Hey everyone!

Look who's back from the dead. Well, not really the dead but it certainly feels like it. I apologize for the long delay. Life and such got in the way and quite frankly… it was a much-needed break. Hopefully, I am over the worst of the hurdles though and can get back into some sort of habit for writing. I am working, slowly but still working, on the next chapter for Sound Pod as well as a few things for you guys.

Thank you so much to those that reached out in my absence. I love you guys and appreciate the kind words, love and support.

And I have to really thank (and so should you all lol) my triplet, Leoslady4ever, for being my cheerleader and believing in me when I couldn't believe in myself. I love you, to the stars and back and we can both do this writing thing! 3

Chapter 13 - Good news! We're not pregnant, but...

Cobra gave a trial rotation of his shoulder as he approached the guild doors. It would be the first day in over a month that he wasn't up at the asscrack of dawn, all just to meet the evil slave driver that was Laxus and that was only because he'd had his appointment with the clinic. He was on the verge of killing that sadistic motherfucker, pushing him until he was on the brink of collapse and further still. Okay, perhaps not going as far as killing him, but a solid punch to the throat would sure feel good. There was the guild to consider after all.

And your own pussy ass desire for him owning said ass.

He rolled his eyes at the ever-present voice in his head. He hated that asshole the most, always creeping in when it was least convenient. If he could figure out a way to punch that fucker in the throat, he'd open an entire can of whoop ass. He'd beat him until he couldn't speak anymore. It would be problem solved with nothing but the sweet sound of silence for all eternity. He liked that thought.

Unfortunately, he knew it to be a pipe dream. So he'd simply have to accept that the voice would continue to torment him. Or at the very least, ball gag the fucker. Funny thing about that was the fact the voice had never plagued him before. Before Laxus, that was. The large Slayer seemed to be the cause of all of the change in his life, in him. He was still trying to decide if that was a good thing or not.

It'll probably kill my stupid ass. Literally.

He pulled the Guildhall doors opened and walked inside to find the usual circus-like atmosphere. A chair flew in his direction and he casually ducked out of its path as he made his way towards the bar. He stepped over an unconscious Gray and sidestepped when a blurry, blue ball of fur whizzed past him. Cantankerous laughter and shouting voices reverberated off of the stone walls, making the already extreme noise level even higher. How they were not all fucking deaf by this point was beyond him. He was just deliriously happy that earplugs buffered his overly sensitive eardrums.

"Cobra! Fight me!"

Well, almost. That voice still raked across his nerve endings like nails on a damn chalkboard. He paused mid stride and glanced back to find the idiot that was the pink-haired slayer running towards him at top speed. His hand gripped the chair that sat just off to his left and lifted it, using it the way a bullfighter used a cape. He shuffled to the side at the last minute, letting the Slayer crash through it and he carelessly dropped the shattered pieces of wood left over onto the floor. "Fuck off, Flame Tard."

"That hurt, dammit!" Natsu whined as he picked himself up from the floor and rubbed at his head.

Cobra gave a roll of his eye when the dipshit completely missed the trickle of blood that rolled down his forehead. "That's the fucking point, Asshole."

The pink-haired Slayer dusted himself off and walked back over, a goofy grin on his face. "Fight me for real, Haz Mat."

His eye narrowed when he realized the kid was completely serious and all because his boyfriend flat out refused. Couldn't say he blamed Tesla. He'd fucking kill the idiot without really trying. Clearly, Natsu had a death wish. One for even thinking that he and the large blond were an item, two for wanting to fight either of them but Cobra really wasn't in the mood to give it to him. Not when he knew Lucy would be heartbroken and that would only lead to Laxus stringing his ass up. And not for kinky sex either.

He glanced around the room, looking for the tall blond but found the smaller female instead. She was sitting with the bookworm and Scrap Metal, a lopsided smile pulling just a corner of her lips skyward. She nonchalantly pointed up, signaling that Laxus was upstairs and he groaned. That would mean the fucker was either in his office, which never led to anything good, or he was in the old man's office. And he knew that to be unlikely when he spied Makarov on the second floor, conversing with Gildarts.

No matter what await him in Tesla's office, it had to be better than dealing with the immaturity that was Natsu.

"How about I tell Ya a joke instead?" he said as he turned back to look at the pink-haired Slayer.

"A joke?"

"Yep," he nodded. "Sorta like repayment for that joke you had way back when."

Natsu blinked before the memory of their first fight returned. "Oh yeah! I remember that it was a good one."

