Hiya all. Sorry for taking so long to update. I hope you all will love this chapter. I've been sick and getting use to being full time at work, I know it isnt an excuse, but thank you all for still supporting me. Once again Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail and not I. Hope you all enjoy :)

A huge clump got stuck in Lucy's throat, her eyes were deceiving her and those people clapping and cheering her on the balcony actually weren't there. Rubbing her big tired brown eyes with her bare arm, she laughed at herself thinking she was in the dark embrace of lunacy, no way was Natsu, of all people here.

Focusing her now red puffy eyes, the blonde confirmed the retention of her sanity and that she wasn't experiencing any sort of crazed mirage.

Holding the desire to hyperventilate, Lucy understood that Natsu, destroy-everything-in-existence was actually here. Sighing, the blonde lifted up her head once more and exchanged a melancholy smile with her best friend.

Her brown eyes quickly made her way to Laxus and Gajeel, who thanks Mavis were still out cold. How was she going to explain this to her team, sure she was somewhat kidnapped, and she wanted to eventually return home, but she was finally making amends with Gajeel. Her paralyzing fear for her once tormentor was dissipating and her underlying hate for him had become docile. For all her trials and tribulations, Laxus' tough love approach to her debilitating condition had proved effective, the blonde wasn't ready to abandon her guild brother.

The current joke of a mission had actually become quite enjoyable, Gajeel was an excellent coach, and even with the constant put downs and insults, she felt like this interaction was improving their healing relationship. Laxus was and will always be a jerk in her eyes, but even she could understand he desperately needed a vacation from Natsu, heck even she enjoyed getting some actual money from a mission and not relinquishing it on team inflicted repairs. She didn't miss Happy either. When the blue cat wasn't sexually harassing her bosom, he was trying to set her up with Gray and take pictures, probably to trying to damage her friendship with Juvia.

On this kidnapping turned vacation, Lucy had actually managed to lose some weight in her mid section. No longer was she enticed and threaten to feast on strawberry cake nightly by her scarlet haired dictator. Lastly as the blonde ran a worried hand through her healthy hair, she realized that her mane had not been victimized to flames or charring since she left.

Paradise was too good of a word, she had also suffered enough because the men in her care were jealous, lustful idiots, who just end up humiliating the blonde and tormenting her to tears. Lucy Heartfilia had passed through many trials and tribulations, but team Natsu was something she had not anticipated.

Sick and tired of the pondering blonde, Natsu gave Happy a signal as he stoop on the top railing. The tiny blue nuisance gave him an 'Aye, Sir!' and that's when the catalyst that triggered Lucy's new problems commenced.

Jumping down from the balcony, Natsu gracefully did a spin landing with both feet firmly against each other and his arms stretched out in a victory pose. Happy made his way down with two paddles scoring his jump only a 3 due to lack of creativity... Putting her team's randomness aside, the blonde smacked her left hand against her head; apparently Natsu had issued a challenged, asking if they could do any better. Lucy stood on the stage flabbergasted as she bore witness to Gray and Erza following the act, scoring vastly better, which of course triggered an argument.

"Ya think you're better than me Ice-Princess?" Natsu accused the shirtless guild mate, who sporting his famous dancing hat from that one event Juvia recalls as the best thing in her life she had the utter misfortune to never witness.

Doing a 180 spin, clutching to his signature hat, Gray moon-walked towards Natsu whispering, 'well of course' obviously lighting a fire that should have never been lit.

Erza stood with her arms crossed and eyed the two like children, warning them that they should be on their best behavior, which elicited both of them to exchange a slight hug declaring their bromance to the entire world. Rolling her eyes, Lucy wanted to drag at least Laxus back to his hotel suite before the blood of his sole enemy stained the cream and gold carpet.

"Gray-sama! Why won't you hold Juvia they way you hold Natsu." The rain lady cried desperately as she held on to the banister for support.

Sighing and feeling completely opaque by the every day dynamic of team Natsu, the blonde just wanted to run as she got down from stage.

Sure she had missed her idiot team, but at least it was quiet and she had time to think, Lucy wasn't exactly ready for a reunion this early with the boisterous and destructive bunch. Everything in her head told her to save herself and go... that is until she met with Happy's sinister eyes. The little blue cat was up to no good, and if she valued her life, preventing his mischief became of the highest priority.

