![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Bleach, League of Legends, Megami Tensei, Fate/stay night, Harry Potter, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D, Misfile, Prototype, Persona Series, and Worm. Name: scapheap not going to say my real name. Gender: Male Location: UK Alignment: True neutral. Challenges The cards of ZEUS. A Prototype/CardCaptor Sakura crossover When Sakura break the seal and release the cards, instead of Kero, Alex Mercer is summoned. Rules 1.Alex Mercer is put in the seal a matter of moments before it break so Mercer has no idea of the cards other than there are 52 of them and they dangerous to be left unsealed, he has no info on what the cards can do or what they like. The wand chant to bind it to Sakura is also lacking but Mercer can reconstruct that from the book. 2.Due to magic, Mercer can hide by fusing with Sakura without killing and consuming her. While fused Sakura' clothes stay the same, but gain the colour of Mercer' clothes, she can't use Mercer' active powers(namely shapeshifting), but his passive powers are there(Strength, Toughness, etc). Personality-wise fused Sakura is a mixture of Sakura and Mercer(I leave it to you on how much). Unfusing should leave them back to normal, but I'm flexible on that point(Personality bleeding, Sakura healing unfused, that sort of thing) 2a.Possible OC, Thanatos. At some point, the bleed effect can reach a breaking point and create Thanatos, a Sakura copy. She is Sakura with Mercer clothes and holds the thorn key, a blacklight version of the Clow key, and her goals are up to you, trying to kill her parents(Mercer and sakura), seeking her own death, finding the cards before her parents, regardless she should be a negative so if she joins Mercer and Sakura, keeping her from the family should be a problem. Power-wise, she has Mercer's powers and Sakura' sheer magic power and thus is a dangerous foe MERCER/SAKURA! All other pairing are fine. But don't get cute and use ZEUS/Sakura to get around this. 4.Yue is still here doing what he doing. Kero fate is up to you, but I would like in New york(Cardcaptor-universe) trying to get back. You could even make him Thanatos's helper. 5.Blackwatch may or may not be in the story. If you take the challenge give me a link and I'll put it here. Magical Girl Lyrical Blacklight Yes it another challenge crossover with prototype, just hear me out. 2 years before the jewel seeds indent, Nanoha find a book that outlines the familiar creation spell. Since magic doesn't exist and even if it did, the spell involve ripping out a soul, which most Japanese shows say is a bad idea and so Nanoha doesn't think much of it. She does keep the book since she a child and children horde the oddest stuff. Then she finds a dying crow on the beach(Uminari City seem to a coastal city judging by the white buildings location and the tree jewel seed battle and the book of darkness battle) and since the bird doesn't look like it will survive a journey to vet and she got the book in her backpack, she tries the familiar spell since what could she do to the bird that hasn't happened to it already. As you can guess, the crow is Alex Mercer, a day after surviving the nuke at the end of the first game and now familiar of Nanoha Takamachi. Rules 1.Alex is Alex since he was made into a familiar without a purpose like Arf. He is incline to help Nanoha, both because of the spell and because she save him. a familiar, Alex is fed by Nanoha magic and a little bit of meat. He can consume unlucky sobs for info and health, but he does care for Nanoha and is going to feel as guilty as hell every time he kill a bit of her innocence by nomming someone in front of her. Fate is not on the menu, he a killer, a monster, a terrorist, but never a child killer. 3.He has his blacklight powers at whatever strength you want(stronger because of Nanoha's magic, weaker because of almost dying.). He also now has a new base form of an raven along with his base human form. far as the world knows, Alex is a wild crow that became a pet of Nanoha and tend to use her head as a roost. 5.Because of Earth is non-administrated, the familiar spell is the only formal training that Nanoha have. They can of come up with a few basic spells, but they are unpolished spells. Alex may use magic if you wish, but his rank can not be greater then F-rank at first and B at most, he doesn't relied on magic after all. Alex may have a device if you wish. It can push him up to a S-rank when in a super mode. It can be related to Blackwatch. 