Cobra wasn't a complete fucktard. He could admit it had been a good one. Good enough to make him laugh when that was such a rare occasion. "Yeah," he grinned. "So, why did the chicken cross the road?"

"To get to the other side?" Natsu grinned.

"Nope, try again."

The pink haired Slayer frowned in confusion as a hand scratched at his head. "Uh, to get some food?"

"Nope," Cobra chuckled. "You're cold."

"Then why?"

"To get to the idiot's house."

"Huh?" Natsu blinked.

It was clear the Slayers confusion only worsened and Cobra didn't skip a beat "Knock Knock..."

The pink haired scratched his head again, his brow furrowing. "Who's there?"

"The chicken..." he grinned.

He hadn't realized the entire guild had quieted until everyone erupted into laughter around him. Silence, though, was all that came from Natsu's head. Mission accomplished. He turned without another word and made his way towards the stairs.

"Wait, that… You're a fucking asshole, Cobra! I'm not an idiot!"

He ignored the words as he mounted the stairs, taking them two at a time. Halfway up, he caught the familiar scent thunderstorms and allspice. Saliva flooded his mouth and he inwardly cursed. He could practically taste it and his lips itched to be coated with that salty citrus flavor that his tongue had memorized as closely as it did bleach. Both had the same effect on his system, dulling his system until he was lost in a drunken haze. The only difference was he knew when to call it quits on the cleaner, knew that when his vision blurred he was approaching that crappy morning after point.

There were no tell-tale signs to warn him of overdosing on Laxus. He drank from the fountain, over and over again. The lines between reality and fantasy blurred to the point of disappearing. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to stop. He liked the high too much. He liked what the other Slayer did to him and craved the insanity that came at his hands. It was confusing really because it was the first time ever that he'd found something that he truly wanted. It wasn't someone else's idea or something that he needed.

That would be called desire, Pansy.

"Good morning, Cobra."

He gave a nod to the green-haired man coming from the hallway. "S'up, Lucky Charms?"

Freed gave him an uneasy smile and he sighed. That poor motherfucker right there. The guy was still neck deep in guilt, jumping through fucking hoops to make up for his injury during the mission. He could still hear the distrust at the lower levels of the man's soul. The deep vibrations of a cello's strings cut in just under the whimsical plucking of the harp and high pitched violin notes that was the Rune mage's soul song. He understood it but it was the way that harp and violin fell out of sync that got him. He'd accepted the fucker's apology so it really just needed to stop.

"How is your shoulder today?"

He gave a slight shrug and rotated his arm to show off the returned mobility. "Better, no thanks to your boss."

"Laxus has said he has been working with you," Freed lamented. "He may seem a bit harsh but I can assure you that he is one of the best when it comes to physical therapy."

You really have no fucking clue, Greenie.

"Yeah," Cobra groaned. Not exactly where he wanted his mind to go given he was still trying to ignore the Slayer's scent. "He in his office?"

The Rune mage nodded. "Yes, but he has asked that no one disturb him."

Cobra glanced down the hall and pursed his lips. He had the results of his test in his back pocket but this could be his out. He could simply hold onto the paper for later and go grab a mission for himself. Only a day mission, but he was itching to get out and away from town if only for some peace and fucking quiet.

And to convince yourself that Tesla ISN'T your boyfriend.

Shut up.

Not until you admit you liiiiike him.

Fuck me, Man.

He quickly glanced back out of sheer paranoia, his eyes searching for that fluffy blue ball of sarcastic hellroids. He would slit his own damn throat if that dumb ass cat had learned to creep on people's inner thoughts. That was his gig. But unlike him, that exceed had a big fucking mouth.

"Are you feeling alright?"

He turned back and gave Freed a roll of his eyes. He seriously needed to just jig his brain with an icepick. The Fairy mental illness was clearly starting to get to him. "Yeah and his royal highness will have to deal," he grumbled as he pushed past. "I've got something important to give him."

"I will leave you to your paperwork then but if you should change your mind, we will be leaving on the seven o'clock train in the morning."

Laxus glanced up from the stack of papers in front of him and nodded. He felt a little guilt over turning the team down for a mission. But now that Erik was healed, he was really hoping to convince the Slayer to go on a small mission. Just the two of them, out and away from the prying eyes of the guild. He wanted some alone time where they didn't have to hide what they were doing or worry about someone stopping by. It would do them both some good.

"Thanks," he replied. "And could you maybe spread the word that I don't want to be disturbed on your way out?"