"Errr.. Natsu what are doing here?" She whispered quietly into her friend ear, as he exchanged her concern with one of his goofy smiles.

While Natsu laughed like an idiot, the fire dragon slayer smacked Lucy's back assuring her that whatever she had contrived in her head was foolish, that is until Gajeel's bandana snapped, exposing her bare yet seductive body onto her team, Panther Lily and blushing Juvia.

After Lucy heard the snap of the fabric, that she and Gemini worked so hard to maneuver on her curvaceous body, her brown eyes widen in realization. She was now exposed and all she could do was trail the cloth flying across the stage and into the abyss of the audience seating, her breathing as much as all time seemed to pause for the celestial mage.

Happy just smirked at her, as he saw how Lucy's hands slowly, yet desperately tired to cover her nakedness in horror. While the blonde felt her world was coming to it's end, Natsu and Gray were enjoying the visual banquet. No matter how many times Lucy was presented before her team naked, the men of the group usually took a bite of popsicle, quelling their heat as they reveled in her feminine wilds over and over again, but this time they were so close, that it gave the red faced stripper a nose bleed.

"Oh thank goodness, Gray-sama likes girls... Eh wait, that's love rival... NO!" The bi-polar woman raged as she realized that her beloved was lusting over the naked flesh of another female.

Juvia was not blind, those white creamy mounds with pastel fleshy tips were amazing, her curves were probably hand drawn by the stars themselves allowing her skin to glisten even in the presence of darkness. Lucy's legs were long, and meaty; any man would want to bite, lick and suck on such succulent thighs, but accepting Lucy's beauty was the same as giving up on Gray, and she would not!

"Water!" She yelled as it poured out of her body, causing her beloved amongst the others to almost drown, the only unfortunate ones were Happy and Panther Lily that perceived the impending danger from the usually tranquil Juvia.

The pressure was too high and the flood gates were forced open, but not before destroying the century-old carved mahogany doors.

Coughing out the last of the water, Natsu glared at Juvia, "Look at the mess you made!" the fire dragon slayer yelled as he squeezed the water from his beloved scarf.

From the balcony seating, Juvia sighed in relief at the fact Gray collided with a chair and was now unconscious of this world and Lucy's nakedness. Gritting her teeth, the blue-haired stalker ignored Natsu and wished the heavens for fabric to cover up that temptress' body. While Juvia worried idiocies, Lucy's horrified chocolate eyes targeted the bodies of the two perverts, she had earlier kicked. Gulping down hard, she was fully aware that this light-hearted silliness was going to end up in tragedy.

While Lucy contemplated the future grave-site of her beloved flame-brain idiot, Erza stared at the wet bare body of her friend with a tinge of jealousy. Crossing her arms, and trying to calm the dispute between Juvia and Natsu, the amour-wielding fairy queen summoned several swords as she pointed them towards the combative duo. Titania glared viciously at Natsu and Juvia, demanding cooperation and to terminate their silly feud, as her curious eyes traveled back to enviable naked blonde.

"You need to train more, you're getting quite chubby in some areas Lucy. Happy was right, those smoothies have gotta go, maybe cake could flatten up that tummy, too much liquid." Erza said as she inspected her friend core.

After everyone froze from Erza's body shaming analysis, Panther Lily took it upon himself to cover Lucy's exposed body. He needed to act quickly, because Gray was coming too, and by Juvia's body language, she was about to flood the auditorium once more, as an attempt to shield her beloved Gray's virgin eyes from the scandalous erotica in front of them.

Helping Lucy get to the Balcony, Erza apologized for Juvia's murderous intent. Nodding, Lucy held onto the towel that Pantherlily had given her for sheer life and just laughed nervously.

The flowing waters receded and exposed the laying bodies of Gajeel and Laxus, but it was only going to get worse, and Lucy felt it within her bones.

Like clockwork, her women's intuition was right on the money, in horror Lucy saw as her beloved friend held an open fist to his mouth.

"Natsu NO!" Lucy yelled in vain, because somewhere in Natsu's tiny mind, he thought that steam drying the auditorium with his fire dragon slaying magic was a good idea. While trying to aid Lucy and fix Juvia's flood damage, the auditorium caught on fire, to which Erza sent a barrage of axes at the flame idiot, pinning him to the wall.

"Are you insane Natsu? You could have burned us all alive!" Erza said as she missed some of Natsu's clothing and almost sliced through some support beams.

