![]() Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, Alice, 2009, and Doctor Who. I've finally started writing and posting fanfiction after years of being a member, so figured I may as well put up some info about myself in case anyone wanted to know. Feel free to ignore it. ;P I will admit to being a married woman with all those fun 'adult' responsibilities that we looked forward to as children. Though the primary goal of moving to another country is not one I can say I ever anticipated really. I am a self employed business owner that makes her living by making and selling various crochet dolls/plush/toys for various fandoms and genres. My icon is an example of one such piece, but you can find much much more at my site here if you'd like. :) While I consider myself an artistic/creative person, writing is not something I do a lot of. I tend to be more of a reader and will happily sit down and devour a well written 100k word story in a day. Between running my business, processing my immigration and assisting my mother (who is recovering from a near fatal illness) I don't always have an abundance of free time. As such, expect updates to take some time nowadays. I also enjoy hanging out on tumblr, playing video games, and exploring new artistic mediums when I'm not writing. General things I like in stories: -Plot (but I will occasionally read a nice one shot) General things I don't like: - Authors who write twins (mainly the Weasley twins) as people who just alternate speaking. It doesn't work that way and these scenes make me cringe. They can even kill an otherwise wonderful story for me. I'm sure this list may make me seem like I'm nitpicking, but after reading so many fics -as you do- over the last 20 years, these are just the big things that make me 'nope' out of a story. Fandoms that I read regularly: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Mostly crossovers though), some Naruto, and Doctor Who. Story idea: Not sure if I'll type it up or not as it would most likely involve completely re-writing the Alice movie plot, but it definitely sounds interesting to me. If you'd like to read it (or maybe adopt the plot?) let me know please. Update: For any of you that do check here for updates, I'm happy to report that my mother survived her double lung transplant back in 2018, and has been slowly and steadily recovering since then. The pandemic sucks ass and while you'd think being basically unemployed would give me writing time, I'm mostly just keeping my head above water right now and can't find the drive to write. I won't force myself to write either. It's something the saddens me greatly as I love story telling and reading and I wish I could work on CaC more. I have the whole second part (and well as a third) plotted out and bits of scenes and dialog written. It will happen one day, I know it will, but until you get the alert of a new chapter I can't promise when a normal writing schedule will be available for me. Thank you to all who continue to read/comment/subscribe to it. I see each notification and it fills me with hope that you'll be there when I can write regularly again. |