![]() Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, and Wrestling. Hey! Decided it was time for a little uptade ;) Strenght Grows Out Of Weakness - Shawn Michaels I'm a french speaking girl of 18. I'm living in the Province of Quebec (hopefully a country, one day) I'm a die hard wrestling and music fan. I also write a lot and i did 10 years of acting. Right now, tattooing is my priority. I'm exclusively into SLASH! I guess is because all my world is gay:P I've been raised by my lesbian mother , and my father, well , he didn't raised me at all, just beat the hell outta me. My best friends are both gay ( a guy and a girl:P) I guess i attract a lot of different people around me because i'm really open minded so people feel totally free of talking to me about almost everything. Got a boyfriend that i love to death, helped me a lot, and he puts up with all my slash madness Even thought he hates Orton just 'caus i want to do him, lol I'm one of the most fucked up person ever, i guess my family (all abusing, violent ,alchoolics, liars, hypocrite, and even pedophile assholes) didn't help that much. So, guess what? I'm a diagnosticated depressive person. i'm getting better and better, a couple of months and that shit should be over for good. The thing i love the most, the one that really bring that light into me, is Wreslting. I'm so into HBK since i'm 11 years old ;) My favorite wrestler are (were) Chris Benoit (MISS YOU SO MUCH! R.I.P ) HBK (of course, i cried at wrestlemania 24) Love him more than anything else, often said he saved my life, as stupid as it may sound. The First tattoo i did on real skin (on my forearm) is about him Ric Flair (Thank Ric!) Chris Jericho (Fozzy ROCKS!) Jeff Hardy (God, does that guy is able to get cuter?) Matt Hardy (o Love him even more than is brother (sorry, Jeff) DX (the ONLY time i like HHH now, i just. ... HATE HIM! ) Undertaker (Freak, Dark, Powerful, and hot, what more can i say?) Kane (miss the mask, such a killer look:P) Edge ( SUch a great heel! hate Vicky Guerrerro, thought she always make me laugh) Batista (so sexy...:P) John Cena (rap isn't my thing, but Cena could totally be ;) ) RVD ( MISS HIM! COME BACK TO WWE!) Kevin Nash (Big Sexy!) Brett Hart was really cool too Randy Orton ( i can't help it, he's talented, he's a fucking great heel, and HE'S SEXY AS HELL! lol .Saw him in live at the Bell Center in Montréal, lost my voice caus' me and my friend were screaming 'RKO' and 'Fozzy Rocks' too loud:P) Shannon Moore ( i love him, i miss the prince of punks gimmick a lot) WWE NEED TO REHIRE HIM AND MAKE HIM DO SOMETHING DAMMIT! Sting (the ONLY wreslter that got a big legend name WITHOUT going once to the WWE, respect,man) Christian Cage Stone Cold! Stone Cold ! (and as he says, Fuck Fear. Drink Beer. So True.) And i kinda have that stupid crush on AJ Styles... And so much more but that's basically it. To finish you must know i'm the Punkest thing ever (got a Mohwak for a long time.) I'm actually dealing with a lot of shit so my writing are pretty dark, but i really want to get out but depression not helping, kinda hard to find motivation to stop taking shit and hurting myself, biggest goal in my life : Try to find a way to be able to enjoy living, try to stop wanting to kill myself. I'm really open and i speak my mind easily, maybe hoping someone can understand me, caus' no matter how great my friends are (and they are amazing) Doesn't feel understood a lot around here. I just gave up school, in hope of getting back a little motivation into life, 'caus all i was doing in class was drawing and sleeping, failing almost all my test and being pathetic. I'm following a tatooing formation. Tatoo is one of my big passion, everytime i hold a tatoo gun in my hand, i feel like i can live forever. and that's exactly what i'm looking for. My favorites movie are : (almost every Tim Burton's) The Green Mile, V For Vendetta, The Shawshank Redemption (classic, best movie ever!long live to Stephen King) The Good,The Bad, And The Ugly (just can't help it, me and my best friends watch it over and over again) SAW (all 5, just amazing) Favorites Books : It by Stephen King (my favorite book of all time) also, Armand The Vampire by Anne Rice, Misery, Stephen King, The Green Mile, King (as you see, i'm a big King fan) Rita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption (when i love the movie, i'm just addicted to the book usually) Dracula (Bram Stocker, classic too, awesome, just awesome) Favorites music groups: Fozzy, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Alice Cooper, Cradle Of Filth, Queen, Supertramp, Offenbach, David Bowie, Our Lady Peace,AFI, Areosmith, Megadeth, Gun N' Roses Kiss, Bad Religion, Saliva, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Marilyn