"Absolutely, Laxus."

He watched the Rune mage leave, closing the door behind him and looked back down at his desk. He wouldn't be going anywhere if he didn't get through all the crap his grandfather had thrown his way the moment he'd entered the building. How the hell the guild amassed this many charges, complaints and request forms was simply beyond him. Well, not completely. Over half of them seemed to be in direct response to some stupid, jackass accident caused by none other than their resident moronic pyromaniac.

He seriously needed to have a Come to Jesus meeting with that kid by way of his fist and the idiot's brainless head. He really wished his pseudo-sister didn't love the guy so much. It would give him the all clear to beat the little shit into the ground. Perhaps if the kid was six feet under, he wouldn't be stuck in his office with a million damn files on his desk. He really didn't want to contemplate the state of the financial books. His grandfather would just have to suck it the hell up and deal with it himself.

This crap was torture enough.

He signed his name in the required field on the form in front of him and slipped it into the completed pile. Another one down and only a thousand more to go. At this rate, he'd be done by Christmas. Telling the old geezer that he had no interest in becoming Guild Master one day was suddenly looking seriously tempting. The only thing stopping him was the fact that his grandfather would be poorly disappointed and he'd delivered enough of that to his doorstep already.

A knock sounded and he groaned. Didn't anyone fucking listen in this place? "Go away," he yelled. "I'm busy."

"In that case, I'll just go break into your damn house and take my fucking sock back."

A smile rose on his lips, having missed that raspy, gravel filled voice more than he cared to admit. It had been odd waking up and not rushing up here to meet him for their workout. For good reason, but he missed the one-eyed shit. The pen fell from his fingers and he looked up to find the maroon-haired Slayer sporting a challenging grin. "Not a damn chance, Erik. It's not in a place you'll ever find."

"Whatever," Cobra shrugged. "I'll find that fucker one of these days."

Laxus hummed skeptically as the Slayer closed the office door and crossed the room to lean against the side of his desk. The slight scent of soap weaved in with the ever present aroma of garlic roasted almonds and he was suddenly hungry. Turning his chair, he reached over to latch onto the fabric of his lover's maroon cargo pants and pulled him around the edge of his desk.

"You'll have to pry the damn thing from my cold, dead hands," he chuckled as his hands slid up the back of the Slayer's legs to the delicious curve of his ass. He pulled him between his legs and buried his nose into the front of Cobra's shirt, letting that intoxicating scent drown him.

"That could be arranged, Ya know."


The idle threat went ignored as the empty words that they were. Claw tipped fingers buried in his hair, scratching at his scalp as his lips moved over the soft cotton fabric. He could feel his lover's abdominal muscles tense when he began tracing their outline with his nose. His fingers slid further up, under the hem of the shirt in his way to find the smooth skin he craved. They'd restricted themselves where sex was concerned, limiting themselves to nothing more than heated make out and dry humping sessions that were just not enough. First, it had been the injury and then the issue of STD testing.

To say he was missing the touch of the other Slayer was putting it mildly. It was as it had been before they had begun. Torturous nights of being alone with nothing more than his hand and imagination to get him by. Only this was ten times worse because he knew exactly what he was missing. He'd gladly abide by the rules and whatever made the one-eyed bastard feel comfortable. But goddamn, he was reaching his limit and needed this to end. Preferably sooner than later.

The fingers in his hair tightened, halting the descent of his lips towards the rising hem of the t-shirt. He pulled back enough to look up and found the maroon-haired Slayer nervously biting his lip. That god-forsaken blush that completely undid him every damn time dusted those high, caramel cheeks. "Yes?"

"You do realize everyone in the fucking guild is here today, right?"

He grimaced, only too well aware of the fact. The noise level alone was a huge fucking clue that had been annoying the crap out of him. If he had a jewel for every time he heard something break or Natsu's loud, obnoxious laugh, he could retire and still die at the age of a hundred with more money than he could fucking spend. "Yeah," he pouted. "And we're still on restriction."

"Not exactly," Cobra chuckled.

A single brow arched as he leaned back in his chair and adjusted the sudden discomfort of pants that were too tight against his fully erect member. "Whatcha talkin' bout, Willis?"

"Well, the good news is we're not pregnant, but..."

He watched as the Slayer reached back to pull out a neatly folded piece of paper. He reached out and snatched it away, admiring the fact that the edges were perfectly matched up. A man after his own heart, perfectionism and all. He carefully unfolded it page and a grin spread across his face as he scanned its contents. It was his get out of celibacy jail card and he'd have fucking shouted if he didn't think it would draw others up to his office to find out what the hell was wrong with him.

