Title: The Burning

Author: NeroAnne

Disclaimer: I don't own the following wrestlers. Do I wish? Oh yes. But do I own? Oh no. XD.

Summary: Deep down, they hated each other. Deeper down still, they lusted for each other. All the way down at the bottom…they loved each other. On top of all that, though, they envied each other.

Note: Clearly, I need help.


-Friday, ODSS; Meeting with Mr. Ross-

"…Well, you're nothing like your brother…"

Jeff lowered his forehead onto the desk. His eyes were dark, annoyed. "No, I'm not like my brother. I know how to have fun."

Mr. Ross's eyes rolled. "Look, Jeremy, you need to start getting serious about your work. Middle school has come and passed and now you're a big boy."

Jeff twitched. "First of all…my name is Jeff and second…math is not important. You all tell us we'll need this shit when we get older. I'm not gonna need to know what the inequalities of addition are when I'm working on moving my hips."

Mr. Ross frowned at this. "Yes…I've heard from your English teacher that your goal in life was to be a dancer…" he shook his head, the cowboy hat on his head looking ridiculous. "A shame. Your brother wants to be a-"

"Don't care." Jeff stood, slinging his art bag over his shoulder and walking out the room, ignoring Mr. Ross's protests. He growled to himself. He was so tired of everyone telling him about his perfect fucking brother.

As he walked out the school, he was greeted by his best friends. Ted and Cody knew what it felt like to be belittled. Their older cousin, Randy Orton, was top jock at their school along with Matt, Cena, and Copeland.

Cody was sitting on the hood of Ted's crappy car, swinging his legs in boredom. His blue eyes lit up when he saw Jeff. "What did Ross want?"

Jeff puckered his lips. "To talk about how godly Matt was." He raised a brow when Ted let out a low whine of misery. "…Problem, Dory?"

Ted fixed him with an annoyed look, "Don't call me that." His full name was Theodore, but that was too long and "Ted" sounded boring to Jeff, so he called the taller boy, "Dory."

"Randy wants me to wait for him…he's got practice and he didn't want to bring out his fucking Hummer because he didn't want it to get muddy." Ted kicked at a puddle of mud, sending a load of it towards Jeff, who managed to duck it.

Jeff sighed. This meant they'd have to watch the fucking guys practice. He hated doing that. "Might as well get it over with…"

Cody hopped off the hood, his arm immediately going around Ted's waist. The two had been fucking since they hit puberty, something that grossed the hell out of Randy.

Jeff didn't care. Hell, he watched sometimes.

They made themselves comfortable on the bleachers, far away from the stupid cheerleaders. One of them had a big thing for Matt, some blonde named Torrie. They were fucking.

She needed to die.

Jeff snorted as Ted and Cody began to make out. Taking out his sketchpad, he flipped over to a fresh page and stared up at the sky, wondering about what to draw.

He almost pissed his pants when a football came out of nowhere, catching him in the tummy, causing him to slip off the bleacher. He growled and stood up, peering down at the field. His mouth went dry.

Dark eyes watching him carefully, a taunting smirk falling on perfectly pouty lips. His muscled arms were crossed over his bare chest, the sweat dripping down to his stomach. His raven hair was tied back into a long braid.

'Fuck him for being so gorgeous…' Jeff thought, feeling his dick twitch in his pants. He shifted, his baggy black pants suddenly feeling less baggy than usual. The white thank top he wore now had a dark stain on it from the dirty football.

Matt motherfucking Hardy.

His older brother.

Jeff seethed in anger. He gathered up his blue/blonde locks and put them up in a bun and walked down the bleachers.



"He's not grasping onto the material," Mr. Ross explained to him.

Matt stared down at the paper his baby brother turned in. It looked like it had been stabbed. There was so much red on it that it was creepy.

Daddy wouldn't be happy.

"Thank you for telling me, Mr. Ross," Matt murmured, his low southern drawl causing the stupid blonde behind him to swoon. He stuffed the "F" paper into his book bag.

"No problem, Matthew. I wish he could be more like you."

"Don't us all."

