was able to calm by being nice to it, she found that they poor creature had a thorn in it's paw. Next things got scary when everything got dark and the trees looked like monsters, Pinkie knew they were just trees and laughed at the scarieness. Next they had to cross a river which was out of control thanks to a serpent who was sad because something took half of his mustach, Rarity used a scale from the serpent to cut off her own beutiful tail to fix his mustach. Finaly they were faced with a rope bridge that was out, Rainbow dash flew over to tie the bridge to the other end when she was approuched by a group of Ponies called the Shadow Bolts who wanted Rainbow Dash to join their team and abandon her friends, Rainbow Dash turned them down and helped her friends.

When they final arrived they found the Elements of Harmony. Twilight explained that when the five Elements were present a spark would cause the sixth Element to appear. Twilight tred to cause the spark, only to dissapear with them in front of the others. Twilight saw that it was Nightmare Moon who had the Elements of Harmony. She Challenged Nightmare Moon and Tricked her to get to the Elements. Twilight tried to cause the spark again only to fale and have Nightmare Moon then shatter the Elements of Harmony. Twilight thought that Equestria was doomed to an eternal night.

However when Twilight heard the others comming to aid her she had final figured it out. The Elements of Harmony couldn't be destroy'd, because the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony existed in the Ponies she had met. Apple Jack, who reasured Twilight when she was in doubt, represents to Element of Honesty. Fluttershy, who tammed the Manticore with her compasion, represents the Element of Kindness. Pinkie Pie, who banished fear be laughing in the face of danger, represented the Element of Laughter. Rarity, who calmed a sorrowfull serpent with a meaningfull gift, represents the Element of Generosity. And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own hearts desire, represents the Element of Layalty. The shards of the Elements hovered around the Ponies as Twilight explained that the spirits of these five Ponies had gotten them through every challenge Nightmare Moon threw at them.

Nightmare Moon then reminded them that the spark didn't work, so they didn't have the sixth Element. However Twilight told Nightmare Moon that it was different kind of spark, she felt it the very moment she relised how happy she was to hear the others, to see them, how mush she cared about them. The spark ignited inside her when she relised that the all were her friends. That was when the sixth Element appear'd above Twilight, and she explained that when the five Elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creats the sixth Element, Teilight Sparkle represented the Element of Magic. The five Elements formed into necklesses while the Element of Magic formed into a crown, each resembling each of their Cuie Marks. Then, together the Ponies used the Elements of Harmony of Nightmare Moon.

The Ponies had saved Equestria from an eternal night and save Pricess Celestia who explained that she saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and she knew Twillight had the magic inside to defeat her, but she could not unleash it until se had let true friendship into her heart. Princess Celestia then turned her attention to Nightmare Moon who looked like the same princess as one thousand years ago. Princess Celestia had not seen her sister like this ever since she turned into Nightmare Moon. The younger sisters name was Princess Luna. Princess Celestia offer'd her friendship to her sister. In a fit of tears, Luna apologized to her sister, saying how much she missed her. To this day Twilights new job is to study the magic of friendship and report her findings to Princess Celestia, from her home in Ponyville with her friends.

My little Pony

Friendship Is Limitless

Chapter Zero Prologue

Today, Princess celestia had decided to look over some old spells. She came across a spell that she had not used in a long time. This spell allowed the pony who used it to see into another world. The last time she tried this spell she didn't see the most pleasent of pictures. Princess Celestia had decided to try it out hoping she wouldn't see something similare to last time. She cast the spell and a portal appeared infront of her. The world she was seeing was very odd. It didn't have any magic, only technology. The creatures of this world were strange, they were like monkeys only different. When she continued to look she found that these creatures were called Humans. These Humans have evolved from monkeys and were the dominent creatures of this world like ponies were in Equestia. These Humans were refered to as people. She also learned that this world had bad poeple who did unspeakable things. However there were also people who were the most selfless people ever and did amasing things for others. The more she looked at this world the more Princess Celestia thought what a strange world it was.

As she looked on she saw a little girl who was in school. This little girl was Nine years old and wore black Jeans with skulls on them on the back pockets, a Pink T-shirt with a white skull on the front, and a pair black and white sneakers. It was recess and she was playing on one of the jungle gyms. The little girl was playing when some other girl grabbed her and threw her off the jungle gym to get on them self. The little girl hit the ground hard. Princess Celestia was surprised as she continued to watch as Maddie tried to get back on when another girl stepped in front of her.

"You're not aloud on this wierdo." The older girl said blocking little girl's path. Princess Celestia knows that Ponys act like this as well in Equestria and expected there to be intelegent creatures that acted similare. She continued to watch interested to what would happen.