"Told you everything would come back negative."

Cobra shrugged his shoulders with a roll of that solitary eye. "We were being responsible, Asshole."

Laxus chuckled and tossed the paper onto his desk before reaching up. His fingers hooked into the belt loops on the Slayers pants and pulled him down to straddle his lap. "We were," he grinned as his hands slid around to grab his lover's ass. "But I'd like to be a little irresponsible now."

The low, throaty moan that came in response was the only answer he needed as he leaned up to brush his lips against Cobra's. Despite the gentle, brief touch, he could already taste the flavor of him on his lips. It was only a taste. A sample of the flavor that set the world off its axis and god, did he want more.

And apparently so did his lover.

Those strong, thin fingers found his hair again as Cobra's lips crashed against his with a need and hunger that matched his own. He pulled the Slayer's hips down against his, moaning into his mouth when the evidence of their arousals brushed against one another. Sharp teeth nipping at his lips, fingers pulling him in deeper as the familiar acidic tingle swept over his tongue. He'd never been prone to addiction before. Never had a needle entered his veins outside of medicinal purposes nor had his nose sampled the high that came with snorting. Even alcohol wasn't much of an attraction. But he knew what an addict felt like, feigning for their drug of choice and itching until the craving was sated.

Those soft pliable lips he was so easily falling for left his, traveling down over his chin. The light prick of the Slayer's canines sent shudders of ecstasy down the length of his spine as they pinched and pulled at his flesh. His controlling nature threatened, desperately wanting to flip Cobra over onto the top of his desk. Paperwork or not, he wanted to strip him down and make up for all the nights he'd been forced to refrain from going further than this. But he carefully restrained that ignorant beast.

Hands wandered, searching his torso and further below. Lips charted their way over the landscape of his ears, neck and down to the edge of the open neckline of his shirt. Bold and brazen. He'd yet to experience his lover's aggression, always happy to take the lead. This was entirely different, though. New territory for them both and he found he liked it. He took pleasure in feeling the desire that drove the one-eyed bastard. Gone was the shy, completely inexperienced uke and in his place a brazen little sex kitten.

"I'm not a fucking cat," Cobra growled against his shirt only to blow holes all in the bottom of his boat of denial when his tongue flickered over the exposed section of Laxus' chest. "And this is all your goddamn fault."

"Mine?" Laxus chuckled as he looked down to watch as tan fingers worked at the buttons down the length of his shirt. "I fail to see my fault in all of this."

The Poison Dragon Slayer gave a roll of his eye as he pulled the unbutton shirt open and leaned in. "Your fucking laundry detergent, it does something to my damn brain."

"I don't real-Ohhh fuck," he hissed as searing hot lips scorched a path across his chest and rough fingers found his nipples. His words and thought fell by the wayside, lost in a sea of sensations. Warm breath feathered over the trail of wet skin left behind by his lover's tongue, setting a chill that gave life to goosebumps. His own fingers pulled at the black cotton of Cobra's shirt, wanting it gone so that he, too, could explore.

Cobra's lips left his skin long enough to pull the garment over his head and Laxus quickly discarded it onto the floor. He tried to pull the Slayer in, wanting to feel their skin pressed together but was denied as the man slid from his lap to kneel between his spread legs. A hand pressed against his confined arousal as lips and teeth raked over his flesh. His nipples, the contour of sculpted muscle, the hollow of his navel. "Y-you're really try-trying to kill me," he moaned as fingers teased the length of his erection through his slacks.

"Mhm," the maroon-haired Slayer hummed before lifting his head to offer up a devil's grin. "Consider it payback."

"Bring your worst, Heathen."

A deep, gritty chuckle vibrated against his skin as fingers deftly undid the belt around his waist. There was no fumbling or hesitation as there had always been before. By the time Cobra's lips traveled the span between his navel and pants, they were undone and laid open. A warm, exhale of breath slipped through spandex knit of his boxer briefs and a throaty moan burst from his lips when wetness permeated the fabric as his lover's tongue moved over him.

Fuck him and his damn mouth. His sexy as hell, confident kitten morphed into a full fledged hell cat, teasing him in the most delicious of ways. His fingers buried in the mass of unruly maroon spikes as his hips lifted from the seat to thrust against the mouth that taunted him. He wanted to bury himself between those kiss swollen lips and lose himself.

"A little fucking impatient, are we?"