Matt walked out of the class, Torrie following after him. He frowned a bit. Jeff was such a child. He hadn't given up that stupid dream of dancing. Oh yeah, that's a good, hard job.

He turned a corner, nearly ramming his nose into his old history teacher's massive chest. "Oh, excuse me, Mr. Calaway."

The teacher grunted. "Where's Jeff?"

Matt snorted. "Well, as soon as I find him, he's going to be in his room for quite a while."

"…How unfortunate. I was hoping he could tutor for one of my students later on next week." Mr. Calaway smirked down at Matt. "Jeff is very good at history. He's already drawn several portraits of old tanks that look amazing on my board."

Matt bit the inside of his cheek. Mr. Calaway and Mr. Michaels, the art instructor, never got enough about talking about how great Jeff's artwork was. Mr. Kozlov also took great pride in Jeff's dancing for his theatre arts class.


"Sorry, Mr. Calaway. Jeff isn't doing too well in math or science. I don't think he'll be able to help you out next week." With that, Matt side-stepped the elder man and continued his walk towards Jeff's locker. Maybe he was there.


Matt turned, just barely avoiding the playful punch in the face by Randy Orton. "What's up, dude?"

"Come on, man. We've got practice; Finlay nearly gave birth when he noticed you weren't there."

"Sorry," Matt apologized, holding his arm out for Torrie. "I was looking for my brat of a brother."

"What'd the kid do this time?" Randy asked, his arm wrapped tightly around a leggy blonde named Stacy. She was Torrie's best friend and a fellow cheerleader.

"Jeffrey failed his math quiz," Matt murmured, leading them towards the football field. "He's gonna be so grounded. Dad told him to study for that test."

"Didn't he?"

"Nah. He stayed in his room all week to practice moves for the stupid recital." Matt smirked, "So sad he isn't even gonna be able to attend."

Randy smirked at him, "You're telling on him, aren't ya?"

"It's my God-given right as his older, better-looking brother," Matt said.

They all laughed.

Once they got to the field, Coach Finlay had them warm up and begin practice.

Adam glanced over at the bleachers, making a face as Ted and Cody sucked mouths. "Ewe, man," he complained to Randy, "Your cousins should be locked up somewhere."

Randy looked over and grimaced, "Ugh…how embarrassing…" his eyes brightened, "Matt-Man!"

Matt glanced over at him, his arm crooked back at an angle to toss the football at Cena. "Yeah?"

"I spy something blonde and blue," The blue-eyed male sang.

Matt looked over at the bleachers and bit the inside of his cheek.

His baby brother.

Sitting with his damn legs crossed in a girlish manner, sketchpad on his knee. His eyes were looking towards the sky, wind blowing stands of his silky hair into his pretty face. The white tank top he wore left his arms completely bare, the hairless, pale skin gleaming in the sunlight.

'Well, well…completely at ease, aren't you?'

The jocks all smirked at each other before looking to Matt.

Matt smirked back and moved his arm back, tossing the football roughly at Jeff. He snickered as the pigskin hit Jeff right in the stomach, tossing him off the bleacher to land on his skinny ass.

He watched Jeff get up, seething angrily.

Jeff glared down at him and pulled his hair up into the girly bun he usually wore it in before heading down the stairs.

Matt met him half way.

"…I believe this," Jeff shoved the football into Matt's chest, "is yours."

"Indeed it is," Matt replied evenly. His features darkened, "You failed your math quiz."

"So?" Jeff sneered. "Like I told that old fuck, I'm not gonna need all that shit for myjob."

"Respect your elders," Matt hissed. "Look, if you want to grow up to be a fucking slut," he ignored the hurt that passed through green eyes, "then that's your decision, but don't make dad waste his time trying to help you get through school. Do you know how embarrassing it is to hear from Ross and Bearer that you're failing?"

Jeff didn't respond. He had crossed his arms, stubbornly looking away from Matt. He winced when Matt grabbed his chin roughly, "Let me the fuck go."

"You may want to start getting serious, brat," Matt whispered, dark eyes staring to Jeff's, "cuz God knows I'm not gonna help you get by in life."