"Just leave me alone." The little girl said as she tried getting back on the jungle gym when the older girl pushed her away. She pushed back only to get punched in the face buy the older girl. Princess Celestia gasped as little girl fell to the ground, her nose bleeding and tears filling up her eyes. She didn't expect the older girl to get physical and smilled once she saw two teachers walking over who saw the whole thing. As one teacher took her inside another dealt with the bully. Princess Celestia began to think of something. She looked at little girl and formed an idea and wrote a letter to someone.

Later when little girl got home her Mother was realy mad about older girl who punched her. Apparently this always happened to the little girl wich also ment she didn't have many friends. Her mother however decided she was going to give the parents a piece of her mind. Princess Celestia smilled to see the young girls mother cared about her daughter.

"Maddie I'm goin to go have a word with the parents of the girl that hit you. I should only be gone for a half hour." Said the mother as she left and locked the door behind her. {So thats her name. Half an hour is all I need.} Princess Celestia thought and kept the windo open as she quickly began to write a letter. Maddie however decided to watch some TV. She started flipping through the channel until she Saw a show, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Believe it or not she didn't think much of it at first, she was into things like zombies. But her brother got her into the show and she loved it. It was on the episode where Princess Celestia visited Ponyville. She watched and saw Princess Celestia trick the ponys that kept filling her cupe of tea after every sip, making them over fill it. She laughed and wonder'd if Princess Celestia was realy like that. The show just went to commercial before a blinding light appeard between her and the TV. Maddie screamed and covored her eyes. When she opened her eyes she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There in front of her was Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestia from Friendship Is Magic.

"Hello Maddie." Princess Celestia said. Maddie gasped. She couldn't believe it, THE Princess Celestia was standing right in front of her.

"How do you know my name?" Maddie asked in surprise. Princess Celestia smilled as she answere'd Maddie's question.

"I've been watching you using a magic spell from another world and decided to offer you a chance to visit wonderfull place." Princess Celestia answered making Maddie gasp. Maddie knew what Princess Celestia meant.

"You mean Equestria?" Maddie asked with excitement. Princess Celestia's eyes widen'd. How could she know about Equestia. Princess Celestia decided to ask.

"You know about Equestria?" Maddie nodded before making sure this was the Princess.

"Of cource I do, you're Princess Celestria aren't you?" Maddie answered. Now Princess Celestia was realy curious. This young girl Maddie not only knew about Equestria, but she also knew who she was.

"How do you know my name?" Maddie simply pointed behind her, Princess Celestia's jaw dropped at what she saw. It was herself, her faithfull students and friends in some kind of box with moving pictures.

"What is this?" Princess Celestia asked clearly shocked. How could another know about her, Equestria, her faithfull student, and her friends.

"Don't you have TV's in Eguestria?" Maddie asked as the Princess looked at the device. After a second Princess Celestia turned back to Maddie to continue explaining why she waas here.

"Well, anyway i saw you getting bullied by that older girl I thought you might like to come and visit Equestria. While you're there you can learn about friendship with my most faithful student." Princess Celestia explained making Maddie gasp. Princess Celestia was offering Maddie a chance to go to Equestria and learn about friendship just like in the show. She instantley answere'd.

"YES!" Maddie said shouting with excitement and a huge smile on her face. Princess Celestia smiled at Maddie's excitement and knew she had to hurry before Maddie's mother returned home.

"Well why don't you pack some clothes and a few other things and we'll be on oour way." The princess said making Maddie stop as a thought crept into her mind.

"But what about my mom?" Maddie asked not wanted to worry her mother. Princess Celestia thought ahead and answere'd.

"Don't worry, I'll leave a note explaining everything." Maddie smiled again before running to her room to pack. Princess Celestia used her magic to sommon a blank scroll of paper and a quill and began writing the note to leave for Maddie's mother. Once she was done Princess Celestia rolled up the scroll and left it where Maddie's mother was sure to find it. While she waited for Maddie Princess Celestia looked around and saw some pictures of Maddie with someone. It looked like and older male human, he also looked like maddie.

"I'm ready! I even got my toothbruth and everything." Maddie said breaking Princess Celestia out of her train of thought. She looked and saw Maddie wearing a backpack and carrying one in her hands. Celestia smilled.

"Have you packed everything?" Maddie grabbed the picture Princess Celestia was looking at before and put it in her bag carefully before nodded in excitement.

"Then let's go." Princess Celestia's horn glowed before they disapered in a flash of light. A few seconds later the door opened and Maddie's mother walked in closing the door behind her.

"Maddie sweety I'm home." Maddie's mother looked around trying to find Maddie. She would always acknowledge her when she came back home from a short erand.

"Maddie?" She kept looking until she eventualy found the note. She carefuly opened it and read the note word for word, making her heart drop as her eyes began to water.

"Maddie..." She silently said to herself before crying.