Rough, calloused fingers slipped beneath the waist of his underwear and brushed against his straining member. "Yes, Daddy?"

"You lit-Fuuuck, yes!"

The fabric was pulled back to release him from the tight fitting confines and no sooner did the cold air hit his heated flesh, warm lips slipped over the sensitive tip. His hips flexed, pushing himself further into the moist, hot cavern of his lover's mouth. Too long he'd waited to feel this again, he was suddenly ravenous for more.

The tip of Cobra's tongue danced across the small opening, pulling a moan from deep in his gut. His fingers tightened their grip in the man's hair, pulling him down his length. A moan vibrated his length as fingers circled the base, firmly gripping him as he felt the flattening of a tongue against him. In just the span of a couple of months, it amazed him just how skilled the Slayer had become.

He watched, transfixed, as his lover's mouth took control. Those full cheeks hollowing on the upstroke, fingers traveling up and down with the lips gripping his girth. His head fell back and his eyes rolled as he gave himself over to each and every sensation. The world outside of those four walls disappeared and the sounds of the lively guild members downstairs fading into the distance so that all he could hear was his own labored breathing and the wet sounds coming from his lover's mouth.

A groan rumbled against him and suddenly, Cobra's lips disappeared. "You gotta be shitting me…"

He blinked in confusion and looked down to see the Slayer wiping at his lips. "You're not done, Dobbie."

"Not by fucking choice," Cobra grumbled. "You better fix-shit."

He started to question but his nose caught the scent of tea tree oil and mint and he groaned. He could hear the footsteps quickly approaching and panic set in. "Fuck, um… Crap!" he swore as he tried to right his buttons. When he heard the jiggling of the door handle, he realized there was no damn time. "Under the damn desk, quick."

He pulled off the shirt, tossing it out of the way on his desk. He could feel the trembling in his hands as he scooted his chair up, blocking the other Slayer beneath. If he were to get caught, by his grandfather no less, he was done for. The old man would fucking disown his ass if he didn't kill him. What the fuck was I thinking?

"Just act cool, Tesla."

This is all your fucking fault.

"Technically, yeah. But I still blame your ass."

What the fuck ev-

His thought went unfinished as the door opened and he tried to make himself appear busy. He grabbed the pen and casually hummed the first tune that popped into his head. Unfortunately, it didn't make the situation any easier. Let's Get it On wasn't exactly situationally appropriate. Of course, neither was his boyfriend's voice in his head but there was no getting around that.

"Laxus, my boy."

Oh, fuck. He knows…

"Calm the hell down."

He started to growl at the man under his desk but caught himself and forced some semblance of a smile. "Jiji…"

"I was thinking," the old man started as he made his way towards the desk only to pause. A frown settled on his aged face. "Why are you sitting there shirtless?"

Laxus instantly felt like a deer in headlights. He was right back to being a damn teenager, getting caught by the old geezer while jerking off. His brain wasn't moving any faster now than it had then. "I, uh, well…" Think, Asshole. Think. "I spilled coffee on it."

Without skipping a beat, he reached over and purposely knocked his mug over onto the garment. The little bit of coffee that had been left spilled out onto the fabric and he nodded. "See?"

"Smooth move, ExLax."

Shut the fuck up.


He probably should have been worried at the easy compliance, but he wasn't given time when his grandfather spoke again.

"Are you feeling okay? You just dumped your mug on your shirt and your face is awfully flushed."

His lips parted to reply but the sound caught in his throat as he felt the warm, wet flicker of a tongue against his softening length. He reached under the desk to bat at the Slayer beneath only to have it slapped away. "Y-yeah," he stammered as a mouth engulfed him and his voice cracked. "I-erm-I'm fine. Just…" Composing himself proved to be a daunting task as his lover's tongue flattened against him, sliding up his reawakening arousal.

"Just what?" Makarov questioned. "Are you running a fever?"

Laxus' brows shot for his hairline when the old man started to move around the side of his desk. "No fever!" he shouted. "I-I was just… Doing pushups. I took a break from th-this crap to do pushups."

You are so fucking dead.

"Promises. You'd miss my ass."

He couldn't really argue with that. He would, indeed, miss the little one-eyed fucker. Even if he did want to murder him right about then. "Did you need something or were ya just checking to make sure I was really fucking working, Old Man?"

"You sure you're feeling alright?"

His fingers painfully gripped the edge of his desk as he struggled to resist the urge to thrust up into Cobra's mouth. It was pure torture, trying to remain impassive as those lips slid up and down the length of him. "Uh, ye-yea-yes," he nodded. "Just… Fu-Peachy, Gramps."