Jeff slapped his hand away, glaring heatedly, "Don't fucking kid yourself. I haven't asked for your help since I was nine…" he turned around. "And even then…you didn't help me."

Matt watched him head back to the bleachers to pick up his stuff, before walking out of the field, Cody and Ted calling after him. His eyes softened.

'How was I supposed to help you when I couldn't even help myself?'


Jeff shivered, the rain hitting him hard. His hair had slipped from the bun, sticking to his face. He had brushed off Ted and Cody, telling them that he would just walk home. He was really regretting that now, though.

The wind was hitting his bare arms, freezing him terribly.

He gripped the strap of his art bag, hoping his sketchpad hadn't gotten wet. He didn't have the money to buy another one.

Jeff jumped when a car pulled up next to him. He glanced over at the darkened windows and frowned, stopping.

The window rolled down, blue eyes staring up at him.

Jeff blinked in surprise, "…Aren't you supposed to be at the University?"

"Come now, butterfly, who needs college when you're gonna become the king of Rock N' Roll?"

Jeff laughed, walking towards the window. "I guess you don't…" he sighed, "you're so lucky…your parents support your decision and you don't have an older brother to fuck around with you."

"Forget about that assclown, butterfly. If you want to dance, dance. I've seen you," the blonde sneered playfully at the flushing teen, "You're amazing." Chris winked at him, "Come on, I'll give ya a ride to the crib. Trish has wanted to see you for a while now."

Jeff's eyes brightened. He got into the car, "Sorry about dripping,"

"No worries. How come you're walking in the rain, anyway?"

"Long story, man."

"…Long ride, butterfly."

Jeff hummed, closing his eyes. "Well…"

The whole car ride to Chris's house was spent rejoicing in the past.

Back when Chris was still in high school and how he would encourage Jeff to dance and join in art club. He was such a down to earth guy with a girlfriend who Jeff thought of as a second mom sometimes.

Trish was around Jeff's age, but she graduated early. She was a doctor, and very sweet. She and Chris married a couple of months ago and they were currently trying to get pregnant.

Once the door opened, Trish gasped. "Jeff! You're wet!"

Jeff giggled as she led him inside.

It was nice being with people who actually cared…


"Mmph, babe," Matt tried to get Torrie to stop clinging to him, but the airhead wouldn't budge. He rolled his eyes and allowed her to hang onto him. "Guys, Imma head out."

"Yeah, I'm leaving too," Cena said, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "the old man and I are gonna go visit Dan at the University."

Coach Finlay nodded to them, "See you Monday, boys."

Randy motioned to Ted, calling him over. "Yo! I'm done, let's head out!"

Ted and Cody stood, walking towards the car. Purposefully leaving Randy behind.

"Sheesh…" Randy shook his head, bringing Stacy with him, "Later, guys!"

Adam yawned, running a hand through his hair. "I need a shower. So badly. Maryse is coming over for dinner tonight and it wouldn't be much of a turn on if I'm all sweaty and nappy-haired."

Matt smirked at him, "No, of course not." He turned to Torrie, "Need a ride?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"Alright, let's go. Talk to you, later, Addams."


Matt pulled his braid loose as they walked, running his hands over the curls. "Man, that was tiring." He opened the car door, stepping inside before unlocking the passenger door for Torrie.

She was in her cheerleading outfit. A gold sweater pulled over a tight blue miniskirt. Her bronzed legs were bare, white tennis shoes on her delicate feet. She smiled over at him, leaning forewords to kiss his cheek. "…Too tired to have some fun?"

"What'd ya have in mind?" Matt smirked.

She smiled seductively at him and tugged at the sweatpants he had changed into while in the locker room. She pulled them down to reveal his jock before slipping it off, her hand wrapping around the very sizeable dick.

Matt's head fell back as her glossed mouth wrapped around the head of his dick. She couldn't take it all in her mouth…but then again, he hadn't met a girl who could. Not bragging, but he was bigger than the normal dude.

