Author has written 28 stories for Mega Man, Wrestling, Misc. Cartoons, Gorillaz, Elite Beat Agents, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. (Update, stardate... well, okay, fine, regular date 3-15-04... Lookyhere, Indy's back! With 'I Fall to Pieces', a new lil' one-shot! Maybe she'll start updating her plethora of unfinished chapterfics now!)I beg you! Pleeeease, don't be stingy with the magic review sparklies! I need those to tell me if I'm rockin', or suckin', or if anybody's even paying attention. And I'm a crackwhore for attention, 'specially when it comes to writing.) Oh, my God, you've fallen into the dark and twisted abode of The Indy. Lord have mercy on your soul. *snicker* I only kid, welcome, sit, have a cigar, what have you. I like wrestling. I like wrestling a lot. So, that's what the vast (hee, Vast...) majority of my writingstuffs seem to be being about. 'Course, I have my own charachterization style, and everything I do tends to get really... dark and oogy. Mmm. Angst. I do NOT, on the other hand, write slash. Nope. No playing for the Slashers here. Sorry. Okay, everybody else seems to like to do this, so here's my WWE top five, in no particular order. In an ironic twist, these're also the people who are or will eventually take a lot of punishment during my stories. Especially poor Rob... *heeheehee* 1. Rob Van Dam. (He had me at hello. Or should I say, he had me at 'Dude...' I was one of the people who, during the whole Invasion thingy, was marking out for him even though he technically was one of the bad guys. Rockin' Vapid Dude. Really Very Delicious. Rear View... Daaaamn. All that, and then you have the matter of the extreme bendy-ness... Hee. Mind. Bad place.) 2. Raven. (What's not to like? Beauty, brains, athleticism, and more angst than you can shake a stick at. Note that, though my sweetieangstybird was forced to fly the coop, all writings of mine take place as if he's still in the WWE. Because I can. Hee, see Indy warp reality to her liking.) 3. Sean O'Haire. (Now, I hear all this talk about giving the devil his due. Tell me where I can get in line, and I'll be more than happy to give this devil all the due he wants. Member of the 'What the HELL is HE doing on Velocity?!?' club.) 4. Edge. (Heyyyyy baby. You've got SENSATIONAL HAIR. You're gorgeous, you're funny, there is absolutely nothing bad about you other than the fact you're still gone on injury leave. You are perfect. Get in mah bedroom, post haste.) 5. Rey Mysterio Jr. (This boy is CUTE. Adorable, mad crazy cute. He's as bouncy as atomic Silly Putty on speed, he flips and twirls like a little Latino acrobat, he fits in most overhead storage compartments... okay, okay, I kid. But still, ReyRey's one of my favorite guys to watch wrestle. Never a dull moment with him. ^^ ) Honorable Mentions include Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, John Cena, the Hurricane, Spike Dudley, Zach Gowen, and the entire Cruiserweight division. *cuddles her personal Shannon Moore clone* ^^ Wrestling aside, I'm also a pretty huge fan of the band/art project/zany cartoon Gorillaz, and have quite a few 'fics pertaining to them and their world... Murdoc especially. I *heart* that dark an' broody bassist. Other bands/musicians I like include Blur, Vast, Fiona Apple, Beck, REM, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Linkin Park, Weezer, System of a Down, Graham Coxon, The Vines, The Hives, The White Stripes, and a whole lot of others. No music, No life. Know music, Know life. Or something. And yeah, there's the games. Nowadays, I'm mostly a White Wolf World of Darkness RPer (Preferred systems- Changeling and Werewolf), but I'm pretty big on video games as well. Mad devotee of all things Mega Man, and have a few 'ficcies in that region as well. Also got nebulous ideas involving Guilty Gear X2... v. best fighting game. Indy also loves her anime and her manga. She does indeed. And, that's quite enough out of me. If you're still with me by now, you get a cookie and a gentle shove towards the actual 'ficcage. Enjoy! Toodle-oo, go with God, and don't take any wooden nickels! (Hee, I love George Carlin, too.) Story Stats: COMPLETED: ~Wrestling~ I Would've Loved You Anyway (one-shot) ~Gorillaz~ The Violin (one-shot) ~Mega Man~ He's Been Crying (poem) IN PROGRESS ~Wrestling~ Wish ~Gorillaz~ Every Other Time (unpublished) ~Mega Man~ X-Girlfriend ~Other~ Jack and Jill (Samurai Jack) |
AmaraSidhe (6) nej47 (7) | subgirl (3) Terebi Me (0) |