![]() Author has written 12 stories for Fairy Tail. (Update) I am alive and will be updating/ restoring some stories. I write content that may trigger people, including Yaoi, and multi partner relationships. I assume when the "M" rating is there nobody will think it's written for children or with children in mind, to those who say Fairy Tail was meant primarily for Kids? HAHAHAHAHA, no. Yes, work I don't post here will show up on A03, I am going to limit my posting here to just the main story I'm on, competition pieces, story ideas, snippets etc will be on A03 Archive of our Own while I am organizing their plot maps etc. I post there under Desna1. I write every day, I set minimum word count goals for myself daily and even when sick, unless I'm medicated unconscious, I still write, so I turn out some volume, not all of it is worthy of continuing, so you may see things pop up on A03 then vanish because I scrapped the idea, then you may see things there bloom into full chapter pieces, things not written for Fairy Tail will appear there too. I am a fan of many Anime series. My faves? 1. Fairy Tail (I don't write 100 Year Quest material since that's fanservice and very little of the plot lines have come from Mashima himself. It's just the studio milking a cash cow to me so sorry, if you like anything in 100 year quest I'm happy for you, I don't like that the studio caved so much to fan pressure... so you won't see it in any of my work.) 2. Snow white with the red hair 3. Full Metal Alchemist 4. Rouroni Kenshin 5. Fate/Stay (All of them) 6. Sword Art Online 7. Accel World 8. Overlord 9. Black Clover 10. Seven Deadly Sins You will see works for all of those pop up. I write crack ships more often than cannon, just my jam, I have written Nalu but I do not like it. Those two are buddies to me forever and always, Natsu and the fat jokes killed that pairing for me forever. Not funny, not even in a cartoon is bullying funny. I've been working on taking the next generation of Fairy Tail, building from existing characters often pairing them in crack ships I wont ever apologize for. My profile pic of the Blue haired woman is an original piece of Sonas done by my niece who uses the names "Paprika" and "Burd Byte" to publish her works, to say she's a talented artist would be an understatement and hell yes I'm biased. She and her friends have done several pieces for me featuring the OCs I write regularly in my work too and you may see them as cover art. The major art I have of the Pradesh family though was done by Approvesport, who is an incredible artist that has done some amazing work with Fairy Tail characters. I am a Bickslow fan, you will usually see him pop up in my stories and as such, I took time over the last few years to gather all the information I could on him, using every resource I could including attending several comic-cons and conventions, sitting in on discussions, asking questions of voice actors and writers etc, and created the family I thought just...fit the wonderful Seith Mage of Fairy Tail. The surname "Pradesh" came after a trip to a comic con and conversation with a couple of the voice actors of Fairy Tail along with Bickslows father Arman, Bosco and some of the other back ground and history I will consistently use. In that line of thought I'll shout out now to the authors who have liked the Pradesh family and drawn them into their own works to fill plot holes etc (something I am fine with by the way, just ask you contact me first and mention where you got them in an A/N somewhere.) , I don't get upset if you change them a little or even kill them off, every story is unique, inspiration is personal, it's all about the fun in the end. I insist you let me know, and acknowledge in your A/N where you got them from though. Currently, I have the Pradesh family and they are. Arman Pradesh, Farron Pradesh, Zen Pradesh, Kaleb Pradesh, Cristoff Pradesh, Vander Pradesh, Emzadi Pradesh and Xally Pradesh, The Guild White Sea. The Grass Sea, Boscos culture, monarchy, the citadel, the Academe Celestine, Sevens culture and monarchy, Archangel Magic and Shadowquip magic that I have created for my stories as way to expand the FT universe and give me a little more to work with. If you use any of it, like I said, just let me know and A/N acknowledgement. More info on them and Bosco etc can be found now here: Pradeshverse. If the link doesn't work because the site is disabling it? just go to https Pradesh dot fandom dot com because the sites been terrible about disabling links. Vanders Picture done by Approvesport VANDER The page where I've been posting the pictures as Approvesport finishes them is DESNA Moonbeammadness brought the Pradesh clan into her wonderful story "Of Barren Design" you can find here: Of Barren Design Sasskykitten1701 brought me in on a piece she was inspired to write using the Pradesh family : Mind Body and Soul And Blasphemousorder has started witting a wonderful piece of her own that is Lucy centralized with the Pradesh family: They really