Unable to control the heat of his flames, Natsu indeed started a small fire, he couldn't steam dry the area and the small patch of flames elicited the very wet, and flammable wood to spread. Bowing his pink head in shame, Natsu understood he couldn't eat his own multiplying flames, he perked up his head to notice the rain lady trying to wash the flames off her beloved.

"Hey Juvia, why don't you flood the place once more, it's getting a bit warm in here." Natsu cheerfully thank the gods for allowing this rain angel to purge the world from his destructive flames.

As the flood waters receded once again; Lucy was seen carried by Panther Lily in the air, the poor blonde started hyperventilating as she saw all the damage to the once lavish auditorium. The sense of doom was felt throughout the vast space that was to hold out her current mission with Gajeel, but the damage was of no concern to Lucy. What actually terrified the blonde was the fact Laxus was going to kill her best friend, and she would have to testify in court against her future guild master.

Thanks to Mavis and all that was good on Earthland, Laxus was still passed out from her kick, but now he was also the victim of a double drowning and his clothes were charred from the small Natsu-based fire. The moment the future guild master of the Fairy Tail would come back to the land of the living, it was going to be Tartoros on Earthland. So Lucy Heartfilia did the only thing she could think of...

"Hey Natsu, there are some big scary wyverns out in the forest. I need you to fight them off, so I can retrieve my clothes." Lucy pulled her friend from the imminent terror of the dormant volcano that was Laxus and possibly Gajeel.

Always content with the idea of a challenge, Natsu happily followed Lucy out of the auditorium, but most importantly out of the embrace of a looming grave.

Brown eyes glanced quickly at Erza and she quietly trailed her eyes to Laxus, and her scarlet head nodded proudly in understanding.

"Don't worry about a thing Lucy." Erza proudly said as she closed and locked the door behind her.

"This was the role, I was born to play!" Erza cheerfully stated as she pulled her self-authored play from inside her armor.

Unaware of the true meaning of Erza's words, Lucy left with Natsu content to place some distance between the three dragon slayers. With the queen of the fairies holding back the wild dog that Laxus could be, Lucy actually contemplated the idea of leaving this island and leaving her captors here.

"Natsu!" Laxus yelled furiously from the bottom of his lungs, the second he awoke from the state of his unconsciousness. He was only out for a few minutes, maybe 10 minutes was the most time that had passed by, so how could one person cause so much damage.

Growling in frustration his mind tried to think logically. In a manner of minutes he was kicked, drowned and burned. Upon further assessment of his surrounding a vein seemed to swell up and take up prime real-estate on his strong forehead. The amount of property damaged dealt was well over 500,000 jewels and that was including all the free labor he was going to put in.

"Oh Frederick!" Erza yelled at Panther Lily as she pretended to faint.

Happy got up from his director's chair and took out the script to give stage directions to the useless Gajeel, who continued to lay unconsciously on the floor. "Look when she says 'Oh Frederick,' you have to cough up water and assure her with a dreamy smile that you're alive. Aren't you listening to me Gajeel? Ahh wake up, I don't have all day! This is why I refuse to work with amateurs and women. Everyone take ten." Happy slammed the script into his tiny paw as he walked back to his director's chair.

"Titania, what the hell are you doing here? Where's Lucy? But most importantly where is that destructive lunatic Natsu?" Laxus cracked his knuckles in anticipation of the answer to his final question. Erza gulped down a bit of air, and the whole room went silent; Laxus was serious and their naïve antics were no longer a feasible escape route.

Tapping his large foot impatiently, the future Fairy Tail guild master awaited for a sincere answer from one of his top mages. Her eyes averted his gaze and focused on her script, she wanted to beg for more time, but the fierce glare warned her that she could no longer weasel her way out of the destruction Natsu alone caused. Taking a breathe she was about to confess that Lucy kidnapped him into the wilderness to get the poor miscreant away from Laxus' murderous clutches, but as her mouth opened to provide him with the answers her authoritative figure requested of her, another crushed under his immense pressure.

Her blue eyes held back tears, as she clung to her beloved drowned victim Gray, she was just about to scandalously give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, when Laxus' barking stopped her in her tracks. She wished for Erza to give him the answers he sought, so she could end up with one less love rival for Gray's heart, but the interim leader never did.

Sweat started to trickle down her pale face, her bottom lip started to quiver and she knew her beloved's time was limited when he started to turn purple.

