"So, you said your boyfriend's name was Dylan correct?" asked Dylan still freaked out about this as Cameron finished her meal.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"No reason, it just got me thinking how strange it is."

"What do you mean strange?"

"That name, Dylan, that's mine too."

"Really? That is pretty strange, then again, Dylan is a common name isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess. If you uh, don't mind me asking, where did you live?"

"Well, hmm, the United States."

Dylan knew he should stop asking questions, but he wanted to know. "We should talk in a more secluded place."

"Alright, well how about your place?"

"I don't have a place here, back in Ponyville I do. Well, I could buy a place so I guess that could be fine."

Cameron paid for the food and they walked out of the restaurant. The two started walking to the house district, "You said you would buy a place," started Cameron, "how are you gonna buy a place in Canterlot, it must be pretty expensive."

"I trained deep into the Everfree Forest, filled with the worst kinds of monsters, some dropping high-leveled meat, and others dropping decent meat, I sold those meats for bits, so I have a lot."

Dylan walked to a random house and bought it, not caring for the structure at the moment. Dylan opened the door and they both walked in, the interior looking pretty decent. Dylan walked to a chair and sat down, Cameron following suit.

"So," Cameron started, "you asked me where I lived, so it's only fair if I asked you where you lived and gave an answer."

"Well, I live in the United States too."

"It's a small world huh?"

"Yeah, well I guess." Dylan responded, "You, you wanted to know my girlfriend's name right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Well, do you still want to know it?"

"Well yeah, I did tell you my boyfriend's name didn't I?"

"True..." Dylan said, "Alright well, her name is Cameron too."


"Yeah," Dylan said looking down. He didn't want to believe it, but the more they talked about it, the more he thought they were actually dating in the real world.

"Well that's um, pretty coincidental don't you think?" Cameron too started thinking that they were already boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Dylan Rodier was his name," Cameron said, "that was my boyfriend's full name."

As Dylan heard his full name called he looked up at her quickly.

Cameron noticed this and said, "That's... That's your name too, isn't it."

"It is."

"Do you think that maybe..."

"I don't really want to."

"But could be possible," said Cameron.

"It could but, I don't want to believe it."

"Why not," Cameron said standing up and walking towards Dylan, "it's completely possible, so why not accept the fact that it's true?"

"Because it might not be true, I don't want a mix-up happening, I rather just wait until we're out of this game then hopefully everything should go back to normal."

"You were always so hard to convince, I don't know why I bother," Cameron mentally said 'Screw it' and kissed Dylan.

Dylan pushed Cameron away, "I said I wanted to wait till we're out of the game! I don't want a god damn mix up with this stuff! What if we aren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend huh? What if it's just a huge coincidence that our mates are extremely alike to one another? I'm going back to what I originally attended to do, I would like you to leave too, but I can't control somepony else." Dylan walked out of his new house, leaving Cameron upset, silently crying.

Minutes later Dylan was aimlessly wondering around Canterlot, not knowing what happened to Cameron after he left her there. He heard a voice "Cuber, what's up?"

While still walking, Dylan looked back and saw an old friend, he looked forward again and said, "Shadow, what are you doing here in Canterlot?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," he said as he walked up next to Dylan.

"Change of scenery, change of monsters."

"Yeah, Ponyville was getting kind of old- wait, did you say change of monsters?"

"Yes, I did, Ponyville is only one town of many in Equestria, and I however have gotten many levels from just the Everfree forest, enough that it's getting boring. I came to Canterlot to find something better to do with my time now that I'm level 74."

"You're level 74!? I'm only level 28. How did you get so many levels?"

"I've been training nonstop for a year now, it's easy once you get used to killing the same monsters."

"That's cool I guess, what's that on your back?"

"A sword and bow, not to mention a quiver for the arrows."

"How are you having both of them on your back? I have two swords and I can only equip one at a time."

"A few months back a skill just came to me called 'Dual-Wield'."

"I never saw something like that on the Broker's list."

"I never bought it, it just suddenly appeared in my skills."

After a few seconds of silence Shadow said, "How about a Duel?"

"What, are you insane?"

"Just a friendly one, so nothing happens to us."

"I meant because of our level difference."

