Reviews for Candy
RKOCMJHGIRL chapter 2 . 6/16/2011
Great story!
NeroAnne chapter 2 . 6/5/2009
Are you kidding me! How does this NOT have a hundred reviews?

PEEPS, this is EPIC! I've NEVER read a Chris/Jeff fic like this! It was amazing!

From the very start, the summary caught my eye and then the lollypops! BEAUTIFUL!

And then...they have amazing sex and they add goodies! *bows*

SecondCitySavage chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
that was good!
barbiedoll chapter 2 . 12/27/2008
Ummhmm...this is so damn hot! I'm in need of a cold shower! Your vivid description of all the love scenes between Jeff and Chris..the looks, the flirtatious body language... you keep this up, I would want to get to know you personally. I wish this was longer, can't get enough as I love Jeff Hardy! Any pairing with him and I drool... Please keep writing!
CenaStratusHardy chapter 1 . 12/12/2008
tht was wow.. lolzx

in agood way
TJ Sparkles chapter 2 . 12/12/2008
Dear Lord, I almost had a heart attack! Ice cream, sprinkles, cherries...all things that make for one hell of a night.

I KNEW IT WAS JEFF AND CHRIS! OK, first I thought it was Punk, and then I started thinking and figured that it was Jeff.

I would kill you for making me get all red and drool-y at work, but then I wouldn't have anyone to listen to me go insane, and I can't have that. LOL. You know that I love your stuff and you did a great job with this.

Like Chris would have a case of the blue balls for long. I'm sure he could always find someone to take care of that problem for him if Jeff didn't show up...LOL.

Yeah. This was kick-ass.

Menaji chapter 1 . 12/10/2008
Chirs Jericho and Jeff Hardy! I know I'm right. That story was hot...
Harry Potter-TonksxLupinxSnape chapter 2 . 12/7/2008

That was just too fucking sexy

I really loved this fanfic

And the pairing really worked, even if it didn't have Shawn in it lol
Dark Kaneanite chapter 2 . 12/7/2008
Awe that was just too hot and cute. Poor Jeffy now he has to wait to see his lover again. Great job hun!
JNHwwe chapter 2 . 12/7/2008
well that was deffinatly summit! :O loved it lmao ... thought it was great i love your writing and i am so glad to see some of your writing again i love it :) xcoxox much luv xoxoxox
Samantha Jean Pascal chapter 1 . 11/8/2008
I like this I've had slash on the brain too and this is good.
Stuffmymonkey chapter 1 . 10/22/2008
Please, Please, Please update. I love this story and like everyone else have narrowed it down to two people, both of which i love and will be happy with either one. I will be waiting in suspense for your update.
Sinfully Sined chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
Well let's just say I would think Chris and Jeff. Great story van't wait for the second part.!
BellaHickenbottom chapter 1 . 9/25/2008
jeff and jericho?
Takers.Lil.Princess666 chapter 1 . 9/22/2008
ok so far great ch can't wait to read what's next. and i swear i want to say it's Jeff Hardy and John Cena.
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