do exist? Kendraleanne has them making an appearance in her fun piece "Steps" Createbeautynotwar has them in her story "Slow Burn in Bosco" Levfoxdale is posting one with a great OC of her own included called "Mortar and Pestle" Awezomedic78 has written Soul Shatter Nightmare Senshi has been writting some amazing one shots in a series she's doing Pradesh Cont as well as a chapter piece. Star of Bosco Those are all I am aware of right now. If you enjoy the Pradesh clan and backgrounds I paint, I really recommend them all, they're VERY good!!! If you decide to use my work like I said, I sure don't mind, I'm happy it could inspire anybody! Just mention where it came from and I'm happy! I always will believe the readers understand "M" rating isn't a unicorn trotting through fields of flowers with butterflies and pretty music. I don't write innocent pieces, I just dont. I don't apologize for them either. No story requests. Sorry, I will happily accept suggestions in reviews, I've added entire chapters, even characters to pieces based on someones request in a review or PM. But I need personal inspiration to write well, so I am sorry, I don't really do requests for gender benders or such. A male Erza, or a female Natsu just aren't things I can relate to or envision, the cannon characters are just perfect as they are to me. I love story ideas, but please, don't expect me to drop my own process to chase after someone elses inspirations. To the random bringers of my husband and I immense amusement via attempts at trolling? I spent a stretch as a GM for World of Warcraft during BC and WoTLK. I can handle trolls with a smile, heck, my co-workers and I used to excitedly wave to each other, gather around each others computers and cackle delightedly over our excessively large coffee mugs when particularly well spoken ones attacked us. Y'all on this site? You're just precious. Some little FYIs? Natsu IS a destructive asshole,(adorable, lovable yes) he does regularly hurt his friends and random people and loads of property in both the anime and the manga. He's a Demon/Dragonslayer Hybrid, of COURSE he would do those things. No, I won't provide you with references (snort) if you don't know that, you don't watch or read much Fairy Tail and are too precious to upset with mean nasty facts. Laxus is not a villain after Tenrou. For the love of trolling, if you're going to attack a well researched author who keeps her degrees in English, creative writing and journalism on a wall to toss darts at so she remembers she has them, at least do SOME research and deliver relevant arguments. Also? multiple degrees from a university do not mean I bother to edit much, editing is work, nobody is paying me, deal with the typos and the fact I learned a good bit in olde English and that creeps into my writing sometimes. Real Life occupation: (Not Kidding) Professional Animal Trainer currently training Service Dogs for the disabled though I got my start in Apex predators specializing in Leopards and Wolves. Plans for future stories: I have several outlines waiting for research, I'm really enjoying participating here and plan to continue with mostly Fairy Tail based work since Hiro Mashima created such a fantastically rich and diverse pallet to work from. Right now. Upcoming pieces (Some are now completed) : Restoring Draconia: Acnalogia is defeated, Nurem the last of the founding Dragon Queens of Earthland calls on her human son to begin a quest to find the hidden broods of the last great Dragon Tatsus. He gathers all of the known Dragonslayers for this adventure, and a certain celestial mage whose lineage allows her to suddenly become something new as the magic of the First Founding Queen of Dragons on Earthland settled inside of Lucy and suddenly she is so much more than she ever dreamed she would be, and facing dangers she never imagined. COMPLETE Light of the Sea : After the guild disbands Lucys depression became too much to deal with, miserable, she leaves Fiore and goes to Bosco With Bickslow, Laxus and Freed ending up on the doorstep of the largest guild she has ever seen and into a life she'd never hoped to find. COMPLETED Joint effort with Sassykitten1701 Mind, Body and Soul: AU departure from the traditional map of Earthland adding in a new group of islands. Bickslow as a Seith mage has always known the possibility of a soulmate was real for him, but when he finds he has more than one, and that they have already found each other without him his heart breaks. This story will contain themes I have not worked with before as an author brought to vibrant life through Sassy's creative mind and writing including BDSM and some dark themes. BIG HUGE M rating on this. The first few chapters she already has up, my involvement is beginning after chapter 8. Bickslow is a Pradesh, and his family is very deeply involved as this unfolds. HUGE crack ships. Lacrima Draconian: My next big chapter piece delving into the dark side of the Council of Magic as Fairy Tails two strongest teams seek to prove