Title: For A Friend

Summary: Hunter makes a sacrifice for Shawn.

Spoiler: If you missed the draft, this might give away a key event.

Pairings: Shawn and Hunter friendship.

"Paul, I just need a minute with you in private."

Vince stood waiting for his son in law to follow him through to a private room. Once the door was closed behind him, he got right to the point.

"It's been decided it'll be for the best if John Cena stays on Raw. We'll be looking for either you or Shawn Michaels to move to Smackdown."

"Oh." Was the first words out of Hunter's mouth. "You want me to talk to him about it?"

"I think it might sound better. But if he gets... you know, angry about it, tell him to come and see me. I don't want him to think I don't want to talk about it if he wants to."

"I'll handle it."

Walking into the locker room, he couldn't help but notice the smile that beamed on Shawn's face when their eyes met. The smile warmed Hunter's heart and made his own face light up. His heart even soared a little more.

He went and sat next to Shawn. They greeted one another casually.

"You looking forward to tonight?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I always like being at the home shows."

"That's just so you can go home early."

"I can't, I gotta go to the press conference tomorrow." Shawn said.

"Well, at least it's early." Hunter consoled.

"Yeah, think Vince'll mind if I leave straight after?"

"Course not."

"I mean, straight after I've finished?"

"Nah. You can still get away with anything."

"I don't wanna get away with anything. I'm just one of the boys."

"I know."

"I just need to get back home."

"Vince won't care. You do loads for him. You don't have to cover for me on house shows."

Hunter spent a moment or two looking at Shawn. "What's wrong?"


"Oh come on, you know you're going to tell me eventually."

"Okay, honestly, does anyone think I use religion as an excuse to stay on Raw."

"Well, I can't speak for everyone, but no one that matters does. Why?"

"You know how rumours get round. I don't know, I just think that maybe some people think it's just a cop out. You know, if they wanted me to, I could move things around."

"Listen, you don't need to, every thing's sorted. I don't think they even want to move you. You're the only guy who's always been on Raw, that's cool."

"I guess. As long as they know that I don't mind moving."

"Don't sweat it. I just got an errand to run. I'll catch you in a bit."

"Hey Vince? I'll go to Smackdown."

"Oh. You spoke to Shawn?"

"Well yeah, but I never told him it was between me and him, he'd have just felt obliged to move."

"Okay, if that's what you're happy with."

"Yeah, just don't tell him."

"Not a word. But, why don't you want him to know? I mean, you're making a sacrifice for him, why not making him aware of it?"

"Because.. " Hunter stalled. There were so many reason's why he wouldn't say anything that he wasn't sure where to begin. But he guessed it all came down to one thing. "Because he's my friend and it would hurt him to know that I gave this up for him. And I don't want to hurt someone I care about."

"Okay, I didn't need that much detail."

Hunter sighed. "Okay, I won't be missing you."

"Yes, because we'll never see each other."

"I'm gonna go and talk to someone sane now." Hunter said walking away.

"Good luck with finding someone round here."