"Still, I wanna see how good you are."

"Fine," a 1v1 screen showed up in front of Dylan and he accepted it. A PvP match showed up above the both of them, with a 30 second countdown.

Dylan put his bow away and Shadow took out his sword. The two noticed they drew a crowd. As the countdown reached 0 Shadow charged for Dylan, and swung his sword at him, to which Dylan easily stepped out of the way.

Shadow kept trying to attack, but Dylan dodged every one of them. "You're not even gonna take your sword and try to retaliate?" asked Shadow as he continued to slash at Dylan.

"Alright fine, if you want me to." Dylan grabbed his sword and swung it once at Shadow, knocking him back quite a few yards, knocking down a chunk of his health. "Thing is, I know you wanted to see how good I am, but I'm not even trying here, could you at least try harder?"

Shadow got up and went back to Dylan and started attacking him once more. Dylan said while dodging, "Sorry about this."

"About what?" asked Shadow continuing to attack. Dylan took his sword and swung it hard into Shadow's, breaking his sword in half. Shadow was now disarmed.

"Your attacks were quite annoying, so I had to stop it." Once a match starts the weapons you have out are the only ones you can use, so Shadow couldn't pull out his other sword. Shadow had lost the match.

Shadow's health bar returned to normal and crowd started leaving, "Dude, that was my best sword!"

"Okay, so?"

"So?! How are you going to pay for that, it was 1500 bits!"

Dylan reached into his saddlebag and put the equivalent of 1500 bits into a small pouch and tossed it to Shadow, "There, now stop whining about it." Dylan started walking away.

Shadow caught up to him once again, "How do you have 1500 bits off the bat?"

"I have probably over 50,000 bits or something like that, when I was training I got rare meat from the monsters I've killed. All the meat I've gotten seemed to be worth a lot."

"Well do you think that you could train me? Help me get some money from killing the monsters that roam here?"

"You already know what there is to know. Just keep training, however I do suggest going to Everfree. The highest monsters there are level 50, so I imagine here are much higher."

"Alright, well see you around."


Shadow walked off, and Dylan walked on.

Dylan noticed that anywhere he looked, ponies had clothing. Even Cameron and Shadow had clothing. He looked like the odd pony out. He decided to walk into a clothing shop to buy some clothes.

When he left, he didn't have a much different look from his original fur color, trying to keep his 'dark color' look.

Dylan then walked back to his house. To no surprise, Cameron left. He heard a scream, "Cameron," he said to himself, recognizing the voice.

He ran outside, and looked at where scream came from. He realized the scream was from a bit of distance. He went onto his house and looked from there. Seeing Cameron quite a few yards away from him, being dragged by some monsters.

He started running after them, but before he could get near them, they vanished. Almost like, "Teleportation?"

He couldn't believe it, "Nobody can use teleportation except Unicorns. Unless..." Dylan remembered the monsters, he has seen them before, but where... Dylan gasped, "H."

He ran as fast as he could towards H's castle. He arrived at the doors minutes later.

He busted in and went straight through the floors, the bosses just letting him through as if he was expected.

He arrived in H's room and saw Cameron strapped to a chair. H standing next to her, thinking on what to do with her. "Let her go, H."

H started walking over to Dylan, "You really think that's going to stop me? Just shouting to let her go and I'll be like 'Oh alright, here you go.' and it will be that simple?"

Dylan equipped his second sword, and unsheathed both. "I said let her go."

H did a fake 'scared' shake saying, "Ooh, I'm so scared..." sarcastically. "You have to remember, that I am the game master, and that I can out duel you in a single hit. Besides, I thought you didn't care about her any more.

"That doesn't mean you should kill her."

"What makes you think I'm going to kill her?"

Dylan looked at the tray of sharp and heavily blunt objects next to her, one of the items including her weapon. "You were saying?"

"Okay, so I might go and kill her, but what do you care, and besides, it's not like I'm just gonna let her go."

"How about a Duel then?"

H laughed, "You, think you can beat me in a Duel?"

"No, if I Duel you, and I can take half of your health down, you let her go."

"So you'll give your life for that mare?"

Cameron yelled out, "You don't have to do this Cuber!"

Dylan said, "So, Shadow, what's your answer?"