the Councils involvement in lacrima creation, and illegal magics and uncover the corruption that plagues the Magic Research and Development department as the Council is spread thin and the entire world is pushed off balance by strained relations between kingdoms and war looms over Fiore. Gale, Colu, Laxus/OC and Bixza (Completed) The Exchange: a 6 month exchange program has Laxus and the Leader of a massive Boscan guild running Fairy Tail. teams have been disbanded during the exchange program, nobody knows who will work with who, Wessermans Bakery caught fire and won't be open making Strawberry cakes again for at least 2 months, Cana is trying to get into the pants of the visiting mages, Lucy is dealing with a messy break up with Natsu, Sorcerers weekly has come up with a contest all of the Dragon Slayers want to win, and life with the Fairies never is boring. Will feature multiple pairings and include the Pradesh family. Light of Hope cont: I'm going to pull Light of Hope off the shelf, Overcoming the turmoil of a terrible past and finding love was just the first step. (Gajevy/Nalu) Sons of Fairy Tail: The next generation of Fairy Tail steps up as new challenges come to Fiore. White Sea: The Pradesh family has been prominent in Bosco for generations. When Arman Pradesh, a decorated titled and deeply respected Ambassador for the country lost his wife and youngest son, he took his remaining son and began to fight harder to save the world around him, for children, he found children along the way that fate had left without anyone. In honor of his wife, and to assure his son need not grow up alone, Arman began adopting the children of fallen political figures he wasn't able to save. 5 strong sons, Farron, the diplomat, Kaleb the born leader, Bickslow, the carefree yet immensely powerful Seith Mage, Cristoff, the Lunar Dragon Slayer who comes to the family with a 125 foot long Dragon at his side, and Vander, the rare and wild Shadowquip mage, 2 beautiful daughters, Emazadi, left behind when her clan is destroyed by rivals seeking the lacrima that was implanted in her, incredibly beautiful from a young age men fall in love at her feet. then Xally, the calm and lovely water mage. maintaining peace and trade for Bosco though other countries and kingdoms are not exactly happy with how Boscos culture works. Arman juggles it all with grace to raise his family, and each child establishes that they are their own bright star under the auspices of the most powerful guild in Bosco...White Sea. Road Less Travelled: When a noted archeologist unearths a vault door and finds it can only be opened by a combination of 12 keys scattered across Earthland, he hires two Fairy Tail teams to recover the ones in Fiore. Impressed by their work, he hires the two teams to combine and find the rest of the keys. It's the adventure of a lifetime for Lucy and team Natsu, working with the Raijinshu and Bickslows visiting brother from Bosco proves to be as amazing as the travel they're doing, and when romance, the possibility for the love of a lifetime is laid before her, will Lucy overthink herself out of it, or be the strong woman her journeys so far have made her and take what she's always dreamed of having? COMPLETED I have a firm policy now that if a story I'm doing isn't received well (meaning there's not many faves or reviews which is the only gauge I have to go by.) Then I pull it and either toss it or go back to the drawing board with it. I write for me, nobody pays me to do this and it is pretty time consuming. So while yes I would write regardless, I really do want to post things people like and not hang unpopular pieces up. I maintain a community archive filled with the best stories I've found on the site at /community/Library-of-Desna/127316/ If you would like to support my writing: h t t p s : / / ko-fi. com / ladydesna I have favorite authors here. Each of these writes at a great level and have written stories I have greatly enjoyed and gotten inspiration from, Favorite Authors (39) Pen Name Stories Date Added AllMyNamesAreTaken 8 06-12-2017 apriiil 52 03-21-2017 archergirl14 4 10-18-2018 Avelovae 1 02-22-2017 BlasphemousOrder 7 07-22-2018 Chefbabe 12 03-07-2018 Delete Dragon'sHost 194 06-09-2017 enchantedbeauty1 2 11-26-2018 17 05-22-2017 FreyjaBee 30 03-23-2017 GemNika 61 03-15-2017 indraaas 33 02-22-2018 kendraleaanne 12 01-26-2018 kurahieiritr JIO 2 04-03-2017 laluluv 4 06-15-2018 leoslady4ever 84 02-14-2017 LevFoxdale 5 06-10-2018 LittlePrincessNana 24 03-31-2017 LoadedEel 12 08-31-2017 LovelyLovelyLove 10 03-20-2017 Lucy Dreyar 4 Life 11 08-14-2018 2 01-29-2018 Mewhee89 4 04-12-2017 milkandcookiesprince 2 01-12-2017 MoonbeamMadness 8 01-09-2017 muddyevil 12 01-09-2017 9 12-24-2016 Nicole4211 42 01-22-2017 Nightmare Senshi 9 08-14-2018 RavenNM 14 04-13-2017 sassykitten1701 19 08-06-2018 Slayercrazy 2 06-23-2018 StevMarie 14 03-21-2017 SynriLynn 2 06-30-2018 Therashae 9 05-29-2018 Violet Shadow Kurayami 16 05-31-2017 Wild Rhov 79 08-27-2018 xSteleAliniax 21 01-09-2017 |