6.The elements of prototype are up to you. Blackwatch, Dana, Heller, etc can be in whatever state you want. Riders of black and red(Fate/stay nightPrototypeMisfile) A weird idea that occurred to me. First, I tend to put Ash Upton and Alex Mercer together in my mind since they are both pretending to be what is themselves(Alex or ZEUS is trying to be Alex Mercer and Boy Ash is trying to be Girl Ash.) against their will for similar reasons(Alex because he know no other identity and Ash because if she found out, she loses her memories(thus will have no other identity) of being a boy.). Okay, now to be a heroic spirit you have to be dead and famous(to a point). Alex matches the famous point and as a virus, he both alive and dead(well neither, but carry on). Ash is the king(queen) of the mountain and while that not enough yet, if we take her male life as dead(gone) and assume that in the future, the male life wound of been famous(note that Shakespeare has been a canon servant), Ash also count as heroic spirit materiel. Both are sue ins for rider class and both are opposites(Ash is connected with heaven and Alex has monster as a title so hell, one female, one male, one human, one monster), but the same(both are quick to rage, both are quick thinkers, both have a female companion they trust with their life, both are closely connected to a doctor, both are related to one of the last two points.). So when Rider is summoned, the summoner get two sides of the same coin. Who summon them is up to you. Since they are not dead yet, Alex and Ash are not quite the level of a true servant, but together, equal one. Also, thank to Alex's shapeshift, having him forcefully mimic Ash's form thank to the summon is a possibly. Remember to PM me if you take up any challenges here. Ginny Weasley and the Dark Lord's Device Making a horcrux is a tricky science at best, double so if you're just a mere student using what knowledge you have cobbled together at a place that banned talking about such things. Tom Riddle failed, but didn't realize he did or what he did instead. Fast forward to the second book where Ginny find that the diary isn't a mere diary, but is a certain type of magical object with a certain dark lord AI. 1.This is a Harry Potter/Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha crossover to whatever you wish. The TSAB could get involved, a brown hair master of befriending may go on holiday to Scotland, the jewel seeds could land in a very diffidence place, etc or it could just be Harry Potter. 2.Ginny gains the diary which is now a Device with Tom Riddle as the AI. What sort of Device is up to you, but the following must be unknowing about the Device(but may know about Devices in general.): Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy and Dumbledore(good or evil). 3.The morality of AI Tom can be any level from good to evil, but must be trying to help Ginny(An evil Tom will suggest for Ginny to become a Dark Lord and kill Voldemort since this world is not big enough for two Dark Lords.). Teasing about her crush on Harry is recommended. bashing on Ginny, she is the main character of this challenge after all. Do whatever in regards to others. 5.Other HP's characters may have/gain/outright steal devices(OCs or not) of their own, yes, even Voldemont. 6.Familiar Basilisk, think about it. 7.Pairing, whatever, even slash and/or harems. PM me if you take this up Witch Hand!(God hand/Puella Magi Madoka Magica) I blame the Madoka titus meme and the God Hand ost for this. Okay, in this challenge, Madoka(or Sayaka or both) somehow get the God Hand(s) from the ps2 game of the same name(crossover). My idea for this is that owner of the god hand(s) causes a building to collapse on her(or them) and to stop her(or them) from dying, graph the arm(s) on their missing part. Then time passes to the time of the events of PMMM. 1. Normally the arm(s) kept under wraps because they glow. Thus for a simple life, Madoka/Sayaka pretend that the arm(s) is/are broken and in a sling. 2. Madoka/Sayaka are not Gene-level of martial artist(s), but may/must for Sayaka, of seek training. Madoka may have a split personality that dominant inside a witch's barrier who is very good at fighting if you wish, but she must be either hotblooded, brutal or a sadist. 3. Homura is looping, but the god hand(s) have never appeared for her. 4. If you are doing both, Sayaka may contract if you wish. If you do, then Madoka must save her 'fist sister' from witching(either before or after) at some point. Fanfics not written yet Naruto Maelstrom of flesh and blood-Naruto gains the power of necromancy(not eno tensai). Naruto gain a bloodline(with strengths and weakness) which allow him to summon the dead(current zombies:Kushina, Hinata's mom(Need a name), Mikoto, a fox, Obito(Tobi is also Obito, it will be explained). Pairing are unlikely. Shadow of the sakura tree:on the eve of the teams day, a shadow demon become stuck in Sakura's shadow and discover she can now control the shadows. It more powerful than the nara, but there a reason for that(not a bloodline, ok sort of, but that secret stay hidden for now). Pairing are unlikely(maybe Sakura/Sasuke). Nine broken circles:4 years old Sakura find an artefact that bind with her. It has nine fragments of the tailed beasts within and Izzy(inner Sakura) has become the Juubi. Pairing may be Naruto/Sakura Persona Let sleeping gods lie:Nanako Dojima help the investigation team from behind the scenes. She has magic to go through the tv world, but no persona. Pairing will be Brotagonist/Brosuke/Broji/Broddy(I'm kidding). |