"Monday Night RAW is Live NOW!" exclaimed Jim Ross.
" Well J.R. I can't wait for our main event tonight!" said Jerry.
" I know, King. Ladies and Gentlemen we have one heck of a match later on! The WWE Champion Randy Orton will face Mr. Kennedy in a No DQ Title Match !"
" Kennedy." stated King
" huh?" asked Ross
"Come on. J.R. you know Mr.Kennedy can't say his name without the signature Kennedy afterwards!" said King in surprise.
"Okay...Well there you have it. Our main event for tonight!"
Backstage Kennedy was pacing back and forth in his dressing room practically grinding a hole in the floor. Okay, I have one shot. One chance at the gold tonight. I should be thinking strategically right now. But then why? Why am I thinking about my openent more than my strategy?
Sighing in frustration, Kennedy started going over his lines for his interview in a half hour.
"I'm gonna get that title...Bla...Bla...Bla" Kennedy said aloud as reviewed the sheet
A knock at the door made him glare at the large piece of wood before walking over and opening it to reveal an angry looking Randy Orton. He was about to slam the door in his face when Orton shoved his way into the tiny room and pushed the door shut.
"What the hell do you want?" "Can't you see I'm trying to prepare myself to beat YOU in our match?" asked Ken.
" Sure whatever, but I am here to ask you something" stated Randy
Kennedy looked at him expectingly, as if saying well, what do you want?
" Well, you don't beat around the bush do you?"
Waiting and obviously not getting an answer, Randy continued.
"I'm here to purpose a plan. Now before you get your panties in a bunch, let me talk."
"I know this is your first title match for a world title, but if you lay down tonight I will make sure you get another. My main target right now is Cena. I have a bone to pick with him. You know what I mean?" said Randy.
Ken stared at him for a minute like he was metally unstable then said, " Okay listen. One I don't wear panties, two damn right its my first, and three No I will not "lay down" tonight because frankly i dont care if you hate Cena or not. I am getting this match tonight!"
Orton looked like he was about to leave before Kennedy found himself forcefully pressed against a wall and felt Orton's harsh breathing on his neck.
" Listen here little man I don't think you heard me right. I'm no longer asking you I'm telling you. And let's just say if you don't go down the right path, you will end up getting lost and hurt!"
Kennedy narrowed his eyes. Little man? Little Man! Who do I like? Fucking RAT MYSTERIO?! Pushing Orton away from him, he realized his fears may have came true. His title shot is long gone. Wait! What am i thinking? He's Randy Orton, not Vince McMahon!
" Fuck you!" yelled Kennedy
" I worked too damn hard for this shot to submit to you without even trying!"
Still being held on the wall by Randy, Ken looked up to see Randy's eyes filled with raw lust and want. Okay, thats odd and thrilling at the same time... Naw, that can not be lust he thought.
" Hmm, rough are you? "Don't worry I like them like that."
Kennedy almost choked on his tounge after that statement.
Randy was so close to his mouth right now Kennedy can count his eye lashes. Just as he was about to give into his fantasy, Orton pulled away and stated, " Looks like you have more thinking to do eh?" And with that, he gave Ken a small quick peck on his lips and left feeling cocky and proud of himself for causing such a reaction.
Kennedy walked over to the dressing room couch and dropped himself on it. Weird, he looked pissed. Then kissed me
Hold on. Back up! He.Kissed.Me.
Looking down at his ring wear and saw the buldge in them he figured out it was true. This is truly crazy!
Part 2: The Interview
Who does he think he is anyway? He thinks he can say "no" to me? I'm Randy Orton!
Orton snorted to himself while walking down the hall to the interview set where Kennedy was answering questions about his match. He stood to the side just out of Ken's view.
Orton heard Maria ask, " So Mr.Kennedy Kennedy, you say your going to win the Belt tonight. What makes you so confident?"
"Well Maria, I'm Mr.Kennedy and its basically proven i'm going to win. Check all your dictionaries because if you look up Mr.Kennedy you will see the word "greatness" multiple times."
" Oh. Well, last week you were in a mixed tag team match with Candice. I saw some chemistry between you and Candice and I think the fans saw it too. How are things going between you and her?" asked Maria in her squeaky voice.
Randy Orton tensed up when Maria asked that and had no idea why. Hmm, I mean when I threatened Ken back in his dressing room i felt something inside me light up but that was just heat of the moment right? Me getting what I want would be the thing turning me on. Right? Not Ken. Yep, definitly not Kennedy. Hes not even remotly hot. Infact I'm gonna ask Ashley out right now. She's hot. Yep, smokin'!
Kennedy thought about the question. Me and Candice? Wow. People are really blind if they saw any amount and chemistry between me her. Shes nice and all but she is not my type. I think she hypnotized the fans because I know she had a crush on me for sometime now and all of a sudden everyone thinks we are the perfect couple. I think otherwise, I can't imagine a date with her and her annoying voice! AHH! Headachs!
" I will tell you this once, there is nothing going on between me and Candice-"
Randy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. How weird, he doesn't find Candice attractive when most men would lick the ground she walked on. he thought.