"Lucy took Natsu to fight some wyverns in the woods!" Juvia's voice broke as she vice griped onto the ice mage tighter further darkening his purple state.

A devilish smirk crept onto the lightning dragon slayer's face, he was to get rid of all the nuisances in his life and none would stop him. Staring down at Gajeel, he chuckled at how good the iron idiot played dead. "Come on Gajeel, we're gonna get Lucy back." Laxus said, expecting the raven hair to tend to his wishes and rise from the moist carpeted floor, but seeing as he did not, a flash of lightning fell upon Gajeel for the millionth time as he truly knocked out again. Heaving Gajeel over his shoulder he barked at Erza to fix this mess, or else she was going on a cake-free diet.

Tears of sorrow fell on their own from Titania's eyes, this was the first time Laxus had ever threatened to take away her cake. He was serious, so she complied to his demands and requiped to her construction attire.

"Now look you maggots, I don't care how long it takes, but we're restoring this old girl to her glory days or we all make a suicide pact. We will not be cakeless you hear. I refuse to live in a world without the splendor of cake!" The scarlet-haired construction site worker shouted from atop the grand stage as she opened her gate to reveal an arsenal of construction equipment.

The clear skies of Galuna quickly turned a violent stormy gray. Lucy clutched onto her covering as Natsu jumped from tree to tree aching for a good fight. This was extremely frustrating, she had to endure Laxus and Gajeel but with Natsu here things just seemed to snap. No longer was she just annoyed, now she was completely terrified.

She feared authentically for her friend's life and the ragging lightning in the sky was only a small display of the wrath of the thunder legion's leader.

"Err Natsu, what ya doing here?" The blonde tried to ask innocently, only to be met with a stern reply.

"Master said that we were hand chosen to blow up the moon, but seeing the three of you here, now I am certain that it was all a rouse and our real mission was to save you from the clutches of those two." Gallantly Natsu spoke as he squeezed her protectively, almost causing the tormented blonde to cry of gratitude to her loving master. Blushing lightly at Natsu's intelligence leaking, her tears welded up as she was moved by her savior.

As Lucy was about to pour her heart out, he smiled at her and placed her safely atop a troppical tree. Confused brown eyes, followed her friend who ran towards a large boulder. Unaware of her friend's speed, the blonde recognized the area fairly well. She remembered collapsing near that boulder, she also spotted a familiar cave and the shrieking of wild beast could only be the indicator of one thing.

Without fail the mighty wyverns that had enclosed her and Gajeel in that miniscule freezing cave, were still hovering around her secret base, hungrily awaiting for the return of their prey.

From the height of the palm tree, Lucy could hear the cracking of Natsu's knuckles as he exchanged a mischievous smirk with the menacing creatures. Seconds later they flew down with their mouths wide open, hopping to swallow up her friend. Her heart seemed to fly out of her chest when Natsu's body slammed against a jagged boulder.

"Natsu!" Lucy's voice broke into a desperate scream. The celestial mage just wanted her friend away from Laxus, she didn't want the wyverns to ravenously devour him. Fisting her blonde hair, Lucy felt utterly useless, she didn't have her combat keys and she was weak. Gajeel was right the only thing she was good for was too look good in skimpy clothing, she wasn't on par with Fairy Tail or any of their mages, even Asuka seemed competent enough to escape this situation, and she's five. Her tears threatened to cascade from her eyes, but as she stared at her hand, she saw Gemini's Key.

"Thank you Mavis, for your blessing." Lucy said to the wind, but before she could summon her friend, her tree was slammed fiercely by one of the wyverns, surprising her enough to drop her key on the ground. Worry seemed to paint her face, she was about seven stories high, and unlike Loki and Virgo, she was unable to summon the pesky twins from such a distance.

As the persistent wyvern positioned itself to slam the trunk of tree once more, "Stay away from her!" Natsu belted out as his flames shot out at the base of the feet and he jumped onto the wild beat. Head butting the bottom of it's nose, Natsu slammed the wyvern's mouth shut while hanging on for dear life to the bottom of it's mouth. Crying in pain the mightily beast flew encircles trying to propel the flaming nuisance off, but being the tactical fighter Natsu was, he managed to get on the flailing beast's back.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled from the top of his lungs withg glee as he drove the wyvern against its other flying companions.