H looked shocked "How did you find out?"

"If you're clever enough, it's easy to figure out."

"How do you explain the video, first day of the game?"

"Anypony can create and share a recorded message. You were just holding back your strength in the Duel earlier, and lowered your health. Or am I just that much stronger than you?"

"You'll never be stronger than me."

Dylan sent a Duel invitation to H, "Prove it."

H accepted, "It's your funeral."

As the clocked started counting down, Dylan said, "No wings, no magic, no assistants and no hacking."

"I don't need those to kill you."

The clock hit 0 and H charged at Dylan, swinging his sword he had out. Dylan dodging the attacks easily. "No skills gained I see," said Dylan.

Dylan swung his sword once, hard into H's stomach, knocking him back, taking away a quarter of his health. "So you did lower your health. Tell me, how do you play in a game you can't leave, for a year, and don't learn how to fight with the weapon you have?"

Dylan knew all his bantering was just angering H. H ran towards Dylan in an attack, to which Dylan blocked with his sword, using his other to attack H in the stomach once more, and again knocking him back. "Your two swords blocked with one of mine, dang your swords stink."

H ran towards Dylan once more, "Don't you ever learn your lesson H?" as H got near Dylan, Dylan swung his sword hard into H, knocking him back into the wall.

Dylan threw a sword up, thanks to the type of Duel, Dylan could change his weapon. "Bow," Dylan said, and his sword changed into a bow. Dylan caught it and used it to launch his sword into H, sticking him into the wall.

Dylan changed his bow back into a sword and went up to H, who was struggling to get the sword out of him, his health bar slowly depleting. "You're down to a quarter of your health, and when you die we're done with this game right?"

"Alright, alright! You got me under half my health, I'll let you both go!"

"You're not getting out that easily. I'm through with this game. See you in hell."

Dylan walked over to Cameron and untied the ropes, "Thanks," she said.

"I couldn't just let somepony die."

H shouted out, as his health was almost gone, "GUARDS!"

Cameron and Dylan looked at the door, a few bosses came in. "There is no use, this game is over," Dylan said.

Cameron grabbed her weapon and killed the bosses in one fell swoop. Dylan looked at her, to which she responded, "You're not the only one with strong weapons."

Soon enough, H's health depleted fully, and a big screen showed up 'Congratulations, you won!'

The world started to disappear. Dylan and Cameron looked at each other, Cameron said, "Even if were aren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend, and this is a big mix up, there is only one chance to do this."

"Do what-" Dylan was cut off by Cameron kissing him. Dylan gave up and returned the kiss. Until they both disappeared like the rest of the world.

Seconds later Dylan opened his eyes to his VRH. He took his helmet off and looked at himself. Same clothing, same room, same bed. Dylan grabbed his hair, and it has grown to the length of his shoulders.

Dylan quickly grabbed scissors then went to the bathroom, trimming his hair a bit. Next Dylan changed his clothing, then grabbed his board. He left his house, the sun high in the sky, and skated to his girlfriend's house.

When he got there he knocked on the door, and Cameron's mother opened the door, "Dylan? It's been so long since I've seen you, what are you doing here?"

"I actually came over to see Cameron, is she home?"

"Have you not heard? A year ago, everyone who got into the game called 'Equestria' got trapped in it, we took her to the hospital."

"Which one, could you take me there?"

"Sure, but why do you want to see her so badly?"

"I just want to, please take me to the hospital to see her."

Cameron's mom agreed and grabbed her car keys. She and Dylan got into her car and went to the hospital.

When they arrive, she showed him the room Cameron was brought to.

As soon as Dylan saw Cameron, he walked to the side of her, she was still asleep, inside of the game. "Come on Cameron, wake up," Dylan said to himself.

Dylan and Cameron's mother stood there for a few minutes, when Cameron finally woke up.


Cameron saw Dylan, "Dylan?" the two briefly shared a hug.

Cameron noticed her mom.

As Cameron and her mom started a conversation, Dylan started thinking to himself. About the fact that he thought happy endings weren't real, but this proved that they were.

Note from the author: SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER I had super writer's block on all my current stories. Please forgive me. And yes, this is the last chapter of the story, hope you enjoyed.