"Shit…fuck…" he wrapped his fist in her blonde hair. Pretty soon, he began to visualize Jeff. Which always happened when he was being sexual with Torrie. He imagined blue streaks in that hair…and strawberry gloss instead of cherry. He thought of the pale hands…the black nail polish…the full lips…

"Ugh, babe…fuck yes…you fucking work your tongue so damn good…" he thrust up into her mouth, thinking of how Jeff would probably choke, how the muscles in his pretty throat would contract.

"So good…almost there, babe…" he grunted as he came harshly in her mouth. Huge spurts of sticky cum flew into her mouth to the point of overflowing, causing her to gag all over him.


Torrie moved back, pouting. "I didn't swallow any of it…"

Matt discreetly rolled his eyes. "You'll get it next time, babe. I've got to get you home."

She giggled. "Kay."

After he dropped her off, he immediately made a U-turn and made his way home. He shook his head, thinking of the quiz in his book bag. Jeff was going to get hell…

Their dad was really strict about their grades so unlike their mother.

Their mother was soft and sweet…and she probably would have been proud of Jeff for his art and his dancing. She was an athlete herself, but she also enjoyed to hula dance. So pretty were her movements…

Matt sighed. He'd never seen Jeff dance…he had no clue if he had the same grace their mother did.

Either way, though, he'd never get to see.

Jeff was not going to the recital he'd practiced so hard for. Their dad would be so pissed at him.

"I'm doing the right thing," Matt told himself. "Jeff needs to grow up."

So why did he feel like such an asshole?



They ate in silence.

Dad and his girlfriend, Lindsay, were sitting side by side, eating quietly.

Jeff was off the end of the table by himself, picking at his vegetables with his fork. Matt was next to Lindsay.

Lindsay was a sweet woman. She was roughly around their father's age, with brown hair and blue eyes. She'd been living in the house for three years now.

Matt cleared his throat, grabbing something out of his back pocket. "I'm sorry to bring this up now, dad…but…" he handed the paper to Gil.

Jeff sighed, setting down his fork.

Gil and Lindsay stared at the paper. Lindsay smiled sadly as Gil's hand gripped the paper tightly. "..Honey, math is a tough subject…"

"Didn't you study?" Gil asked evenly, looking towards his youngest.

"…No." Jeff answered honestly. "I was…practicing."

"Practicing what?"

"…My dancing…for the recital tomorrow."

"You're still doing that?" Gil murmured. "When are you going to learn to do as you're told?"

Jeff winced, "Dad…I'm just…I'm not…" he bit his lip, "I don't like school…I'm not good at it, but I am good at dancing."

"Son, you need a good, hard paying job to get you by…what would your mother say?"

Jeff stood, "She'd be fucking happy!"

Gil stood also, brushing off Lindsay's hand. "Watch your mouth, boy,"

"She'd be proud of me and you know it!" Jeff yelled, "Mom always wanted me to dance, she's said it herself! You are the one whose fucking obsessed with me being Matt!"

There was a loud stinging sound and Matt watched as Jeff fell to the ground, his pale hand cupping his cheek.

Jeff whimpered, scooting back on his hands and knees.

"Gilbert," Lindsay scolded, moving towards Jeff.

Matt swallowed, seeing the tears in those bright green eyes.

"Son…I…I'm sorry," Gil tried to step closer, but Jeff stood, moving away.

"I'm not him!" Jeff screamed, pointing at Matt, "I'm not your perfect first born! I never will be! Leave me alone!" he ran upstairs, slamming the door to his room.

Matt stared down at his plate, his hair hiding his eyes.

"…Ruby would have never laid a hand on her son for doing what he wanted," Lindsay whispered harshly. "…She would have been so upset with you." She made her way upstairs, looking to comfort Jeff.

Gil sighed, dragging a hand down his face.

Matt shook his head, excusing himself from the table. As he walked upstairs and to the last room down the hall, he could hear Jeff's muffled sobs and Lindsay's cooing.



This was originally supposed to be "You Are the One" but I decided to change it last minute.

I liked this too much not to post, though, XD.

Haha. Kozlov is the theater arts teacher. I like it.

Paul Bearer- Science Teacher

Mark Calaway- History

Shawn Michaels- Art

Ross- Math

Finlay- P.E, Weights, Sports, others.


Love on.