The old man studied him for a moment before shaking his head. "Stubborn boy, you're pushing yourself too hard. You can take a break when you're sick, Laxus. This stuff will be here when you get back."

"Ji-Holy fucking-Sweet baby Jesus!"

Teeth raked up his shaft and over the overstimulated tip and he just about came unglued. Unable to do much else, he reached back down and grabbed a handful of hair. Giving a sharp tug, he pulled his lover's mouth from him and not-so-gently kicked at the guy when he heard a soft moan.

"Fine," Makarov grumbled. "I'll stop asking about your health. I'm just worried and that's no reason for you to yell at me."

Swallowing hard, Laxus tried every trick in the book to calm himself. Already he could feel that tingling at the base of his spine. "J-Jiji," he gritted out through clenched teeth. "I'm fine, just very busy so what exactly were you needing?"

The small man blinked at the question and reached up to scratch at his head. "Ya know, I can't exactly remember now…"

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

Laxus pinched the bridge of his nose, his lover's thought echoing his own. He was seriously going to have a bad case of blue balls if the old man didn't get lost and soon. "I am really fucking swamped here," he growled. "So how about you go bother the others so I can get this crap done today?"

"Someone's certainly in a rotten mood today," Makarov humphed. "But I have no choice, do I? I will return when the reason comes back to me."

"Preferably not to-fucking-day."

"Whatever, Old Geezer," he sneered as he picked up the pen from his desk and focused on making himself appear busy. "How about I come find you when I'm done here?"

"That works and Laxus?"

It took everything ounce of willpower to not roll his eye or sigh too loud. He was on the verge of killing the only blood relative he had left. That he recognized anyway. In his mind, Ivan died at the games. He'd never acknowledge that piece of crap ever again. "Yes, Jiji?"

The old man paused at the door and looked back with a gentle smile. "Don't work yourself too hard, my boy. You don't need to prove yourself to me. I know just how much you love the guild and wish to see it succeed."

Any other time Laxus would have probably fallen out of his chair in sheer shock. That was by far, the highest compliment his grandfather could give him. But lust fogged his mind and drove him down a single track. Sex. The only thing to get past the mist in his brain were images of his lover naked, writhing under him. The sound of that gritty voice smoothed in passion. For just a moment, he thought he heard that little whimper Erik made when pleading for more. Fuck, he loved that sound.

Warm breath scampered ever-so-lightly over his aching arousal and it twitched with the need for more than air. His head lowered to shield his closed eyes and his fingers came dangerously close to snapping the pen in his grasp into pieces. "Th-thanks, Gr-gramps," he stammered as a calloused finger gently slid up his length. That finger lightly brushing over the leaking tip of his erection nearly undid him. "I-uh-I…"

"No worries, my Boy," Makarov nodded on his way to the door. "I will just lock the door behind me to make sure no one else comes in to disturb you."

Warm breath feathered over his sensitive flesh, heralding the flick of a tongue over the tip that followed. Laxus was incapable of words for a response outside of the nod he gave his grandfather without looking up. He feared that the only sound that would make it out would be a moan or whimper for more. That hot, wet mouth that he adored closed over him once more and the sound of the door closing could not come fast enough.

His breath held, he waited.

The moment the tell-tale click of the latch engaging sounded in the room, he was done. His body slumped back in the chair and his nostrils flared as moist warmth slid down the length of his shaft to completely envelop him. There was no holding back the moan that forced its way free. His fingers found the messy maroon spikes of his lover's hair and with heavy-lidded eyes, he watched as Cobra's lips slid up the length of him only to descend again.

"You're such a fucking ass," Laxus growled. "But gods, I've missed the feel of your damn mouth."

That single amethyst eye looked up at him, the corners crinkling in mirth. "What about my ass?"

His inner predator woke at the little taunt. Desire the likes he'd never known before Cobra flared, consuming him in its purifying flame so that the only person, the only thing that existed for him was the other Slayer. "How about I show you?"

The deep, rumbly voice was one he barely recognized as his own. If it wasn't for the fact that he was moving, standing and pulling the other Slayer up with him, he would have questioned it. But he was enslaved, powerless to the beast that had control of him now. He pushed his lover against the edge of the desk, trapping him as he claimed those saliva coated lips. That taste, just like manna from the heavens. He could seriously lose himself in kissing the little shit, had since the very first time.