"However I will tell you that this interview is done and next time you interview me, I will have the WWE belt around my waist. Oh, and Randy Orton,"
Orton jumped at the accusing tone that was being used with his name.
"See you out there."
I turn up the trouble till' it gets real loud! etc.
Well, here he comes. thought Randy.The sneaky, agressive, se-...Woah! Was I about to say sexy? Okay, maybe I was. But not about Ken! To Candice...Candice? What the hell is she doing out here?
"Accompanied to the ring by Candice, Mr.Kennedy!" announced Lilian
That explained it.
"Come on babe! Your gonna kick Randy's butt!" exclaimed Candice.
Oh man. What have I gotten myself into? I have this women showing off her boobs to me like I'm actually going to look at them. No offence Candice but, blah! I like natural women.
Ding! Ding!
( The match starts and Randy and Kennedy beat the holy hell out of each other. In the end Randy retains the championship by DQ when he hits Ken with a steel chair and knocks him out.)
Okay, I just need to hit the Kenton Bomb and this match is over! Wait. What the heck?
Then the world suddenly went dark for Ken Kennedy.
Chaper 3- Its a Date?
Kennedy woke up with a dull pain behind his eyes and found the light in the room way too bright. After blinking his eyes a couple of times he saw Shannon Moore sitting on a table next to John Cena.
"What happened?" asked Ken.
Shannon Moore and John Cena jumped a little then turned around obviously surprised by Ken's sudden question.
" Well Dog, you were in a match with Orton and he was losing to you." started Cena
" And then he hit you in the head with a steel chair." finished Shannon.
It took a second for it to come back to him, but once it did Kennedy was up and walking quickly to the door.
" Ken the medic said you need to stay-"
" Save it Shannon!" yelled Kennedy as he walked past. He felt really bad for yelling at him but he had to deal with Orton before he left.
Where the hell is he? Kennedy asked himself. He stopped and thought for a second. After a match, would you go to your hotel? No. Showers!
Stepping into the steam filled room he looked around for Orton.
"There you are!" exclaimed Kennedy stomping over to Randy who was done getting dressed and picking up his bag.
"Hmm, looks like you got lost Ken."
" Me lost? No. I found what I was looking for and it is right in front of me." stated Kennedy
" Object of interest, eh?" smirked Orton but then said,
" Kennedy I know you want this title bad but face it John Cena is getting the title next, Steph said so." informed Randy
The combined feeling of losing his match and never getting a chance at the title he dreamed of made a crushed look appear on Ken Kennedy's face.
Wow. I didn't know the title meant THAT much to Ken thought Randy. Maybe I should invite him out with me and Ashley tonight for a double date. I'm sure he will bring Candice along with all the talk going around about the two of them
" Look man, i'm really sorry about hitting you with the chair. Steph made some last minute changes and I couldn't find you to break the news." said Orton.
Feeling slightly better knowing that Randy didn't intend to hit him with a chair he asked,
" What about the thing you said with me getting lost and hurt." asked Ken. His face was full of suspicion.
" I messed with your head. Its what I do best." said Randy smiling.
Okay what did he mean by that? Messing with my head is what he does best
His thoughts were interrupted by Randy talking.
"Huh? What did you say man" asked Ken
" Well, if you payed attention you wouldn't have needed to ask that." Randy said.
"Just tell me!" Mr.Kennedy snapped.
" I asked If you wanted to go out on a double date with me and Ashley tonight."
" Me and Ashley, you and Candice"
A double date? I haven't been on one of those since high school! But the last one I went one was fun...
"Um, sure. I just need to ask Candice." said Ken.
" Wait. I thought you guys were-"
" Stop right there Mr.Orton! No, we are not dating. It seems she started that rumor and it is not true. Candice isn't even my type." shouted Ken who was shocked thinking that Randy was smarter than to believe rumors were true.
" Candice isn't your type? The what the hell is?" asked a shocked Randy Orton.
" I like people who are 100 natural, if you really want to know." said Ken
" 100 natural? Okay, what ever floats your boat. I was thinking we can go to the movies with our dates then to a pizza place after."
" Sounds cool." replied Ken before Candice appeared by his side.
" Hey babe. Whatcha up to?" she asked while chewing a piece of bubble gum.
" Uh nothing. Hey, do you wanna hang out with me, Randy, and Ashley tonight? We can go to a movie and then get some pizza." said Ken.
"Like a date?"
"No, not like a da-"
" Okay, a double date! Awesome! Well, me and Torrie have to go shopping. Bye!" said Candice blowing him a kiss.
Ken stared at her for a bit before turning back to Randy. Is that a look of jealousy on his face?
" Rand?"
" Huh?... Yea?" asked Randy who was trying to not attack the poor girl.
" Nothing. So, uh. Around seven tonight right?" asked Kennedy.
" Yep. See you there." said Randy who at the moment decided to say something he never thought he would say. But hey, he was the Legend Killer. He could do whatever he wanted and never have to face a negative
" Oh. And Ken?"
" I am also, 100 natural." and with that said, he left the shower room to get back to the hotel. Leaving Kennedy with a shocked look on his face and a confused state of mind.
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