Reviews for Obsessed
Guest chapter 19 . 11/29/2019
daddy 'taker is so hot
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 21 . 4/17/2012
I feel like I shouldn't have enjoyed that so much, LOL. I loved how twisted this was!
IsidoraAngst chapter 21 . 3/28/2011
I kind of feel sorry for Randy. I know he went psycho there, but I had hopes that maybe Jeff could chill him out. Oh well. This was a great story. Could you write one where Randy isn't so obsessed with Jeff and actually has a chance? Just saying. Great story.
takers dark lover chapter 21 . 2/14/2010
Wow I just read this whole story. I started it before but for some reason I never finished it. But now with the sequel being poosted I had to go back and read this one.

This one was great and I can't wait to start the next one.
Nadia26 chapter 21 . 1/19/2010
I was sure this wasn't over!:)I'm waiting for the sequel?Have you started it?
RAW-SYNTH3TICA chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
WHOO! Got done reading it about, minutes ago, took me a while. What a ride/rush. (typing a story) you got me all inspired, crap, can't get the JeffXRandy and revenge screw RandyXJeff pairing out of my head.

Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!
The Cajun Phoenix chapter 21 . 11/12/2009
OMG, RKO's really gone psycho here in "Obsessed" and not the normal mental illness variety either! It's the "If I can't have you, I'll stalk you to your grave" variety of psycho. I love seeing Jeff Hardy give RKO a dose of his own brutal medicine in chapter 13, though, because THAT scene is fucking bad-ass! It'll be interesting to see how the sequel to "Obsessed" will unfold. And if I were RKO, I would not push my luck when it comes to Mark in this chapter or in chapter 20 either.
eeelleira chapter 21 . 8/29/2009
i love it! :D

can't wait for the sequel! 3

it'll be awesome if randy & jeff ended up together. :)
GrandpasGuitars chapter 21 . 8/28/2009
Aw, amazing ending. Of course Randy isn't done with Jeff.
Esha Napoleon chapter 21 . 8/28/2009
Jess1186 chapter 21 . 8/28/2009
Aw, it's sad that this was the last chapter but I'm really looking forward to the sequel!

Great chapter!
Takerslady chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Jeff should have screamed "TAKE ME BY FORCE BABY!"
KakashiXIrukaLover chapter 21 . 8/27/2009
can't wait for the sequel...i'd love to see Randy and Jeff together!
slashdlite chapter 21 . 8/27/2009
Aha! So Jeff does have some feelings for Randy!

A sequel! Yay, I'm glad you're not leaving this like that! I can't wait to see how the Jeff/Randy relationship evolves from here onwards.

Great story!
Souless666 chapter 21 . 8/27/2009
YOu forgot to mention the whole issue Jeff has about how he felt dominating Randy.

I'd say everyone has some serious issues here, except is that Mark...he has issues too, just not revealing them. LMAO

I loved this story and can't wait for the next.
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