But it wasn't to be.

Hands pushed at his chest and he broke the kiss to peer down in at his maroon haired lover, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity treading in the stormy blue waters of his eyes. "Problem?"

"Asshole," Cobra snorted. "We just about got caught by the oldest member of the damn lollipop guild and you wanna continue?"

The vision of three munchkins singing and kicking their little legs popped into Laxus' head and he blinked. "Did you really just make a reference to the Wizard of Oz?"


A wide grin spread across his face but before he could say just how gay that was, his thought hearing lover beat him to the punch.

"Don't even fucking go there."

When the maroon haired Slayer moved to pull away, Laxus held him fast. It was an insult. He knew all too well just how new all of this was for Erik. He'd once been there and the last thing he should do was make bad puns. Even if they were dropped on his doorstep.

"Look," he started as he pulled Cobra back against him. "How about we do dinner at my place? I'll cook, you grab the wine and we just stay in."

That solitary amethyst orb narrowed on him as though in contemplation before the other Slayer's shoulders relaxed. "Actually, I was thinking about taking a job. I need to build my fucking savings back up."


Laxus couldn't hide the disappointment that swept in but averted his gaze all the same. Letting go, he stepped back and studied He understood and couldn't fault him. As much as he wanted to deny it and as much as he wanted to horde the other Slayer to himself, he got it. Erik had been down for a solid month, unable to take jobs. "Then we um," he started as he scuffed a boot over the wood floor. "We just table it 'til you get back. No biggie."

An awkward silence fell over the office but it was broken when a heavy sigh fell from Cobra's lips. "Why don't you just fucking come with me?"

His head snapped up, fast enough to leave him with the dull ache of whiplash and his eyes widened in shock. "Did you just..."

"Go to hell," Cobra growled. "Yeah, I fucking offered but forget it. I take it back."

"Oh no you don't," he smirked. It was out there and there was no way he was going to allow him to withdraw. This was progress. To what end, he had not one clue but he'd take the little victory all the same.

The other Slayer narrowed his eye before groaning in obvious defeat. "I haven't checked the board or anything so I don't even know what's available yet. But…"

Laxus reached out to grab his lover's hands and lifted them to his lips. When the other slayer tried to pull away, he tightened his grip and pressed his lips to each fingertip. "Whatever it is, I'm in."

"And the rest of the Raijinshou?"

He didn't need to hear thoughts or read minds to understand the meaning behind the question. While he knew Cobra would never outright ask, he understood the need to just be away from them. To be away from everyone. The Slayer was so used to being his own person. "They don't have to go, just you and me."

"Seriously?" Cobra skeptically inquired. "You never go any-damn-where without your team."

"Fuck off," he chuckled. "Yes, I do."

His lover's face fell, disbelief and a lack of amusement clearly etched on his face. "Outside of working with me in the mornings, when was the last time your ass went on a mission without them?"



Laxus started only to stop. It was as if his mind suddenly went blank and he was coming up with nothing. He started replaying the last few months over in his head. Just last… No, he hadn't gone anyone without the team last month. Well- No, the mission before Erik had been injured, he'd gone out with the whole team and their girlfriends. The memory of Freed's stated feelings towards homosexuality still stung, leaving a foul taste in his mouth. It hadn't been the one before that, or even five before that either. He couldn't recall a single mission in the last six months that at least one of his teammates had been on. "It's been a while."

"So I heard," Cobra chuckled. "You just wanna go because you want my ass."

It was Laxus' turn to look as impressed as an MMA fighter at a ballroom dance competition. He dropped the Slayer's hands and moved to take his seat. "That's not it."


"Really," he huffed as he grabbed another file from the stack. "You can hear the truth for your damn self. While I do want you, I'd like time with you that doesn't consist of having to worry about someone coming over or barging in."

A sarcastic bark of laughter erupted in the room before the file was snatched from his fingers. "Wow and I thought I was watching too much goddamn television."

"What the hell does that mean?" Laxus scoffed, a little louder than he should've but he knew that condescending tone. It pissed him off.

"I'd like time with you," his lover mocked. "Lifetime Movie Network much?"

Dating someone who could hear thoughts often proved to be trying at times and this was definitely one of those. Doing his damnedest to not let his thoughts out of the cage he kept them in, Laxus slowly raised his head to glare at the other slayer. It was certainly the kettle calling the pot black. He was the drama queen? Definitely not. "Erik," he said as calmly as he could. "G-F-Y, alright?"