Manson,Van Halen and almost every old rock group that had a real bad ass guitarist:P Favorites Cds : Almost every Pink Floyd Albums, especially The Wall and Wish You Were Here (shine on you crazy diamond part 1to 13 is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!) All That Remains - Fozzy ( i can't get enought of it) Welcome To My Nightmare - Alice Cooper Breakfast In America - Supertramp Favorites songs, i have way too much (considering that i have like 1160 tune on my Mp3 right now) But i'll have to talk about: Enjoy The Silence - Lacuna Coil, Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin, Poison - Alice Cooper Alone I Break - Korn, Hurt - Johnny Cash, Bleed Like Me - Trapt November Rain - Gun N Roses Trash Unreal - Against Me! Dream On - Areosmith Heroes - David Bowie Nymphetamine (Fix) - Cradle Of Filth Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen The Show Must Go On - Queen (make me wanna cry everytime) All That Remains - Fozzy It's A Lie - Fozzy Happenstance - Fozzy Always - Saliva (soundtrack of my life, man) Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Time - Pink Floyd, Learning to Fly - Pink Floyd Coming Back To Life - Pink Floyd High Hope - Pink Floyd well... almost everything Pink Floyd did. Sorry Doesn't Cut It - Behind Crimson Eyes Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd ( The best bluegrass guitar solo EVER!) A Tout Le Monde - Megadeth Feat. Christina Scabbia (from Lacuna Coil) Wake Up - Three Days Grace Blood Red Sandman - Lordi Master Of Puppets - Metallica (how couldn't i love this?) Dream Of Mirror - Iron Maiden Fear Of The Dark - Iron Maiden Powerslave - Iron Maiden The Nobodies - Marilyn Manson Endless Sacrifice - Dream Theater Whatever - Our Lady Peace Angels\Losing\Sleep - Our Lady Peace Just What I Needed - The Cars Knife Of Romance -Satoshi Hirose (that became MY song, everybody that knows me hear that, and my face comes throught their mind..thought if they don't know me, they probably never heard that song:P... its in japanese. lol, my geeg side) Layla - Eric Clapton On A Island - David Gilmour En Berne - Les Cowboys Fringuants Time Is Running Out - Muse Étoile Filante - Cowboys Fringuants Seulement Qu'une Aventure - Gerry Boulet Compter Les Corps - Vulgaires Machins (if you want to listen a french speaking song, even though you dont understand a thing, THIS is it) Zombie - The Cranberries I Just Want You - Ozzy Osbourn Ok, i can go on forever so i guess i'll stop there, go check on some of them if you don't know them, there are greats discoveries of long search from a music freak ;) i guess that this is it for right now:P Well, enjoy, some more english fics should eventually land here. Knife Now For The French Side: Portrait chinois : une couleur: le noir une fleur: une rose noir:D un arbre: un baobab un animal: un cochon d'inde géant mauve un pays: La Grece une langue: L'FRANCAIS ESTI! une chanson: The show must go on(queen) Enjoy the silence(lacuna coil) Eldest cosmonaut(septic flesh) Losing my religion(REM) ect... ca vous tente pas de rtourner cheker en haut? lol un film: Tous ceux de Tim Burton + V For Vendetta + La ligne verte+ Shawshank Redemption+ SAW un livre: Armand le vampire? un objet: Zenny? (mon Mp3 magique!) un jeu: DDR ,Mario64, prince of persia, Raw VS Smackdown 2008!et mon classique de tout les temps : Diablo 2 ( ET DEFINITIVEMENT PAS LOSTI DE GTA 4!) une qualité: Franchise un défaut: Franchise un élément: le Feu un fruit: l'orange une phobie: la faiblesse un son: la guitare électrique ki sonne un peu 'garbage' a la black sabbath une créature fantastique: une chimère(ca jen ai dans ma tete!) une citation: 'We cant be free when others are oppressed' et ' of course it is happening in you're head but why on earth sould that mean that its not real?'(Hp and the deathly hallows) Strenght Grows Out Of Weakeness - HBK Don't Fear The End, Pray For It - Undertaker un perso fille de HP: ...euh...filles? fuck les fille de hp! un perso mec de HP: SNAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPEEEE!! Un Lutteur?: HBK!!(kelle surprise) un oiseau: L'aigle un peintre : Botticelli:D une invention : Le condom! un plat : La lasagne de Reine Nancy!(me comprend) un vêtement : ma veste noir, ma ceinture ACDC + Mon t-shirt de Shawn Michaels! un personnage de dessin animé : Jack Skellington :D + Rikky dans Ai No Kusabi + Kira dans Angel Sanctuary une pierre : rubis un alcool : Tornade. une saison : L'automne un dessert : des fruit et du chocolat noir:D une odeur : Un bonne poff d'odeur dun gars sur ki jme colle une matière : le jean(troué:D) un manga, une anim' : Gravitation, Ai No Kusabi Sukysio, Junjou Romantica : JE VEU LOSTI D'ÉPISODE 12 SOUS TITRÉ SVP KKUN METTEZ LE M'A MOURIR! Fin |