Title: What I Can't Be
Summary: Shawn and Hunter have a heart to heart
Notes: Inspired after reading Janie's awesome story 'All That You Can't Leave Behind'. This idea just came to me. This is set before WrestleMania 24, whenever it was that Steph announced her second pregnancy.
Warnings & Pairing: Slash- Shawn/Hunter. Mentions their families also.
"You gotta be kidding me?" Shawn said, a look of disbelief playing across his features.
"No, it's for sure. Doctor's confirmed it." Hunter said, his voice sounding full of sorrow as he watched the man before him.
"Pregnant?" He said, repeating the word but with obvious disdain for it. "So what happened there because last I knew it was all about us?"
"It was about us, but she's my wife. There's only so many times I can use the excuse of being too tired." Hunter tried. From the look Shawn wore, it wasn't working. "I'm sorry." He moved forward, tried to grab hold of Shawn's hand, but he moved away.
"I can't believe you came here to tell me this." Shawn said. His voice was laced with sadness, even hiding behind the anger. Hunter knew him well enough by now to know this was how he'd react.
"Baby, I'm sorry."
"Is that a joke? Don't 'baby' me. That's not gonna make things better."
"I know. I'm sorry. But we knew this could happen."
"It wouldn't happen if we weren't hiding from the truth."
"We've talked about this before. You know what would happen if we went public. Everyone would say that all that crap they said about us over the years was true. They'd say you couldn't be a real Christian doing what you were doing. They'd probably say we slept out way to the top. We'd become a joke of the wrestling world. There'd be no legacy, just shame."
"I'm not ashamed that I love you." Shawn's voice was quiet and full of emotion. He meant every word, he felt it. He sat down.
"I'm not ashamed. But I want to protect you. I don't want to hurt Steph and you don't want to hurt Rebecca. And what about the kids? We've already said, we do this, we could ruin them. This whole thing would blow up in our face."
Shawn looked down, away from his lover. "Tell me that one day we'll be able to be together."
"You know I can't." Hunter said sadly.
Shawn looked at Hunter, eyes misty. "Lie to me." Hunter sat next to Shawn.
Hunter swallowed his emotions down. "We'll have the perfect life, and we won't have to hide away from anyone. And we'll be together whenever we want, from when the sun rises until long after it's set. Everything will be perfect."
"Liar." Shawn said, as he rested his head on the younger man's shoulder. For now, he'd just enjoy what they had.
The End