"I'd rather you fuck me," Cobra smirked. "But if you wanna watch…"

Laxus' grip on the pencil in his hand tightened as his mind took off. Hearing people's thoughts wasn't really his thing but he could almost picture just what took place at the drop off of that sentence. He could picture coming in to find his lover lying on the bed, not a stitch of clothes on and hard cock in hand. The scene continued, him moving to the bed to capture Erik's lips with his own. It felt so real that he could taste the man on his lips as his tongue struck out to wet them. His fingers flexed as he could see himself reaching to aid the hand fisting his lover's cock.

The snap of wood and sudden pain in his hand snapped him out of his day dream. His heart was pounding in his ears and he looked down to find the pencil broken, a solid piece piercing his palm. "That…" he started but the words failed him as he grabbed his discarded shirt to press against the bleeding wound.

"What the fuck did you just do?"

He looked up to find the color drained from Erik's face, fear dancing a frantic beat in the solitary amethyst pool. "I… Uh," he had no words because he had no clue what the hell had just happened. He'd never been prone to such vivid dreams, much less ones that happened when he was awake. And this had felt different. It felt real as though it had happened before. "I don't know."

"I'm just…" Cobra pushed away from the desk and started backing himself towards the door. "I'll just go, uh, pick a mission."

Laxus was confused by the fear he could smell wafting from his lover's pores. He was confused as to what had happened, but the other Slayer's sudden desire to run was even more of a quandary. "Erik," he said as he stood. "Where are you-"

"Don't!" Cobra shouted to cut him off only to soften the tone of his voice. "Just stay here, please. I-I'm gonna go grab a fucking mission and… And-"

"You're not running the fuck away again."

He didn't mean to yell and it was only when he could feel the vibrations of his voice bouncing back at him from the wooden walls that he realized he had. Erik's wide eye staring at him with a mixture of disbelief and trepidation. Good going, Asshole. Send his ass running for the hills before you- He couldn't allow that demonic inner voice of his to finish that thought. It was too soon and he still wasn't exactly sure how he felt or what any of this meant. "I'm sorry," he sighed as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I shouldn't have raised my voice."


Damnit! I didn't want to fight with him…

"How long?"

His brows drew together in confusion and he dropped his hand to look questioningly at the other Slayer. "How long what?"

Cobra looked down to where the toe of his boot scuffed at the floor and gave a barely noticeable shrug of his shoulder. "A mission, how long can your ass be gone before the old Geezer complains?"

Laxus had to bite his lip to keep the smile that threatened to spread across his face hidden. That little one eyed fucker really would be the death of him. It was a mystery how the asshole could go from being just that, an asshole, to adorable fucking uke in a span of fewer than sixty seconds. The urge to flashport across the room and pin the guy against the door, just so he could kiss him was so incredibly strong. But he managed to control himself. This time at least. Glancing down at the piles of work on his desk, he sighed. "Longer than a week but no more than a month."

The maroon haired slayer looked up at the piles of folders. "You sure that's wise."

He shrugged. It was his responsibility but he needed time away. He needed time away from the prying eyes and ears of Magnolia with Erik. They needed a chance to really get to know one another without fear of someone seeing him. And for the first time in years, he wanted to remember what it felt like to sleep next to someone. What if felt like to hold hands and being able to openly kiss him. "I'll see if Little Bit can lend a hand while I'm out."

Cobra gave a roll of his eye and grunted before turning for the door only to pause. "Hey, Lifetime?"

A small huff of a chuckle escaped Laxus' lips at the nickname. He'd show him lifetime later. "Yeah?"

"Wanna crash at my place tonight?" Cobra asked before quickly adding. "I mean, beings it's closer to the train station and all."

If he was honest, wanted Erik in his large bed, in his home where they were out and away from town. But it made sense and he adored the Slayer for being sweet enough to consider that and to make the offer. "I'd love to," he smiled. He was rewarded with an awkward, lopsided smile in return before the Slayer disappeared out the door. A fight avoided, they were taking a mission alone together and it was Erik who'd offered. They were making progress in his eyes.

One little quick note here… I am going to start migrating my work over to AO3. I will post in both places once I have it set up. At least for a while, but with all of the issues with this website… I've had more than half of my follow list deleted. Did not even realize it until Leoslady4ever posted 2 pieces for stories I follow and did not get the notifications for either. And that is when the actual notices work. So, just wanted to mention that. When I have it all set up, I will share the link on my tumblr. Something to keep an eye out for!

Much love and hugs,

Princess Nana